Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-02


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1922. -Pair Groaada 1 utile. Twenty-seven: h day. Business Meaa Kaciag Aaooclatloa. Winter Meeting of M days. Weather cloudy: temperature 55 . Stewards. E. . Smith. M. Macfarlan. A C. Mlile and L. M. Holmes. Judges. J. B. Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Starter. A. B. Dade. Kaciag Secretary. J 00 1 pa MiLennan. Baling starts nt JhlS p. m. Chicago time L:15 p. at.. *Indicales apprentice allowance. ?TQC«OE: FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 19, 1922— M%— 2— 114. Purse ,000. 2-year-o!ds. t «Jui t Maiden:,. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 03: third. 00. "l adca 1 If.r-e- ~ A~V r.lSt i, i_. :-, Str Fin Jo. k-ys Owners ~ jT~C 1* S BS79S JOSEPHINE C. w 110 1 5 V- 1 L .Morris J J Morphy 8 lT--""•— "-: SSBSS ATHLETE w 11 9 1 - Z» G Walls A Aubwcbon I IS 1". I 3 .-988! THE MII.IISKIWI.v, 112 3 7 1 I* 1! King R J Grown :. r. E I 1 BBSBS LAURA GAFFNEY w l«7 II 1 h* I* E Pool J L Holland R 15 12 ". _ 1— SS1 KOELLIA w 1M 12 2 J* V V CltllettiH T Griffin 4 4 13-61 1-2 ROCKABTE w MS I I . I1 J 1 MneyR B Wathina I". M M I 1 59533 l.Y BRETTENHAM w MC •. I ] 7i B Martin W M Carter S I 23 B-5 BS7SS ILLUSIONIST a US .1 8 8 D ConnltyG Mayberry 1 I S 2 1 DARDANELLA v. ill. II ■ :■ - II .1 BurfceJ M Goode 15 1". 8 3 B-5 BSSSSBOB M.CRAV v !•! 7:0 Mi M2 B Scott W Daniel S" 39 M 12 I MISS LAOT a WH It1 II* R McDottJ 8 Ownhey 1" -" •" 8 1 kSMSCHIEF FLYNN or Ml 2 12 12 12 H Thomas C A Applea-ate 15 21 Lo 8 4 Time. 25. 3S.,. Track heavy-. Winner 1 li f. by .Inn G.iffav .i«rinu. bv M.ula Santa Iraiind by I. 1*. Smilh; bred by Mr. King Gotia. Went I., pool at 2:12. At post 2 nii:iiit- . Start u.." 1 . ul slow. Woo trivia*-; iiecoad and third the same. JOSEPHINE ».. from aa loner nositkia, saved atarh eroaad oa the turn and. standing a hard drive well, K"i ap to wia in the 1.1-t lea yards. ATHLETE began arell and. raciag close ap, lal ! d gamely, thk MITLERKIXNEB ■■! ■ a I pace and also tnished ; lolntely. LAURA GAFTNEY raffered mm li from laterfereace and ran a good race. KOELLIA rsa orel! all the way and Baislied close up. Scratched— 5*779 Lilac Tiaie, lo; .".9779 Patrohmaa, 108; .".977: Marcaret Loretta, 110. Overweight* — Dardeajefla, !.• noaads; Miss Lady, 1. QQ°fi SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1 :11 ,—S— 116. Par-c ,000. 3-ycar-olds. Oi_F ttjoO Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtlISt U : i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S SMM LITTLE PATSY wa 11 : i .". J" U 1 1:; B Pool Mai ka tc 0*Dowd3 2J 2 1-5 2 5 SMSS*HERMIS KEMBLE w 107 7 1 6= •■ : 2= K ItobbinsG L Blackford 20 » LO 8 4 SJkS3?*HAPPY BUXTON wa 1* 3 :j :.= :- J" E Heobie .1 Dundee •; ; 18-57-5 7-M 59081 VEILED COLLEEN w 1M 5 8 8* 81* I C Ponce H Loo In 10 IS 12 ■ 59681 *CL.INCHFIELD a MS 17 7 7- 7 :. - a Wilson .1 Anastrons H 1". hi 1 2 598:;- LDY ROCHESTER w M3 8 I .".- 4 .". I»C [ant II Neaateter I 7 7 23 8-5 SSSSt*STAMP wa 112 i I 1 6 »-• T H Thomas J Marino E fi :. j 1 BSBS1* HILLSDALE wa MS 1 I i- : 1 I] 8* L Conej .1 B BkJnker I 7 7 3 7-S SM7S*W1LFEX wa M5 I I I I I I C Taylor Kunnyland sib IM Ml M» 48 28 Time. 25-.,, 522;,. 1:22:::. Track heavy. Winner— Br. e, by His Majesty— Madeira, by Star Shoot trained by 8. lies-: bred by Mr. Gilford A. Cochran I. Went to pool at 2:38. At po-t _ aiiaates. Btart rood and slow. Won easily; »eroad and third driv-iaar. I.rill.i: patsv raced into the lead in the Irsl efarhth and drew away steadily ia the stretch. HERMI8 KEMBLB was bard ridden throtiRlivnl and Baishiae gam-ly. overhaul-. I and passed HAPPY BUXTON in the last sixteenth. HAPPY BUXTON raced proaaiaently from the -tut. bat was Hriaa at the end. VEILED COLLEEN caase from far bach in the lit quarter. HILLSDALE sel the early pace, but wa- exhaasted before tolas ■ half mile. Scrat.hed .",9079 Image, lot; 5S6S0 Alverida, loo; 5S6M Baby Evelyn, los; :,:..! Crack o" Gold, 166 PQCa* r7 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1 : 11— G— 116. ,000 Added. 4-ycar-olds •3t_F«J«LJ a and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; ooooad, 25: third, 14. "l ndr x Hoi ~ r ~ A Wt 1iSI , JTjK " Str Kill Jockeys Ow ier. 0~~l1 C~P~g~ 5»91« THE DECISION « 8 114 3 2 3s 31 21 1* C Ponce A Bwenke i I 7 L* F SS7SS* JOHNS UMMA a IMS 7t 25 2llJ 2JG BrenineC 11 Smith 2 3 :: r,:. -2 5984ITICKI.1SI1 wa ■ 118 I I1 !• ::; "]. A Wilson Ianiiini t Fiaer I - 8-M1 3 5!»7f?» SILENCE v. 1 lo; 4 S ■ ! .1 I MleyW T Hickey 1". 1". » i - S8r7SS*FLUZEY w MB Z 3 .". : ti- ti1 "" B Scoble McGey v- Lewis l» 1". IS ". 2 SSSZSMOSE wa 7 HI 17 7 7 7: K Udsfckl. Sperling 38 SO 66 28 M 59891 ■•nil, TAYLOR wa C 113 5 1 1 l 1 7 H Thomas VY A B*aartner 3 3 13-51 2-5 Time. tX%, £2. 1:19%. Track heavy. Winner -B g. by Kiat Jaates — Verdk-t, by Tyraat trained by A. Bweake; bred by Mr. Hear T. Oxaard. Went to peat al 3:03 Al post 1 minute Star! good and slow. Woa easily; orcoad and third «iri 111 THE DECISION, close up from the -tut and saving much ground on 1 1 1 • - tarns, caase fast through the stretch and woa Koine; away. JOHNS I MMA raced in nearest pursuit to the stretch, but tired after taking the had. TICKLISH raced well and had bo Mishaps. SILENCE was sofaog fast at the end. COL TAVI.nl! sel the pace to the stretch, but i|i.it badly ami i- unreliable. Scratched— 5075dMidnig-ht Baa, 114. fTQjfhQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1318— 1:11,— 6—116. CI. 000 Added. 4-year-olds e. OvlfOO and upward. Ciaiir.in;. Nc» vlue to winner 00: second, 21: third. 14. "index Iioises AWtTOgJ T"1 j~"~Str fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S St«4S*ESCARPOLETTE w " MS i 4 l» s- 1« G BreningT F Devereanz 8 12 12 4 8-5 ."9558- OLAWN BELLE w B 8 101 7 7 7 4. 21 J Fraley W W Strauss 15 28 15 ". 2 ."9916 LADY LUXURY w 7 MB S 1 35 _,:: !•• 3 | .1 D MbmjtK .1 Bait :: 4 4 7-5 1-2 SS€M*KIRAH I MM 3 2 . 4 C G-mg » Wetttfel 0 8 7 2 1 ."9699 Tvi » m ji % w 4 114 2 8 6" I 7 .. i w BerachR K WatMna 10 28 LO C 2| SdkMS DORIC a 4 MM T • 51 5s 6 6 E Seohie G J Gong 4 1 I 2J 8-6 5891*. ABLAZE -11 .". ill 1 2 IJ l» :.: 7 I. McUottRiverdale Stable 1 1 7-101-4 1-1 Time. 26. SI4;,. 1:20™5. Track heavj-. Winner — B. m. by lis;-. Herbert — Balaacoire, by Meddler trained by T. K. Devereaux; bred iu France by Mr. Clarence H. Maekiy. Went to pool Ml ..:L7. At post 4 minute*. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ESCARPOLETTE. raciax in suddenly improved form, saved Back ground when coming into the stretch and. rashtaa lata a laag lead. ..n in i earner. OAKLAWN BELLB began slowly, but gained steadily and was going fast al the end. l.ADY LUXURY raced Cat staidly and took the bad on the slretcii turn, but tiled and swerved over toward the rail. AI.I.AZK showed the Basal earij spaed and suffered badlv fr..m laterfereace. I.ADY LUXURY was tiring. Scratched— 5S3M -lock Sent. 113; 59051 May Bediae, Gil. ! pT£Ql« Qi riFTH RACE— 1 MUe. Jan 11. 1916—1:37—5—106. King-sley House Handicap. Ol/tfOo Paras ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00: ; third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt" G. L. 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owaus O H C P S aw?M*BYGONE DAYS waTlM ~~.l T 1 l-"- Is l" .1 DMneyCErockmiller 1 G-r. fi-5 1-2 1-4 StrTM BLIPPERY ELM w S IM 5 1 2"k I"1 -- . 2* G Morris Sunnyland Stb G 10 T 2 1 5980-* BLARNEY STONE w 4 M2 3 ." P •"« ."." ;, V C Ganrr Reiser Bros G 7 8 2 4-5 StMStlVBTO wa8M8 2 4 #• •• 41 4- «»• C Ponce A B Woodciiffe 4 M 41. S-5 ::-5 599I»nGl CKY H. w 7 107 4 2 .".- S* 8»i §• .":- E Pool W D Bernhardt li !* S 2| 1 .9814 kings CH*PION wa 5 Ml l g 0 8 6 t 8 9 CtUlettU MacMaana I 12 1 4 S-5 Time. 253/5, 5125, 1:!9S3. l:474/5. Track heavy. Wlai I B. g. bv Bdaset — Follie Beigetes, by EUaayar trained by 1. Smith: bred by Mr. Edward I R. Bradley. Went to post at 3:52. Al peat 0 llaatea. Start good and Mow. Won easily; second and third I driving. BYGONE DAYS ran aa if Brack the bast, raced into a laag lead at once and was easing up I in the stretch. SLIPPERY BLM raced in closest and game pursuit, but was tiring at the end. BLAB-M:V SHIM; closed an imnicn--e gap and was going fast at the tinish. VETO was done after geta? three "inarters. LUCKY B. showed speed, but quit. KINGS CHAMPION propped at the start. Overweights— Lucky G. 1 poaad- ErOO/Ufa SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42 5— 4— 113. Brookdale Handi-vP *J *J~~M:J cap. ,000 Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 21: third, 14. Index HorM-.s .~wrPI~St G jj r. -Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 ~ S~~ 5»8-»S-ITOKAG SWAIN wn 6 K8 4 G 4. :.- 2- 2* 1 C Ponce C, C Winfrey 2 M-5M-S4 51801 IPMISING TOM wn 4 10.7 1 4 L:i 2i 1| 1124 A Wilson M M Shields M 20 IS 5 2 59.7SS*THARON tiM I 1 SJ 41 :, Si 1 | L McOattG J Long 6 10 10 4 8-5 59BS2 RUNZAF W 4 107 7 I 7 61 7 4l 4s F Cltiletti.I W Forman G S G 2 1 5»80? MTSTERU8 GIRL w 5 110 .", 2 1 | Ik :. :.- ks j d HneyG Drumhelbr 20 :;0 SO 10 5 59802 -DUKE JOHN* w 6 107 6 5 " 7 •* 7 G1 E Poo! E T Zollicoffer SJ 21 2 7-101-3 BtBtS CIMARRON WB 4 100 I 7 6J :, 4i 6- 7 C Lang J B Hays 2J 3 13-51 9-20 Time. 25. 51. 1:19. 1:47, 1:52V Track heavy. Wfataer — It. g. by Colin— Elegance, by Orme trained by ;. C. Winfrey; bred by Wickliffe Stud. V.eni to post at 4:lV At post 8 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easily; second and third I driving. lASTOKAL SWAIN was hard ridden and. following PROMISING TOM dope up. raced by him in the last eighth to win in a eaater. PROMISING TOM. showing much speed, raced into the lead and I tired, but finished gamely. THAKON came fast in the stretch. MYSTERIOUS GIRL set the pace to the far turn and tired. DlKE JOHN stumbled and blundered repeatedly. CIMAKKON was knocked out t of contention on the first turn. Scratched— 398443Ginger, 112; 59S92-Rep, 105. Overweights — Bunsaf, 2 pounds. PtQCB/f "1 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:37*/, — 5— 106. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. «3«-yJtyi4 JL Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 21: third. 14. Index Horses AWtlISt" j "i Sir Kin Jockeys Owners f H C P S~~ 5S803* CHARLINE w~io2 ;; 3 4 4 : 1- 1- 11 ThomaTTc W Clark Ui 1 g-:,ig-.".1 TT 5S4lt*PRNTERS DEVIL W 101 1 1 grj :, -,i :t- 2" A Wilson j Armstrong 8 12 12 f. I 59681 LICKY C.IRG wb 107 5 2 1- Ill1 VI H ■ Pool Crossett Stable 3 G 4J 8-5 4-5 59637 •MATCHES MARYwii 102 7 6 2 2- %* 4s V2 E Scobie P J l,nvin :: :: 12-M M 6M3t*DOLLY VARDEN wn 97 4 4 2* :! 4- r.1- .". u Bro-ningH C Murhan 8 12 10 4 2 591S2 BULLET wa Ml 2 .", 7 SJ G; C* G:" C Lang I. Btrnhfl SJ I I 1 1-2 59780*GERRIXGTON wb 99 G 7 E| 7 7 7 7 J Owens K W Staton 50 100 KK 40 20 Time. 25V5. 51;, 1:215. 1:51-.. Track heavy. Winner — P.r. f, by Golden Maxim — Yankee Tree, by Yankee trained by G. V. Harncs; bred by Mr. T. M. Murphy l. Went to post at 4:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CHAULINi: ran well in the stiff going and had to evareeeae interference, but raced into the lead ia the stretch and won casing up. PRINTERS DEVIL closed a big g ip and was going fastest at the end. LUCKY GIRL tired after showing the most speed for three -qaarters. MATCHES MARY was going well at the end. BULLET was always far back. DOLLY VAEDKN .an well to the -tretch. Beratched --59757 Kate Brummel. 114: 5SSMDe*p Sinker. 105. Overweight: — Printers Devil. I pound* ■ ; Lucky Girl, 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020201/drf1922020201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922020201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800