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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUEA TUESDAY. JANUARY 31. 1922.— Oriental Bark il mile. Sixtieth day. Cuba-American .lock.y and Auto Club. Winter Meet hag of 100 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 80°. Stewards. J. Hachmeister. C. H. Laiisdale and K. Burke. JadgCS, C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Baclag Seiretary. Martin Nnthansoii. BaciBg starts at 2:88 p. in. CUcage time 1:37 p. m.l. "ladhatri apprentice allowance. £rQQ* ~| EIRST P.ACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-ycar-old3 and 0%J%j£iJL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtl-BSt t .■ -i Str Kin Jockey- Owners- O H C P S~" 888383 FICKLE FANCY w 7 110 .T-! r- 13 P I1 V Wilson J 5 BiUhie 4 :, .". | 1 r-9H- « JAP MlMA w " 11J I 10 S i 6i V 1" W Kelsay Goldapple Stb 3-J I I 8-3 1-2 1-4 .".!»7;fi LULLABY *r4 3Kj 2 6 SB :t 3| B* D Prible Kgypt .Stable | ;, .", 1 1 BOfOO DON THIUSH arhS 116 13 7 7 J P " 4-1 .1 Domick Ashland Stable 4 .". ." 2 1 BBiOOIDANDY VAX wan o US « 4 41 S* 41 5J S Boyle F R Doyle 10 10 10 4 L! ." 0::i« SAY WHEN m « 110 !l 11 B| n 71 6» G Stone C R Smith M 20 20 8 4 B8866 SHORT CHANGE wb :. 115 10 U 11 11 11 7- H ClemntsC Vaughn 1". Iu SJ 6 :i and07O7tHANDtEMAR w 9 11.7 4 h 10- 10 HV So* .1 Carroll R Dolz Lo 20 20 8 4 :! H!« AUTOMATIC REDwb 4 117 7 B " " Bat s »h J PenalverA Al Del Hierro 1". 1". l." « ?. 68363 BUBBLES W ". 110 1 I 8* S1 61 88*1 J Mniben J Palacio IB l." 1. 6 :! 58488tMABBL BGYNDS wa 4 M6 :: :l 3 71 !»i 11 ■ Moore V Davix 15 1.7 1.7 6 5!807 CATOCTIX wGll.7 11 S Lost rider. S McOrawF Brouddus 3 3 3 C-.7 7-.7 vMutuel tield. Time. 24, 4925. 1:154. Track slow. mutnels aaht. Fickle Kancy, B38.86 straight. .10 place, 3.00 show: Jap Muma. .10 place, 33.80 show; Lullaby. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Iickle Fancy. 090 to 100 straight. 255 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; Jap Muma. 105 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Lullaby. 130 to 100 ahow. Winner— B. in. by I»vetio— Fill. » y Olg— If tinned by P. I., Lcydcckcr; bred by Mrs. I.. A. Liv- Weal l- peat at 2:33. At post •_ niinut. *. Stilt good ■■* -""• w"n ■8«B ; ■«»■■ ■■* **N driving KHKI.i: iAMV set ■ good pace fi.nii the -1 : 1 1 1 Bad was Pi*"5"! «1» ■ B* "■*. JAP MI MA begaa .ill was crowded hack, but rlosed a hip cap unci finished fast. LILLAIU need forwardly and setgaased PON THBCSH for third place. CATCH TIN stumbled and lost his rider soon after the start. Overweights — Automatic Bed, | pounds. . KQOOQ SECOND RACE— 3TTMile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. A dij%jM*d Maidens. Claiming. Net value to vinncr 50: second. 00: third, 0. • -j :Jc "index Morses AWtPPSt j I 7~~"4 Htr Fin jockeys Owners M 0 P S J39850 RKBUKE v. I IM 3 5 2 ■ l~ i • Is W Kelsay Golrtapple Bt5 1-2 1-3 1-3 Mi-1! ,, BMM*HVBRE.S w M ■"• I S*| 3*5 2» : Fields Rooedale Stable I S s 2 6-5 ROStMPKKLTOI vn 102 4 I I* I U :;i N Swart K Ball I 1 I 4-3 2-5 IWra*TAG DAV a 103 7 7 ]k | ..- ! .1 Chalmers.! P OCoBBell 12 12 M 4 J Xj] 59785*AI.KSO w WM !t 1 Bl 7*1 C 5* DPrible C W Boas 4 4 1 6-3 1-2 _q .59801 HABGARBT .sn w 103 1 2 r l» J ;• B Joaiah rr Hodge n 12 12 I H :; .-!Hi fi«Pl..rDDKLlA w loo z 4 6* B1 7" 7 - B Scbeffel -I L Poul 12 ! 12 I 2 g 53170 PANNIB WH1TK wit 103 I R 1*1 8* ■• s- p Hunt B T Baxter II 12 N 4 I ?! |B4St*ARTEMISA « ion I I 9 I :» I .1 PerdainoB Dolz M M M 12 t; 3 Time. 24V 49. I:MM. Track slow. :o |S Biatada paid. Bcbake, S3.20 straight, S3. 10 place, 82.38 show; Byeres. 812.38 place. S4.30 show; _g Keltoi. .«2.7U show. Vo, K|ilivalcnt booking odds— Rebuke. W to 110 straight. .3.3 lo lnO place, 28 to 100 show: Ilyeres. .300 to jg 100 place. 11.3 to 100 -how: Keltoi. 88 to 100 show. a Winner— Blk. c. by Dick Finnell— The Siold. by Meddler traiaed by F. M. Bray: bred by Messrs. — .T. I, air and Bro. . « * Weill to liost at 2:S8. At post 2 minutes. Start Rood and Slow. Won pulled up: WnaJ and thud driving. RBBITKE rushed into ■ teas h-ad after eateriag the hisaintretck and was eased up at the end. MYKUFS raced tamely, hut was tirinc at the end and iu-t lasted long enough to outstay KELTOI. The l.uter Bxnsked gaaaely. MARGARET NASH set ■ read pace, ball nail in the last «aarter. TAG DAY closed a cap. Scratched BMPOM Folks. 112. Overweights — -Myeres. 3 pound-1. r" QQO «r3THIRr7 RACE5~l-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— l:05Vs— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year- H Ot/t/Mli old-, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 3550: r.acond. 00: third, 0. - "index Horses AWtPISt t -■ "1 Str Fiu Jockeys Owners O II C P S jjj * r »8*6* BILLY BOOTS w .3 103 10 4 "- Fj V_ V .1 Pevic D M Suar-z 8-3 2 2 4-3 2-3 ..31 IiPKRPLKXITY v 4 9f. 7 I Ill* 2* 2s B Bcheff el L L Westmored 2] 29 2 1 1-3 j .39808 KKASt TLI.o s Bill 1 2 4:4« 4- V .1 DoraHJ D Healy 4 E 3 2 1 J; fttlB PITTSBURG a ■ 110 I S - ■■ 9" 411 AY Kelaay P. Stralendortf I i • 2] B-S _. . 39703 TO.M GOOSE wb 7 IM S I v- n » B"* B KeaadyJ A Durkin S| 1 4 s-3 7-10 _ ."948t PBGGT RIVES Wl 4 lo:; 9 1 7*M 7«J BJ F Wilson M Sprain- 10 10 10 4 2 .39791 WILLIE WOODS era S 112 2M " - B* V W MoraeyF Delhanrlo I B I B-S _ ."9U-: CHISCA w 3 11* 0 J M 7* * s; D Pribl-- J McPherson 12 12 12 3 2J 1, pjfN WAKING DREAMwa B I" 4 S Il Ci - " A McLhlinM J Daly 12 12 12 E 2J .39101 JESSICA F. w o MS :; G •"." b- 10 H -I S:nitii M Dinneberg 31 W 31 12 G Time. MH. and ■ l:014i. 1:0S. Track slow. Pi $•2 niutueis paM, Hiiiv Boats, |7-»0 rtraicht, S3. 20 place. *::.4o -how. Perplezlty, . 10 place. . .30 show: Fia-iiele. .*3.K» ihaw. 3 F niiv.ilent bookJag odd- Billy Baato, 2N to 1W fttrairbt. Ht to loo place, 70 to 100 show: Perplexity, .33 to 160 place. 73 to IO0 show; B*rascaelo, 135 to Mt show. -, Wlaaec B. h. by ■ata— BeaaUe, ly Oiaeaa at Beaaaraaiaa traiaed by . BIkMletoa; bred by Mr. ,.-. tJcorge J. Leaf. Weal 10 past at ::-27. At pest 2 aitaates. Btarl Bead and mv. Won easily; aecoad and third Hiving. BILLY BOOTS, after racias rloee np, easily disposed of PEBPLEXITT la the stretm and w»a KOiac sway. PERPLEXITY tired after showing the BMSt early speed, hut finished Raately. FRA8FCEU aaved grouad on the stratrh turn and was raaaiag fast at the ead. IlTTSBlKi; tired. TOM GOOSE was away iJaalj and rloeed ap ground. Srratched 9M44:Rey Eaais, 105; 59012 Redlaad, 110. £rff CB6 /d, FOURTH EACE— 5 1-2 Furlon r?. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 ,— -5— 102 Purse 00. 4-yrar-O %J %J A K olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner SS..O: second. 00: third, 0. t ladex Horses AWtlTSt !4 Vs % Str Pin Jecacy* Owners o M C .P 8 S#CSS*DISCUSSION till i 2 J1 2: 2- 1 J Maiben S McNeill 1 S :• 2 1 »»7«7SHOOT AWAY w S 111 ! I I* ::"k "- 2- W BforseyK Rector 23 2 2: 1 1 2 ."968J NORFOLK BBLLEwa B !"•"■ 7 1 2i 1* I - .; V Hunt Indiana Stable r. 1". IS 6 .39.38.3 w.Ti:m »i: I a - 107 si I* A Yerrat Benton stable 3 ::■. :.: 7-5 7-10 i .3980S OOl Ii.N FLINT wa 4 m is 75 7 41 ■ ; Corey Brooklyn stabl» E E •; 2] B-5 . 59791 "LOYALIST wa S 105 2 S ! • I ; I" : FWda Rosedale Stable S E B 2: 6-3 59«liilo ii:i: a 107 "7 18 7- 7 1 Prible Waddell Bros 3 3 3 B-5 3-5 .39808 Hi HEME a ."• 11 ■ • : BJ • B P Moore L Foster 15 15 15 G :; Time. 23.,. 49. 1:C2, 1:03;5. Track sloiv. S2 mataela paid, MsrassioB, 3.10 straight, .« .lo place, M-30 show; Bbool Away. .80 place, .50 i sIimw ; Norfolk Belle, .00 show. Bqaivatcat baokiag odd IHs assioa, .3.3.3 to 100 straight, 20.3 1.. K19 place, 115 t 100 show; SI ; Away M t . 100 [dace, 7.3 tn 100 show; Norfolk Belle, 250 to KKt show. Winner H. n, by Uaabridge- Collaqay, by Uassell traiaed h.v 8. McNeill; bred by Mr. W. ;. Her-sig. Went to posl :;t 3-..3.3. Ai posl 2 in i 1 ui i • - - s arl Kood sad slow. Woa handily: secoad and third diiv lag. DISCUSSION raced 1 -•■ up from the -;.nt aad had to be ridden out t itstay SHOOT AWAY after ttasslag NORFOLK BELLE BHOOT AWA1 made ap groaad and lnn-!e ! fast. NORFOLK BELLE ; raced lata a Ions lead alter rounding the far turn, but lired badly in tlie last eighth. WATERPORD iinishe.i faat. tSOLDKN FLINT begaa slowl] and was ruaaiac fasl ai the Bnhth. Scratched 50608Firs| Caasal, IM; .30244 Uarotd K.. 101; 51900 Riposta, 100; 5t87S*Jndge Badraw, MS, 0«ei weight* Shoot Away, 1 poaad. fT| rk#- ir FIFTH SACE— 1 Milo and 50 Tarda. March 6. 1318—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. O *J tJ MU 3-year-oll5 rnd upwaiti. Cn. r:ii:ifr. Net value to winner 50; second. §100; third, 0. lade* Horses AWtPPSt % Vand~%"8taTFhi Jockeys Owaers Oil "c" P~s .-!»82»l lil A i;i s.,i.. w 7 11« 3 3 2» 2» 1» I is F Wilson II A Cotton 15 15 15 .39877 CARAWAY wa C 105 1 1 3* •»* h* 3J 2" .1 Carroll .1 Kindle E B 2J B-5 .39789-N.WAJo ws 4 107 7 B 5* ::: 1 2 J •• B KeandyA Mitchell B-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 : |Mtd*PLANTAREDE ws S MC 6 E 7 V •"* «• I* .1 ChahnersII W Plant M 10 M 1 ."■9830 SIR ADSUM a 7 110 8 7 V B| - I* I * T Smith .1 Booker Jr :; 4 4 B-5 3-5 BtTOM POKEY R wa I 112 . 2 I r .:- :.- B* 1 Fletcher C II Gilroy W 10 N 1 2 ;»9CI t ■•M. r.v KRB w IP! ! I 1- | 7" 7* . B Josiah I Hart 1 1-2 I .9X7VTOY AIjONU wsa 5 105 5 R Bj ■[ 9 B3 B Doyle FB Doyle W 10 Pi 1 2 KS0tw*AIORETTE wa C 100 :• :• S I I Bt S n Brydge ii M Thomas B E E 2 E Time. 23 ... IS,. 1:1$, 1:43. land$%. Track stow. * Bsataebj paid. Uoardsasaa, 3.03 straight, 7.80 place, .90 show; Caraway, 5 M place. .20 * show; Navajo, -si.." show. Bquiraleal liookiag odds Baardaasaa, 1580 to loo straight, 7M to loo place, MS to loo show; Caraway. 070 to loo place, 200 !• 100 slio* . saTajo, 1.3 to KH» shew. "winnei i h g, by BaaTragist— Tea Beach, by Bobby Beacta traiaed by II A. Cotton: bred by Mr. »i c. Parke |. Went to dokI it 1 21 M p I 1 niiiiue. Start icood and slow. Won driving; secoad anil third the Basse t;i ABDSMAN, chwe up from the start, raced into the bad on the last turn, bat tired after pass f uiL- POKEY B ARAWAY i in well and. finishing fast, would have won in another stride. NAYAJO began slowly, bat raced Into third place on the backKtretch and Eaaady ke;,t It. PLANTARED8 ran « well POKEY 1. Piit after - I tins the pace !• the last turn. = QQK SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and GO Yards. March 6, 191R— 1 : 11— 5— 117. Parse 00. OsJ? nf/sJ%9 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Not value to winner 50; L.ocond, 00: third. 0. ft. iadex Horses A~wi"pp"st "" ~:7~:T7"sii~Fiii .oV:k-"ys~ Owners « "*H~C P~S~ , _ B9M7 FAIR ORIENT wb 5 IP : . I 4 I- 3= T- I t Fields R L Baker 7-107-107-101-1 1-8 ., »s::o "l.lll Li: DEAR w 1 104 E • 8« B 2- li Prihie T llo.iu.- 2 2 2 3-5 1-1 I | 3tS07*OEORGE W. ara 4 Ml 111. - :. !. Bcheffel M Batfert 10 10 I 2] 03 . .1 STIR UP a-a W 105 3 I V ■• E 6" 4 J Maiben C Kennedy B B s 2| 0-5 .390.39 SALESMAN wl 4 MI 3* 41 .-: 5 i E Josiah Harlem Stable 15 15 15 I S • : k: PEACEFL STAR wbIIM I 3 23 1» ia;i E* .1 Doraick L Letooraeaa N 10 10 I I 57004* AZTEC wa J IM 7.77777. ChalnaenH Field 0 0 0 2 1 .798:8 WRECK LESS B M s g i.,. rid"r. N Swart T .1 P.reslin 0 0 0 2 1 Time. 213,. 49"-,. 1:15,. 1:41. 1:46-,. Traek slow. asataela paid Pair Orieat, .50 straight, place, .40 show: Little Bear, $."5. M place, 220 ,, thaw: George v.. .30 shew. Bqaivalent bookiag odd- Fair Orieat, 7.7 lo 1K straight, M to 100 place. 20 to loo show; Little le Dear, 05 " 100 place, 00 i 100 shew; George w.. 43 to 100 show. Winner — Ca. R. by Fair Play— Orieata, by Henry of Navarre trained by A. Thomas; bred by Mr. I: ivniind L. Belmont i . Weal to pus! at 4:45. At past 2 atiaetes. Star; gaad and slow. Won ridden out: second and third r,i drivlag. IAli: ORIENT, after being saved close up. parsed the paceeaakera on the stretch turn and took ■ the bad. but aad to be ridden out at the ead to tut ay LITTLE DEAR. The 1 liter cloved a K:tp ganielv ■ aad Bnisbed with a rush. GEORGE W. set the early pace and Baished gaaaely, but tiriag. PEACEFUL ■TAB iuii after takiag the lead an the backstretch. WRECKLESS lost his rider directly after the start. ,L Scratched 50851* Fair and Warmer. 110: MOB0 High Olvrnpus. 106 —