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j t 18 a u II " E. ■ r- ip ■ le 1 B • f 8 J ,r 1 sa •e 1 " FOIRTII 11ACF. r» 1-2 Fnrlonfts. P.-j e:ir-nl ls ami uit-.varil. Clniiniiitr. June B8, 19K! 1*488 1-41 :! IIS. SADIE V., oh. m, 6 105 By Ormondale — Ballynahinch, by General Symoni Trainer, L. T. Whitehill. Owner, H. Van Rooy. or Ardoon. BMM Tijuana 2-4 1 :1,,goocl 21-0 10S I 11 l» 2 J IPtamer 10 Divland, Argento. Fond Hope 6MB Tijuana 3-4 1:19 hvy 4 110 0 8 8 71 714 J IPtamer B Poacher, Czanlom, Nelliellarper 6o:X0 Tijuana 3-4 1:16 fa ;jt 21-10 103 3 12 t* 1» J Hunmerl2 Eva.Hargan, Balasa, Rgleader 61:103 Tijuana 01 f 1 :12-£slop 12-5 106 1 1111 2" .1 Htamer 12 Mike Dixon,, C. Caunell BMM Tijuana 1 1-8 1:05 fast 63 106 4 2 4 6 6« 6« O Willis 8 Nepperhan, Saslu. .Nam Hill £.:40» Tijuana 1 l:42%fast 4 106 9 9 9 7 7» 7» J Htamer 11 Tok. March, Benl.evy. Pat. Murk 03422 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:55%fast 6 9G53S6 7 71J IPtamer T LildeUiuk. t.rk, Dickie W. 0!39.r. Tliuana 11-16 1:50 fast 17-5 103 11 B I 1 1* 1*1 J IPtamer 12 M.U-ver. L.Josephlue. ».Lrlu.4 3RISPIE, b. m, 8 113 By Hapsbarg-Stanael, by Himyar. Trainer, F. H. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. MMB Tijuana B-8 lM%faat 81 no • 4 6 6J 4* P Bfartiaeall W.Whitaker. .i.i Sugg. Lit. Jake BBM8 Tiiuana B-8 l:06»Ahvy 5 106 8 2 I 13 1» T Wilson B Charmant, Dorothy, theWar 88487 TUoana r.-s i:ir,-.mml 12-0 112 0 r. I MtaF Maitlnea B BUaaUtark, DaisyN., U.Maokli. 60440 Tijuana 05 f 1 :12/cslop I 106 I I 4 4» 4*1 B Hurn 8 Velvet, Applejack. GiaceTrtuubla MRS Tijuana 61 f l:ll%RaoB 12 106 7 8 8 e" BM VV Davis II Ma Lee, Apple Jack. Squash MBSTUaana H f 1 :U%arvy 4 109 4 I I 21 8* H Harton B Mike Dixou. Fond Hope, Velvet W*0l Tijuana 5?- f l:13%hTT 21-10 103 1 3 3 21 2» C Stud.r 10 Kenward, Vera Rita, Tom Caro BMMTUoani 3-4 117 good 7 111 1 5 6 6-1 7» P Martinez. 12 Hot Foot, Kenward, Moutperri 59949 Tijuana 6-8 l-84%hTy 4 107 I 3 4 I1 ■.* E Noble 10 JackBMf, Pueblo, Jc«ileGormau 69«29 Tiiuana Bt f lllV.slop 3-2 H«5 1 2 2 2* 2* 8 IPtamer 8 Velvet, Cicely Kay, Steve 69465 Tijuana B 8 1 .07 hvy 11-5 111 1 8 6 I* 4»1 D Hum B W.G.Dooly, Infield. M1ke Mxaa 9427 Tiiuana 5-8 1:06 tnud 4 111 2 4 4 21 2* l» Martinez T L.Romper. J. Gorman. IV.mCaro RITTY CHEATHAM, ch. m. 8 105 By Meelick— Teo Beach, by Bobby Beach. Trainer. Z. E. McGregor. Owner, Z. B. McGregor. 88648 Tijuana 0-S 1 f»: fast 2 107 1 6 4 4-" 6*1 .T IPtamer 11 W.Whitaker. .l.D Sugg. Lit. Jake 6H2-4 Tijuana 01 f l:13-/..hvy 0 10S 3 3 4 8 8«J C Ralls S Al Porter. Rosa Atkin. Tamilian BMM TUoana BJ f l:18%Bvy 18-5 108 0 0 r 5* !*• C studer 8 Ladjrloae, JulyFly, RMS Tiiuana 3-4 1 IS" slow 11 110 4 3 3 6 7«1 B Maskrld 8Gol.lo-e, Ringleader, Kruiitaua BB86S Tijuana Bl f lM%faat I 111 0 3 5 01 C51 B Maskrld 7 ThtySeveu, P.Martiu, Croupier 0.740 Tijuana 0* f 1 09 fast 22-5 109 7 I I 6| P E Neal 9 Kubbcrll.. Q.orTmps. N. Harper 09734 Tijuana af f IM fast 4 116 3 « 6 61 VI E Taylor 9 Madam Hyug. Busy Bird, Virge 69C24 Tijuana 6 8 1 13 108 4 B 7 6» l»| E Nobis 8 Fireplace. Harry I.. Mayflower CICELY KAY, b. m, 6 113 By Robert Kay— "iss Lee, by Oddfellow. Trainer, J. L. Crawford. Owner, R. Parton. 88648 Tijuana 0-8 POi-fast 20 110 f. 3 I 23 0" D Hum 8 Clear 1,-tke, Lobelia, Limerick B9547 Tijuana 0-S l:oOslow I 113 4 3 2 lh lh ■ Taylor B Coombs. Raaa Atkin, Churuiaut i;e.".19 Tijuana 0-S 1 .07 hvv 4 WO 1 4 4 31 21 E Taylor 7 Clear Lake, Galway, Alajali 6D406 Tijuana B f lM%faat 16f MM 2 2 Fell. P Hurn 9 Tillotson, July Kly. Cover Up 88MB Tijuana B-S lM%RBod 7 111 3 4 6 61 Sl K Taylor 9 EllaWaldo, VeraRita, R. Atkin 60131 Tijuana 6-sl:ol slop 7f 112 1 2 4 4" 4* II Saladin 7 StanleyH.. Charmt, DulyKasha B99S8 Tijuana 3-4 l:1S::slow 19 109 1 6 8 • 6*1 B NMUa 8 K.llarrigau, WiseJudge, Ijcv»i 69929 Tijuana BJ f l:llM,Sloi 6 113 2 6 3 81! 3*1 II Saladin 8 Velvet, Crispie. Steve 09773 Tijuana 51 f 1 :09 fast 47 111 8 8 4 4*1 C| II Saladin 10 Careen. Thirty Seven, OjalMaa 59600 Tijuana 6-8 1.02 fast 19 113 1 4 4 I* «T1 E Taylor 9 KubiTL. B.UarklL, NoWoader 09261 Tijuana 6-S lM%aB*p 4 111 1 IB I 1 4*1 J Htamer B Bl Sablo, Am. Maid. Merry Laas CANDEGREY, b. m, 6 106 By De Grey — Candy, by Yankee. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 01379 Tijuana 61 f IM fast 12 KV* 4 3 I B BD Hurn 12 Thian, Circulate, IiuraCnchran WllSG Tijuana 5$ f 1 :ll*:.inu l 18 109 5 4 4 6* 6" T Rae 8 MissDuubnr. Vic, Houestrteorge C09 Tijuana B| f 1 :0! fast 9 lit G 4 5 61 7* P Martinez 12 By Right, Bes.MacklL, Missoula 09949 Tijuana 6-1 1:ci4Jlvy 5 106 I 8 8 9 S» B Parke 10 Jack LMB, I"uel.lo. Crispie OlisM Tijuana 0*. f 1:1 slop 0 HI 4 I 2 11 2" R Harton It Chow, Hc.yellis, Komi Hope 9"94 TUoana ln»7»y r.4*-£f»»4 l? BM oil l B 771 B Parka it RaaBaeB. Mrs. rat. Petlar 097 P. Tijuana 61 f 1:1* fan.* 22 IB I 4 6 l| 7» D Hurn U »tul.t»ill. «|.s. N.Harpai TEENETIE, ch. m, 6 105 By Barnesdale— Tern, by Black Dtns. I j B Trainer, W. C. Carrington. Owner, W. C. Carrinctonl. 60615 Tijuana 5i f IA%iHi 3-8 Ml 1 11111 1*1 J Hutfmerla JfiiwoaU, Appl. l:t. k. MihsClnrk ii 6«380 Tijuana 5J f l:094ufast 31 lu4 2 11 5? 10" J Htamer 12 Billy Joe. Antic lark, 1m.Ii.iiii ■ 65425 Reno 61 f l:0SVfcfa»t 12 110 V* A Zeigler 10 P.Teniy. fl TllWllll. G.Hartwell 6! 65258 Reno 6-8 l:01%fast M 110 31 V Cloud ll Lit. One. Cirmvll, H.K.AsUer B r.r.l 81 Reno 6-8 l:02%fast 17-10 111 2" V Cloud S Missoula, L.P.ourbon. Ch. Master and. 54793 Reno 6-8 1 :062ihvy 37-10 111 64 V Cloud M Min.Iim. Sin. Anna, I.W.llarper 6 C2917 Tijuana 6-8 1 :02~slop 14 111 7 8 7 9 9« A Zeigler 9 C.A.O.misk.. I. Brigade, L.Small 5 VELVET, oh. m, 8 108 By Transvaal — Fair Alien, by Dandle Dinmont. Trainer, H. E. Cassity. Owner, Palmer ft Cassity. D 60648 Tijuana :.-8 1 :02%fa«l 147 110 ft I 8 8 10" H Long 11 W.Whitnkcr, J. P. Sugg. Lit. Jake flO50a Tijuana 5i f 1 :11 mud 9 108 2 3 3 4-1 46 H Long f J. Gorman. Covertp. Cr th.-Wny 61 00440 Tijuana 81 f 1 :13yr.slop 21-10 10« 1 111= 1! H Long B Apple Jack. Gr.Trimble. Crispie B 663JI Tijuana 61 f l:09i;fast 7.*. 106 1 1 1 41 8*1 H Lon* I JnlyFly. Thirty Seven, Hot Foot K •/Tijuana 5J f l:13U,hvy 11 ]d8 1 113 4°1 H Lang 9 Mike Dixon. Kond Hope. Crigpie ■ MOM Tijuana 3-4 l:17%mud 24 103 4 3 4 4» 4s 11 Long 9 Pueblo. Coomhs. ChoirMaster and f.ii"71 Tijuana 6 f 1 :0S%fast 29 105 4 5 5 !» 9" H Long 9 Cover Up, Kenward, Ringleader " f,it929 Tijuana 81 f lll*4slop 5 103 3 1 1 l1 Is H Long 8 Crispie, Cicely Kay. Steve J r,u772 Tijuana 6 f 1:09 .fast 131 102 6 17 92 8«1 H Long 12 P.edMan, W.C.Dooly. HotFoot f 15026 Tijuana 61 f 1:08 %f ast 11 110 2 2 2 3 6»1 G Teargln 13 Ringlo«;r, C.theWay, HganaHr i E.987 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 1 110 1 7 1 ll 121 E Taylor 10 PatsyMack, RosellU. BabyFauat 5 W. C. BOOLT, b. g, 6 110 By Prince Frederick— Millers Daughter, by Belvi- Trainer, B. T. Elander. Owaer, Elander Broa.. dere. fiV.24 Tijuana 8-4 LPC-.hvy 11 M 6 7 7 I" B*| P Caron 8 Rafferty, Earlymorn, Ch.Master I BSHI Tijuana 1 1 :4.i,;gooil 6 114 3 4 4 7 fih 6» C Thpson B Gold. Rose, ByRight, MikeDixon 6 00203 Tijuana 51 f 1:14 hvy 7-5 110 1 4 1 1=1 I4 J Htamer 8 Perfect Day, Charuiant. Infield C 69992 Tijuana 3-4 1:18%slow G 110 8 6 8 41 431 E Fator S Gol.Rose. Ringleader, Krmitana I f.9S12 Tijuana 61 f 1 :0s*f,fast 5 108 1 4 3 4-l 45J B Parke 9 Peg. Martin, Fondllope. B. Smoke I 59772 Tijuana 61 f l:09Vifast 11-10 108 1 7 3 2 2» J Hunmerl2 Red Mau, HotFoot, W.WJiilaker I F,*tr.U7 Tijuana 5-8 l:04%slow 19-5 110 4 4 3 3! 2" A Jacoba 7 Karlyiun, Mad.Byng, Tom Caro I 69465 Tijuana 5-8 1:07 hvy 19-10 108 7 6 1 1-J 1» J Htamer 9 Infield. Mike Dixon, Crispie C 19103 Tijuana Si f 1:09 fast 2J 114 3 6 4 31 2=1 G Willamsll Pewaukee, LyBrbon, Mab.Rul# 6 69040 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%fast 19 115 8 8 2 21 641 E Denny 10 Weinland, Sea Beach, Gadiinjj 6 PERFECT DAT, ch. m, 6 110 By Prospero — Pansy King, by Kingston. Trainer, J. Green. Owner, F. Gllxman. 606SS Tijuana 61 f l:09%fast 55 loS I 8 8 84 III Fator 9 Virge, Lady Bourbon, Retful I IK.IS Tijuana 6-8 1 :0fi%hvy 22 111 1 4 6 521 6*3 E M.Ewen 8 Crispie, Cliarinant, Dorothy U.84 Tijuana 1 l:44%f*St 79 110 1112 12 12 11* ll» R Carter U Pig. Martin, Jev.-rlCitv. HotFoot 0 WI273 Tijuana 1 l:43%good 43 111 1 6 8 S 8 8" B MrEwen H Gold. Rose, ByRight. MikeDixon f 61203 Tijuana 61 f 1:14 hvy 22 114 6 fi 6 4* 2* B McEwen 8 W. C. Dooly, Charmant. Infield C 60101 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 24 112" 3 4 5 5 6* 6" E Taylor 9 IWVilson, JeweKitv. loldieRoae t flKX.1 Tijuana 5-8 1 :02!£good 28 112 11 11 11 10* 8»» ■ Taylor 11 Otins Girl. M Mui|.liy, Lit. Jake " E«93 Tijuana :i-4 1 efast 64 1o7 7 6 5 41 64J B Parke 11 Am Maid, PkTeimy, E.Uargan £ 1.9710 Tijuana 3-4 1 :16/Bf ast 43 109 8 8 7 7» 8 A Jacoba IS NoWonder, S.Keaeh, Nepperhao £ MM Tijuana 6-8 l:07%hvy 17-10 1« I 6 8 l» 6«i J Iitanier 8 HversTpaz. B.Mackll., l.SUa i MERRY LASS, ch. m, 7 113 By Bea Trovato— Royal ChUd, by Childwiok. Trainer, E. E. Buchanan. Owner, E. E. Buchanan. 60649 Tijuana B-t l:02ifast :•and llo s 8 8 8 V M Fator 8 Clear Lake, Lobelia. Limerick C0468 Tijuana 3-4 1:1S .slop 65 107 10 8 7 7i 7« H Long 10 Happy Valley. Lavaga, Rid Man I 0250 Tijuana 6-8 1:04 guud4 loS 5 5 7 7» 7" C Kails 8* Mt-ll urjdiy, Dorothy. Tillolsoii t £0151 Tijuana 5-8 1 :02Vtgood 7 lift 6 6 6 6s 4» E Noble 11 OrPns Girl, McMnrphy, Lit..lake I tii85 Tijuana 2-4 1.19%sloi» 5 110 6 3 1 1| 1 E Noblo 7 Balsy. Dorothy, Orleans Girl I 69261 Tijuana 6-S 1 :0S%mud 2| 111 2 I 4 C» E» R Noblo 7 Billlleud, Ella Waldo. Rosellia ; 69261 Tijuana 6-8 l:0:.%slop 11 111 8 6 C 4*13* ■ Noble 9 ElSablo, Am. Maid, Lit. Roinpei 8SM THuana 81 t 1:09 faat 7 111 6 8 7 7* 6*1 P Hurn II View. Kl habio. Busy Bird McMURPHT, oh. g, 11 110 By The Rmh— Ozma, by Korti Fonaa. Trainer, C. L. Kent. Owner, M. Morrison. Btfll Tijuana 1 1 :4Kfmst 7S lo7 :: 1 2 fi P S2" E Donhne .9 ciiar.Boy. K.Rankin, NoWonder OitMS Tijuana 5-X 1 :02 ifaa8 19 117 I !l ! 9h 8"F. Taylor 11 W.Wliilaker, .I.D.Sugg, Lit ..Take I £0571 Tijuana 61 f 1:10 slow 21 114 7 7 7 7* 8*3 ■ Fator 8 Tillotson, Peg. Martin, B. Beaeii I M1253 Tijuana 6i f l:09"/sfast 6 115 3 5 5 7 Ti ■ Taylor 7 MyrlleA., Lit. Pointer, Rl. ader I 60250 Tijuana 5-8 1 :04 good 7 112 6 4 3 tat 1 | ■ Taylor 9 Dorothy. Tillotson, Knuitaiia I 60223 Tijuana 6i f l:l:l%hvy 6 115 6 6 6 7-1 7»4 ■ Fator 9 Mike Dixon. Fond Hope, Crispie t 60124 Tijuana 6-8 1:04 slop 11 110 7 6 6 62i 54 B Parke 7 Stanley!!., Cmant. DulyKashiou , t0051 Tijuana 6-8 l:02%good 8 109 1 11 U 2l B Parke 11 OrliisGJrl, Little.Tnke, Mer.Latt i 69834 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 fast 3 110 0 9 9 7 6»| J Htamer 9 Lobelia, Clear Lake, Alajna 69650 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 18 108 8 I 8 T» 7| H Long 9 RubrIL, B.Mackll., NoWonder S 6iti21 Tijuana 61 f l:OSVtfat t If 110 1 1 8 81 *» B Parka 8 OrleansGlrl. Pueblo. GoldieR«»« i MAO JOHNSON, ch. c, 4 M 110 By Herman Johnson— Esther Overton. Trainer, N, Bredin. Owner, Raymond Stable. 60614 Tijuana 5. f 1:10 fast 13 115 i 1 1 lh 4" N Eredin 12 Rkbtidge, BlueVan, Svncopatn 60.144 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0C slow 14-5 105 3 1 4 42 4* T Wilson 9 Vera Rita, Jack Pat, Kimono I 6»...22 Tijuana 1 1-M l:374!,hvy 7f 103 2 4 3 3 63 714 R Wilson 11 .TudgeDavid, AlinaB., BabySister I 60280 Tijuana ■! f 1 :09%fast 22 107 7 7 8 6J 4- J Zander 12 Billy Joe, Apple Jack, Ispham 60271 Tijuana 5* f l:10%good 33 114 5 5 3 31 741 E Taylor 12 Coombs, LyBourbou, Canvnsbk 60154 Tijuana 61 f I HXlllip 17f 107 7 6 G 5s 3- T Wilson 11 Kenward, MissClark, ClassyCurl 80024 Tijuana 3-4 1:17 good 26 113 8 4 61 11" N Brediu 12 Hot Foot. Kenward, Montperrl