3rd Race [3rd Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-06

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q„,i DAfCT «-4 Mile- 4-yenr-olfls and npvartl. Clalnilug. I Tiov. 24, 1917 OiU nAl/t — itts :j-5— i — iua. JOCK SCOT, br. r. 8 107 By Ogden — Frankie, by Kingston. Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner. R. Scherrer. I 11121 Bowie :;-! l:i:4..fast 9-5 107 7 7 6» 6* H llinmas 10 "amflisc I raiitula. BIMUghta I 10168 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fist 13-5 119 3 1 2 li 3i W Heinch 8 Ace of Ae.s, Winneonne, Troilis 69394 F.Gnds I I I IIHf 1 8 108 10 10 10 8"* 7 1 II Thomas 10 Orlova, Smart Guy. Gund-Swell 68386 Empire lm70y 1 :4fi%f ast 8-5 120 1 2 1 1 2l 3-i L McAtee « Mai. Parke, HeaSinner, Episode t 68056 Empire lm70y l:45%fast 11-5 107 3 3 3 4 4 4» L McAtee 4 Dark nill, To ly, Sammy Kellj I 67968 Jamaica 1m70y 1:45 fast 13-10 11« 3 4 2 2 3« 3 E Sande 4 C. o* Dawn, Gem, St. Isidore I 67759 Jamaica lm70y l:45f a st 1-2 113 3 1 1 1 1 1" J Peters 6 Episode, Orderly, Cote dOr 6766? Jamaica lm70y IttMfcfMt 9-10 120 111 1 1» 1« C Turner fi Pickwick, Pir.MeGee. Rockpor f BETSINDA. b. m, 5 112 By Rockton — Winning Witch, by Broomstick. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, J. E. Nagle. fllll Bowie :;-4 l:l:.:-r.fast 4 112 I I :::: S* G Babin 7 Mav.,ui neen. I.lrank. Panauian MM P.Gnds 3-4 l:15%slow 4i HO 2 1 2 3h 1J A Wilson 12 Trantula. Eternity. Greenland 6o415 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fast 1S-5 112 4 3 3 41 1J H Jones n Satana, Murphy. Pretender 60258 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 good 6-5 107 3 2 3 32 Ink |] k Jones 0 Titania. North Shore, Baek Ba ■ t.o0?7 P.Gnds 3-4 1:16 hvy I 104 2 1 1 l8 l" C Pishmon 8 Back Bay. North Shore, Archive • 60013 FGnds 3-4 l:18%hvy 6-5 108 4 12 2- 2"* H Jones 12 CohtLass. Sueajaea. LyMildd : 69«21 P.Gnds 3-4 l:18y4hvy 10 110 5 3 3 2 2» C Pishmon 10 Jago, Back Bay. Nordeek , 69759 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%mud M 110 2 2 6 7 J 7»» C Dlshmonll Actress. Bertha S., Back Bajr 6S35S Lexton 2-4 1:15 slow 43 111 6 6 10 8lJ 6« C Plshmn 12 Meliora, Doric. Port Light 67873 K worth 61fl:10%hvy 2 102 6 4 3 2» 2»« H Jonei 0 Spugs, BugleMarch, Lady ion* TRANTULA. b. g. 4 111 By Tranavaal— Viatuia III., by Oliff Rook. I Trainer, W. A. BurttachoH. Owr.er. J. R. Skinker. i I M121 Bowie 8-4 l:0%faat 7 10S 2 2 2l su C lng W CaaAatt, B*ktUghts, Bcaajan ■ ".32 P.Gnds 3-4 1:UVr.slow 3 !o7 3 3 11 2i C Lang 12 Betsinda. eternity, Greenland f 60285 F.Gnds I I 1 MTafcJ 13-o M 6 I 1 lJ 1* C Lang » Mose. Lady Luxury. Turnabout ; 5X116 F.Gnds 3-4 1:1S%mud 10 no I 4 6 4ok 5» P Cltilettl I Camouflage. MarieMaxim, Jago r.!i721 P.G nds lm70y i:4s%hvy 15 101 4 4 2 4 7 71* L Coney 7 Mandate, Rep. Balance Wheel £ MM P.Gnds lm70y l:45%fast 8 107 1 2 1 3 71 7" L Couey 8 Escarpte, M.Ftaine, Scrgemaii 6: t95 Jeff son andi f 1:07 fast. 8-6 lit 2 11 1«k 2"" L Coney 7 Doric, Gal. Foe. Harp of theNorta J f.l!!2 Jeffson 3-4 l:17%mud 4 107 3 3 2 H li H King « Propaganda. Lively, Cacambo r«S9 Pimliro 1-4 1:15 mud 7 112 3 4 8 21 SI L Coney 14 Vulcanize, lolando. Pavia ACE OF ACES. br. h. 5 111 By Meridian — Paradise Queen, by Waterboy. Trainer. C. A. Applepate. Owner, 0. A. Applegatc. , «I128 Bowie 3 1 1 i:; last 1« 118 • 1 P 37 G BmMa 12 Penelope. Tu?Mal«"ut. I helleeisii J «:t940 Mobile Ab 6. f l:22*:.fast 8-5 114 6 6 51 6s L W Hinphy • Murphy. Proni.Tom, Fin Uo»st« r , MM Mobile Ab 5-8 5S..fast 5 126 2 3 4* 47i I, Gray 7 Murphy. San Diego, Sandy H. . ;0859 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:00 fact 30 109 4 4 4- 4«* S Wida I Ris .Ruck, F.Churchill, Pauaman 60SI8 Mobile Ab 5-8 59%fast 4 122 7 7 6 6 610 J P Byan 7 Jago, Snndyll., Kngazza 60482 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15Hn«d 8 112 8 7 9 9* 9« H ThomaslO Vansylvia. M.Moore. Machlavelli 60314 FGnds 3-4 l:13%gOOd 10 107 2 2 8 61 fiJ C Lang S A Alexder. A.JaeklL, Monnsfj ! 60232 F.Gnds 65 f l:06M fast 10 106 11 11 10 9* 8"J J Owens 11 Bl. Paradise, Col Taylor, R.Rock ST. JTJST. br. h, 6 109 By St. Vohna — Mirror Maze, by Masetto. Trainer. R. Warfield. Owner, R. Warfield. «0899 Mobile Ab 5-8 5S:-.fast 3 115 2 1 !•• l«| W Bogski M Pltocil— Im. Crest. F.G.Cerley W.814 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:01 %hvy 7 115 1 3 2 21 2« W Bogskl 10 Corkey W., Sea Board. Dahinda , «f .62 Mexico 5-8 1 :03Mast 19-5 108 2 2 6 6 RlWKogskl 9 My Ft. Pat, F.mden, Miss Pnrnel! , eo;s".7 Mexico 6J f l:l0%fa?t 27-10 107 3 3 3 31 4*J W BogsUt 5 Hallynew. Van. Dresser, Z.uner . 60451 Mexico 3-4 1:17 fast 5 110 1 1 3 4« «" W Bogskl 5 Hi valet, ValerieWest. Poniereni- . 60363 Mexico Bi f 1:12 fast 6 115 2 1 1 1Jlh N .1 Krnes 8 Ol.lames, Myltoa, Lit.Maudie 603** Mexico 61 f l:10%fast 9 118 2 4 4 41 El N J Brnes « Vanity Dresser, Chicken, Kinder THE NEPHEW, b. g. 5 113 By Uncle— Qualify, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner. A. Marrone. 60532 F.Gnds 3-4 l:lM**Jow !llb 11 IS L 1 ;" M Buxton 12 Betsinda. Trantula. Eternity i 59697 F.Gnds I I 1 1a"|—ll H-5 120 6 II 7 «i 1JC Ponce I Burgoync, Win onne, PlaiuHill I 69655 F.Gnd.s 8-4 1:15 slow 16-5 112 2 2 2 1* I3 C Turner 11 Actress, A. Hamilton. Anticipate 6?"20 Jeff foii 3 11:14 fast 41 115 7 T T 8ft * 8 Wida 12 Bengore. Midnight Sun. Oraieggo 6fi93 Jeff son 8-4 1:13 fast 3 110 | | 6 4* I* C bnaaj 8 c olheRoost. FirstPullet, Doric ■ 59111 Jeffson 3 1 1 :17 mud 10 111 2 3 4 313 S Wida .". Tody. Smart Guy. Hep 6867* Bowie 7-8 l:29%hvy 38 ID 3 3 4 6 74 81* ■ .Ionian 9 Pas Swain. Sagamore, J.aBmma • FORT CHURCHILL, b. h. 6 113 By Honeywood— Tamlga, by Emperor of Norfolk. i Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. E. Nagle. 61121 Bowie 3-1 1:1 I*, fast IS It." 6 4 7- »•• A Johnson M CamIlage, Ti antul.i , BlilLiclits 10859 Mobile Ab 5-X 1:00 fast I 115 2 I 8* Jj .1 P Kvan B UisingKock. Panauian, A.ofAcex ; MM Mobile Ab Sftf 1:. M %Jb -it 9-5 IIS 1 112" V* W Hinphy • tlraeoMayers, Oiaywa. F. Booster ! 60-,fi6 Mobile Ab I -S 1 : ■■--slow 3-2 120 1 1 1 1» 1" W Hinphy 8 Sandy H. Murphy. ;old Stone 60.04 P.Gnds 51 f l:10%avy 3-2 IK 3 1 1 H 4" W HetoehlS Herald. Crest. Lacatwe 6IV.3I P.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 15 111 « 8 V. U U1* H Thomas 11 Arrowhead, Panaman. Graysoa 5!H,15 F.Gnds 6J f 1 JKhHmuri 8-5 111 1 13 31 44J H Thomas 8 Rapid Day. Kirah, Johns Umma TITANIA, ch. m. 6 101 By Bard of Hope — Lady Fern, by Hippodrome. Trainer, M. Smith. Owacr. W. Durnan. 605S9 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :lh-..hv.v 8 101 6 L 2 II 12** II Thomas 12 Vansvlvia, Turnabout, Tuopair i — , MM F.Gnds 8-4 l:ll%tast 8 107 6 8 1 II 6° C Long 11 Bengore, Pnilander. Wineonne 80258 F.Gnds 3-1 1:15 good 5 l"7 2 1112 2ni H Thomas 9 Hetsinda. NortliSliore, Back Bay 1 MM P.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 2-2 106 2 2 2 31 8° C Lang 11 Winneconne, Pising Tom. IJ0I0 I M .4 P.Gnds I I 1IOIfeet 3 110 4 2 2 2i 32 L Coney 9 A. of Aces. Philanderer. 01. Wood I 59 M P.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fast 9-5 M 1 I 1 I* P L Coney 7 Flying Orb, Mark West, Dannell • 6XfS5 Bowie 61 f 1:22 slow 7 110 10 a 3 3l 4» L Coney 13 Bnrgoyne. Moroni. Tidings 6«".r.4 Laurel 11:41%f«t 14-6 113 2 2 2 2 4J •*« A Allen 7 WhoCares, O. Sinner. TheDeclsn • 58261 Laurel MlMfcttat 20 106 5 111* li P r"||llott1 12 Old Sinner. Mose. Bright LighU TAUL CONNELLY, hr. r, 7 103 By Ballot — Lampover, by Lamplighter. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, H. Twyman. MH3 Bowie 8-4 1:15 fa.-i II 113 i I 8" V .1 OweaH 12 Dare. Allah. Ih danzky 6".v-4 P.Gnds aft f 1:1"«f,hvy 10 111 S 9 8 6i K4 .1 Ow.-ns 12 Herald. Crest. ly.caruo M87B F.Gnds 3-4 1 £l%hry 4i 112 I 4 4 .I2 I* C Ung • Siesta. Jago. Baa 69*01 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :17rshvy 12 111 7 7 5 «» 410 H J Burkell Proni.Tom. L.Luxury. M.Moora 69 17 F.Gnds 3-4 liMlaWJi 1 111 « 10 7 71 6»1 C Lang 12 Anticipate. Helen Atkln. Rttah* - MM P.Gnds 3-4 l:17y.mud 15 113 11 8 « aft 64i C Lang 11 Burtoyne, HeeuAOln. B.sWlaf f P026 Jeff son 1 1-16 1 :£5%hvy 11-5 109 2 12 4 6» 6" C Lang 8 Little Ed. Thirteen, Blatonry 68969 Jeff eon 3-4 1:19 mud 9-6 115 4 2 i 41 3i A Rli herk • MJUmm. F. Rooster, Gold Stone 8ATANA. ch. h, 5 103 By Le Lorratn— Soda, by Mordant. f Trainer, T. Smith. Owner. 0. J. Brookmlller, fier.? F.Gnds 2- 1 T.olow 15 1 1 1 I i 6 7= 7", W Weiie-r 12 Betsinda, Tranlula, Lteinit.v I ••ot«2 F.Gnds 3 1 1 :!!, lend S IOH 10 K M -L S»P WeaBCC Ml Vansylvia, M.Maen, Macliiavelll I Mitt P.Gnds 3-1 l:13Vi,£ast I 115 6 7 4 8*ft 21 A Wil-on 11 I.etsinda. Murphy. Pretender ! Ul II F.Gnds 8-4 l:15%f«at 4 118 8 7 8 9J S"i .1 D MneylJ Pgourditie. ". Iif ield, Pr-tender I 69915 F.Gnds 3-4 I Tt%aajml 12 112 8 I r. 2= 1 .1 L Mn y 8 Ragazza, Hel.Atkin, Ace of Ai-ea 6 M MM P.Gnds 3-4 l:l.V4fmud IS 112 2 8 8 7«| 7»1 J T MneylO J. •-Cmnia. BtLkghta, L.Luxury 69754 F.Gnds lm70y r44V»good 20 102 2 4 7 * 8 8" A Wilson 8 Wynnewood, Translate. Crteblp RNM Jeffson 3-4 1 11 Ta-it 9 6 I08 4 I 2 8* 4« C 1 ang 12 Baaajaw, Midnight Sun, Dmloggft MJIMfM I I iTfaTlfMt 12 110 1 11 1» 1» C Liing 10 Sandy H.. Heroisme, SwtLlbertj ,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922040601/drf1922040601_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1922040601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800