2nd Race [2nd Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-14

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., 0«rt DCPC 5 1~- Bnrlongs. P.-year-olds and npward. Claimlus. April :*, cJlU nHUCi 1017 — 1 :ot — :i — 100. WINNECOKHE, ck. m, 5 101 By Meelick — Golden Agnes, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. 61233 Bowie M 13S%faat 9-5 MI 1 1 1* 21 A Cantner 8 Allah. Siesta. Lucky Girl 61128 Bowie 3-4 1 ililHfast S 104 Wheeled. A Ga:unerl2 Penelope. Turlw.ut, Ace of Aces es 60340 F.Gnds 8-4 1 :12*if ast 8-5 107 7 4 4 61 3* A Gantnerll Bengore, Philderer, Mhiavelll 111 60163 F Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 21 102 7 11 81 21 A Gantner 8 Ace of Aces, Jock Scot, Troilus us 69697 FGnda 1-4 l:16%mud 31 MS I 1 1 l1 ll A Gantner 7 Burgryne, Plain Bill, Car 69657 F Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 6 102 4 1 1 l" f A G«ntuerll Promising Turn, Bolo, Twopalr 69453 F.Gnds S-4 l:laLi.slow I 103 Left at the post. A Gantneili Rolo, SaHdalwood, Fleer 69193 Jeffaon 1-4 l:14*.tfast • 105 I eft at tha post. A Gantnerll Ace of Aces, Bengore, Sandy H H. Eand051 Jeff son 8-4 l:15/»good II 101 6 4 4 4» 3»1 A Gantner 10 Connoran, Murpby, Perhapa BIGHT ANGLE, br. g, 7 101 By Peter Quince — Deceptive Angle, by Sir Dixon. u Trainer, L. Hughes. Owner, F. Serri. 67104 Timum Ab 6|f l:1915fast 4-5 115 1» D Stirling 5 Pomerene. Siyiermaid. Trusty 67020 Timum Ab 6Jf 1:24 slow 1-2 117 2» D Stirling 5 Eternity, Weary, Merry Feast 67004 Timum Ab 3-4 1:16" -.fast 3-4 115 l2 J Ryan 0 Diadi. Litholick, Brookfield 66802 H town Ab 3-4 l:24«ifast 21 114 1» D Stirling i Gratian, Trusty. Mary G. 65706 KingEd. 3-4 l:lS*.goodl7-10 120 6* E Atkinsn 5 First Pullet, Rain. Girl. Marmite ite 65648 KlngE. Ab 5-8 69%fast 7-5 116 1» E Atkinsn 7 Ladylvan, LGentry. I anghorne nei 65626 KingE. Ab 5-8 69Vast 21-10 111 U F, Atkinsn 7 Toy Miss. Musito. Manicurist i 1 64690 Dorval 1-4 l:16=salow 22 105 1 1 1 1* l1 E Atkinsnl2 Toe the Mark. Blaise, Murphy JJ ACE ®j 60 * ! 50S48 J * !S2 J0214 g SBM 1J J" 605S9 G0340 J "■ S0258 dV. 59657 .• g SBM JJ !■ 5 P £ „ L? LT Z Z »• j£ -. R 5J K jg ;, M a * ■ g, iS ;S -,c ,S ; „ „ J 5 ! *] " J e 61 S I 5l 1 6 C 6 6 C * B * 5 I T 1 ;,; it ;- 5 5 j 5 5 , , . SI ■ i ! 1 a ! a J I a I 1 1 u ; c : j I a w ai «» 1 1 » I ie m u 8 I 3. S m j r nv ,. S. s .„ ,*, J B0 r ., :*, OF ACES. br. h, 5 110 By Meridian — Paradise Queen, by Waterboy. Trainer, C. A. Applegate. Owner, C. A. Apple gate. 61212 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast I 112 9 9 9* 7* F WdstcklO T.Decisn. T. Nephew. Pretender 61159 Bowie 3-4 lfast 11 111 « 4 4» 41S R Rice 6 Jock Scot. Trantula, Betsinda 61128 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 16 113 3 4 41 3T G Babin 12 Penelope, Turnabout, TheDeclsa 60940 Mobile Ab 61 f l:23%fast 8-6 114 I 6 Bl 6*1 W Hlnpky 6 Murphy, Prom. Tom, Fin. Rooster 60900 Mobile Ab 5-8 5SVfefast 5 126 2 3 4* 41 L Gray 7 Murphy, San Diego, Sandy H. 60859 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:00 fast 30 109 4 4 4» 4*1 S Wida 5 Ris.Rock, F. Churchill, Panamaa Mobile Ab 5-8 59%fast 4 122 7 7 I 81 610 J P Ryan 7 Jago, SandyH.. Ragaxsa F.Gnds 3-4 l:15!4mud 8 112 8 7 S 9* 914 II ThomaslO Vansylvia, M.Moore, Machlavelll F Gnds 3-4 l:13%good 10 107 2 1111 6*1 C Lans; 9 A.Alcxder, A.Jackll., Monaafy F.Gnds 61 f l:06%fast 10 106 11 11 10 »» 8»1 J Owent 11 Bl. Paradise, Col.Taylor, R.Rock TTTANIA, eh. m, 6 101 By Bard of Hope — Lady Fern, by Hippodrome. Tiainer, W, Durnan. Owner, W. Durnan. F.Gnds III MUBJJ 8 101 6 22 71 12" H Thomas 12 Vansylvia, Turnabout, Twopair F.Gnds 3-4 l:lS%faat 8 107 6 2 1 11 6s C Lang 11 Bengore, Pnilander. WinVonna F.Gnds 3-4 1:15 good 5 107 2 1 1 1* 2»« H Thomas 9 Retsiada, NorthShore, Back Bay F.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 105 2 2 2 31 6l» C Lang 11 Winneconne, Pising Tom. Rolo .9591 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14%fast 3 110 4 2 2 21 3s L Coney 9 A.ofAces, Philanderer, 01. Wood .9,.93 F.Gnda 3-4 LlSfast 9-5 101 1 11 l1 1* L Coney 7 Flying Orb, Mark West, Dannell Bowie 61 f 1:22 slow 7 110 10 6 1 8l 4« L Coney 13 Rurgoyne, Moroni, Tidings •8354 Laurel 1 l:41%fast 14-5 113 2 1 2 2 4» 4l* A Allen 7 WhoCares, O. Sinner. TheDeclsa SS261 Laurel 1-4 l:14Vast 20 106 B 1 1 ft* 11 F CltilettI12 Old Sinner, Mose. Bright Lights PORT LIGHT, b. «r, S 103 By Hamburg — Morningsida, by Meddler. Trainer, C. Knight. Owner, W. 0. Stoner. C0918 Mobile Ab 5-S 5S%faat 12-5 115 2 2 3 451 S Wirla 10 Fnos. Sea Board. Sacajawea 60879 Mobile Ab 5-8 oSVfcfast 7 116 5 5 5 5" J W Brass* S Murphy, Jago. Carl Boberts 60455 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14%fast 8 108 8 8 7 31 ll J Owens 12 BlueJeans, ByMildred. Stevena 60:",40 F.Gnds 3-4 ldS%fsatt 20 110 3 3 6 91 91 F Weiner 11 Be:. gore. Philander. Winconna 3231 F.Gnds 3-4 1 tTM.fsslt 15 111 2 1 7 51 ll14 F Weiner 11 Murphy. Machiavelli. Rolo ItieoO Jeffson 5-8 l:02%ast 1-2 116 l»k H Gregory 7 B s. ;oose, Normandie, Sky Maa •8358 Lexton 3-4 1:15 slow 12 114 2 IS I* !• H J Burke 12 Meliora. Doric, Our Alice SPUGS. b. g, 3 106 By Charles Edward— Shoe Fly, by Meddler. Traner, C. H. Smith. Owner, W. Kearns. 5S632 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 11 112 1 1 3 3 3- 3* E Atkinsnl2 Vice-Chairman. Bompo. Pavia CS579 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:52sniud 7-3 103 3 1 1 1 2l 2 R Mc.Nme 9 BribedVoter. Smarty. T.Dccisioa S8453 Pimlico 1 l:45*smud 9 111 5 6 7 t 4»* 31 E Atkinsnl2 K.Trojan. F.Fogarty, Natural BM1 Kworth 61 f 1:11 Unvy 5 111 4 111* l" J Conway 10 HcathBell, Bedland, TheDcistoa Tj7S73 Kworth 51 f 1 :10y5hvy 16-5 102 7 6 1 1« 1»* J Conway 9 Betsiida, Bug. March, Ladjlona 57778 Kworth 61 f LlOlr.slop 41-10 1021 9 8 6 5* 2»* J Conway 9 Plautoon, Chow, War Tank »5157 Connht 3-4 l.llsfast 36 103 8 7 8 10l 91 R Lcaster12 Caaaaaraa, Efficient, Blazonry 55033 Connht 3-4 l:l."«4fast 15 105 12 10 11 8» 7:i I Fletcher 12 General. Cormorau, MrningFaca 5J670 Thorncliffe BJf l:10%hy 10 97 Ii H Brydges 8 Wraith, BackBay. PaulConnelly 54585 Thorncliffe 61f 1:10 hvy 41 99 7»1 U Brydges 10 Back Bay, DalntyLady, L.MlUat aAPPT BUXTON, b. r, 3 lOO By Dick Finnell— Cynthia, by Oddfellov/. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner. C. Buxton. 61143 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast 83 102 1 4 71 B*» A Gantnerl2 Dave. Allah. Bodanzky 60313 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :14%good 8 100 3 2 10 10* 101* H Thomas 12 11nP.ill, Sim. Simon. Nutcracker 60079 F.Gnds 3-4 1:22 hvy 9-5 106 5 3 3 3* 3" A Gantner 7 Matches Mary, If, Mabel A. BMM F.Gnds 3-4 LISVshvy 41 93 7 6 6 51 6"i J Owens 12 CobtLiss, Betsinda. Sacajawea 5S936 F.Gnds 3-4 l:225shvy 18-5 108 4 2 3 2» 3* E Scobie 9 Lit.Patsy, Her.Kemble, V.Colla 9637 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14 4fast 12 103 4 B 4 2»» l»| A Gantnerll Mat. Mary, G. Burton, V.Colleen 5and4.14 F.Gnds 61 f 1:07 fast 30 112 10 9 10 10110» M Buxton 11 Penitent, Comic Song, Fly Ball 59267 Jeffson 61 f 1:08 fast 12 102 9 14 8l 8" A Gantner 10 Forest Queen, Bartered, Fuse* iS815 Jeffson 3-4 Llaandfaat 7 102 1 14 4* 411 A Gantner 5 BrushBoy, WarReiief, Imaga MISS PARNELL, ch. m. 5 10£ By Seth— Lady Elizabeth, by Orsini. Trainer, R. H. McCrosson. Owner, R. H. McCrossonl. 61188 Bowie CI f l:22fast 54f 105 1 1 11 41 W Bogskil3 Whbone, Pretender. Perigrdine 60740 Mexico 7-8 l:33Vsfast 11-5 105 8 7 7 7 4l 4J1 T Wayt 10 Peg. Baton, Donatello, Thderbd SMM Mexico 5-S l:03fast 19-10 108 1 I 4 44 3» J Shlepos fi MylrienrlPat, Emrien, Treadwell SMM Mexico 51 f 1:10 fast 21 11-5 4 4 4 S*ft SM T Wayt 6 Assumption, T. Rose, Zainer W479 Mexico 3-4 LllVafast 1-2 110 1 11 B» 21 T Wayt 4 Fin. Booster, LncyKate. MyRose 60338 Mexico 1 l:44%fast 8-5 106 1 1 1 1 4* 51S J Shelep?ts 6 Magacn, LyKate, Lieut. Pkins 602 0 Mexico 3-4 1:17 fast 8-5 110 1 11 1» 1=1 T Wayt 5 Chicken, Pomerene. Tiger Rose 60116 Mexico 3-4 1:1« fa.st 2 105 1 ft 1 ft* 1* M Richsn 7 LouieLou. Hilldale. Capt. Burns £7141 Hastgs 3-4 l:20%good 3-2 107 34 E Neal 7 Lady Small. Cafeteria, Celebrate 5C918 Hastgs 3-4 l:19-imud 2 10T 1* H Jones 6 Lola, Lady Small. Bevo 5G751 Bhouse 5i f 1:08 fast 11 107 1* H Jones 12 C. Master, GraysFrite. CalCurn 56736 Bhouse 5-8 1:02 fast 1 115 1J J Muleahy 10 Dr.Doorley, RoxboroII., Blotcar MALY0LI0, ch. g, 7 103 By Superman— Basia, by Winkfield. Trainer, G. Ethington. Owner. O. Wendel. 61235 Bowie 7-S 1:29 fast 41-10 103 3 3 3 5« II Thomas 10 Armistice, Rustler. Clinchfield 61212 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 61 107 2 2 32 51 J Owens 10 T.Decisn. T.Nephew, Pretender 61143 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast 50 109 12 9 51 ol A Frieshonl2 Dare, Allah. Bodanzky 60897 Mobile Ab 5-S 58%fast 10 115 1 1 U 2» S Wida 10 Ballynew, Machiavelli, Assume 60858 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 MXi.fast 21 120 9 9 9« 9*1 G Walls 10 Capers, Princess Lou, Dahinda 60796 Mobile Ab 5-8 1itt%aYrjr 4 116 4 4 4 3h 3«j C Garner 6 Vansylvia, C.Boberls, GrnnnyEe* S0762 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 :02%slow 3 US 2 3 4 61 5J W Hinphy 10 Grannyl-e, NorthShore, Nolawa 50505 F.Gnds 61 f tMBJkrvp 8 110 10 6 I 6* 6* J Owens 12 Has. Turnabout. Granny Lee 59974 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :JB%kffp 12 109 7 7 4 7* 751 L Coney 8 Helen Atkin, Serbian, Car 39916 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :lSimud 15 103 7 6 8 9 914 C Lang 9 Camouflage, MarieMaxIm, Jig* LLOYD GEORGE, b. g. 6 103 By Llangwm — Maud Primrose, by Mackintosh. Owner, T. J. Fitzgerald. 61249 Bowie 65 f l:U%f«at 30 115 1 2 2» S10 E Ambros; 12 C.J.Craismile Bryngar, Dmond BMII Bkaptra Ab 3-4 l:12-r.slop :» 110 13 12 10 81 74 C Fonce U Tl.abour, Celticljss, P.T.Barm ii.601 Bin]. ire Ab 3-4 l:llgood 50 108 16 13 12 Ll ll11 C Ponce 16 Tiag-a-Ling. Tr.abt, Arrowad ;"u4::5 A.; duct 65 f l:U%Caat 30 112 3 2 4 71 9" C Ponce 11 S-iuMan, Pickwick, Ariowhead 53BU Bowia 7-8 L.-Sifast 9 116 3 3 2 2 2 2n«- J Butwell 12 Moroni, Doctor Jim, Roisterer aiy:, Jet.son 5* f l:0Sfnst 8-5 115 1 11 1* 1* C Ponce 7 Amer. R»se, Horeb, Spartan Boy ilL-13 Laurel 3-4 l:142s fast 17 102 7 7 7 71 6 F Cltilettll3 Assumption. Kirah, FickleKaney 51042 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :;-C,ifast 17-5 112 3 2 2 2 2* 5* J Batarafl 9 Sir Jack. Bar Coy. Dinty Moori 50991 laurel 3-4 l:ll!4fast 17 110 5 8 2 2J 2»1 J Butwell 10 Kirah, Ina Kay, General CAPERS, br. m, 7 101 By Tho Commoner — Lady Eastman, by Misetto. Trainer, T. Cullen. Owner, G. Sanders. 61235 Bowio 7-S 1:29 fast Bl MB 4 5 6 l 83 R Rice 10 Armistice, Bustler. Clinchfield C1188 Bowie 61 1 l:22%taat 116 MS 2 6 bl 74J R Rice 13 Wiiboi.e. t reteader, Pcrigrd.ne 60922 Mobile Ab 5-8 MkjSaat 6 110 6 5 21 2* R Ri-e 10 Aunt Deda, Dr. Hall, Treadwell iBS58 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 :09%fast 6 110 1 1 1«U R Rice 10 FrincessLon. Dal.inda, TreadweU ■i"~M Mobile Ab 5-S 1.03 hvy 12 110 « IS 62 6* R Rice 9 B.Bay, I..vBliter. Jackville 30504 F.Gnds 6 f 1:!0-V.hvy 30 99 1 3 4 91 9*| J Wallace 12 Herald, Crest, Locarno ;0258 P.Oada 3-4 l:tt good 20 96 9 8 7 7* 7:* J Merimee 9 Betsinda, Ti.ania. North Shore W0S8 F.Gnds 3-4 l:17%lnry 20 98 5 8 2 3J 3* J Merirnee 11 Iron Boy, Crist, Lady Mildred 59433 F.Gnds 3-4 LHjfast 60 100 9 10 9 9» 951 G BreningBJ Orale?s:o, 1avia. lhilanderer SH0REACRES. tr. m. 8 9S By Martimas — Jane Shore, by Persaore. Trainer, C. Whyte. Owner, J. D. Duggan. 5S3M MaploH. B -8 1 :0:"-good 11 1jS 7 6 6 51 45 J Maib-n 9 SweepBpII., Trdwell. ViclaG. 5Sand13 Maplell. Bft I 1:1. .-.hvy G 1"9 6 4 5 l*| 3" J ktatkca T OrlnsGirl, Ljdylone, Vansylvia 5«.:SS Maplell. oj f IM good 4 115 5*i W Hinphy 6 Slieba, Manicurist, Marmite EMM ftsapleH, 51 f l:09,igoodl7-10 113 ft* V, Hinphy 7 Sea Board, S. Stalwart, St. Just 5S21C Maplell. 51 f l:12"-„hvy 9 113 2"»* J Maiben B Fringe, Lady lone. Black Top RSU Kworth 61 f 1:11 slop 28 Ml 2 8 B 8 83 E Harbne 8 Nenette, P.Mcody. BugleMarch St371 Thclife Bft f l:09-.-.fast 7 98 31 A Jacobs S Hush, Anticipate. Corn Broom *JI12S DuTrta Ab 5-8 t4S%taat 9-5 108 3"! F Chiavta 7 Ly Binmore, Ly Betty. Impresa :,0PU7 Dufrin Ab 5-S l:02":.fast 22-5 10S 34 M Foden 8 Chantour. Banyan, B.oor MSB Dufrin Ab 5-8 l:0::~fast 9-5 107 441 M Foden 7 Chantour, CornBroom. Satinmora MM KingEd. 3-4 1:20 mud 12-5 118 421 W Hinphy 5 R. Robin, Chantour, Fr and Wr 1NKETTE TELLER, b. m, 5 103 By Magneto— Milldale, by Miller. Trainer, J. H. Buscher. Owner, Marmoujet k Do Latour. SSBSS Mobile Ab 5-S 5S-r,fast 10 1"6 9 8 Sl S:s A FrieshonlO Assume, Chas.A.Byrne, Dahinda 608S1 Mobile lmTOy IMTHaat 50 MB 1 6 71 9=; T Waft 10 Capt. Burns. O.James, Bombast tflS Mobile Ab5Sl:01 hvy 40 115 8 8 8 7 720 J Conway 9 B. Bay, LyRhter. Jackville BUS F.Gnda 3-4 l:15?imud 30 10611 T I BJ |M P Cltllettill Actress, Bertha S., Back Bay S615 Jeffson 5-8 l:C3ifast 8 l5 6*1 A Pecarro 7 Spo. Queen. ScrewSanders, Glooas 5S601 Jeffson 6-8 1:02 fast 20 109 711 A Pecarro 7 Murphy, J.Frederick, Diocletiaa ST. JUST, br. h. 6 110 By St. Vohna— Mirror Mase, by Masetto. Trainer, R. Warfield. Owner, R. Warfield, 61159 Bowie 1-4 l:M%faat MB MB 5 6 6 6-3 W Bogski 6 Jock S.ot. Trantula, Betsinda 60899 Mobile Ab 5-S 58Mifast 3 115 2 1 1» ll W Bogskl 10 Princess Lou. Crest. F.G.Corley BUI Mobile Ab 5-8 LClhvy 7 115 4 3 2 21 2» W Bogski 10 Cckey W., Sea Board, Dahinda MMS Mexico 5-S l:03fast 19-5 108 2 2 8 6 6*1 W Bogskl 6 MyFr.Pat, Eniden, Miss Parnr-U rJ557 Mexico 61 f l:10 4fast 27-10 107 3 1 3 31 441 W Bogskl 8 Ballynew, Van. Dresner, Zainer 504:i Mexico 3-4 1:17 fast 5 110 1 1 3 4* 4* W Bogskl 5 Rivulet, ValerieWest, Pomerena BBM Mexico 55 f 1:12 fast 6 115 2 11 l1! 1» N J Brnes 8 Ol.James, MyRose, Lit.Mandie 50308 Mexico 51 f l:10*ifast 9 118 2 I 4 41 61 N J Brnes 8 Vanity Dresser, Chicken, Enidea LENT, b. g, 3 M 93 By Theo. Cook — SacUcloth. by Stalwart. Trainer, W. M. Sheedy. Owner, "W. M. Sheedy. 60814 Mobile Ab 5-S I 99*1 fa at 13-5 115 9 7 S»| ¥% F ChiavtalO BrnDick, Alverida. Mid.Storiea 5SS13 Jeffson 61 f l:09Vifast 6-5 115 1 2 1 51 S*l B Marielii S Attoo. ll.Kcmble. D,imbf..under j86r S Joffson 5-8 1:02 fast 12 115 5 13 21 14 J Fitz 13 FredKiuney, Pluribelle, Executa 55071 Aqduct 5-8 l:O0Vsfast 30 102 14 13 13"» 1210 NT Swart 17 Zealot. MtrtasaCaaaar. TheWRg 549J9 Belmont 5-8 st l:02-fast 10 110 3 6 61 6 T Rice 9 EvelynWhite, Beamer. Mad Nell 54029 Jamaica 6-8 1 :00%good 31 110 2 I » »| «" T Rice 12 Morvieh, BrushBoy, Dol.Varden 53892 H.deGca 1-2 4SHfast 9-10 115 5 2 21 2i T Bice 10 Quick Bun, Miles S., Rosa Lea 5.806 H.deGce 1-2 4SVf.fast 6-5 116 1 ft M ft* T Rice 8 Excuse Me, Teddy B., The Wi| 53646 H.deGca 1-2 4SS»faat 9f 116 7 1 41 2l E AmbroselO Elemental. Excuse Me, Zealot DIVIL-TO-PAY. br. f. 4 M 96 By Celt— Censure, by Star Ruby, Trainer, T. J. Carroll. Owner, C. L. Gerlinr. EMM Laurel 3-4 I1i*afaat 31 102 5 8 8 $ 8» F Wdstck 8 Chas.J.Craigme. BinaD.. Celiva BSSH Laurel 51 f l:09:„fast 37 100 3 9 10 91 9" F CltilettllO Explosive, Salesman, Vera Wood BMBSTkas. 3-4 1:20 slop 7-5 97 61T E Atkinsn 6 Cranium, Bellmain. nelen Lucas 19S17 Tim. Ab 3-4 1:18 fast 7 109 21 D Stirling 8 Gratian, Lura. Navajo SMM Timium 5-8 1:00 fast 5 109 2* D Stirling 8 Candy, Navajo. Kentmera 49042 Sar toga 5-8 1:00 fast 30 109 5 5 8 8* ft*" M Huff 9 Wanatah, Dora, Galiot 49266 Bat* toga 5-S 1:00 fast 60 110 2 8 8 8 8«N Huff 8 Fluff. Cubanita. Bit of Green KITTY JOHNSON, b. ni, 6 103 By Sir John Johnson— Kitty Warfield, by Plaudit. Trainer, C. Manley. Owner. C. W. Plunkett. BMM Bowie GJ f 1:22 slow 23f 111 6 9 11 WW D Stirling 13 Burjroyne. Moroni. Tidings 5726 t Mlboro Ab5-S l:09Sfast 6 113 3* J Ryan 4 Jessica F., Lucie May. Macushla 57138 Mlboro Ab5-8 1:11 fast 7-5 108 ll D Stirling 7 Ahara. Primitive. Alf Vezina 6145S Bowie 3-4 l:175slow 36f 108 7 11 II 10 11- R Lcasterl3 HdO. Heels. Sauuny Kelly, Turf 51159 Laurel 11-16 1:49 fast 19 114 2 1 1 1 2 3*1 G Voss 9 Verity. Lady Ward. Houg Kong 50973 Laurel 3-4 1 :15*5fast llf 99 11 12 12 ll2 ll10 A Allen 13 Thel.elgianlL. Murphy. Sunrosa 49365 Timium 3-4 1:17 fast 4 107 1| H Garner 6 Jessica F., Sunrose, Primitive 496S3 Mlboro Ab5-S l:104andfast 2 115 6i R Walcott 5 LeotiFay, MarysM., Meadwtk 49499 Hagtn Ab5-8 IM fast 9 109 1* R Walcott 4 PixieFlyer. Ladylvan, Rosemary 494j 7 Hagtn 61 f l:27:5slow 10 113 611 J Nuccio 7 Dai rose. Silex II., Key ftaaakj 1 ■ ■ -* * 1 a 1 - a miwm iaa, and ».,.i ..■.««r.,«. upward. fis*l Claiming. ...•*»«.. / - -- o

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922041401/drf1922041401_3_4
Local Identifier: drf1922041401_3_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800