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I j I 1 ; FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART *EW ORLEANS. LA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 19. 1922. Fair O rounds 1 miloi Bixteefta day. Busi-ncss Mens l:,e inu Assih iatioii. Winter Meeting of ." » days. Weather clear: temperature 78 . Stewards, K. C. SmitlT~M. MaetariaT A. C. Mehle and I.. M. Holmes. Judges, .1. B. Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Btartor, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time 2:18 p. m.. *liulicates apprentice allowam •■ QfiTft FIP.5T RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— 344,— 2— 117. Purse ,000. 2-vear-olds. t3€f9 4 V* Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtllSt.t ._■ :j Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C V S 58508 ,nss MINERVA w 114 11 :; 1- i M Garner Moatfort Jones 3 c ::. 7-;, 7-10 50558»KEWPIE S. will 2 1 S 1 V G W CroIlP J Kavin B I 8 1 S-", S0S83 ST. ANGELINA win 74 t1 . ■■ M Bnxtoa A Marroae IS BJ I :: s-r. BM12aLADl BOSS w ill I :: ." # c Turner W F Oraaahoe 1 3 :: t;-5 :;-;. MASCOTTE w ill s t; :. :.- H .1 BarkeJ M Goods 15 IS i". t; I 80SO8 BLUR H1KD w ill 1 I ,• 1; .1 i hTneyR R Watkins 4 s I :: 8-5 DEARIE w 114 t 7 7 7 1. Morris w Woodard :: ls-:,i8-37-."» 7-lu 80538 MAHKT LORETTA w lit :: :. s- s .1 Patera J A Coburn 30 M 50 0 10 ."!;." !; GOLDEN FORK w 114 12 ! p| !• F Weiner J L Holland 30 54 59 81 N SUPBRBUM w 111 E M lo- MX E AaahroooH T Griffin M 50 50 M M 80558 ILLUSIONIST W 115 10 1L I|« ll3 L Dyke U Mavberry 5 I 7 ?, 7-5 80583 REJECTION will !» 11 U 12 .1 ZoeOer 1 R Nash M ■ M 12 6 Time. 23. 345 new track record!. Track fast. Winner — Br. f. by Black Tony — Star Dreamer, by Star Raby trained bv K. Spence: bred bv Messrs lb. nil. v h Milh-n. Went to posi at 2:13, At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ea-ily: secoad and third driv-ing. MISS ULNEKVA Bhowed great speed from the start and easily won all the way. KKWPIE S. began fast and raced la closest and game pursuit throughout. ST. ANGELINA had to overcome early in-terference aad stood the but sixteenth drive tamely. LADY Boss raced in game style. DBAR1B bagaa slowly and was always outrun. ILLUSIONIST began slowly. MASCOTTE ran well. Beratched- 58503 Josephine .. Ill: 50558 Lilac Time, ill: EUaabeta Price. 114: Spartina. 114. Ov-rweiglits -Illusionist, 1 noond. "TQOryPT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918—1:11—6—116. Purse SLOOo! 3-yeatoidu K-9*JJJ I 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 00. In. lex Horses AWtliSt 4 _■ ■, Str Fin Jockeys Owners T» U 0 P S~ 50453 BENGAL] w 9 110 S s r, 41 I C Ponce I G— Megni K 13 12 ~S 81 50514 JAGO n I in H 7 2J V :■■ j j BoeUer w l Bernhardt 8 12 12 5 2i 59504 • MISS RANKIN m 1 M 5 10 s 9* 7 3 * I Lang .1 B Hays 2J :: V 1 1-2 59397 MAGNET LAND wi C MR 11 . 73 8J •: P I. McDottD R Stewart lo 30 30 I 1 .!»*..".:; BIT OK GREEN wb 4 M8 7 11 11 fiA :,: •_ :.- 1; Barnes K R Bradley 13 IS I- S 1i 58728 COBALT I. ASS wa 7 lo:: .; 5 : H 6J* «J A GanUiTj Randolph IS 81 81 s 1 5055*»FLVINCi ORB wa 5 10.: 2 V 1- lT- 1 1 Thomas I A Applegate 5 7 P 8-5 4-3 .-»!i/.71 INAKAY a 1011312 I ■ • ■ M RchwtxL A Seregnl 21 :: " 1 1-J :,h, n .n LADDIE WB5100 iK 12 10 !• 9* A Wilson K T Zollicoffer W I IS I :: 59514*BEES iv: w S 114 9 E I 7h" HP .1 l MneyAerne K- Smith HI U lo -1 2 59534 *M* NIGHT STIES era 3 W 1 I OJH1 U 113 G RmningJ W Morphy IS » 8 I t : ! i3ri KEDGWICK wa 3 K 1 i lo- 12 12 u .1 Owens W M Bheody M 10 80 12 Time. 23. 48. 1:14. Track last. Wiener Ch. g, by Cederstrome — Malaspiaa, by Brataa trained by P. : Magal; brad by Mr. W. J. Taylor. Went to post at 3:39. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easUy; second and thinl driv-icg. BENGALI made np ground steadily, came fast through the stretch and taking the lead, was going is iv through the 1 aal sixteenth. JAGO raced in closes; pur-nit and bmo ■ aaase Balsa. Miss BAN KIM closed a lig g.:p and came with a rush through the last sixteenth. MAGNETLAND rari a go xl naae. BIT OF GREEN closed a big gap. FLYING ORB -• t a good pace and was raced late exhaustion in the Drst Bre-eighths. INA KAV can do better Sin t.hed 58630 Stevenson, 108; .".!;:; Printers Ilevil. 90; 58548 Bustler. Ill; 58584 Sacajawea. 10«. Orerweightij Bit of Green, _ pound-: Midnight Stories, P.: Kedgwick, l!... .rrQ/? rTQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11—6— 116. PurFe ,000. 3-year-olds U»tJJ 4 U and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S700: second. 00: third, 00, Index Horses AVVtPPKt , .• -4 Str Fin ~W keys "Towner- ~ 5 II * P S 5007«*BROOM P*DDLER w 7 118 4 I ::- -- 1-. 1 A jantncrU i: Holmes l 5 i 2 1 50413 CORNSTALK wa 3 90 0 0 4 " . ::. ::: 2J O BrenlngJ 11 LoQchheim 0-5 8-S 8-5 1-2 1-4 BRISTOW w I Ill ! I V 1 V ■■:■ C Lang .1 .1 Troxl-r 1 H 0 ". X-5 r.!."j7l SQUIRE WB 5 109j 3 7 C| S" 5- A L Morris. Sunnyland Stb S M I 3 7-5 50313 JIM Vn; w 4 in 7 :: ::. 41 4" r, M Garner Mgel A D*atoar S I 4L s-5 7-M 51788*PnTER PATTER w 5 103 E a I 7 t;1 0 A Wll on 1 P Worth 10 16 1- 5 81 59153 GRACE KING i 1 101 8 i 0» I 7- 7 I. McDotU S Watson 30 SO SO 30 l» r.!»1 7:; ROSECLIFF v. 1 4 101 5 0 • . *:»• I I ■" 1 i Thomas J .1 ul!:ii„ M IS U 5 2 .5! .";:i JACKVILLE a 1MB 11 7 3 9 I V Weiner A U 30 M 0 1- 6 Time. 23:,. 48-. 1:14V1. Track fast. Winner B. . bj Sweep Whisk Brown, by Cesarion train i b. 1 L oifr. bred by Mr. Kdward R. Bradh j i. Wont to pool at 3:04. At post L tniniites. Start good and slow Won easily; secoad and third driving. BROOM PEDDLER begaa fasl and. passiag BBIBTOW in the stretch, held nn game ly and outstayed CORNSTALK. The latter, away poorly aad racing wide in the early rnaning, tin i-ht ■! with a rush when Well into tie Btretcb. BRISTOW, hard ridden all the way. s.-t a fast early pace, but begaa tiring badlv in the last eighth. SQUIRE CHARLIE was going well at the end. JIM FOG quit after running a good half mile. Scratched 59574*Graaay Lee, 98; 50200*811] McCloy, 108; 59507Little Patsy, 1 3: 58057 Wlaae-coaae, 108; "1571 It, 31; 50844 »ld Dave, 108; 50573 Crest, 100. Overweightu Squire Charlie. lj pound-. ftCilCJCa FOURTH RACE— 3-1 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1:11/-.— 6— 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. t3fyO 4 and Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00. Index He AWtPPSI Str Fin Jockey* _ Owners O Hi c I S 50537PKTiK will 1 4 3" 3-1 2» 1« M Garner E C Rteiner 1 5 4 8-5 4-6 r50558*KNOT GRASS wi: 1:1 7 S 1- 1- l J- C Lang T 11 Webber 1 _• 7-5 7-101 3 594S4*FRED KINNEY ws 113 10 7 . 1 . A Wilson T .1 Carroll S •, 6 2 1 59508 MABEL CURTIS w 113 8 8 8J S* •• 1- M Bnxton C Buxton I t 0-5 4-5 503O4 STAMP WB 109 3 1 .1 1» MbeyJ Marino i HI 10 4 3 59595SIMAGE w NO 1 3 t1 I t_ S» R RanelliTreacy ft Wker I I" M 1 2 5and34T0 CROCK GOLD u 113 .". S Cj 7 " 7 1 7 - C Ponce H R Pons 81 30 ZO s t 50454 MISS CRESTWOOD m UK 3 10 .... ,, W CrollA J Riley 10 12 N I :.5 7t;:: !!.i-i:. wa 99 ; :• 1" 10 :" 9* C Taylor sunnyland Stb SO 10010040 81 5! lf?-i ORCADIA wa 1021 2 2 7 : N ! P Weiner A L Kirby SO 00 08 81 l» Time. 233, 47;r.. 1:18%. Track fast. Winner — B f. bv Iat.tud San Andres, by Quicklime trained by E. Peters; bred by Mr. laha D. Sect. Went to ixist at .• :_!». At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won handily: second and third driving. PKTIK moved up Steadily after settling fully In her stride and. hard ridden in the stretch, won- KNOT GRASS down and was going away at the end. KNOT CBASS shewed fine speed 111 setting a fast pace, but began tiring under bis weight in the last eighth. FBFO KINNEY ran well and held on gamely through a hard stretch drive. MABEL CURTIS finished wi II. STAMP ran a fast half, but was tiring badly at the end. Beratched — 50833 Rob, lit-,: 50503 Dolly Tardea, ill: 53633*Gras* Tree. 100: 59517 Grace Foster. 108: 30089 Joe I .. 104. Overweights — Orcadia. I!., panada; Stamp. 8. ■QfiQA FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— l:lV,i— 0—116. Whirlwind Handicap. Purse LftTsJo" ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to -winner ,000: second. 00: third, S150; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtliSt t jj :-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners ____ O H C B S 5947-1 M A ItYIN MAY W 5 IM 0 1 1- 1 1 D ConnTlyMays Lake Farm J JJ 12-512 out ;»8l Ki:nss JEMIMA w :. 1.0 2 2 :J - Q 23 M Garner C B Rows S-6 3-S S-fi out— rS508sTAN SOX I 101 :: 4 E 4L 4» V C Lang W 11 Cooper I 12 1- 2 2-S 519457 WAR .NOTE WB 8 181 4 5 8J Sj 1 K CltilettU W Gunn in H 20 4 1-T, .- 07C T. McTAGGABT w S 108 1H 4i 5 S " 1 W Crolll .1 Lavin .8 SI 20 4 6-5 Time. 23=5. 473i, 1:13*4. Track fast. Winner— Ch. h. by McGe* — Conclusion, by Peep oi ay trained b.v .1. McPheraoa; bred by Mr. Chas. W. Moore. Went !• post at 3:"2. At post 1 rninuto. Start good and dew. Waa hundily: second and bird driving. MARVIN MAY. in superb form, raced into the lead ai oacc nnd thowlag I high order of sp« ed set a groat pace and held MISS JEMIMA safe throughout. The latter raced in neaiest purMiit from the start, but when culled on bard began tiring. TAN SON was gaining steadily through the stretch. WAR NOTE tired. TOM McTAGGART was outrun from the start. SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42 Vi— 4— 113. Purse ,000. 5€£*Q~t «!/0O JL 3-yoar-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00, Iclex "liTirse AWtPPSt . g Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P R Kiiriui kittlT: a MM IE w SM B 4 ■■■: S V r i1: A ouh.htL t Rawer 10 1", 12 5 ii 59873 :*HBRMOD EN W ■ t 5 r : Ci 4a 3a 3*| C Lang R J Gilmore a G 6 2 1 58537*LUCKY GIRL v. htl S 10 81 ." 3 23 :: B MarinelliCros.sett Stable 6 S S ?, 8-5 50087 *DARR w 1» i 1 2» 4" b 5i 4! H Thomas F E Hopkins 4 :. 4 8-5 4-5 50578 SUN TIME wii 10J S 2 1- 1- IM 5» P Weiner . I M Goode 24 25 8 10 5 50033 CHARUNK W 10511 3 li" M" 9*1 9* V M earner C W Clark 2J 13-S12-SI 1-2 8O507*DADJA W8 9G » 7 73 8*1 5" I* ?J Owens W D Bernhardt 50 MO M0 40 l0 |BMS8*ATTOO waa ! I 11 *1 T1 H 8* 9* G BrenlngR L Bremer 15 L0 L0 8 4 BOORS CtJNCHFTBLD W 285 M « I1 9* 8 61 »i F "ItilettiJ Armstrong s N I :: 8-5 50637 3« VEILED COLLEEN W 801 I •J 81 81 lOlO-lO-0 A Wilson S Louis LI 4 18-57-5 7-10 50573 MR. 6RA8TBR w 103 7 8 11 11 11 11 11 R RanelliJ H Baker 5 1 51 50 20 10 Time. 88%, 48I/5, 1:14%, 1:4025. 1:48%. Track fast. Winncr-Cli. f. by Pat.uid— Alalia, by Handsome trained by J. P. Smith; bred by Mr. John D. Neetl. Went to nasi at 4:17. At |H st I minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third LITTLE AMMIE, lose up from the st.iri. caaie fast through the stretch and, taking the lend in the last eighth when ridden hard, won going away, HERMODEN raced prominently and finished fast and gamely. LCCKY GIRL came from far back in the last qaarter. DARE had no mishaps. CUARLIRI was simffled back at the Start and was far back for most of the race, but linished fast. VEILED COL-LLKN ran a poor race. SIN TI.MK set a good pace to the stretch and uuit. Scratched — 59073 Goodhfirt, 102; 50414 Josephine Wiedel, 98. Oveiw ights— Little Ammie. 3 pooods; Lnchy Oirl. 3: Dare. 2: Sun Time. L: Charline. 1%; Clinch-hold. 2; Veiled Colleen. 5; lr. Grafter. 3. ; SrOariO SEVENTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Feh. 27. 1904— 1:5825— 5— 107. Purse ,000. 4-year-Ot/UOMl olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtliSt U - t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P » and0035* • BMITIBH UNR . w 4 891 ,4 X 21 81 8* 31 !■* K Seohie T J PewJeTgast I i 11-54-i 1-:; .".0550 AI.K.N .IK. vf. .. 115 I I 0» V - "I 8" II .1 BurUcA W Jackson ii li | 1 580431HWARD BOCND w 7 103 2 2 71 Gi 4- P 8* l: AnthonyK J Douglas 20 25 15 6 ;: 59634 GREAT GULL wb 7 105 3 2 41 4J 3J l1 45 C Lang C K- P Porretto 2 U-52 4-5 1-3 59638*JOHN ARBOR wb 4 101 5 7 i- 71 71 El 5i A Wilson F St John 12 15 15 5 2| 59473 LA KROSS w 6 107 I 8 V 5= 6J 6- Ii- V Weiner E J Crawford 20 20 20 « 4 59519 SAMMY JAY WB 1 105 1 4 8 S 8 7« 710 F WdstckL Sperling 5 8 0 2 1 59635 QUITO wn 7 10". 7 5 p. in r. S 8 L McDott J Carney 12 15 15 5 21 Time, 24?and. 49, l:14Vi, 1:41. 1:54. 2:00%. Track fast. Winner — B. g, by Cunard — Masks and Faces. by Disguise trained by L. Calm; bred by Mr. Edward i R. Bradley |. Went to post at 1:43. At post 1 minute. Start rood and slow. Won drivinK: seeond and third thP same. BRITISH LINER showed niueli speed and lost ground on tlie turns by swerving out. but finished gamely through the stretcli and outstayed ALEX JR. The latter raced prominently and forwardly from the start and ran a food rare. HOMEWARD BOlND closed a big cap and finished fast. GREAT .ILL I tired badly in the last sixteenth after taking the lead and appearing the probable winner. QUITO quit. SAMMY JAY was always fir back. S-iatched— 59038 Brownie McDawell. 10.".: 5957S Dahabiah II.. 102. Overweight — British Liner. 1.. pcund-: Homeward I.ound. 3: John Arbor. 3: Sammy Jay. 2. ]