untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-08


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I DONT MISS THIS ONE AT BOWIE ll — GOES TUESDAY, APRIL 11 — I MUST W|N I OUR SECOND 00 J POsmvELY | NOT RUN SECOND OR ** T T A 1? A 1VT T* 17 17 1" THE SAFEST EVER THIRD, OR WE REFUND J U / 11 / 1 A Hi JU JL/ HANDLED BY US. NO YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PROPOSITIONS ACCEPTED 1 I SPECIAL r-tnr* sv a r ■ I Throw away your Hope hook*; hay KICAL information. We know. Thin f Kill «ilARAlVTKKD SIKOIAI, i* in kpppinK with inir pant record. it ;tl next TneBday and nuint W I V or we HEKl.VD your sh hweript Ion. Pieane inelntle vonr itlimir nnmber. We prepay all telegraphic or lnn-ilKliiiiir phone charges. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Kill tlHTH MBAKMMMM STHIOKT Turf Oept.l Suite JOOa CHICAGO. lU, FRIDAYS SPECIAL: LUCKY GIRL 5.30-, WON THURSDAYS SPECIAL: WAR NOTE .00-, WON ran with bagojci kor.m. I HAVE NEVER SENT OUT MORE THAN ONE HORSE A DAY. How Ionic are yon koIiik to waste your money and tlmef Why not join hands with a man of responsihillt . w hose business ami banking references will Mtantl ins|»et-t Ion from any quarter? 1 HAVE NEVER DONE BUSINESS UNDER ANY NAME BUT J. F. BALDWIN. BIG SPECIAL GOES TODAY Dont let tills opportunity «et away from yon. Have also made arrangement* for a bljc Special Tuesday, another Thursday. Tnesiiays special will he Kent mil from Maryland, as I am Ruins; there to personally supervise this extraordinary e»ent ami make arraiijcemcntK for my hl« Havre de Grace cam- NEW TERMS: Send Immediately the price of six ten-word messages from New York and ajircc t«i wire promptly the witiniup.s of a jpiO.OO straight i»lay after you collect. o second Mcgnwi si»nt to any one that dont remit for winners. Absolutely no further wires will lie sent to any one that doex not remit for Lucky tilrl and War Note. In semlinK your subscription lie sore to send your correct business or residence address. Positively no telegrams nvnt collect or no telegrams sent in care of telenraph company. Von know who you are fining business with ami I must know who I am doliiu business with. Have neither the time nor I lie Inclination to do business with fakers, welchers or irresponsible people. Ilusiness men have no fear that I will peddle their names, as I regard all communications with strictest confidence. I Cannot Win If You Lose ! J. F. " LUCKY" BALDWIN 1 1303 LEXINGTON AVENUE : : : NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Telephone kenox If 1 I O or lilies. Ithe gold bond system! l OF TURF SPECULATION. ;; 4, An oripinal. successful, powerful method of turf speculation, based on the, invincible and in - . 4t disputable lev of aveia re. A tjstws which eliminates the rhanco clement and makes racing a j c ; it systematic business investment instead of a chance speculation. JU SENT ON APPROVAL. ► o GUARANTEED TO WIN CONSISTENTLY OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING, j 0 Thi" systerii require-, no knowledge of racing handicapping or any of the technicalities of the . . . . game. It. may be operated at the track or in the books, and is so simple that a child cannot go ..I | ![ wrong. It is the only system sent on approval. Guaranteed to win or bo pay. Jl ► SEND NO MONEY. * Simply send your name and iddrcis today. Get this wonderful syr.tcm on approval. Try It at a . our rii-k. Not one day. but ten days, ten weeks or ten month;. If it dont win it costs you roth - k 4 1 iug. Under this offer you take no risk. Whv not investigate today? Jl :; success publishing co., :; :i louisville — kentucky o mil: BOMB » i thk thiiikh .hiikkd. ii 4 AAAAAAT ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED A trial of llu- SCIENTIFIC HANDICAP CHARTS will convince jrou of their merit. After iisin r tliern you will realise the fact that your selc-lions are more valuable than jiny information or tips that you could buy at ar.v price. Kutliernioiv. unlike tips, their first coal is heir only cost. r.e confident of your selectioM I m the SCIIO.N ril-IC HANDICAP CHARTS. Prte* .i mi. eotn|ilete with explanations and sut;-Kestions that will make a practical handi-capper. THE SCIENTIFIC HANDICAP CHARTS P. O. Box 110. NEWPORT, KY. LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK !! This wonderful system only had 21 losing play3 out of 90 bets in the last meeting at New Orleans. Last spring at Bowie. Havre de Grace and Pimlico all combined same system onlv had 12 losing bets The best hft only had 4 loscrr. in 36 days. My OYiasionals for this last two weeks on 0.00 flat bet figured 81 00 profit. SYSTEM No. 2 This system picks a great many long shots. Here are a few: Rafferty. 3.40-: Bohby Allen, 1.80-: Rebuke, 4.80-; Miss Frauland, 0.10-; ; Ava R.. 4.f0-; Restful. fi.20-; Fair Lassie, 6.00S2: Walter Dant. J57.00-S2: Miss Dunhar. 7.40 ; Kimono. 0.00 : Moon Winks. 6.40-: Herron. 580-: John Jr .. .80-; Maysvillc. 6.10 : Gadling. 6.00-; Goldie Ro:.o, 4.20-; Madam Byn?. 7.60-: Lee Enfield. 8.40-; ; Rifle, 0.6O-; Plum Blossom. 5.20-. and a large number of others. Get these systems and pick your own wii ners. Can be played at or away from j tho track. Price in full for both systems. S10.C0. Then after you get them and if they have not done just as I advertise I will gladly return your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CR0SMAN BOX 20 PALMYRA, INDIANA WIN WITHOUT WORRY ! For Steady Prnllts Sarins, Summer, Fall anil Winter, Take Full Advantage of the Laws of Average. These Laws Make Millions for the Insurance Companies Every Year. OPERATE THE SCIENTIFIC GAINWAY SAfETV SYSTEM "Safety Is Its Middle ame." WIN JUST AS I AM WINNING ! The wideawake, eer-ready-ln-learn fellows — the get-there type — will not overlook this proposition. Its an all-year winner — an every -year winner. You ran check it up yourself ami make sure before starting. Can he placed at or awaj from the tracks. All wauers ran he placed at noon. .No need l« know the rewulls of races until Ihe nexl day. Positively not a "donhllng-u| " place or show system, hut one that trives you re-markahle odds. Ml bets made TO W1H only. Operate on auv scale you please depending upon your capital. this "stop-loss" System Is exactly what the sensible, businesslike players have always wanted. You cannot make a niillinn in a week, bit! you can depend upon a satisfactory income. Write at once, or wire your name and address. You will receive some of the most interesting turf data ever published; also Table of Itesults showing protits made by the t.AlNWAY SAFETY SYSTEM on every track for a full year. ;et this sensational information about real systematic operation. It may save you great loss, for it points the definite road to success — shows how you can VIX WITHOUT YYORKY. Postcards not answered. FRANK B. RIDLEY, K.: ". State St., Room 1111, Chicago, 111. 1 THE CHIEf CLOCKER Sold on all Newsstands — 50c. Daily. WV, GOT THK MONEY" AGAIS Yesterdays Best Bet was THE LAMB. .90. won And my advice was to UNLOAD as I knew that THE LAMB was IN yesterday. "PARLAY" also won and on Thursday we put over the "PARLAY" again. THIS ONLY COSTS 5CC A DAY. How can you lose with such INFO as th;s is! If you paid 0 a day you couldnt get anv better than we give you for 50c. TODAYS BEST BF.T will be a "LONG SHOT." and advise to plunge the limt "win only," as I know something" — Get me? "Star Special" also looks good and both are worth a big play "win only," :.o dont let 50c stop you from cleaning .ip o . these 2 good things today. 30 TO I PAR I. AY TODAY on our sheet and looks to be worth a pood play. We have been putting over our "PARLAY" right nlong this week and todays looks extra good. Nuff sod. The Chief Clockcr is sold in St. Louis, Louisville. Lexington. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, and other cities each day. 50c. Mailed to you or "wired" to you. a week. THE CHIEF CLOCK EK, The Great Northern Building. CHICAGO. ILL. ; | MARYLAND - CANADA RACING THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM will prove invaluable to tho3o contemplating obtaining a profit from an investment on the races. We have just published a very interesting book which we will mail you free upon request. It contains information regarding racing and shows results of The Guarantee System for past two years. This system won at every track tabulated by Daily Racing Form in U. S. A. and Canada during 1920-1921. Its results, while moderate, are positive. OUB GUARANTEE: "Must win its cost in three day;, or money returned, or if you can find a period of sixty days or longer anywhere that it did not win vve will refund your money." Is this GUARANTEE strong enough! System is copyrighted and is on file in U. 8. Patent Office and with this publi-! cation. If you have been losing writo for our free book. It will help you. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM, 117 W. Franklin Street, BALTIMORE, MD WINNERS EVERY DAY ALL these horses filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. Tuesdays One Horse: PENELOPE. .10 . Won Wednesdays One Horse: Hullabaloo. .80-. Won Thursdays One Horse: War Note, -. Won Fridays One Horse: Brihod Voter, .10-. Won Another Big Special Goes Today SHOULD PAY 8 FOR 1 Positively only one horse a day. Without a doubt the beBt information money can buy. TERMS: DAILY; 5 WEEKLY. AMERICAS PREMIER TURF WIZARD JOHN LYONS, 25 W. 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Room 211. Office Hours, 10 — 2. ; ; j BRIBED VOTER. .10- WON Was Yesterdays BEST BET THIS MAKES 13 WINNERS OUT OF 2fi ON OUR BEST BETS Remember, we absolutely onlv give TWO HORSES EACH DAY 60c— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50c National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411. Baltimore Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL THE LAMB. .95-, WON. was yesterdays Free Form Special. Get new book on sale now. 35c at all newsstands. Contains code for these Form Specials that appear in this paper daily. Todays Form Speoial: June-Pear-95-11-60-16. STANDARD TURF GUIDE, 403, 22 West Quincv Street, Chicago, III. GARS DAILY Chief Observer 50 CENTS. TODAYS FREE CODE BOWIE : Georgia-23-1-16. Another Big Day I! FRIDAYS 0 FREE SPECIAL: BRIBED VOTER ..20 WON FRIDAYS OCCASIONAL: KEWPIES .20 WON You certainly have to go some to beat the CHIEF. GOING FULL SPEED NOW! THURSDAYS CLOCKERS SPECIAL: CAMOUFLAGE ..2.00W0N THURSDAY S OCCASIONAL. JOCK SCOT .70 WON Not a losing OCCASIONAL or 0 FREE SPECIAL so far. Today Another 0 Free Special Here is the spot for you. Send it in and ASK no questions. The Chief has attended to everything. ANOTHER OCCASIONAL TODAY Watch this one COP. Ask your newsdealor for GARS CHIEF OBSERVERS OCCASIONAL. At all newsstands. PRINCIPAL AGENTS: Cincinnati. 0. — All newsstands. St. Louis. Mo. — Wm, Laser, lobby. 705 Market St. St. Louis. Mo.— Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. Louisville. Ky. — Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Avenue. Dayton. 0. — Euphrat. 129 S. Jefferson Street. Indianapolis. Ind. — Moeslein, 112 Illinois Street. Covington, Ky. — R. Gordon. 4th and Scott St. Or mailed two weeks S5. Remit to GAR PUBLISHING CO., JI32 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. JACK FIELD "THE MAN THAT CAN MAKE YOU WIN " ONLY ONE A DAY— PRICE. .00 "MR. PLAYER "—I TOLD YOU SO THREE DAYS "STRAIGHT" A WINNER Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday my special won. Yesterdays results not known at this writ- ing. My followers are getting RICH following me every day with MY SYSTEM, which I AM GIVING fret;" today. My WINNING System— This you will read on my ihoet today. 0 FREE SPECIAL" TODAY My last 0 "FREE" Special won and today I expect to make it two straight winning specials HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TODAY to win a nice BANK ROLL, so rush to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELD S Special today and you wont regret it. GET ME? JACK FIELD — Sold Everywhere — Daily Mailed or wired to you week. JACK FIELD 20 West Jackson St. Chicago, 111. SOMETHING DOING See latest Reporter. 35 cents at all newsstands. SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Wiro-Thursday-Put-Us-Put-Go. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, 111. = TP THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago. 111. New book on sale at all newsstands — 35 cents. TODAYS BEST: No. 313 The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 N0W_°_ILSALE The Encyclopedia of Thoroughbreddom THE im MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before tho tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class. Engraved diagrams of thirty two leading American race courses, with their location*, capacities, chutes, stands, width of tracks and length of stretches in detail. PRICES BY MAIL: leatherette Bound .00 Ill per Bound 1 10 full Purchase Price Must Accompany Each Order With thla eminently handy book any admirer of raciug ran readily answer almost any ]uery that may come up concerning facts of racing In lb" paat. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topic* It covers. It is an extremely low priced hook of general and correct turf information. THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is a copyrighted publication. Its contents must not be used without permission. The matter in the pages of The American Racing Manual is original and has been written and compiled by its editors and statisticians- Proof of originality is. ready in case protection has to be sought against unauthorized copyists. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 411 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. T. THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognised tracks in North America during the month of MARCH, IS NOW ON SALE. ■ ..I PRICE, 00. Single conies by mall will POSITIVELY onlv be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of tea cents for registration. Hot responsible for books sent as regular mall. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-169 EAST 32ND STREET. MEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE BIandEEX ;; BUFFALO, if, T,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922040801/drf1922040801_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1922040801_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800