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AUSTRALIAS CUP HERO, SASAN0F Old Bassaof, an Aastrsliaa cup horse of prowess, had been going steadily on for nix years when be was retired to Mr. Steads New Zealand farm. Basaaof was sagular and not too sound in Hs recent years, but aa atsrsys active figure la weight -for-age races, la ins sj years Baaaaof has earned tlOS,850. Of this sum Stilt.iKXi was won iii ins three year old form srhea Baaaaof heal all the l.cst ;is tbe] came to hiss. His owner does not count the merit of a horse by the amount of n. i aej be earns, and his chief pride la [ is that be ha* won every gold CBp race in New /.ea- land: the Stead :■ ! ! Cap in ISIS, the Treatbaaa Gold tup in 101S, the Awapaal Gold Cap in ISIS ami ISas, .mil th, Oriitond Oold tup in 1!C1.