Mobiles Excellent Start: Crowd of 5,000 People See Inauguration of Ten Days Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-09


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MOBILES EXCELLENT START Crowd of 5,000 People See Inauguration of Ten Days Meeting. ■ • Opening Program Provides Interesting Sport — Murrays Defeat of Exhorter a Thriller. i ■ MOBILE. Ala.. Match 8.— Five thousand people. Including some of tlic most representative citizens of this eitjr. put their stamp of approval M thoi-•aighrcd racing here this afternoon by attending the opening of Hie ten-day race meeting at the Fair Grounds. The big gathering was all the more surprising in view of the fact that at best the loeal plant is a crude affair and wholly lacking in convenience ami oomf rrt that goes with appointments of a first-class racing establishment. However, as experience is the best of teachers, it will he only ■ short while before the local men in charge of nffairs will remedy delects and Mobile will be counted on as an excellent racing point, at least for ■winter racing of short duration. Twenty layers catered to the wants of the speculatively inclined and at the opening found conditions somewhat dull, but as the afternoon progressed there was u general marked activity anil the closing dashes found a New Orleans atmosphere prevailing. The racing was spirited, the finish in the Hummel Purse, named for one of the lending merchants and citizens of the town and featuring the opening card, being of the thrilling variety and had the crowd in a frenzy. The race was won by Murray in the last stride, defeating Kxliortcr by a nose. Jockey J. Groths good riding on the wintier prevailed at the end over the efforts of Hinphy. who was astride Kxhorter. That a good line was at hand on most of the starters was indicated at the outset when Cranny Lm wii« installed the favorite and took the opener after a hard drive to outstay North Shore, a scant neck sepaiating the pair at the finish. The unieliable Carline S. was given tin- preference In the second dash, but her had iKist avting was again in evidence and it resulted in her being left. Himinating her from contention. The purse here was taken by the outsider Magnet land, which led from the start and outstayed Sea Jtoard by a scant margin. The much-traveled Financial Rooster. fresh from Metico City, furnished au upset when he landed tli* purse in the third race, for which tlrayson was the favorite. The latter failed to show speed and W..a beaten for second place by Helen Atkin. FORT CHURCHILLS EASY TRIUMPH. Fort Churchill ran as if he outclassed his opponents in the fifth race and the surprising part was the llheral quotation obtainable against him. Sandy II. was just in hailing distan.-e of him at the finish. vith Murphy heading the others. Cain and Sanfords colors were in fiont in the sixth. Piotid carrying them to an easily achieved victory, ■while Ilitl Moss and She Devil divided the re-luainder of the pane. The latter ran ail over the track and with intelligent riding might have given Hie winner a stout argument. Link Hoy was favored here, but ran a dull race. It. E. "Dick" Watkins came up from New Oilcans for the opening. His siable. which is still at the Fair Grounds in the Crescent City, will be t.ent to Bowie on Saturday. Trader ran away three and one-quarler miles this Tnoining and this accounts for his absence from Hie fifth race. Trainer Dan Womeldorff brought only two of the W. D. Bernha.dt horses up from New Orleans. Jago nud Exhorter. He also wilt campaign Mab for E. L. Snyder. The latter purchased this marc and High Gear from H. T. Batch tor the closing day of the Crescent City meeting. Jack Reexes has again changed hands. G. W. "Willnnl puichased him from Charles Iloubre and bronchi him here. CLOSE CALL FOR W. M. CAIN. W. M. Cain had a close call from death and seri-nim injury along with Spokane Qacaa and his stable pony on the beach of Mobile Ray. just outside Hie back gate of the race track yesterday morning . He MM leading the mare on the sMnd alongside the pony when she struck a spot of soft tnire which -was eouccaled by sand ami the two horses sank until only their heads were exposed. Cain lloun ilered around in the mud in an effort to gel them out and had difficulty in keeping from sinking himself. The horses were finally extricated with Hie aid of ropes and were none the worse for their Ctpericace. Roscoe Troxler purchased Louis Lichtenheira from the Shea Stable at New Orb-ails and will race him haw. Mrs. M. Kelly pur. -based linilico from E. L Ixiuhat and he will race ban. V. K. Hiillips, patrol judge at New Orleans and on the Kentucky ciicitit. "as among the belated arrivals. He plans |e siick the meeting out. W. J. Foley is serving in the capacity of official tinier here in addition to his duties as track superintendent. James Robertson came In from Mexico City, accompanied by jockey A. Friesaon. He left his liorses in New Orleans. They will be shipped to Bowie and at the conclusion of that meeting will |m reiurned to the Crescent City lor the summer. Trainer John Mi -Govern, who was Kiis] ended in definitely at Krie. Pa., last summer for misconduct. was restored to good standing yesterday by judges Joseph A. Murphy ami John Carey, the stewards who placed Mm under the ban. Ocorge Peterson brought Jockey E. Marlz up from New Orleans. His horses will go direct to Mary- land I Jockey J. D. Mooiiey got in from New Orleans this, morning. At the conclusion of the local nieeiingj ie will proceed to Kentucky to re|sjrt to 11. T. j Cliff in. who recently purchased his contract. ; Official notification hat Oeorge B. Cochran, who! ■whs placed under the ban at Meico City, has been! I reinstated by stewards Joseph A. Murphy. Herman !•. Conkling and J. F. Monck was received lure today.

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Local Identifier: drf1922030901_1_2
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