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- 1 | fc ij e 6 6 ■ « 6 c a I ■ | a : I i I - - i „ , I j | | ? | . ! t j If I I 6 5 ; J I | II i , : j I | i I I j ! j j | I 1 i * | U i ; , f ; ! - | | | ; , B ; I | | ■ j , I 6 ! : . 2 J X i ■ | I 0 j ■ j I ■ ■" r i 0 5 .:, O ; 5 : 0 3 8 ct DA PC B 1-31 Knrlonss. 3-yrar-oIds and upward. laiuilug. Jane 2S, 161 flttUC lOlO 1:05 1-5 1 118. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St % Str Fin Jeckeya Started Order of Finish ISPHAM, ch. m, 8 106 By R-pid Water— Barbaria, by Canopus or Glen- Trainer. H. A. Lott. Owner, H. A. Lott. heim. 61271 Tijuana ."i f l:0S%fast 12 111 9 7 5s 2i II Long 10 Oli.oD.. IwMTlJ. Bq.HawkkM 6119C Tijuana ll:44%good 4 10S 4 and 41 41 W D Mill- r 8 HalWright, Thrills, Vera Wood 61170 Tijuana 1 l:4S%faat 3Cf M 9 6 62 6* W D MUlerM JulyFly, CVrMaster, O.Cstead 161136 Tijuana 1 1-10 l:51%good 9 10S 2 1 lb 6" W D Miller 11 L.DVaure. Hickuut. BabySister 61091 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 182 K-2 5 4 6l S" W U Miller 9 L.CochraD, NoWonder, MyrtleA. C1086 Tijuana 51 f 1 :08%fast 61 W3 9 6 72 7*1 W D Miller 9 Lot. Speed, Candegrey. NkKlein- 01041 Tijuana 5Jfl:0S%fast til 103 a 4 4i 3jW D Millerll DbleVan, G.Tmble. J.Uuderwd LITTLE PRINCESS, ch. m. 7 106 By Peter Quince— Little Oasis, by Belvidere. Trainer, W. E. Woods. Owner, Horse Lake Stable. ,61255 Tijuana 8-4 100%faat 9 111 9 7 71 Si M "Woods 11 Capon. Alazon. Miss Ouri 61241 Tijuana 5-8 1 ufast 225 111 0 9 9 10% M Woods 12 LvSmall. Vodka. Mtgore.erTjr. 61171 Tijuana 5J f 1 :-J8%fast 10 111 € 4 6iT"M Woods 8 G. Enough, Walt.Mack. McCroan 01111 Tijuana 8-81*1 fart 58 109 6 8 8 7 ° M Woods 10 Tom la:o, M.irv Jay, Full Moon 61089 Tijuana 6J f 1:09 fast 7 111 5 7 4- 4i M Woods 12 B.MeverB, Ostentatious. OlneD. 61028 Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slow 42 113 3 2 21 3% M Woods 7 Croupier, Toyon. Olive D. 60914 Tijuana 5i f l:08%good 565 110 S 8 62 6% M Woods S DancgGirl SirJ.Vergne. L. Small 60S88 Tijuana lm70y l:47%good 143f 104 9 10 10 10« W Davis 10 Zamloch, Weinland, Tom Brooks 30753 Tijuana 3-4 1:16%fast 63f 113 6 6 6 61 8*1 R Carter 9 Chrome, Squash, Roberi MM Tijuana 61 f l:10%slop f 111 7 8 9 9 9-° M Woods » J. Gorman, Black Top. TomCaro 50379 Tijuana 6Jfl:C9 fast 56 109 1 4 7 7i ll" M Woods 12 Tbian, Circulate. Lauraf... hran 34050 Tijuana lmOy 1:47 alow 32 113 67J M Woods 10 ChTtonn, Oattatns, L.Inceace LANTERN, ch. g, 7 113 By Sta: bottle— Ravolette, by Flambeau. Trainer, V. E. Olsen. Owner, Olsen ic Bryan. MS Tijuana 8-8 l*3%faat 21 113 10 7 7 ? !:IE Taylor 12 Jol.nS. Wiggins. Alajah. Vodka 60O25 Tijuana 3-4 1 :1 .--.good 6 10S f! o 4 9:J 9 .1 Htamer 12 Al Farter, Vic, Laura Cochran 59670 Tijuana 61 f l:09%fast 7 108 7 4 4 61 9 G Willms 12 Galwav, Coombs, Ethel 5K.16 Tijuana 3-4 1:24 hvy 6 110 3 3 4 01 6% J Htamer 7 Lewis P.., Tambian, imLBrlcade MM Tijuana 61 t 1:09 faat 29-10 U4 2 J I 4 « J Htamer 11 Pewaukee, W.C.Dooly, LyBrbon 5S929 Tijuana 51 t 1:09 fast 19f 112 2 1 t »» 9" B Parke 11 Busy Bird, Oar Mala CANVASBACK. ch. g, 5 113 By Greenback— Coronia, by Voter. Trainer, D. F. Hibbard. Owner. E. Winters. 61231 Tijuana 1 1 26 109 0 8 73 6J H Jones 8 Orleans ;irl. Limerick. Careen 61150 Tijuana £lfl:09%fast 95 113 10 9 9J 6 M Woods 12 Josenia. Foeman. Apple Jack 01091 Tijuana ll:43%fast 86 112 7 9 9 9«R Carter 9 L.Cochran, NoWonder, i!ir:-v. 60970 Tijuana 5-8 1:00 fast 152 110 7 6 61 5" R Carter 7 Wal.Dant. NoWonder, lioiFoot 66804 Tijuana 1 1-1C 1 :53%slow 42 115 9 10 10« 9" D Hum 12 Argento, White Haven, Alma B. lOSi.". Tijuana 1 l:44%fast 36f 109 10 9 8 8 8s 8 s V. Tator 10 Missoula, PlowSteel, NoWonder 5C6S7 Tijuana 1-4 l:16%fast 8 113 9 10 10 8| 9% M SIglPerl2 Missoula, Chrome, Olive D. S0498 Tijuana 1 l:49%mud 16 109 4 4 6 4 4% 8** M lighter 8 Planfagenet. Mistake. Swenson S03S4 Tijuana 1 l:44%fast 24f 109 10 U 11 10 »« 8TI M S!ghterl2 Peg.Martin, JewelCity, HotFoot 10271 Tijuana 61 f l:10%good S4f 113 9 9 8 7» 3% M Slghterl2 Coombs. LyBourbon, Missoula tC153 Tijuana 61 t 1:12%s1od 14 113 11 10 10 10 811 C Brown 12 Mike Dixon. Sadie D.. Kimoao aTJTEN LEAD II., b. f, 4 M 110 By A. M. Eolter— ftueen Lead, by Plaudit. Trainer, W. Booth. Owner, Montana Stable. 61270 Tijuana 6i f 1:09 fast 27f 106 Left at post. "W Davis 9 Toyon. Foeman. Miss "i.rk 161226 Tijuana ll:42%fast !5 101 8 3 7* !»• W Davis 11 CastleCrown, Norain, Bookworm 61179 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 7f 110 8 6 7* S» W D Millerl2 Silk Sox, Contriot, CblppeaOaM 61166 Tijuana 51 f 1.0-8%fast 25f 112 9 9 9% 8% 1! M Ewer. 12 Olympiad, Firo, Capon ,61089 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast lOf 114 11 11 9% 74 B McEwenl2 Bl. Meyers, Ostentatious, OIlveD. 6O072 Tijuana 3-4 l:F.%fast 36 109 1 3 4 4* 6% M Sighter 9 J.ludwd, MtgomyJr.. 1-pham SOr.45Tiji-.ana 51 f l:12"..slow 30f 110 7 11 8 9« 9° P Caron 11 Nick Klein, Squash, Blue Van 60495 Tijuana 6-8 1.06 mud 22f 104 7 8 9 91 11 • F Gottllcl2 Trumpet Call, Cancion, Vodka HUNTERS POINT, b. g, 4 U 107 By Von Tromp— Zorita, by Cerito LL Trainer. H. Farrell. Owner. H. Farrell. 6127 2 Tijuana 8-8 l*Jr%flaat ltt 112 7 Fell. Yv" D Millrl2 Shelbyville, Angela, Candorosa 69040 Tijuana 3-4 l:1.7%fast .17 107 7 4 6 10 10;l B Parke 10 Weinland, Sea Beach, tiadling 58927 Tijuana 3-4 1*1 fast 5 1C5 1 4 U 11 11" G Willlmsll RedWilliara, Restfull, Mrs. Pat 5.Si:.l Tijuana lm70y 1 :47%fast 109 105 6 3 6 6 P. up. J Htamer 6 W.Mgomy, CvldrlL, J.Schaa 5S7S5 Tijuana 61 f l:08%fast 19 104 9 3 4 9 915 P Hum 9 SamUeh. G.Agmonte, B.Paker 58711 Tijuana 61 f fast 36 110 5 8 a J Deford 8 OrcbidKiug. SamReb, BobBaker SANTHIA C., br. f. 4 M 105 By Lay Low— Santhia, by Santello. Trainer, E, Douglas. Owner, G. Cooney. 61334 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 3."-10f 112 8 4 7t 7% M Fator 11 Bookworm, Apropos. Rir.kavous 61270 Tijuana 61 f 1:09 fast 63S 110 6 6 62 7 E Fator 9 Toyon. Foeman. Miss Clark 61180 Tijuana 5-S 1:01% fast 125 107 10 7 10" 10-« E Fator 11 FullMoon. H.George, Shelbyille MARION FLUKE, b. f, 4 105 By Tony Faust — Princess Viola, by Kismet. Trainer, L. Galbraith. Owner, L. Galbraith. 161271 Tijuana M f l*f%taat 19 103 7 8 SI SI G WillimslO Olive D., Ispham, Delancey 61227 Tijuana 51fl:0S%fast 66 100 4 6 10» 10« M Fator 11 C. Cannell, Vera Rita. Meteor •61072 Tijuana 6ifl:CS%fast 106 105 7 6 6» 6% C studer 11 Candegrey, Circulate, fascade 60923 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 hvy 14 104 7 6 61 6% J Htamer 9 Conichon, Toyon, Montgomery Jr. 60755 Tijuana 3-4 l:lfi%fast 63f 106 4 6 7 71 9% W Dean 9 Chrome, Squash, Robert Lee SENATOR DONLAN, b. c, 3 M 100 By Edwin T. Fryer— Reene W., by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. W. Hunter. Owner, W. E. Hunter. 61318 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%fast 6f 97 9 6 63 6 J M Fator 10 Nebr.Lad, WalterDant. DaisyN. 61371 Tijuana 61 t l:0S%fast 116 95 10 9 9 7«i W D Mill rlO Olive D., Ispham, VICTORY WON, ch. g, 4 107 By Sett — Fascinating, by Peep oDay. Trainer, J. L. Hamilton. Owner, J. L. Hamilton. 61241 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 19f 107 4 10 10 ll" G Wliamsl2 L.Small. Vodka. Mtgomery Jr. 61164 Tijuana 61 f l:C9%fast 191 107 6 8 71 6« W D Miller 9 E. Willms. S.Hawkins, Ett.Ree 61088 Tijuana 61 f l:09%fast 3f 107 2 7 9l 883 II B Bwerl2 Daisy N., lilue Yan. Mex 61073 Tijuana 61 f l:07%fast 76f 107 1 8 7« 7" E Petzgoid 8 FullMoon, E.Williams, Soc.Star 60996 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 768 107 4 5 71 7% E Petzgoldtl Lady Bourbon. Vodka. Olive D. MM Tiiuana 1 l:44%fast 24f 103 2 8 10 U 12 12» H B Bwerl2 Peg. Mai tin, Jeweltity, HotFoot 60326 Tijuana 6-8 lK2%faat 76f 1U 1 8 8 8* S« ■ Carter 12 ChinaJaue, N.Klein, J. D.Sugg FITZGERALD, br. g, 12 113 By Hurst Park — Helen Connelly, by Uncommon. Trainer, P. A. Sandidge. Owner. P. A. Sandidge. 61255 Tiiuana 3-4 l:16%fast I7f 1CS 4 10 11 11;« T Wilson 11 Capon. Alazon. Miss Ouri 61089 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 208 108 12 12 12 12:1H Long 12 Bl. Meyers, Ostentatious, OliveD. 60686 Tijuana 3-4 1 :lo .. fast 1043 IB 10 9 11 11 11!» T Rae 11 Kimono, J.D.Suj:g, MM Tijuana 6-8 l.W%faat 6Jf 113 12 11 11 11* ll» T Rae 12 .lohnS.Wiirsins. Alajah, Vodka -30153 Tijuana 81 1 lJ2%al«a 21f 112 7 T I 71 7% T Rae 12 Mike Dixon. Sadie D., Kimcno 59223 Tijuana 6-8 1 :0ti:*;,hvy 40 109 8 8 8 7% 7;» J Htamer 8 Jaci Ledi, Rosa Atkin, Infield 53971 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:5£%fast 41 U3 6l« T Kindle 7 GoOn. Chattan C-ourt, StanleyB. MOOREWOOD, b. g. 11 M 113 By St. Maxim— Louis Wood, by King Eric. .Trainer, L. A. Scully. Owner. J. Wilson. 61334 Tijuana M f 1:"9 fast L3-l f 115 11 9 95 6"3 E Fator 11 Bookworm. Apropos. Bnkavous MM Tijuana 81 t l:13%hvv 26 113 2 7 6 81 9 ■• E Taylor 11 Hug Me, Alazon, I.ittern "•97!2 Tijuana 1 14". fast 32 112 5 2 2 6 12 12"-5 E Taylor 12 Sippara, Montperri, Nci.shoDale .9744 Tijuana 61 f l:08%fast K Ml I 8 8» 811 E Donhue 9 BeaelHa, Fond Hope, Ringleader MM Tijuana 111 14%feat 26 110 6 I 10 10* 12* H Long 12 JewelCity, Mrs. Pat, Jr. Trimble 59546 Tijuana 61 f l:18%hvy 17-5 108 6 6 6 3ft 5*4 J Htamer 9 Ilei.-n I.u. as, Dollie Hart, Petlar i9500 Tijuana 61 f 1:15 hvy 9 108 6 3 2 2s 6*1 E Noble 8 V, eller. Baby al, Blazer ,9446 Tijuana 5-8 1:09 mud 6 110 8 6 6 6% 6«I E Noble 8 H.Willdo, Canvasback, Squash