Bowie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-06


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BOWIE FORM CHART BOWIE MD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1922.— Prince George Park 1 mil". Fourth day. Southern Maryland Agricultural A ■-sociatioii. Spring Meetiag of 13 toy*. Weather clear: temperature 50 Stewards Fi P-Omkling. T. B. Caaipaeli and G. Brown! Jr. Judges. j£eep_ A. Murphy. Edward j Trile. J. H. Anderson. W. Norvel! and Rak-r Waters. Btarter, BeMCga Miller. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. - Raciug starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.L •Indicates apprentice allowance. £_ _ _ /_0 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Annl 4. 1S21— 48%— 2— 114. Purse SI. 200.71. 2-year-olds. Oil -_ Claiming. Net value to winm?r_S900.71 : second. S200: taird. 00. "HldeT Horses A Wt PFgtjtJj *J____ !_! — Ommen Ki|iiiv. Odds Stlt j 6»454-*KOSlE H. W 110 :. - V VI P C Lang F Fartar ***S " MMliC-EPHINE C. w 111 •; 4 V V - H Thomas L T Bauer BM-1M I •MM BE TRO—MAN « Ui 1 1 -" 9 *" D Stirling B Trueman 465-100 J «02»4 ST ANGELINA _ 111 7 4 _ 43 4-j M Buxton A Marrone 1.B5-10O 60284 LOUISE C.ROODY w 113 3 fi f,» l| f,« T Bice M Shea G905-100 0 59935 CHIEF FLYNN w US 2 I .r.» 6 V 3 Batwall C A Applegate MK-M 1 «04J4 ROCKABYE w 11J 4 7 7 7 7 A Joanaoa B ■ Watkins 47.5-100 0 Time. 24, 48%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bosie H.. .40 Miaight, 82.90 place. 82 30 __«; Josephine C . 0.70 place, .70 0 Fhow; Be Tmeaaaa, 30 show. ___ Kgiiiv.ileiit booking odds- Bosie 1L. 70 to 100 straight. 45 to 100 place. II to KM show; Josephine C, 4bft lo 100 place-. 132 to 100 hhow ; Be Trueman. 65 to 10O show. Winiii-i— B. f, by AMionower- Ellen M., by Trap Bock trained by W. Farrar; bred by Mr K. P Went to post at 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ii BOS1K H. took the lead in the first eighth and set a fast pace to the finish. JOSEPHINE C. finished gamely and outstayed BE TRlEMAN for second place. The hitter set the pace briefly, saved K ground on tile turns, finished fast and had no mishaps. ST. ANGELINA raced wcdl. ROCKABYE whs ;, awav poorly and not ridden hard. Scratched— 60587 Anita Hampton, 105. Overweights — Chief Flynn. 1 pound. " 7j-g I -| JQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24. 1917— 1:12%— 4— 122. Purse ,200.71. 3-year-OXX -O olds and upward Claiming. Net value to winner 00.71: second, 00; third. 00. InoVx Horses AW tPPSt -4 j j Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eciuiv. Odds Strt ] MM-**DAR_ w ?, 97 5 - 5*1 1- 1J 1". Lang F E Hopkins 7*1-100 | M7S4 ALLAH w 6 114 4 I l1 2 21 f D Stirling C C Smithson 1MMM ." M7M* *BODANZKY w 4 9! 1 4 A- V .T P. S Lowe V H Post :167 -1ic 60285 , ALEX. HAMILTON w 4 1lfi 11 10 5- ij 4J 4 A Johnson B Price 19:.-ltct MM71*— t ALVOLIO w 7 109 5 12 9 » Bj Zx A Frieshon O Wendel 49 50-loci 60918 ARMISTICE ws 5 111 " 8 10a 8 gj ,i p Murphy Q C Denny tXMW-loO fc 60593 CI_NCHFTKLD m 1 104 I 9 7 6 P 75 H Thomas J Armstrong B40-100 MM4*PAUL C NNELLY w 7 113 « 6 CI 71 9« 82 J Owens C Phillips 135T,-1uii 60313 HAPPY BENTON w :i 102 10 l L" | 71 93 A Gantner C Buxton 8::20-100 | 57780 ALHEN.a wb 10 106 8 5 8 10- 10 10 M Schwtz B E Chapman t | BM7S*BBGULAR w M 101 9 11 11 11 11 11 S McLane C W Plunkett T 60746*PROPAGANDA w C 109 7 7 Lost rider. E T Moore E Lutz 1245-100 tMutuel field. Time, 24%. 48%. 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid, Dare. 6.60 straight. .40 place-. .10 show; Allah, 0.30 place, .60 show; Bodanzky, 1 .10 show. Ecjuivalent booking odds — Dare. 730 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show; Allah, 415 to 100 1 place, 180 to 100 show: Bodanzky. 155 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, bv Star Shoot — Dicker, by Oydeii trained by F. E. Hopkins; bred by Mr. John E. I Madden. Went to post at 3:05. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Wou handily: second and third c driving. DARK raced into a clear lead when entering the stretch and easily held his opponents safe at 1 the finish. ALLAH rushed inlo the lead ciuickly and. after being passed, made a game linish. BODANZKY 1 need well, hut tired in the stretch. ALENANDKR HAMILTON began poorly and. being much i used in racing into a. contending position in the first ciuarter, tired liimlly. MALYOLIO closed a big gap ; and finished gamely. ARMISTICE ran wide on all the turus. but finished fast. Hrrattard glHT*l— dj Zeus. PS; 58750 Inchs Lassie. 105; BMW Annette Teller, 90; 57226 Brolaski, 99. I Overweights — Dare. 2 pounds; Armistice. 1; Happy Buxton. 2. ■ j £*-* -d yd A THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24. 1917— 1: 12%— 4— 122. Purse ,200.71. 4-year-Oil _b _b olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00.71; second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt K j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kcpiiv. Odds Strt . 60430 MAVOlRNEKN vr. 4 110 1 1- 1" V 1* T Nolan B A Lane 136-HB 59760 IMA FRANK wb 9 115 7 4 L- i- 8 2U J Butwell O L Goodacre 38.r.-10b •MM* BETSINDA w .r. 112 6 I 1*1 t« "3 ■■* G Babin J B Nagle W |M 60859 IANA.MAN w 7 116 I I 4- 4" 44 4" A Gantner C Knight CH..-lod 58750 J* WIDOW BEDTE w 8 111 4 7 :.» ". -53 5r C Lung E Trueman MM— . 60940*KIRAH W*i I 110 3 2 « C» G* G5 H Thomas T E Crist 1700-100 53545 LUSMORB w 4 119 1 5 7 7 7 7 J MeCabe J Arthos Mtt-M Time. 24, 4735. 1;1S%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mavonrnecn, .70 straight, . JO place. .50 show; Ima Frank, .60 place, .80 show: Betsinda. SL. 60 show. Lciuivalent booking odcN — Mavourneen. 135 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Ima Frank. 130 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Betsinda. 30 to KM show. Wiiincsr — Blk. f. by Celt — Toots, by Top iallant trained by R. McKecver: bred by Mr. H. Crippen. Went to ; est at 3:42. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; scond and third driving. MAVOERNFEN took the Pad at once and, showing excellent speed in fast pacemakiiii;. was never menaced. IMA FRANK was always in closest pursipt of the leader, but tired in the final eighth and just lasted for second place. BETSINDA was ;i forward contender thic.nghcut and made a fast finish. PANAMAN ran fairly well. Sc rate he,: _.__= Trantula. 108: r,05S2 Monastery, 112: 60311 Ticklish, 116; 61123 Hidden Jewel, 114; . 61131 Apple Jack II.. 118; 59177 Arapahoe. 111. Ove-rweiuhls -Ima Frank. 1 pound. — i .» ♦ | a_"l _ _ t_ FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. £9. 1917— HllBfc— *— 112. Purse SI. 200.71. Dll -U 3-yeai-dlds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00.71; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A~WtPPSt •. !. X gtrPla j77.-ke.vs Owners Bqwir. Odd* _trt ~ C.llii i - HlI.LABAI.ou w 100 1 I 1" 1" 1 f H Thomas II P AVhitncv 1K*M0 60456 | -S WEEPY w 11" 2 4 :!M V 21 2:i A Johnson J L Holland 140-MB 58671 FANNIE BEAN W Ml G 1 7" 7:0 51 "I A Oantner B Harding flMa-lM i0880GRACE MAYERS w 10:1 4 2 4h 4h 41 4- W Obert E W Moore 1175-100 | 58659 JEWELL V. D. w 99 7 3 P .".3 6i a- S Lowe C C Smithson __4Bj .",8717 MOCO wllO S 7 GIG1 7* f* J Williams B Harding t , 61098 FLY BALL WB 104 I I 23 23 "- P C Lang J B Skinker 10::r,-10O , 60506 OlR BETSY wn 104 S S I i, S 8 C Miller A F Dayton 2L-790-100 tConpled in betting as B. Hireling entry. Time. 243/3, 48=. 1:15. llj. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hullabaloo, .60 straight. .20 place, .60 show; Sweepy, .10 place, .70 show: B. Harding entry, 3.50 show. Eiiuivalent bookiag adds— Hullabaloo. ISO to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Sweepy, 55 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; B. Harding entry. 575 to 100 show. Winner — It. o. by Peter Pan — Folderol. by Burgomaster trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 4:17. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HFLLABALOO. showing the most speed in the- early running and racing FLY BALL into defeat, , drew away — the stretch, then endeavored to ease tip. but. when challenged, came again and outfiuished SWEEPY. Tiie latter raced under restraint until in the stretch, then closed up menacingly, but tired in the last few strides. FANNIE BEAN lacked early sj eed. but finished fast through the final eighth and was going best of all at the end. iKACE MAYBRfl had no mishaps and tired in the final drive. JEWELL V. D. made a game finish. MOCO was not persevered with when beaten. FLY BALL rau well to the last eighth. Overweights — Moco. 2 pounds; Our Betsy, li... £*-* -g yd £* FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Nov. 23, 1916—1:41—6—114. Southern Maryland Handicap. Oil -D Purre ,500.72. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000.72; second, 00; third. 00. Inilex Horses AWtPPSt U _. 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eciuiv. Odds Strt 61100 LLNETTA w 5 10G J 1 ll li 24 V 1" C Lang Winfrey Stable 20-100 61100-*SLIPPKRY ELM w 9 109 4 :: 2- 23 l| li 2 L Morris Sunnylanel Stable 105-100 01099*THE ARCHER wb E 103 ?. 2 P.-?. ?.* ?,a V,~- n« L Coney P H Smith 225-100 00089*K1NG S CHAMPXwi? L 102 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 W Bognki I* Q Magni 3295-100 Time. 25. 50"5. I:li. 1— 1H Track fast. mutuels paid. Lunetta. .40 straight, .30 place; Slippery Elm. .50 place; no show mutuels ■ sold. Eiiuivalent booking odd«— Lunettn. 320 to 100 straight. 65 to 100 place; Slippery Elm. 25 to 100 place. Winner — B. in, by Luke McLuke— Agnes Virginia, by Sir Dixon trained by 1. C. Winfrey; bred by Messrs. Ke-ene and Schorr. Went to post at 4:52. At post 3 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LlNETTA kegM in her stride and set a fast pace to the far turn and was forced to be pulled up when SLIPPERY ELM crossed before her on the stretch turn, but came again on the outside and got up to win in the last stride. SLIPPERY ELM. under slight reatralat in the early running, raced up rapidly when caaM on and took the lead, but tireel la the final drive. TUB ARCHER raced gamely, but could never improve his position. KINGS CHAMPION was outrun all the way. Scratched — 61 123 Super. 104. OrerweJgata — The Archer, 3 pounds. f_ "I "I /a *7 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915— 1:48-1— 118. Purse ,200.72. 4-year-Oil _b el olds and upward. Fillies and Haaes. Claiming. Net value to winner 00.72; second, 00: third. 00. ~ Index Horses AWtPPSt U _• :4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eciuiv. Odds Strt 61124 NATLBAI. w 4 108 LI 2 P Q 1 1* l4 II Thomas J Lyons t_-tp G1099*QlEEN BLONDE wb 7 10G 4 5 4" 4V 4- ::- Pi A Frieshon C W Gasser . 495-100 niM*BRYN_AR gi 97 I 4 V V 2 21 J— J Wallace F Tannehill 14G.-100 60371 VERITY WB G 113 115 5" g| 4- 4* J Owens T E Crist 5:10-100 I1MT _ DMA D. wb 4 102 .". 3 VhV ■ ■ ■""• r 3 W BagakJ J J Parrel! Jr 4223-100 ! 58677 GILT FRINGE WB 4 Ml 2G6GGGGC Lang O H Smith 165-luO Time. 25"»o, 53H. 1:19. 1:45, lla. Track fast. mutuels paid. Natural, .40 Straight, 83. SO place, .90 show; Queen Blonde, .60 place, .10 show; Bryngar. .00 show. Eiiuivalent booking odds— Natural. 270 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Queeu Blonde, ISO to 100 place, 105 to 100 she.w: Bryngar. 100 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f. by Martinet — Chemulpo, by Ben Stroine trained by J. Bauer; bred by Messrs. Williams Bros.. Went to post at 5:20. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NATURAL, away forwardly, followed the le.ider under slight restraint to the last turn, then took the lead with a rush and won in a canter. QUBBR BLONDE came fast on the outside when called ou and easily passed BRYNOAR. The latter raced under pressure for the entire race and was tiring at the end. VERITY raced fairly well and would have been third in u few more strides. GILT FRINGE was outpaced. Scratched— 61126 Weary. 104. ii iO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10, 1919— 1:45"5— 4— 1070 Puwe ._.i"_0 SI. 200. 72. 3-ycar-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00.72; second, 00; third, j 00. 1 Index Horsc-j AWtPPSt t j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eciuiv. Odds Strt ■ M4M*MATCH_ S MART «ra Ml 4 G i- U ::- V M H Thomas P J Lavin 100-100 61121 HMIS K—MBLR wb 113 2 4 S| 2« S- V U • L Morris M JIarmouget 375-100 , 60736- •JACQUELIA W» M i i ."h 4 4i 43 fi A Frieshon BH McCrosson 8730-100 ! 58676 BARRI8KANB u 103 3 I 1- 1 ] V V 43 C Lang W V Casey 300-100 ! 60002* VANITY DRESS* R w 100 1 I RJ 6 " G4 G1 53 J Wallace O E Pons 8335-100 61097 IB RELIEF wis PS 7 7 V "• .""• ."- V S Lowe S Skinner 11S90-100 60187- VEILED COLLN wr. 101 I 1 7 7 7 7 7 B Rico S Louis 1330-100 Time. 25. h:„ 1:17. 1:46. l:49*i. Track fast. n.utue Is patd, Matches .Mary. .01 straight. .S3. 10 place, .70 sheew; H-rmis Kcmble, .50 place, . :;.:o akow; laraacMa. .S-"1 aaa_ Lciuivalent booking odds Matches Mary. 100 to 10! straight. 55 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Hermis Iv nilIe-, 75 to 100 place. 65 to 10t show; ,lace|uelia. 345 to 100 show Wiane r Ch. f. by Sea King- —lie len Marie, by Stalwart trained by D. It. McDaniel; bred by Mr. John L. Maddea. Went t.e post at 5:57. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■ same. MATCHES MARY, close up _•— the start. toe k the lead when the early leaders came wide when entering the stretch and aatatajed BBBMI8 KEMBLB in the final drive. HERMIS KEMBLE raced in acareat pursuit all the way, imt lost graaad by aeiag forced wide aa the atretck turn. JAOQUaUA raced a»D and laisked gamedy. BABBI8KANE uel a good paced, but tired in the final quarter. Overweights War Relief, 1 pomel: Veiled Coll.. n. I.

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Local Identifier: drf1922040601_2_4
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