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ONE RACE GAVE CELTTtlE LEAD !f Lawrence Realization Put Star Shoot Into Second Sire Place. ■■it .«■ Touch Me Nots Victory Settled ; Question — Leader Fifth in I 00,000 Stallion List. I r i ♦ — *-H f BY s.l. AUti; i i We in m kn.i-A that « ••it. tin- ■!• !-i - f Cuw- BaaaaV» Maid of Fain, by Ampeiea, holds the Anieri- c raa sire l!f_1 "pride ef |il:n ■ ■" w i : i i I total id 06. Hi" A close second bl that other dead Wire, Bear siiih.i. shortly Defer* the year chmcd the ,wo i Wen only about BT.B8B apart. At the finish titer- t vis a inc.- 4,806 beta i thee*. Tin- cbiMtett i of Celt wen- inure aaaaeroaa in l he i losing toy*. It i- interesting tn know thai when Touch If* N«t. by Celt, defeated Grey Las, by star sinm. la I the Lawn-no- Realization at Bclmeel Park oa September I last, the gaeetiea which aire RboaM finish first v.:s alaa nettled. First nmney in the Realization eras worth 817.858 la Taaeh Me Set. Second money was worth bat Sl. W .» t; to Grey I-ig. Had the hitter beea tale t itnin the fonaer al I the fini-h aad their reapeetir* winnings thereby beea weeretd. so would the reapeetire positions of * their sire;, .-mil Star Shoot for the sixth time in u period of tarerre ream srnahJ bar nr.uil.ed : till American airea of inoie-y inning tharaaghbresl*. I Grey Lays defeat oil this one decisive day meant. - therefore, miieii mere tbaa it appeared to ■ the time. Why In- failed the "Kxruae Hook" ban beea rarieasly riled te esptaia. Oertalaly be reald no have beea at bia beat form on this oreaetoa. far al the end af the mile aad flre-ebjhtha Tenth Me Kel had bba tharoachry beatea. Te reeatd la Daily Racing form reeitea as f..i lows: "Don easily; second and third driving Touch Me Not took the lead gong to the first turn aad area rated in from Banter steady restraint. lie withstood Giej Lags challenge, drew away raa * ring in the stretch and held his eppeaeata safe thereafter. Grey l ng. hard held the first mile. iii..M-d no to the leader arith little effort rounding the far turn, hat be tired in the last quarter mile." The diataaee betaneea the two celts was ■ lengt aad a hair .it the fiaieh. The mile and fire-eighths area raa la 2:4S*,and over ■ fast track. The flral mile araa raa la 1:88. the mil-- and a half ia - ■. i The deal eighth, therefore. wa- raeed ia - . ■ i i, eiii.-h w;!s ,-it the Bile rate of 1 lo„ Bvi deatly Grey La a was tired I GREY LAGS REDEMPTION. The rare made II appear that the s,,n e star si i might aol can- to go i|i Ite ro far. His perfonaane* ia the Brooklyn Haediran had beea extra brilliant, be the difference betwcea its mile and an eighth and the extra half u,:|.- of the Beatizathw did not -cent the toy of the utter race to the st.u- s! • reJta adraatage. Bel ihis .-Mnn-ars really te baTe beea ■ iaperfieial rerdict. for arhea, a week later, the two colt* met .-main in th. lecki j Crab G M Cap. al tare miles nuiiin. as in the Kealiaatiea al even areicbta «;rey Lax ■baelatelx re re reed the Bealixatiea run-alu He thee raa aeread te bia atahle reaaamaien. Mad Hatter, beatbej Ton.h Me Not off bj fifteen leacths for aecoad place The Raacoeas KUble declared to aria «ith Grej Las, bal Mad Hatter romped off ia front aad stayed there eritb con summit. •■:!-. the whole two miles, ahieh wen- inn in 1:22% "Taaeh Me Xot." aiys my Karias Perm, "tired badly aftei coiag a mile aad ■ half." The pace all the way wan slishtly faster than la the localization, the rirsl mile being raa la 1::;-. and the !■ hi- It -a lization hath mile .Hid :i half in 2:2»%. thnc rear-elda carried 124 paoato; in the GeM Cap but ltd each Barh contra. litoiy reaalta «re ■■ lategTal pari of raeias aad d the ilim i|»:ii laejredieata of arhal is known, t.. initiated anil uninit iated, as its aierhMM eaeertaiaty. Pet the ereater fiery of his pateraal family, however, it is to i». regretted thHt :rov Lag rheee te set tired in the stretch on Sei Icinher B. ttei, hat ran away from Teach Me Not in the ame pari ef the race aa Bepteaaher I*. The act that hath Celt and star sho..t. the flrsl and sec. .mi si,— of 1!»21 . are dead has raaaed mack regretiaJ comment. This is particalarly rue af tilt, a baree reeled as lute tit IM6 When he died so eraamatarely it eras a IhsaTy l « -- ;.. American breedlag hitereate. stm- shoot was seven years his minor. haTkag heee foaled in lS 9s He died at the n?e ..f tweaty one. in 1919. and hi- haage, aa I am htm at namaaag Place ■ lew wecka before his death, remains ch-ai in amy memory. Many celebrated pregeeltora haee Hred reastaerahly leeger than War Shoot, aad seaae have gattea I am aaa win-aen when past twenty-one. It may therefore fee said that he really died before iii t.iue. ami -liould have lived to sir- more itnin he did THE 00,000 HONOR LIST. The pronounced success of the sons of r.iinnando , us sii.-s is one of the reaBBaaaBtaeea of latter-day lireeditur. Bat, curiously enough, tdt is the first. and only, one af them to win the position of I "leadbag atare ef the season" He ts the fifth lean-in sire whose BCageay have topped the 00,000 mark, as shown by the fotlowiiiR brief table: Sire. Hs Sire Tear. Winnings. ■ aaaenrw larm IBM B9ee.Bdg . Meddb-r St. Gattta tBhj .:....". "• commando Beaalaa IBB! 270.345 $ rak Play Haatfaaga IBM wa.ur? Celt Commando 1921 20B.167 ■ Three of these sires eaaac ftom the same Batetaal I family, as Himyar was the sire of Domino, he the sire of Commando, and Commando in turn begot t Celt. But for the lamentably abert lives of both 1 Domino and Commando, it is not improbable that t this table would today be considerably different 1 from what it is. It may be said that no Madera 1 family of sires has shown such peculiar adaptability 1o succeed under modern racing conditions as that descended from Himyar through Domino and Con«-uaudo. - I hat so Qiaiiv of Uit-tu hau- had ;UU brief C ■ I t 1 t 1 1 - C lives is. it would seem, truly of the nature of a fatality. Modeller is the only one of the five 00,000 pi u* sires not American bred. He was a splendid sire. but his blood breeds ou. apparently, only in female lines. His score of 22,555 in 1904 was freakish. being due to Colonial Girls fluky victory in the 0,000 Worlds Fair Handicap at St. teasel, which ■be was pitchforked into at 97 pounds and just nian-t aged to defeat the great Hermls. which was an chared with 130 pounds— the rave was run in deep 1 mud.