Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-09


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1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX., SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. 1922. -One mile. Thirty seventh day. Ti.iuan Jockey tlub. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather raining: temperature 85". Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. 111. Chicago time 3:55 p. 111.1. Indicates apprentice allowance. erQ/IQfir FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and •J sly TC O «-• upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: secern1, 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wl PPSt , |5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Strt 88488*MTER FRKLIN w M 187 7 3 :: 31 23 i: B Noble W H Moor- cto-ioo 59440 •8QUA8H w I 10". I 1 1- 1 r t* T Wilson G Sidney ."O-lOn 59460-*CHROME wa 8 110 :. 2 2 2l 8* V F Miley . P.ainbotli 180-ian 59445-1. ADY EAEST w ii 113 4 E t» V 4: 4 E Fr.tor «; Coonev 200-inO MRS. JIGOS W ■". OS 1 7 i. E» .". Es» D Eroi? tte Sk.-.ggs Eros 14S60-lot 88485 *IRISH REINA ws :; S9 8 6 E] « 8*] ** W D-:m E CopulBBd 71160-la. 59406 BAS BLANCS W I 11.1 E 4 7 7 7 7 R Carter E.iss-t Bros aMM-Ml Time. 26, 53»5. l:07!s. Track sloppy. mutnels paid. M.;st.-;- Franklin. 814.88 straight, 88.88 pine. 82.88 show: 8gBBah. .00 place. .20 show: ChrOBSe, .40 show. F.quiv. ilent bOOktag odds— Master Franklin. 040 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 phi.e. 30 to 100 «how; Sqaash, loo to 100 place. 18 to 188 show; Chrome. 20 t.. 188 show. Winner — Blk. g, by liodrod Birl, by Sain tlr.lined by W. IE M • • ; l.red by Mr. Charles P. Daniels. Went !c. post at 1:83, At peat 3 minutes. St nt strangling and slew. Won driving: second and third the same. MASTER FEANKi-IN moved up steadily after reaadtag tin far turn and answering to hard riding wore 8QUA8H down in the last sixteenth and wen drawing clear. SQUASB begBB fast ami showed the most speed, but could not quite withstand the wtaaers ehalleage. CHBOMB was hard ridden and diu his best. LADY FAIST raced fairly w.M MISTEB J1G6S propped at the atari and was away i",oriv- a .-.. Scratched— S8741 Wise Jodge, 112. ■TQ/flGcfi SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— 1:05 b— 3— 118.1 Purse 00. 3-year-tJ"l/"lCJU olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. lade-. Horses AWtllSt , j ::. St i 1-ia Jockeys Owners Equiv. Iclcls Strt 591T9*Hn" GEORGE B 8 111 8 1 1 ls| Is 1] R Parka W SIbjs 220-liio BSt23*CZAROOM m I 114 I i :. . 2 A Jacobs Neal d Bartholomew 1 :!0-]oo 59160 NELLIE HARPER w I bM I E V P . : E Eator lam o Slianter Stable 98418 59231 THRILLS v 7 112 S 1 11 .". t- 1- .1 Hoaaacr H D Cate 188-889 57 142 QUINAM w 7 112 1 3 3* 5 S .1 Deford C r: Matthews 1848-M1 59209 XERXES w I 113 I - S Pulled up.D Hum C B Irwin 38888488 Time. Zh, 88%, l:064s. 1:14. Track sloppy. S3 niutucds paid. Hoaesl George, .48 straight, 8Sj88 place, 83.M show; Caardaaa, 818.28 place, .00 show : Nolli" Harper. S3. 20 show. laiuivalent bonking odds — Honest George. 220 to 188 straight, 138 to 188 place. 88 Is 188 show. Csardcsss, 818 t« 188 place, 188 to 188 show; Nellie Harper, 80 to 188 show. Winner-B. g, by Keailwortb — Mittea, by King Eric traiaed by w. Bless; bred by Mr, Baahrl F. Rgaa. Weal to pet at 2:20. A; peat 1 minute, staii good aad slow, w.n diiiiag: aecaaal aad thir.l the aaaae. HONEST GEORGE took the lead at cone .and showed a hiaii eider of speed la the- gaaag but had to W ridchu hard through the final eighth to withstand the challenge of CZARDOSt. The litte was a ajaaae .;nd forward conteader from the atari and finished rapidly, overhaaiiag the winner. NELLIE UARPBB aiade up groaad in a fast riaish. THRILLS raa fairly well. QUINAJI showed good speed. Scratched 58471 Black Top. 111. Overweights Hoaesl George, 8 pooads PTQ/4 Or* THTRD RACE— 5-3 Mile. May 20. 1320—59—4—107.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OctgHcO ci upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00. third, 0. lades Horses AWtPPSt hi V- *i Str fia Jockeys Owners Egaiv. Odds 8tr*t 58427»*JOSIE GRMAN w 4 188 3 3 SJ 1» 1* 1» J Hoaaaer T J Elward 5844S*DA18Y N. m E M5 ! 1 1* 2- 2 » A Jacobs G McCaslin 1 58488 POND HOPE wsB 5 MW . t 1-1 :: :;- ::-. It Parke 11 T Palaaer 210-100 59 151"* INDIAN BGADE v. alio E . S " 1 l,s R Duggan A Wright CS381 HARRY MASON a 10 ic, 2 2 2* -1 .".■ 5« D Frogtte V Maoaale WlCa-Ml 83382 ETHEL KISMET a I H7 1 E fi C S S w Mill, r C llraann ■ bH Time. 88%, 834, 1:07. Track sloppy. S2 mutueds t.aici. .i.,-i. GorflMB, .88 straight, s:: 20 place. 83.M show; Daisy N . Si 10 place, 82.88 show; Pood Hope, 82.28 show. i:iuialent bookiag odds- Josle Gorasaa, •.no to 100 straight, 88 to 188 place-. 28 to loo show; Daisy N . 128 to 188 place. M to 108 show; Fend Hone. 18 to 108 ahow Winner — Ch. f. bj lucE"- Wright Ladj SIcGec, by McGee traiaed by A. Brest; bred by Mr. Thoaaaa Piatl 1. Weat to post al 2:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow Won driving: secoad and third lise same.. 8O6IE GORMAN, well riddea, ntoved up fast after roaodlag the far ton aad Jolalas DAISY N. on the last tarn took the lead aad oat tayed bcr in a hot fiai b. DAISY K. sel the- pace to the ■iitch. thc-n raced pcrsisteatly and tin; led gaasely. POND HOPE closed up steadily in the last eighth and would have won in another stride. INDIAN BB1GADI made ap ground. HARRY MASON showed .1 flash of speed. Scratched— 58428 Miss Krater, 10S; 53486 Rosa Atkia. MS. Overweights— Joeie Gorasaa, ;; pooads. PQ4 QC FOURTH RACE— 5-3 Mile. M-y 20, 1320—53—4—107. Fur:e $.,00. 3-year-olds and tlt/dOC; upward. Claiming. Net value to winter 88; ISQSad, 00; third. 0. Imlex Horses _, A Wt PPSt A . . Str Kia Jockeys Own»r Etuiv. Odd-. Strt 58148PHEEM IDEN w n 7 V.T-:-1 :,c~",r-:.,|T|ii C Stch r NT L Al~ :■ I 190 58128 KING DICK w 8 US 1 .; 1-1 1 R Har*ton Gctchell 130-10B R8848:*BILLY LANE wl t 187 I: NoMe I. H Tryon W-108 SS4I1 KENWARO wa 8 118 • 1 1 l« I* 1 B Carter D Dona I on 13788-M8 584SO*SEA REACH w 1: j !►.. 1 ., E :. E B Parke I B Irwin lllO-ioo Time, 25. 52. 1:00,. Track sloppy. mutnels paid. Phedodca, .88 itraight, s:; 20 place. .f2.20 show: King Ki-k. 83.28 place, .20 show: Billy Lane, 82.28 shew. Iviuivalent booking 1 d.t- Phedodca, 188 to loo atraight, M »•. loo place, 18 t" 108 .how; King Dik. 88 to loo place, 10 to 108 -how: Billy I. mo. 10 to 100 s!„,w Wiaaer— Ch. m, by McGee — Melissa, bj star Snoot trained by W. T Aaderaoa; bred by Mr Taaaaaa Browa 1. .Vent to posl at 3:10. At pool 5 miniic Start "."..i and slow Won driving; secoad and third the saase, PHKDODEN raced in riaaesl parsail of KING DICK until Midway of the .tr.-t. h. where tibe was hard riddea and aaswetiag well got ij. to win ia the last stride kino DICK set a toed pace. bat tired ia the last sixteeath. BILLY I.ANi: riaiihrd resolatel] SEA BEACH raa ■ bad race and was always outpaced. scratched-- 583558henaaa A.. 107. fTQ/ICCh FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. cJune 24. 1910— 1:45— 3— 110.1 Ptu:e 00. 3 -year -olds and tJUTtOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt , j .. -, Str Fin Jo.-key ■_ Owners E.piiv. Odds strt 58383 RALLOTCAR w 4 mo :; 4 J" 2«- I1 pi S" A Jacobs P. H Barnaa 358-MB 59449 VETERAN WB 8 111 i 1 -; 3 2* 8* 2 " .1 Hoaaaer G Alexandra 190-100 59449 W. MONTGOMERY w I ill E 2 l i" ■■■• ■:■ 3" D Horn P R Irwin m-too 59119 RAPID STRIDE WB E 11- I V I I -" !"•!" Murray .1 L Earl 2M-MJ 88734* LOUIS LHMOND a I bM ". E E S B Pator L Calbraith G460-lt J Time. 25, 51,. l:18j, 1: 88%, 1:83%. Track sloppy. 82 mutti.ds paid, I.illotc-ar. |8.00 straight, S3. 00 place. 00 show; Yeteraa, 20 place. 00 show; Woodie Montgomery. .80 show. Eqairaleat booking odds— Ballotear. 850 to 188 straight. 88 to loo place, 3o to 100 show; Veteran, ft to loo place, 30 to loo show: Woodh- Moatgoasery, 40 to 10o show. Wiaaer— Ch. c, by Ballot Carpathls. by star siioot trained by J. Hill: bred by Mr. Willis Bhaaaa Kilmer I. Weal to post at 3::t.s. At |iost 1 Biiaate. Start good and slow. Won driving: spcond and third the sane-. BALLOTCAB raced to ti;e froat with a rush after rounding the far turn and standing a hard drive gamely outstayed VElF.KAN in a rousing finish. VETERAN ran an excellent race and joined the wiaaer midway oi the stretch, bad tired in the final stride. WOODIE MONTGOMERY showed the early speed, bat tired aad was beaten off at be end. RAPID STRIDE raced close up for a half, then fell away. Overweights -BaHotear, 4 pounds; Louis Eaehmuii.l. 1. tQ QA SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June £4. 1910—1:45— 3— 110.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and «3 %? "TiT city j upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: second. 00; third. 0. Tmiix lb~. A Wt PPSt :. j : , Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 59448 ; M N TAJ N GIRL WB6M5212»2*2k2* 1]J llunmer W L Sdaaefer "W-liil B848S*OUR .MAID wu " 110 ti E E 1 1- l1 24 H Parke J A Parson .70-tOl 59447 - Al CTERIA WB81M 7 1 3« 3» 3 -. f E Noble J MoDaniel 420-ldO 59408NEERASKA MTSB 8112 ■ 7 8" i1 ,s 4 0 R Duggan «! H Abbott 250-100 88388*SUSAN M. WB 8 1M 1 3 7 7 SB 7. ■ v: t Wilson Strite and Valentine WO-10H 58387* BILLY ST* RT wsa 11 112 S ii 4. Bl 1 G-J ti C Stoder II T Palmer 1388 M8 58178P1NECRE8T w4 118 4 4 .". B» B 7 7 E Eator .1 M Hubbard 2450-100 Time. 26, 51«5. 1:18%, 1:43*5 1:56«5- Track sloppy. muluels paid. Mountain Oiri. 812.88 Straight, 84.38 place. .00 show: Our Maid. 40 place. .20 snow: Cafeteria. .20 show. Egairaleal booking odd.— Mountain Oirl. 540 to 1M» straight. 130 to 100 place. 50 to 1H show: Our Maid. 70 to OK place. 88 to KM show; Cafeteria, 113 to lOO show. Winner — H. in. by Martinet — Anna L. Daley, by llsaak trained by A. Gibson: bred by Me*«r«. Wiliiams Pros.. Wen: to post at :f.".s. At Boat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MOUNTAIN GIRL was saved in closest pursuit of the pad einaker and challenging her after c iiteiing the stretch got up to wia in the last fifty yards. OlR MAID was rushed into the lead and l.c .ping it iU»til midway of the stretch fini-h.d resolutely under hard riding. CAFETF.RIA ran a good race. NEBbdUBKA was in close quarters soon after the start, but could not keep up when clear. prQ/IQ"! SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1910— l:05i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-Dt/rtil/ A olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. ~ Index Horses A Wt PPSt , _■ % Str Fill Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S3SS7 *GADLING w .". 1T2 :: : P 3 2 S J Hunmer Roman and Walters 138-M8 58888 EARLYMORN sit 11 112 1 2 l» l»t 1 2 C Studer H T Palmer 800-1UO 88485 PLOW STEEL w 3 KM 2 1 2» 2i :;- V E Fator Meadowbrook Stable 248 188 88383* •DOROTHY WB 4 M7 .". * 5- t. B 41 P, Parke J L Brannon ■■J¥ -Vit 88487 *E. HARRIGAN w 8 189 I S B 8* •"• B» P Hum W Leeds 1320-100 59408 HVER8 TOPAZ wa 7 117 I S 7 7 8* 8* R Carter J Lynch 5i80-l« o Bt337*OUR LEADER w 18 112 7 7 8| H 7 7 R Duggan H Walters 1S280-10O Time. tt%, 18%, l:061i. 11325. Track sloppy. mutueds paid. Oadliag, 84.83 straight. 88.88 place. .60 show: Earlymorn. 1922.sh.60 place. .00 • MTW; Plow Steel. .80 show. EciuivuRnt biM.king adMa— Oadling. 130 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Earlymoru, 230 to 100 place, lOO to 100 show; Plow Steed. 10 to 100 show. Winner — P. g. by Alpha IE— Ladys Oauutlet. by John oOaunt trained by G. Roman: bred by Messrs. Keeoe and Schorr I. Went to post at 4:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. GAOLING was close up from the start and was forced wide by EARLYMORN on the stretch turn, but reapaadad to hard riding with rare gameness and got up to win in the last stride of an extremely .lose finish. EARLYMORN was hard ridden while setting the pace and swerved out badly through the filial eighth, but finished gamely. PLOW STEEL raced close up until midway of the stretch, where he tired. DOROTHY did her best. EVALYN HARRIGAN showed some speed, then retired. Scratched— 59406 Lewis B., 115; 59354 Pink Tenny, 115; 59885 Marshal Tilghman, 112; 393S8 George Muebiebttch, 112; 5and351 Brown Bee, 115, ■ , , ..:i._, .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922010901/drf1922010901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922010901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800