Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-13


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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA KT KONBAy JUNE 12 1922 Ixitonla 1 mile Slxtli day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 29 dayn Woathnr clear tempoiatnro 8G Stewards Charles V Price S O Nuckola Jr A G Leonard nnd O W Hay Judges W II Shelley N H McClelland nnd J S Wallace Starter A 11 Dado Racing Secretary W B Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago Umo 200 p m W Indicates whip B Hpurs B bllnkera inc nrc3 In parentlieKes following the distance of each raco Indicate date trade record ago of horso and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Uilo Juro 7 1821 1105 0 110 Sanders Purso Purso 1500 3yearolda Claiming Hot valno to winner 1150 second J225 third 125 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFln Jockeys Owner Eqnlr Odds Strt G229 WAYWARD LADY w 105 0 1 21 11 1 Il W Pool M Goldblatt SO1CO SO1CO5801G 5801G L1NA CLARK r 103 5 8 6 31 31 2 J Kcdcria Harncd Bros Jones 1310103 019 12 ASHLAND wn 114 4 7 7 41 4 3 1 M Gamer C Woldomann 2345100 2345100GUOIO GUOIO WHIRL w 100 1 3 1 2 21 4 B Harvey Gallaher Bros 1930100 62433 JANICU WB 114 7 5 41 6 5s C B Konndy F J Kclley 2351CO 2351CO59310COLORED 59310COLORED BOY wu 108 2 4 31 C C G E Martin Glenn Laffoon USO100 93 S 2 51 7s 7 7 A Frlcshon E Miller 17800100 178001006UISTKVKU 6UISTKVKU BOLD WB 103 2 8 8388 A Uoach Woodman Bros 2CC15100 2CC15100Timo Timo 23 47 113 Tract fast 2 mutuels paid Waywnrd Lady 300 straight 280 place 250 show Una Olark 720 place 190 show ABhlnud 010 show showKiltilvalent Kiltilvalent booking odds Waywnrd Lady SO to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 25 to 100 shorv Llna Clark 200 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Ashland 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Black Toney Wajrward Lass by Sir Dixon trained by M Goldblatt bred by Mr Edward R Bradley BradleyWent Went to post nt 200 At post 1 minute Start good and Blow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WAYWAIID LADY passed WHIRL In the first half nnd making tho pace fast easily held tho others safe nt the end L1NA CLARK moved up resolutely In Uiu stretch and finished fast ASHLAND camo from far back In the hist quarter WHIRL set the iwca briefly and tired badly ha the stretch JANKU olso dropped back hi the stretch COLOIiHD BOY quit quitScratched Scratched 01974 Polio 107 G04S7 liver Bold 103 6 U SECOND BACE 58 Milo Juno 22 1910 52 2 103 Pnrao 1400 Zyoarolda b Mtldens Celts and Geldings Special Weights Nat value to vinnor 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrKln Jockeys Owners ISqulr Odds Strt IG2110 JACK BAUER w U5 1 1 1G2208 in 11 i i M Gamer R L A Baiter 1901CO G2208 BANNER BEARER w 115 3 2 2 2 2 2J G Fields J B Iloapcaa 425100 G1970 RUSTEM w 115 4 3 3w 31 31 3 3 13 Martin J B Ward GSO103 GSO103Cuk G243GA1 STEBLEU w a 115 3 4 4WB Cuk C 61 4 N Barrett G IP Baker 570100 570100G fiSHO BASTINADO WB 115 3 G 44 4 S B Kenndy F J ICelley 13M100 G243GJACTUARY w 115 5 5 5w 41 5 C C D Connelly R II Andoraon 570100 POLITH w US 7 7tr 711 7 71 710 B Scoblo Montfort Jonoa KK100 STUMP JR tr 115 7 8 8 8 8 8 J iSoolior T H Sowel 19200104 Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid JncJj Bauer 580 straight 300 place 2CO show Banner Bearer 380 place 310 show II ust em 400 eliow eliowBiiulrclcnt Biiulrclcnt booking odda Jnck Bauer 190 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place SO to 100 show Banner Bearer 00 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Ilustem 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner B K by Colonel Vcnnie Annie Giimore by Diet Welles trained by A Maker bred by Mr Jerome H Kcspesa KcspesaWent Went to post ut 235 At post 1 mlnnte Start good and slow Won easily second nnd third drlv inz JACK BAUER began fast and showed the most upecd for the entire race and won easing up BAN NIStt BKARI2R raced In closest pur tilt nil the way and swerved out on tho stretch turn bnt finished wull RUSTI3M raced close up throughout AL STKBLHIl dropped far back scon after tho start and closed mishapsScratched A gap in the stretch BASTINADO tired in tlie stretch ACTUARY kid no mishaps Scratched G2212sWIdn 1115 G232S Bill OFIyun 115 G235GsMayor Carrel 115 G2130 La Orb 115J Aspiration 113 TKTRT RACE 1 11G Milea Oct 7 1816 143 3 122 Purso 1400 3ycaroUs Claiminj Kot valuo to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 Inder Horses AWtPPSt U StrFln Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02 3 Gl SPORTSMAN w 106 3 1 4l 4 1 11 1 1 E Martin T C McDowell 2151C8 K5100G23SI GSSGlALAMEDA 2151C8GSSGlALAMEDA GIRL w 103 2 2 3l 3 21 24 2P B Konndy Mcrla Vllllama K5100 G23SI 1203103G23GlaIlANDEL OO IA LA w 102 1 5 5 6 4 4 3 G Fields J Spencer 1203103 G23GlaIlANDEL w 101 3 8 3 CJ 31 31 4 A Ycrrat T E Mueller C50100 C50100J232i J232i TOPaLVST wan 111 G 7 C1 8 8 61 51 C Kails Cain Sanford C15100 622973FLYING C15100622973FLYING PRINCE wu 103 4 6 71 7 51 5 6 J Francis Dortch Bros 19C100 G2357 19C100G2357 CASHY wsu 101 7 4 2l 2 TB T 7 W Pool O F Baker KO100 G21003WDlNa KO100G21003WDlNa THROUGH 103 5 2 11 11 G 8 8 E Scoblo F Hawkins 1503100 1503100Tame Tame 23 47 114 141 1474 Track fast 2 mutucla paid Sportsman 030 straight 3GO place 300 show Alaiuetla Girl 4 JO place 390 show Oo La Ln 530 show showUqulviilont Uqulviilont booking odds Sportsman 215 to 100 straight SO to 100 ilace 50 to 100 show Alamcda Girl 115 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Oo La La 1C3 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by The Manager Auriga by Watcrboy trained by S Chcnuult bred by Mr Thomas C McDowell McDowellWent Went to post nt 303 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SPORTSMAN moved up with a rush after going n half mile and taking tlie lead Just before reach ¬ ing the stretch held ALAMUBA GIRL wife la the final drive ALAMEDA GIRL meed prominently nil tho way and finished fast nnd gamely OO LA LA closed a gap In tho last quarter RAN DHL was glvoa a bad ride FLYING PRINCE tired near the end CASBY quit badly WINDING THROUGH t t a good pace to the far turn and ulso quit quitScratched Scratched G23o7 Krod Kinney 101 GU32tDorius 110 5S121Spllt Grass 99 G2157 Dr Little 100 Overweights 100Overweights Oo La La 1 pound Flying Prince 2 FOURTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Nov 3 1317 141 i 3 120 Purso 13CO 3yearouis and upwcrd Claiming Not valuo to winner 1OOO socond 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Sir fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt LY w 7 101 3 3 1 14 I1 14 I1 C Italia M Shields 75100 62237 RED LEGS WB 4 109 4 4 24 2l 4 3 = 2 G Fields J S Ward G051CO G051COG2109 G2109 TWINKLE BLUE w 4 104 7 S 71 5 24 2 3 ° G Pierot Chandler Stable 1033103 1033103G2237JBOJQL G2237JBOJQL vB 3 1M 5 5 5 C 3l 4l 4 B Kenndy G P Mattlnely 995100 f2353 995100f2353 TKUST OFFICIAL c 1 1OI 2 1 3 31 51 51 D Connelly G Knebelkrirnp 2C501CO 2C501COC2297 C2297 PAHASKrV w 4 109 1 2 41 4 51 C4 C4 T Murray M J Lowenstcln 6705100 6705100G2357 G2357 JORDAN wa 3 100 3 7 64 7 7 7 7 W Pool A Board 1000100 62187 WARSAW VB 8 109 C 8 S 8 8 8 8 J II Burke McCarvey Lewis 2810100 2810100Tim Tim 23 43 114 141 145 Track fast 2 mutuela paid Korbly 350 straight 270 placo 250 show Ued Legs 4JJO place 330 show Twinkle Blue t10 show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking odds Korbly 75 to IOO straight 35 to ICO place 25 to 100 show Red Legs 110 to 109 place 90 to 100 show Twinkle Blue 120 to 100 Hliow HliowWinner Winner It g by Martinet Lady Irma by Semproniua trained by M Shields bred by Messrs Wil ¬ liams Bros BrosWent Went to post at 341 At post 1 minute Skirt good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing KOKItLY rand into the lead at oucu and showing the mut spend held the race safe for the entire way but hid to bv ridden luml In tin stretch IJKI IKOS raced prominently for Uie first half nnd dropped back but came again in the stretch TWINKLH BLUH had to close 1 gap and ran a good race BOJUL was tiring at the end TKUST OFFICIAL came fast through the stretch JORDAN requires a strung rider riderScratched Scratched 02243s Uncle Velo 112 02TJ2Orjyson 112 235 235sVirgo sVirgo 105 2437 Tulsa 104 G225S Bcr mont 101 02101 Wirkfunl 10J U235 The Wit 115 02101 Brown Bill 109 C2401OIUe Wood 109 Overweights 109Overweights Itujitl 1 iwuntl FIFTH RACE 34 ilile Jure 7 1321 110 G 110 Pslaco Hotel Purso Purso 51COQ 4ycaroIus and upward Allowance Hot valoo to winner 1200 second 2tO third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Sir Kin Jockeys Kquiv Odds Strt G2074COLEL BKER wu J 106 28 1 2 i 2s in W Pool B 1 Brannori 215100 5G250 2151005G250 JMES F OHARA w 10 104 78 4 1 = 1 2s B Kenndy Klrkfleld SUble 2701CO G2159JARAItAT 2701COG2159JARAItAT wu 4 115 47 5s 343 34 D Connelly M Goldblatt 210100 210100G1J41 G1J41 JIMMIE DAW WB 4 1 W 3 4 3 41 5 4 J H Burke J Spencer 7i03100 7i0310055G80 55G80 BWING BUBBLESw 4 10S G 3 R f IMIOI iiir iin i oU wm sn RT r in G229G BEN BOLT vr 115 L 5 1 62237CASTLEREAGH w 4 115 SI 61 C 71 71 11 Hartori D lyjhnti 1SCO100 1SCO100G2009 G2009 SCOTI VND Y17T wn I 103 S 3 7 71 8 8 F Smith J H Rosaetcr 2340100 2340100tFormerly tFormerly ran us Sir William WilliamTimo Timo 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Colonel Baker t SO straight 300 place 230 show James F Ollarn 500 place 2GO show Ararat 240 show showIkjiiivalent Ikjiiivalent Poking odds Colonel Baker 215 ti 10 straight 50 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Jatnc3 F OHara 150 to 100 place 30 to 10 show Anirat 20 to 1K show showWinner Winner B c by Ben Brush Pleasant PUSH by Orlando trained by IS J Brannun bred by Mr W Syhnlkeld SyhnlkeldWent Went to post nt 415 At post 1 minute Sturt good and slow Won driving second and third the same COIONKL BAKKIJ set a fast pare from th start savivl inurh ground on the turns nnd after being heaJiMl stood i hard drive resolutely and nutHtnyccI JAMKS F OHAItA Tlie hitter sliowf I flm spt d in racing into the lead utul finished gamely but tired slightly risht at the cnd AHAItAT only niu fairly well for him J1MMIK DAV ran wi11 ami would have bseii ilnngcniiM with a better rido and was taken back several tlrnen BLOV1NG BUBBLKS finished wull BKN BOLT anil CASTIJCKKAGH run bad badHcratchc Hcratchc lC23271Klmer K 103 G221GKuby 111 111OverweiKhts OverweiKhts Jamwi F Ollant 1 ixiund Jimmie Daw 5 Srotliuni Yet 2 K SIZTH HACE 58 Hile June 22 1910 SO 2 109 1400 Added 2yearoldj H Fillies Claiming Ilet value to wirrnor 1100 = ocoml 233 tlurtl 122 Index Horses AWtlPSt Sir Kin Jockeys G2IOOJTI2N CJardnorG2100 SIXTY w 110 5 4 1 14 1 1 13 Martin II l CJardnor G2100 DEAKIE w 108 13 2 31 21 2 C Unit W Woodurd Tisiwi C2301 TisiwiC2301 PAVLOWA w 110 2 2 41 4 31 31 M Garner A I Hiiucook 130ICO G2400 130ICOG2400 ANTONIA w 110 7 5 64 5 1 4 J II ISurkn MvOowan Taylor 1DS51 G239G 1DS51G239G MANICUKK MAID w 110 4 C G C1 C 5 D ConnIly II I Whitney mniia mniiaMISS MISS JANK wn Hi 31 3l r 5 C N Iirrutt W Perklnsi 02301 GO w 110 C 7 7 7 7 7 E Scoblo O Orumlicller 5UW100 Time 5UW100Time 24 49 101 Track fait 2 mutwlx paid Ten Sixty 310 straight 420 place 2r 0 sliov Dearie SO place 310 how Pavlowa 230 wluvv wluvvlijiiivalent lijiiivalent Ixxjklng odd Ten Sixty 30 lu 100 straight 115 to 100 place 23 to 100 show Dearie 345 to 100 place 55 to 100 xhow Pavlowa 15 to W hhow hhowWiiiniT WiiiniT Ih f by Trap Kork Prliiccfw Cog by Caiighnuwaga trained by S Chiniiilt bred by Mr II P Gardner Went to post at 451 At post 3 minutes Htnrt good arid nlov Won etMly Kocoml nnd third drir Ing TUN HIXTY hhowing the most upced vraH rurhcd Into n good lnd Jintt befort rraclilng the tctjh ami won eiixing up DKAKIH Kavid much ground on all the turns and mnd n game finish PAVIXVAi had no mitihaps nnd had to be ridden hard through the last uiwrter ANTONIA had to race wide most of the way MIHH JANM tired MANIOUHK MAII wa far back from the atari Scratched 02390 Beaa U 110 02133 Miss Minerva 113 Coatluued on tenth pace IiATONIA FOIIM CHAHT CONTINUED FKOM THIRD PAGE 624 SEVENTH EACH 1 14 Kilos June SO 1920 202 3 121 Parse 14CO 4year olds and upward Claimics Net value to winner 51100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt C232S PADUA WB 6 105 2 1 2 2 Il 1 1 E Martin L A Sereenl 62359 COUNTESS w 4 103 8 3 1 1 2 2 2 C Studer W S Bruce 62213 J DR KAE WB 6 1CS 4 4 51 4 3i Z 3 W Pool It I Rogers 62302 WWRTITS LAST w 10 113 3 G 4 31 4 41 4J B Kenndy J M Goode C2213 CHINNIE WALSH w 4 183 6 5 7 7 61 Cl E G Fields E E Mooar 88S5100 C2401 88S5100C2401 NOKDECK 6 110 7 2 31 55 5 5 S N J Brnea C W Cbappell 4020100 4020100G2360 17301006100CP1T G2360 GORILLA w 4 107 S 7 6s C 7 7 7l M Garner Royal Oak Stable 1730100 6100CP1T WB 3 105 188 8 8 8 8 C Rails J Phillips 1S30100 Tims 1S30100Tims 24 49 115 141 207 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Padua 510 straight 400 place 2CO show Countess 670 place 340 show Dr Rae 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Padua 170 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Countess 235 to 100 plart 70 to 100 show Dr Rae 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner IJr m by Predicateur Padoae U by A jus trained by L A Seregnl bred in Prance by Ifr John Sanford SanfordWent Went to poet at 52G At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PADUA was saved under restraint until near the last quarter then raced into the lead in the stretch and won easing op COUNTESS showed the most early speed and held on gamely through the last eighth for second place DR RAE was hard ridden closed a gap and was gaing fast at the end WADSWORTHS LAST had to overcome early interference and tired in the stretch NORDECK quit Scratched quitScratched 62OULady Longfllow 103 G23C9 Young Adam 110 C2395 Concentrate 105 5S787War Spirit 110 110Overweights Overweights Corllla 2 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1922061301_3_2
Library of Congress Record: