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i ■ j j i j I I I | 1 . STEEPLECHASE BUSINESS Licenses Granted at the Annual Meeting of the National Association. At tie- anuual meeting of the executive coin- inltW f the beard of stewards of the Nalional Kteepteehaee and Hunt Aaaeeiattea, held last Tbaia- lay. a suggestion from the Hunts ConimiMee that the by-laws of the association be amended to peitnit • an extra member of the Hunts Coiumitee to rep icseiil the Middle Weal vvas .-.nsidcred and ap proved and he secretary instructed to take such ■tepa as required to provide for the election of a tenth member "f the Hunts Committee. Hunting and amateur r.-u-ing ha- baea making rapid strides in I he section to l»e provided for and :•- soon as the legal vi |Uiromeuts have been complied with the masters of fox hounds of Ohio. Michigan ami Illinois will be asked to meet and itleel their icpreseata fives. The -liggeslion of a change iu the rules provid-• lag far races for hunters and the retention of the certificates ,-is each was also approved and the members of the Hnuts Committee in all sections will be asked to submit what they feel will provide the ehaagea to be made. Licenses to trainer* were granted as follows: Snthony Allen Silas Yeitch .1. Howard Letria Max Hirscb Matt Brady Dan. E. Kearney John Colford Vincent Powers D. J. Deegan I. VV. Healy K. 0. Heider J. T. Kennath C. C. Pierce T. J Douoime W. M. Carter i. O. Moore Lew Williams These joekeys were given riding licenses: T.nucs p. Doyle A. Sims W. Howard leeeph Clement W. Hunt Sidney Vcitch i.. Cheyae W. Maheaey B, Hajraea aii-nit Powers to ride horses trained by himself I. Am horized Bgeata were approved as follows: Silas V-iteh foi Charles K. Harrison. Jr. James . Healy for J. Lumsden and J. A. Buchanan. Anthony Allen for William M. Kerr. Woods Garth. Jr.. for J. s. Ceeflea. William Gartb for J. S. Cosden. Applications for certificates as g- utleman riders from R. H. R. I.dand and Harry C. Beattte, Jr.. weie icreived and an appMcbtlea for a jockeys license from A. Fitzgerald was denied.