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JOCKEY JOHN BULLMAN DEAD | Rode Sidney Lucas and Robert Waddell To Victory in American Derby. Former jockey John Pullman died yesterday nt ■araaac Lake. N. Y.. from tuberculosis. He is well remembered by racegoers, especially the patrons of the races at Washington Park during the Chicago Worlds Pair. Pullmans riding career dates back to the days when to gain fame a rider was compelled to show J real horsemanship, lor in those days there was much competition, with sad as Taral. Maher. OConnor and other stars. His record, however. stands out proniinentlv between the vears of 1 SOU and 1901. In 1X59 rtnlhaan rode LI." winners. 12fi seconds and 1113 thiids out of a total of 121 mounts. The following two years brought him into the limelight, because in 1900 he piloted Sydney Lucas to victory in the American Derby at Washington Park. This rac« proved that link means as much to those who do the entertaining on the turf as to those who are merely spectators. Jockey Taral hail been engaged t to ride Sidney Lucas in the Derby. However, , Bullman was given the choice between Sidney Lucas and Advance Cuanl. his choice sending him to the 20 to 1 shot winner. The following year Bullman won the Derby with Robert Waddell at a price nearly an etpial to ; Sidney Lucas. Bobert Waddell paying 12 to 1. The following six years found Bullman holding his own with the topnotchers. During his nine I years of active service in the saddle he hail 3.130 J mounts and rede 071 winners, as the following tabu- • la t ion shows: j • I Year. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Inp. P.C. 1XHU 7J3 II. " P-li Mp 349 .Id 1900 731! MS 139 101 313 .1!! ! 1901 372 S3 lift ."4 1K9 .11 1902 373 K3 M H 171 .23 1903 BM 113 102 H 2.".9 .21 1904 133 24 20 ."i S4 .IS : 190.1 144 17 17 15 95 .11 ; !!« « Did not ride. 1907 88 20 19 17 32 .23 1905 21 I 1 3 14 .14 Totals 3 130 071 ".S 415 1.4S0 .21 , 1 ■ a