Irish Kiss in Great Form: Takes the New Orleans Feature in Track Record Time, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-19


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| 1 1 t . , . , ■ , ] , [ j 1 1 I 1 a » s r K " • ■ " v r | [ I- , f t , t , i s c • I 9 t li - IRISH KISS IN GREAT FORM Takes the New Orleans Feature in Track Record Time. . . . Wapiti Wins from Runquoi — Sweepy Races Disappointingly — Rosie H. Speedy Youngster. m:v ORLEANS La., Jaaeary s Perfect raa dittoes for the *porl were again ■ feature this afteraeoa and ceatrlbated la the brilliant ass."n Mage that etas preeeal at the Fair Gieemde. The racing was in keeping with conditions, the feature resetted ia the track record being eojaated. several of the other dashes brought the recording of some fat lime There were six 1 f the best racers hereout to take perl in the leatare, ■■ handicap it a mile ■inl a xixteeath for a purse of Bl.SBB. It included Iriaa Kiss and Thimble. The latter had been victress in three successive starts am] had beeeaaa a fixed heal idol. 8be ruled BhaMet eipial favorite at the outset with Irish Kiss, the latter towards the finish displacing In r. In tiie running Thimble flattered extensively by taking the lead at once and Bl I fasi pace showed the way to the othei-s. with every indication of succeeding 11 h-ading to the ••te!. but she failed badly after loiiinling into the stretch am! hreeght up as the whippet in. H-r elimination mi the stretch turn pal Irish Kiss hi command and he had no difficulty in winning by a 1 omfortiihlr maigin from tie fa- roming Samis of Pteaaa ••. with Duke John in third place. The ist pari of th.. race was traversed at a fast pace, result in; In Per Kails time of l:M-. being equaled. The mile parse that followed was another spectacular contest, witli Wapiti the ultimate winner over BeaMfaei and BaBBBtf. Runquoi was the favored one here, with Itunznf and Wapiti also sharing vast Btteatioe. BcahiC. for the first time during the meeting, displayed an absence of timidity and. beginning frem tin oater position, rode the others a trifle close around the first turn and profiting by it secured a slight lead, which he made de eisive in the stretch. Rumpioi and Bunzaf were both ridden to the limit for second place. The worst aaaaBBwiataaeat of the afternoon de releped in the third race, in which three year-old* met It resulted in the failure of Sweepy. ridden i Tereer. and aa overwhelming odds on fareritc He a as in close quarters for most of the race arid lacked the high speed he is bo aateeaed ha show. Daddy Wolf, showing the most early speed, mil Grace Mayers took up the running when the 1 wenstein representative left off Grace Mayers tenare ia the cad nraa until hi the last seventy yards, arbere Cap Beck, coming with a rush under S. obies hard riling landed the purse. Grace Mayers outstayed Brilliant Baj Car aecoad place, Sweepj being thoroughly dene ia the stretch. DEMONSTRATION FOR LANG. An unusual demonstration Mleared •Jnurmands rii-torj in th. aiztb race, for tt asarked another . ietory for Jet key Lang, who thereby kept Ins riding record perfect of eae SC mace winners each daj shace the first ef the year. Oearaaaad had to be riddca hard in the early running to keep pa ••• with Ace. t ut he gradually wore him down in th" stretch. Wadeamtha Last, the favorite hen-. ira« taken all arer the track by Burke, but finally managed to outstay Royal Duck for third place. Rosie II. prosed herself a speedy filrj ia the dae for taro-year-olaa arhea sh. aroa from aa extra eater poHt oosttioii. naaallj regarded as fatal to the Iwider. she displayed :i pleasing flight ef speed and headed Anita Hamilton in the Inst sixteenth. Anita Hamilton ares a laeky arcead. far. with more alert n.-ss ou the part of Burke, the rider of the favorite. Marjorie Wood, this filly might hare won. for sm-. ami- from far back and was only beatea by kaCkee far md place. Wlaaeeoaae. which has beea getting l»ft at the | in recent races. as on her good behavior ■...lay and spread -eaglcd the others to win as her rider pleased. The favorite. Titania. |uit badly after going 1 half mil.-. The trials of T. J. Shaw. Mart Boa -berg BaTf] Gardner and Beaay Dorr, charged with violation- of the Laeke la last year, were to li:r e come up this niornin-- but a .-..nt inuanc e «as graated by judge Haaapbrey le Jaaaary 30. The postponemmt was hecaaae ef the defeeidaats atteraey. Welter Gleasea, be ;ng •" 1 apied in an hmpartaal case in an- other court. TO CHECK ROUGH RIDING. The stewards are determined to call a halt on the reckless rough riding that has ben so appareot of late and served notice on all the riders that a .-ontiiiuan. e of the practice would result in lengthy suspension. Today was another busy day for the claiming brigade, three mor" horses finding new homes in this manner. Madge F. was taken by Mrs. W. D Millard for 81.788: Taaaa went to h. Keaatettet ff,r s.MM . while W. D. Bernhardt ac-cpiired Trickster II for Sl.oOO. Tulsa was formerly a member of the Neaaaeter stable and ran only aac race for George Read, who claimed him on his previous time out for 81.888. Fell Swoop, owned by the Shea Stable, broke down so badly during the running of the second race that she had to b" destroyed. She was an eight - year old daughter of Star Shoot Okitau and was oiiito a useful racer some years back. Tt looked like jockey "Chick" Langs winning steak was doomed to lie broken when he failed te c-opie home in front in one of the first fi e races at the Fair Grounds today, but he rallied and kept it alive by piloting Gourmand to victory in the sixth. He was given a tremendous ovation when he came back to the judges stand to weigh out. This made his sixteenth consecutive day to ride one cr more winners. Sammy K.. which fell and struck his head whde being exercised several days ago. had to be destroyed this morning. He was in the K. W. Moor- stable Galeta. three-year-old filly in the stable of George Mc.Mitchell. was eseaeee from starting in the third race today because of lameness.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011901_1_9
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