Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-18


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TIJUANA FORM CHART , TIJUANA. MEX., THURSDAY, MARCH 1C. 1922. Oue mile. Ninety sixth day. Tijuana Jockey flub. H int. r Meetiac of m:. or wore day-. Weather clear: temperature 85". ■ Pr.iding StewM.I. liaii.is Nelson. Associate Stewards, .1. V. foffroth and Leon Wing. .Starter, Harry Morrc.-ey. Racing Sl. laiy. lon Wing. . Racing starts :it 1:55 | . 111. Chicago time 3:55 p. Hi.. Indicates apprentice allowance. £»j"_a_rvr FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Jun? 28, 1910—1:0514—3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-Vlf_f J vr«l olds and upward. Maidens. ClaiiniliK. Net value to winner 60: second, 00; fluid, 0. Tndex Horses AWtlFStVt V- % Str Fin Jockcyjj Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ; wSTtt~RDGRNIA K. w 4TM 1 Y B* 1" V- rKT-.irTer HaHywaod Stable llv-IAfl SSMS BOOKWORM w 4 !12 7 1 : ** ., C rhps.-.M II Carroll 9MB-M0 1 SSMStCONTRIOT wa 4 115 5 5 t;- .";■ •::■• .1 Matcall T BaeO SM-MU 1 SwSXS ; I.l.A/.CI: wa I HI ii I 41 -C 4:. 4- T Wilson W Leeds 74B0-MI 1 60863 BR1DOETTE ws 2 PS 4 lo 7»- 7- 7. 53 T Jolly C Wheling 3SB-MB I BB7S1 CHIPPENDALE w 2 100 ! 7 F] 8 8-1 Cl II Molten S Waring ISM loo 60CO0 METEOR waS Ml x 8 !•;!»■ B 7-1 W Davis Mapla Leaf Stable MB-MI SS717 FRRDD1R PEAR w 3 100 2 2. F 1;- F M Pator Red • Kiefer t ;tK85 BQL HAWKINS ws 4 115 pi A F] 2-l B ! .ID-ford SKnapp 42tK-1oo 1 SSBSS GRACE w. wSIM I I lo 10 10 10 B MaPwaa t; Todd t •i-Mutuel held. JSent out in entries as Country. Time. BwH, W . l:02=o. 1MS%. Track fast. mntuels paid. Eugenia K.. .20 straight. .vi.tiO place. .40 show; Hookworm. 6.20 place, . SO show; Coiitriot. S3. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Eugenia K.. lit to KM striiglit. 30 to KM place. 20 to 100 show; Hookworm. YIO to 100 place. 240 to 100 show; Contriot. 50 to 100 show. Winner- H. f, by The Wolf— Mis-. Angela. b. i;,,| ltago.11 trained by T. J. Ogle; bred by Mr. P. A. Kliptein. Went lo post at 1:55. At paM 1 minute. Start COod and ilow. Won li.hlen out; second and third ! driving. IMci.MA K was saved in fraal uattl ruteriag the s[, tch. where she drew away, but had to , pa hard ridden thiou;;li tla linal .-,ile.i.t!i lo win. BOOKWORM Was praUilurUl from the start and made - - I i , ■ ; 1 1 1 I 1 ! , a fast ami game Batoh. CONTRIOT came around the leaders when entering the stretch, then finished with a rash. BLAZER did his best. - Scratched— I.itlil Black, 9K; Senator Donlan. 115. . _ _*■*» ♦♦v»rweighr°"H«*»h mil In. 2 poittur*: Metrtir. -3; OMce W.. 3. »...r-i...-w.r cub... 11. nr£fk€a4» /$ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Futlon3s. Maaa ::8, 191C— 1:06%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- JjyJ«.lVy7R: Olds and upward. Ciaiir.ir.TT. Nfct vj!ii ■ to -..inner 50; second, 00; third, 0. InTlex Horses A Wt PP St~,;~v£~~Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eu.nl v. Odds Strt 60827 ITARRY RUDD*R wsti t; 112 s I :; F5 1» Is U~l3ority A Borland 150-100 60«89*M. TILGHMAN wkB 12 ins 2 2 B F S*J B* .1 Huiitner M Morrison t454O-10O 60883-C.OOD ENOUGH wi: Ml 1 1 T- 1. 2" FJ T Wilson J 1 Arvin 260-100 BB75and* APPLE JACK n 8 103 0 f, 1 • t- 4 4. M Fator W P Cunningham 500-100 60693 BM. WILLIAMS WS 94 5 3 :. 5- SJ :.. Studer V Cloud 320-100 6O805 MTER KRKLI.N w 10 108 ! s 7, Fl F B] J Thomas W II Moore f.860-100 SwM7*McCROAN ws 0 103 7 • ., S-". 7l F P Ilun Smith and Williams 2C10-100 60547* IIMOSA NECRA W 2 89 4 7 !» :i "I BUI C Ralls J S McDaniel f ALICE RHMOND w 4 108 2 I 67 C. 8" II T Rae W E Hunter 15460-100 tMntuel hold. Time. 24. 49. 1:02. 1:C8-,. Track far.t. |S mntuels paM, Harry Rudder. .00 straight, BS.S0 plaee, BS.SB show; Marshal Tilghman, field, 2.00 place. S5.20 show; Cod Enough. BS.SB show. 1: iinvaleiit booking odd. — Harry Badger, ISB to KM straight. SO to KM ptoee, 40 to 100 show; Marshal Tilghman. lield. 530 to 100 place. 100 to 1IMI ShOW; Goad fnoiigh. 40 to KMI show. Wiuii.-r-fh. g. by Skilful— True Step, bv Handsome traiiail l.v T. F. I.orlaud; bred by Mr. Sidney l.io.k. j Meat to peat at 2:20. AI post C. utlaates. Start g« . d and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ins. LARRY RDDDRR moved up fast after rounding He far t.itu and. passing C.OOD ENOOOH nt the half, dashed into a long lead and won iu a ranter. MARSHAL TILGHMAN was a forward contender from the start an.!, standing a hard drive, outstayed OOOB KNOIRHI. The filler showed high speed in pacemaking, bill was no maich for the wian.r when challenged. APPLE JACK ran at au even pace, but failed to Improve lis p.siti.in. Scratched- oosst Blue Van. MS; SflBSfl Pierrot, 113: BB78B Mfcn Krng. 101. Ovei-w ights Harry K. elder. -1 poaadat; llmuia William-, i: Hermosa Negra, 1; Alii-e Richmond, 3. £« AQlf» THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 lurloaEs. June 23, 131C— l:05,s— 3— 113. Purse 1922.sh00. 3-year-VS "c7t?Vrt» olds and upward. Claiming. N.t value lo winner 50; second, 00; third. 0, Index Horses ~AWtllsTu ~ Str Fin Jockeys Owners EHpjTv. Odds 8trrt * 666119 OLA LEE waa S TU I 11 1- lJ b» C Gro:s J J Quintan ::60-loo awSwSBITTERN wS M 0 s Q |2 F AI Fator J C Holmes 270-100 ,0:01 COL SNIDER waBUS 5 .* i-M 71 V ■■■ .1 Majeatie J Ckaaaaa 200-100 BS7tl*TAMBIAN wa B MB M M lo BJ 45 1 J Thomas J Wilson MBscMB 60757 LITTLE JAKE WB 12 ITS t 2 FJ 2* B " J Hutitn. r B M Level 710-100 60836TOM CARO WB B Ml 2 4 4. 51 F i; H LontT P A Sandi.lse :I16J-10H 8*271 CAPON WB 4 K12 1 0 .!■ 10 HI /■ C Stud.r M L Allen fcOlmi 60648 .1. S. WIGGINS w 2 15 7 7 7" : ! 8 FJ T Wilson J Y/atkins ClXJ-lOO •088. DR. KENDALL WB 11 BM 2 1 5 8 10 V." H Molter.s V. Barnett tSfiyO-lot 60780 VAT/TINE LADY w 5 101 • 5 2i B 7ft M P llurn J V. Shoekley 7 iM.itiiil led.:. T ir.e, 24. 4andV., 1:01-,. 1:08. Track fast. 82 mutuel-. paid. Oia Lee. 26 sLaight. .00 place. .40 how: l.ittern. .00 pla.e. .80 show; Col. Sum.. 1. .2.M show. F..[uivaleiit hoofing odils— Ola Lee. BBS to KM straight, 150 to 100 plaee, 70 to KM show; Bittern, 1311 to kmi ptoee, 40 to 100 show: 0a|. BuMer, 40 to BM show. Winner— H. m, by Assagai — Gipsy Adams, by The fommoiier trained by J. J. Quiulau; bred by Mr. Walter O. Farmer. Went to post at 2:4!. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. OLA LEE, away first, raced LITTLE JAKE into defeat ami, drawing out when rounding the far turn, held on gamely to the end under hard riding. I.lIVEKN washhest, but was away r.lowly, then raced on the outside and. steadily improving her position. BBisted wlB a great rush an.l just failed to gel up in a fasi Batoh, COL, SNIDER had a tough race, but. when clear, made up ground fast. TAM-BIAN came from far back. Scratched— 60407 luticld, 112: SSSH Foeman. 10S. Overweights--Bittern, 3 pound- Doctor Kendall, 3. ~~ ■ ■ ■ — — =a QAQrhfTk TOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Ftulongs. Jure 28. 191C— 1:05»/and_3— 113. Purse 00. 3-y*ar-D«JuH/0 oida and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; seumd, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt li and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners- Kqulv. Odds Strt 60821* ROSA ATKIN W 4 MS 7 3 2" 2 2"T l C Studer H~Watten livjiolOO 6*7SS*PROPHKCY WB 8 SH ! 4 B* SJ V 21 T Wilson W I. Schaefer 2SC0-100 ."J857*M1SS SEDAI.TA w 10 105 li 7 5 B F B J Hunmer A Lund 220-100 60821 YERA RITA v. 4 110 S 1 4. 41 51 41 E Donahue W L Stanfield 900-100 60867 3 "CHROME ws 5 Ml 1 5 7". 71 71 51 M Pator J Rainboth 600-100 60R22:!ALA.TAH wn 4 112 2 2 1. B B C" C Thpson P W Harper 1120-100 G07.r 7"HNEST GEORGE B 6 113 M 0 S| 5= F| 7" R Carter W Sims 190-100 60821 ■BAISY ws 4 111 5 ID 10=110» F| Fl W Gargan W Gargan 1120-100 60356 *GEN. BYXG ws 6 105 3 ! BJ B ! = 9s R Moss J W Tate t4360-100 60883 *MTGOMRRY JR. WBB 8 100 9 8 .-i 8110« 10= II Moltors F Leincr t 60865 Hffl ME wa 7 111 11 11 11 11 11 11 B BBuMWlB H Rasmussen t vMutuel field. Time, 24, mt%, l:02=/3. 1:084£.. Track fast. mutuels paM, Rosa Atkin. S200.20 straight. 0.20 place, 8. 00 show; Prophecy. 8.60 place, 2.20 show: Miss Sedalia. . GO show. E;u:valent booking odds— Rosa Atkin. 10210 to 100 straight, 3410 to 100 place, 830 to 100 show; Propbeey, 1330 to KM place, 510 to 100 show: Miss Sedalia. 130 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f. by Jack Atkin — Aloiitrosa. by Plaudit trained by H. Walters; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson, Jr.. Went to pest nt 3:12. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ROSA ATKIN was saved in close pursuit of the pacemaker and, catching her tiring midway of the stretch, drew clear iiuickly and held PROPHECY safe at the end. The latter saved ground on all the turns and finished fast. MISS SEDALIA ran well and outsiayed YERA RITA in the last strides. ALA.IAH siiowed her usual speed, hut was done after turning for home. HONEST GEORGE was hard ridden and had no excuses. Scratched— 00723 Knight of Pythias. 113. Overweights — Miss tiedalia, 4 pounds; Ala.jah. 2; Baby. 1; Oeiieral Byng, 2; Montgomery Jr., 3; Hue Me. 3. ijrhQAT IlrTH RACE— 5-8 Utile. Kay 2C. 1S23—S9— 4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aad iJvt/V t upward. Claiming. Hot value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Ms % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equtv. Odds Strt ~60843 GARDEN CITY w 4 117 7 2 21 B* F 1- J Dimmer C Irby 1500-100 607 20 3 SHIFTY w 4 12" 1 0 u« BJ 5» 2" J Metcalf A E Stokes 1720-100 60807AYILD THOUGHTS W 4 110 ti 5 4 4-i 47 Hi; C Studer G J Miller 400-100 60807 *RING W 6 113 E 7 7 Fl F 4 T Wilson AV Walker 60-100 60807 -"HURON II. wsistillS 1 1 B 1" 2; || P Burn J A Parson 600-100 G0693 HAZEL DALE ws 0 121 2 2 2; 21 U 6-1 P Martinez C B Irwin 3540-100 604131SOCIAL STAR wsB 4 107 2 4 SJ 7 7 7 .AI Fator G Alexandra 3260-100 Time, 23%, 4S. 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Garden City, 2.00 straight. 5.80 place, 1922.sh.20 show; Shifty, 3.20 place, .00 show: Wild Thoughts, .60 show. E.iuivalent booking odds— Garden City. 1500 to 100 straight, 690 to 100 place, 210 to 100 show; Shifty, 1060 to KM place. 250 to KM show-; Wild Thoughts, 130 to 100 show. Winner — Ok, g, by "on Tromp — .lourdain. by Watercress trained by C. Irby; bred by Mr. Edward C ebrian. Weal to post at 3:39. At post 2 niinu:es. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GARDEN CITY, much improved, raced within striking distance of the leader and. catching him tiring midway of the stretch, took the lead and won with consummate ease. SHIFTY handled her weight gamely, came fast through the linal eighth and outstayed WILD TH0FOHTS. The latter was taken to the out-ide midway of the stretch and finished fast. RiNCi, av.jy slowly, was in trouble repeatedly. Scratched — Ruth Johnson. 113. dKBaBJ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-3 atOea. March 27. 1327—1:52—5—117. Purse 00. 3-year.olda fjHjfWCj upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; socond, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4, »■_. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 60756- *GD IN IF HERTS W8 9 112 4 I 2. 2! 1»* 1J V .1 TlTiifm.-r P L Short 180-100 60806 DECKHAND wsH S 117 J 3 I" S EJ 2- 21 C H Miller V Cloud 200-100 BBSS I WHITE HAVRN w I 108 | E 6 B B Fl V T Rae L O Sawver 1320-100 88722 -MIKE DALY wH 114 C I 5 4" 4 F B* J Motoalf Murphy and Cloninger 210-100 60888 SHKNANDOA II W S US E 4 B ti ti 5 F T WRaaa H D Gates 174O-1O0 88S2S*LOLA WBIM 2 j |t|H f% | a ,• Halls J s McDaniel 8060-100 Time. 24*.,, 4S%, 1:16. 1:48%, 1:56. Track fast. 82 mtitu.ls pail. Gordon Rouarta, .68 Mtaight, .00 place, .20 show; Deckhand, .20 place, 52.88 show: White Haven. $;;.So show. E.piivalent booking sdds Osrdi n Koberta, ISO to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Deckhand. 00 I., loo ptoee, 30 to BM stew; White Haven. 88 to loo show. Winner — Oh. g. by General Roberts- Woolen, by Wootsthorpe trained by W. Short; bred by Mr. George M. Van Garden. Went to post at 4:04. At post 1 Minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. CORDON ROBERTS, well ridden, was reserved until passing the three-eighths post, where he took the had and. keeping it. held DECKHAND -a!.- tlncugh the final eighth. The latter made a game finish, bat could never owrhau! tin- winner. WHITE HAVEN was going fast at the end. MIKE DALY had no exeuaea. IrfcOCandsTlCii SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1910—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and PJ**J y%j upward. Claimii.t,. Ni ; value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses _ AWHTSt "4 , ■ ?j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 88884 Ai.MA B. WBB MB 2 4 4 I 8* S ll T Wilson O W Atkinson 840-100 88828 ►MANN1R3N II. w it 5 112 :: E :; ;:. F 2- 21 W D Miller II A Lott 2960-10; 60826 I AY. HARPER w 7 115 1 2 V f Il 1 B P Martinez F R Irwin 600-100 60756 DR. SAMUEL a 11 BM a • ti ti1 ti1 4" 4- 1 Gross B Lewis 14* 0-100 60721* POINT TO PNT wbsIM 7 6 5" B»l B* ■ .. .1 Hunmer L T Whitehill 140-100 6Sw 2*CAVALDOUR 11. WB 6 110 t 1 :! :;, 4; t;1 ti1 H B Bwer C Irby 190-100 88881 *HICKORYNUT w S MS I 7 Fl 7* !■■ 7" 7 P Hum M Hum 7160-100 SSSS6*ART RICK W II H* ! s s s s S s J Thomas W H Moore 32160-100 Tune. 25. 50. lC2, 1:43. Track fast. muttteD paid. Alma H.. B18.86 Etraicht," 88.88 place, .00 show; Mannikin II., 1.20 place, .80 stew; I. W. Harper. .40 show. Equivalent boektas odds— Alma B . 8*8 to KM straight, 240 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Mannikin II.. 400 to 100 ptoee, 190 to KK show; I. W. Harper. 120 to 100 show. Winner— B. in. by HlMlua Court Dance, by Rousseau trained by G. W. Atkinson; bred by Mr. Jain.- H. Hag-iiu. Went to past at 1:29. At post 1 minuie. Start Rood nnd slow. Won driving; second and third the same. AI.MA 1... forwardly placed, was caUed on midway of the stretch and. finishing with a grvut rash, wore the leaders down and woa going IWI. MANNIKIN II. raced surprisingly well and made a game lini-li. I. W. HARPER showed Hi speed in pac. making, but tired badlv after turning for home barely saving third dace. POINT TO POINT raced disappointingly. CAVALCADOUH II. quit early Scroti lad -tiiist.l Modiste. itis: ops:;,- rush of steel. IK; 60S3H MoatperH. 110; 86821 Datwood. 110. CACM ft EIGHTH RACE -5 1-2 I urlongs. Juno 28, 1910— 1:05A— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-yesx-? ? * K u1 I """ "wari- Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. "index Horses _ AWtPPSt % lk % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Kqnlv. Odds Strt 60.5! rTOAN*S HEIR WB 5 1M : I 21 1- 1- 1- T Wilson P AValhauser i2t T0O 68822 K CHEATHAM w s 111 3 t 4 B Ft F R Carter Z E McGregor 1410-KM 60886 -STILETTO WSB 6 111 2 5 6 6s Fl F C Thpson C, AY Atkinson :»00-100 88822*GRACE TRMBLE w I KM 1 3 B B* S| Fl H Matters E R Andruss 2960-100 1 68672 J. UNDRRWOOD ws I 111 7 ! B 47 4t F C Gross Gibson m Thomas 4160-100 BS7B1:TENNILEE w 4 US 0 I 6» B O1 6"- J Majestic ,T Pidgeon 400-100 #8278* GREEN MINT w 6 1"7 4 7 7 7 7 7 J Hunmer Elander Bros 270-100 Time. B*H. 49, 1:02. 1:0825. Track fast. mutuels paid. Barrtoaus Heir. 84.88 straight. .60 place, .40 show; Kitty Cheatham, 0 40 place. 84.60 show: stiletto. .40 show. E.iuivalent hooking odds — Harrigans Heir. 120 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 plaee, 20 to 100 show Kitty fhentham. 420 lo KM place. 130 to KM show: Stiletto. 70 to KK show. Winner — fh. g. by Harrigan — Admirals Daughter, by You Tromp trained by F. Walhauser- bred bv Mr. Ted J. Sanders. Weat to post at 4:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. HARRIGANS HEIR began fast and. racing JOE DNDRRWOOD into defeat early, took the lead while lonniling the turn and won easily. KITTY CHEATHAM raced in improved form, made a fast I111NJ1 and wis easily reread best. STILETTO closed up fast from a slow lHgnming. GRACE TRIMBLE and JOE PNDERWOOD showed speed, but tired in the final eighth. Scratched 88SM Circulate, 103; SBBaaAak lassie, MB; B0SM Bs.uasB, Kit.; 00S23 silk Sox 95: Ols-;. I. Mac Johnson. 105. in rwetthto Stiletto, 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922031801/drf1922031801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922031801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800