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I t , j 1 [ 1 1 • 1 1 1 , f j ■ is " MOBILE FORM CHART MOBILE. ALA., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8. 1922. First day. Mobile Business Mens BarJag Associations Meeting of 10 days. Weather clear: temperature 68°. Slewanls. .1. B. Campbell. J. Ilanimel and M. Lyons. Judges. [. N. Macfarlan and J. Carey. Starter. Arthur McKnight. Baciug Secretary . .1. It. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:.°.0 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. £±fF7££*y FIRST RACE— About 5-8 Mile. iMaich 11. 1921— 1:00— 10— 118a. Purse 00. 3-year-O" 4 X3£d olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; .c-coiui. 0: thud, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % y2 ~sjtr~JTn~ JockeyT Owners O H 0 P S MMSGRANNT l.KK willt 1 1 111- 1 ]"- .1 Domic" K I Shaffer Hi 7-5 1-2 1-1 i0.* H9 NORTH SHORE Wl 4 US 2 :: J»| 2- -- 2- M Anrison.I Hennessy I 10 S :! S-." NNi XOl.AWN waTlla s 10 «• :::l ::- F I Wayt J Heed M .0 ZS I 4 SPtS I ASSUME w 8 lLfi . 4 «!• V 4- "_ .; Walls .1 f cancnl S 10 pi 4 J MM MAI.VOLIO w 7 121 4 J :::• 4i 5-.J 5- W Hinphy O Wendel :: ::i :. 1 1-2 Mill kkdcwkk waSlM :: i •"» h- i « F CbvettaW M Baccafr M M M ii" i; BM74 T. J. PDKRC.AST m 4 llO f. ti 7* 7V 71 7?. T DrnioncO ■ Van Winkle H M .".0 JO 10 00087 M-iROW.N HILL w 4 1M 7 s. V V f M B Pollard J Partridge S U H t! ii S4t7S4*OUVK JAMES w ." 11.7 :. I :■- .l* :»,; t » C OMneyU Scully M 1. 10 4 S-.7 MMI BABT KVK1.VN w I MB M 7 M M M M B Rice t Doyle uU :id ;|0 12 6 Time. 2533, 53-i, l:021i. Track slow. Winner — Br. in. by Oranite ---Polly Lee, by Maria Santa trained by J. Strode: bred by Messrs. Young and Gorham. Went to post at L:.".l. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CRANNY LFK began fasi and. showing the most speed, held sway throughoiii. hut had lo he richien out at the end. XOBTfl SHORE ran forwardly all the way. was going faatMl at the end and would have won in a few more stride.. NOl.AWN showed a good performance. MALVOl.lO tired in the last eighth under weak riding. ASSIMK began slowiy and closed a big gap. Scratched BSTSf Arrow loiut. US; ." !I7." ! lean III Tetter, ll." : laMS Mr. Kruter. ISS; .".!»l14 Brown Dick, in:.. fiflPTfiy SECOND RACE— About 5-8 Mile. March 11. 1921— 1:00— 10— 118i2. Purse 00. 3-year-O" f Ud olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt~%~y %~Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 0031K MAGNET LAND wn fi Uft • ! P* ll 1 r. H Shilling G E Lewis 1.". 20 1.", 6 ; 00504 SKA HOARD w I 4 120 7 r 2* 2 2 L Cray K Kelley 10 10 7 25 6-." C0091 SAtAJAWKA w 4 11.". 4 ■. :fJ ::- V :!i .1 W MphyT Jackson 4 7 li 21 6-7 M41I PRETENDER w r. ! 120 .. P ." 4- 4- G Walls Q Mayberry 4 6 .". 2 1 kSSSl MARY MA1.LOX w o 117 1 1 4- | 5 .7 C Garner T R Wuters pi 10 S :i I-l .-K7»0 RAVAX.NA wit 4 115 !t 7 6i Ki ti- ti-1 C OMneyH Herron 20 ::0 ::0 12 fi 59213 CARUNE S. wtilli KM 7 7i. 7 7i J DomickK Peters ] t 9-5 4-5 2-5 ;.!93« IADY ROCHTBS w I 105 8 X P !• S si A Pecarro H Neusteter I N 7 M li-5 51820 DAHINDA w 6 115 M 3 »" •» 9" ! " K ChvettaR . Schv.arz 20 50 50 20 10 OOT.SlTOM ROACH wb 4 115 :: 4 10 M 10 lu T Wavt W P .Jaincs :i" :10 20 lo :, Time, 25«5. bS*b. |M%, Track slow. Winner — Oh. e. by Magneto rhfceaptaai, by trlamlo liained by R. Mctlarvey: bred by Mr. K. F. Pritchard. Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third the s.;ine. MAGNET LAM started faal and, under hard riding, maintained the lead from the stall, but was tiring badly near the end. SKA HOARD ran a good race and was gaining steadily at the end. SACA-JAWKA moved up gradually and was going fact at the tinish. CARI.INK S. acted badly at the pad and was away poorly. PRETEXDEB hail no mishaps. Scratched IIII5M Hack .".ay. 120: f.0745 Parawac. 120: BM3S Stevenson, 120: 5S547lFrenchy. 120. f*F7££/i THIRD RACE— About 6 1-2 Furlongs. March 11. 1921—1:24—4—117. Purse S500. IXVr a UtI 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. 1 ndei Horses AW"tPPSt 4 j % S~tr~Fin Jockeys Owners ~0 H C~~~P S GtrT34 - FINCIAL RSTKR W •"• 112 H 1 Hi 2 2* li W BogskiF Wartiehl 12 12 12 5 21 00532 HELEN ATKIN wit 7 107 1 2 l4 1- 1 V J Conway J T RucUley 4 « 5 8-5 4-5 BI582 GRAYSON a 7 120 2 4 4 :: ::- ::- X Collins G Drumheller l 6-5 »;-:, 1-2 1-5 «OI20*SKRRIAN a i 1W 7 :! 21 4"= 4- 4 A Pecarro H Neus-teter 5 10 s :; 8-5 00588 K1RA11 w 5 112 5 K ] 5- ."- V W Hinphy 0 Wendel 4 5 il 8-5 4-5 00345 WAR RKLIKF w I :. 101 2 5 ti t; i; 6 M AndsonS Skinner 20 20 20 s 4 .0589 BAGAZZA v. 5 lit.. 4 Left at lh" post. H Shilling I R Rradfield 8 10 8 : 7-5 Time. 2525. 52. 1:02V 1:2640. Track slow. Winner — B. g. by Little Butch — Cloisleiess, by Carlton Orange trained by R. Warlield: bred by Mr. R. Warncldl. Went to post at 3:20. Al post 1 minute. Siart good and slow for all but BAGAZZA. Won easily; second and third driving. FINANCIAL BOOSTER well ridden and saving much ground for the entire race, WOK HELEN ATKIN down with ease in Ihe stretch ami won going away. HELEN ATKIN showed the most early speed, but began tiring in the last eighth. ORAYSONS performance was a dull one and he was outrun from the stall. SERBIAN retired after going a good half mile. KlliAIl was far out of it all the way. RAOAZZA was 1. ft ;,t the post. Scratched— 450120 Jago. Ill: BMSHMachJaVCJU, 107: C0532 Greenland. 112. Overweights-Kagazza. 3. pounds. £* fP7£i CT FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. fNo track record. Hammel Purse. 50. UvF 4 DO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PFst"i~~;and~~!;4 ~Str~FJn Jockeys" Owners" ~~ 0~H~C ~~P S~ 00537 MlRRAY WB 5 lid 4 :: 2i 2- 2- 2- 1" J Crottt. Cage ,C Prisfl 7-5 7-5l2~l01-2 l-n"" 00344 -KN I [ORTEB w 8 110 2 1 li l;l li l"s 2V W HinpBy W D Rernhardt 2 :! 12-71-5 1- - CMISPHELAN wn 4 111 5 5 5 2 ?, :i- :: W BogskiW E Jones •; 7 I s-5 :: .. IMMOU FAITHFUL w 4 110: 1 4 1* 41 4s 4n 4- J DomickD McDermid C !0 8 :t 7-5 00585 11KRMIS KBl.K ivc 3 1 5 2 VI 5 5 5 5 I. Gray Mget and De Lr 2 7 71 Time. 26. 5323. 1:21, 1:50. l:54i. Track slow. Winner — B. g. by King James — Itellamia. by Henry of Navarro trained by O. Johnson: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnardl. Went to post at 3:40. Al post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MlRRAY. close up for the entire race, had to overcome some interference, but did so under good tiding and at the end outstayed KXHORTKB. getting up in the lasl stride. The latter showed good speed from the start and held on well for most of the race, but tired slightly in the last sixteenth. PHKI.AN moved up fast after going three-quarters, but was not k-k«1 enough. OLD FAITHFUL ran well DERMIS KKMBI.F lir.-d after going the first quarter. Overweights — tdd Faithful, lj pounds; Herinis Kemble, 5. - f*if7fiti FIFTH RACE— About 5-8 Mile. March 11, 1S21— 1:00— 10— 118,. Purse 00. 3-year-J " f DP olds and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. _ 0; third. 0. Index Horses A _WtPPSt % Vj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 6 H C P S~ SMtM FT. CHUBCHUX wa i 120 ;; 1 p i« p,_i- w Hinphy L Ti Cany 7-5T-5 -.-» ;-; l--; 1.0258 SANDY H. w s 5 RO S 4 4- V 2 2» G Walls O Wendel 10 ]• 10 4 | SM1S*MURPHT we. ! 120 4 I :: 2] V X- J D Mfney B T Watts " •; r.-M i- MSlS*OOLD STONE w 6 115 7 5 5- k | 4 «• T Wavt H Davis M M M I 4" ,0589 » VANS VI. VIA wu 6 115 2 2 21 4- 5 5 LCrav I. M Renter M fl V G-5 .-". 00231 COBALT LASS WB 7 115 5 6 | l *; K» V Chvetta.l Randolph 15 20 "li 8 4 60322 FORDID w 5 115 .; 7 7!0 7-- 7s 7- J Carroll J ]• Waile ..11 50 M ■ 10 MttM MISS CRTWOOD w I MS 18 I f S t A Pecarro II Neusteter s 10 10 4 ] Time, 25. 52. 1:00,. Track slow. Winner— B. h. by Honeywood- Tamiga. by Emperor of Norfolk trained bv f 1 M.-Flrov bred bv Nevada Stock Farm I. Went to post at 4:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but MISS CRKSTWOOR Won easil.i; second and third driving. FORI CHURCHILL ran as if much the best moved into ■ long lead al once and won as his rider pleased. SANDY H. moved up sleadily after going the Irml half and wa- gaming at the end. MI BPH1 held on fairl well in the tinal drive. GOLD STONE came from far h-tck VANSYI.YIA quit badly. MISS CBESTWOOP refused to start with the aUwn and was practicallv left Scranhed 60 155 1 Port Light. 120; 1M14.S1; Dolly Yarden. 105; «0415 Surmount. 120: 58173 Our Kate US; tidtioi Irader. 105; Kl-atior T.. 105. Overweights— Miss Creatwood, 3 pounds. BTlftTftT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 11, 1921— 1:47— 3— 106 ,. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and *-*" S V* • upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 0: third, 0. 1 ndex Horses AWtPPSt j u. a; str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 00372 -HOND wsi; 8 115 :i 5 jj ll l 1« 1" g Poll. ml Cain i Sariford~: RVandI «4 S-S 00420 LORENA MOS8 w 1. 0110 1 1 4" Bj 4i P| 2"t m AacTaoaJ Haaacaay 10 N 10 4 8-5 00586- »8HE DEVIL w I 1»7 I 4 || 21 5- 4 ::■ A McYishL M Renter 0 7 7 B 0-7 I 002631. INK B.Y w 5 115 :: 8 V M Vi 9 4- J D Mnev.l Randolph 2. 12-51I-5 4-5 2-5 SMM*BLUE STAR a 5 DO I !l f»» T | f «"• 5" B Rice P Harrv 50 50 .Vi -u M 59062 P1IIL1ST1XK a I US 2 I H K 7 7 V L Crav M Kelly IS 5 M I 4 00120 1. A KBOSS w BUG I :; :;?. 4 P 51 7- J P O Anderson I I li M fi- 0344 CHALLENGEB w E 11.7 M b l ■J-" !•" S» B* J DomlckK Peters I 10 fi M W i433 SKVI-: BALL wn « US 4 7 7- ti 8 !»" 9 * C Garner P Arieux 0 V M I 4 00290 JACK BEEVES w ! 11.7 7 10 l«i M M M M C. Walls Q W I, Williard N 15 15 fi I Time. 26a, 53. 1:21*.. !:!•%. Track slow. Winner Ch. g. by llhelbert poudoir. by Octagon traimd by W. M. Cain; bred in Fiance bv Mr August Belmont I. Went la post at 4:3ii. At post •_ minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- I las. BOND was hustled into the bad in the lirst quarter and held sway thereafter to win as his rider . pleased. I.ORKNA MOSS saved much ground for the entire race and was peiat gano-lv at the end I SHE DETIL was taken all over the track and finished with a rush. I. INK HOY had a* mi-hap and was : tiring badly mar the end. CHALLENGED w.:s far cut of h most at the wax. Scratched— oJllb Banyan. 110; 005M Flair, 115; 00144 filler Palter, 115: MOM Captain Tom. li.",.