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HOT NEW ORLEANS FINISHES Fast Going Incites the Horses to * Do Their Utmost. 4 Veto Defeats Gourmand by a Nose in the Feature Race — Bill Block Scores Narrowly. SEW ORLEANS. La.. Pebraaiy 8. The i-c-t ra Ian Ihal baa been arltacaicd here Car areeha was on tap this afternoon, tin- improred inak conditions being tbe main factor in this. The rieMa in the different rare* were of the rack limit numbers and tin- evenly ■ ateheal starters canoed elaae fin Hthea that had the apectatora la ;i fr any nf excitement. The attendance wax on .i par wiili the beat hen aa weak days. Bpetalattoa also was Mare lively ;in.l fu. laigci amounts. The Sunny Sou:ii Handicap of |1.300 added, .-it :i Mile .-inil hii eighth, f in abac d ■ highly exciting rln -i bclwcca Fete Bad Qoarmaad. the pair fiaiab iug aaaaa apart, arith Veto the rletor, mainly through Garaera saperier i i.ling skill erer Wilson. Both raeera mot a inter -• i mi 1 conditions aad earried the lair weight. They began their dael in earnest in the brat eighth aad Par :i tbae mtasnrtd etHdee • hi ivcii t--rni . bat Veto aexl to the laaer rail, si«,i| the hard pressure beat mid Jaat mated i" gel the rerdact. Sands of Pleasure figured exteaairely in tl:«- running, lint the weight lie- was .i-kd to eon-oede caused in in ;o tire in the bad eighth. Tin- most tarilliag fiaiab of the afteraoaa raaae la the final race, when Solid Koch, Coekreaeb and Carnal Events landed nose- apart, the winner — 1 i I • ping throagh next the lamer rail to pet the verdict in the last stride Garner was a lit law in this race He had t lie m unt on Carnal llvenis and Mas foreed bark simply when Coekraaek e.ime acraaa an the first turn, earner whet ant atly had to ride Ids mount wide and losi ■ good deal of ground. The favorite here. I.ady Longfellow, never figured aerlonaty in the race. The outsider Padua and Kunzaf in the fifth race alao staged B spirited battle, Padua biatiag to win ■v a nose. Again the favjjrite disappointed when Hi other ly love. trtr aalTrlj hacked, tailed to gel a part of the purse. FAVORITES FARE POORLY. Favorites did not fare aa "oil. only two aaceeed-ilig. and MaajMHl for them was of the lukewarm ariety. Veto was an patataadlag choice and Bill Block "was the other aacceaafal one. The utter ilea had a rlaoe call treat defeat, aa Matchea Mar.r held rleocly to aha all through the stretch aad II whs only in the last atridea thai he managed to liake her off and get the" verdict by a head. Pea ib1 was the first choice t.j aacenmb. The Woadard filly lost to John Goodea Maaeette, which came with ii rusl; right nt the ead to take the pur--. Murphy was installed the choice in the Seconal race, hat retired iuikii after baring shown tie-way to the last eighth and it enabled Perigoardiae to will from imehfieid. with Pretender, aa extreme oatader. in third place. Arrowhead broke the long losing atriag of I. I.. Holland when he won the thinl race from s,,|„,. Hpeed] sprinters that staned lure. Traal Official, vei -ntly acquired hj U. Kaeheikamp. loaded see-ond puce, with Paanmaa third Coiambu Tena, after ■ long abac ace from racing, failed to slum-any tmaroremeat in the post traits for which lie was barred and. after delaylag Hie atart. began well, hut eeaoed t.i eat aaj figure after going a hair mile Pal Kaebelkamp acquired Trad Official from John Marino Ihia moraiag at prirate eah». The ,-,.it ran in his new owners latereol in the third ra e Weighing 118 pounds. Jockey Joe Kodriguei made mlw aiater debal today. He rode Loaiot Uoody. owned by W. shea, his eoatract tmployer, in the opening r. • e. Bodriguea has beta abeeol from the s;niiiie for some time and made ik effort to reduce bis weigh Tharon hid to be excaaed from starting in the r..urth race today, due to one of his legs swelling up Wednesday night. He will be out of commissiou for I while aa the resuli of this. Frank Gteaa and Maaaa TowL Cincinnati sportsmen, accompanied by their wives, were visitors at the lair Grenada today. They will remain in this section for a w eek or so and then proceed to Florida for the remainder of the winter Gleaa is interested in some of the .1. 8. Owabey horses.