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la | i l I T * r I J 1 I I !; t J v " I 3 i I J c 1 1 1 ] ] . ] a SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RACING TIJUANA, Mexico, April 19. — : The folloarinc an official summary of todays rmcins-AVeatlier clear. FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. 2 y ear alia, M.ndetis. Claiming. ilotse-;. Wt. Jockey. St. PL S!i. Ila. Briaa Kent IBS R.Carter| 3.00 $ 2.10 $ 2.20 Waa Dlty Bojr 1O0 II. Jones.. 2. HO 2.20 2nd GilUftower 101 1 T. WUaaa 2 40 M Lady Le mid, Frank Kietee and Miss balance ai 0 ran. Time. 49V Track fast. Scratched— O. Henry. SECOND RACE—." 1-2 Furlongs. 3 year -old 1 and ttp.v.ird. Italdeaa. Clairaiag. Banes. Wt. Jockey. St. Il. Sh. Fin. Alaaaa BS M. Garrett... | B.SS I 5.4B $ 4. 00 Won W.vlie Garrett lMHC.Ralls 21. SO 9 20 2nd Delia Welti 118 ill. Jones •_.« 3rd Miss Onri. Bkaila Yo-in». K.-iio. Alice Atkiu. Rridget Xlaloie. Virginia James, Em* IS. and Stilpo al-o ran. Time, LOaU. Track fast. Sera t Cfcld RlldgatlC. THIRD BtACR— 5 12 Furlongs. 3 year olds and BP *aidL Ciaiminjj. Hoise-. Wt. .lockey. St. PI. Sh. Fin. Hookworm 107 T. WiNonlJ 8.40 S 4. SO $ 3.20 Woi Aprapea 110 C. Ratte LlO 8.BB 2ad Rink.tvous 113 H. .Ione 8.BB Brd S[ttiriel Bawklaa, Santhia .. Twin Staby, Maxiaa, IIt.nt rs Ioint. France, Balance Rook aud Moore-wood also ran. Time. 1:09. Track fast. Scratched — Lucy Arnold. FOURTH RACK -1 1-16 Miles. 3 year -olda and : upward. Claim 0g. Bones. Wt. Jockey. Bt. PI. Sh. Fin. Pn p e y 10s i [. aron .0.00 $ B -0 $ 4.tH Won Pec teas Oae 119 E. Fator 2.88 2:.d , Itotab IBB C. ISails.. 341 Srd Eodlac, G - Oa, Dieae, Cobrita, Lady loaeablae. Jay Mac. M-- Welta an.l Medford I! y also ran. I lima, 1:49 5. Track fast. Bcrateked Modiste. FIFTH RAI i: 1 Mile aad 70 Yards. 3-ycar- j olds and upward. Claiming. Banes. Wt. lockey. St. PL Sh. Fin. i 112 1.:. F.11..11 $ 7.-;0 S 8.88 | 2.88 Won! Capt. Clove:- !■ ; ill. Je- 3.00 2 SO 2nd j tV. M-g:y 111 T. Won 2JM 3rd r. .i y allea, fWaltac Dant, tRallatcar and Jake S. has aha r.m. ICeapIld i:i Letting as C. B. and F. IS. Irwin entry, jit. I!. Rarstea entiy. Tims. l:45i. Track fast. S.-ratehc-d Antic King. SIXTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiming. Bones. Wt. Jockey. St. PL Sh. Fin. Wat. Willow M8T.Wnseaf 6.20 $ 4 00 $ 3228 Won T.Brkridg* 10BR.Petaa*d 8.20 B.B8 2nd Croaplei 188 R. Meaa... 8.88 Srd i:. :nbeola. Dainty Lady, Bill Head, Hal Wrigiit, III I. ess Ioli.v aad Sadie D. also ran. Time. 1:48%. Track fast. Bcratcacd -Caauaaader, Sample. SirVFNTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3 year o.ds and up-w.nd. laimiug. Banes, Wt. Jockey. St. PL Sh. Fin. Cat Mpi v 112 T.WHsaal s.00 I S .20 $ 4.20 Won r. Wil-ou 112 M. Fator 4.«0 4.40 2nd Red Mar. IBB 1 B.8B Srd Orieaaa Girl, Miss Daaaar, Plaatageaet, Hot Foot. Deckaaad, lcgsy Martin, Mary Fuller and Mistake also I 1. Time, 1:14%. Track fast. Scratched uauiano. BIGHTS RACK— 3 1 Mile. 3 year old and up-ara 1 1. t lalai ia _. Hones. Wt. .Mickey. St. PI. Sh. Fin. Klmaaa !»7 I.M. Fator 3.40 $ 7.20 $ 8.88 Woa Coombs 107 t". Orgaa.. 10.20 T.iv 2nd DiTlaad 117 ill. Carter.. 3.20 3rd No Wonder. I. W. Harper. Ci-ely Kay, Little FlOMBCe aad Little Pointer al-o r;,n. T.u.e. 1U4%. Track fast. Bentched Haaeat Georye, Rilly Joe. i-ewia B., llo.a. ■ Lercii. a-