Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-24


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LAT0NIA FORM CHART LATOXIA, KT., FRIDAY, JUKE 23, 1922,—Lutonia 1 mile!. Sixteenth day. Kentucky Jockey Cluh, Spring Meeting of 29 days. Weather clear; temperature 90". Stewards, Charles F. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges, W. H. SheRey, N. H. McClelland and J. 8. Wallace. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. U. Sheiley. Raring starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. "Tsx-urea In parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date, truck record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. A961A 1TRST RACE— 1 1-16 Mile*. Oct. 7, 1916— 1:4S%— 8— U». Purse ,400. 4-ye*r-*Id» OaiOlv and cpward. Churning. Net value to winner 81,100; second, S200; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M tt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqviv. Odds Strt 62749* WAR PRPZE w 6 98 1 8 6» S« 8, V 1 C Rails F Peyton 1210-W» 62638»CHEER LEADER w 8 110 4 2 7« 8» 8" 3* 2| J Owens R L Rogers 175-100 62694 LOU W1DR1G w 4 115 3 2 1 Ill" lh I* B Kenndy A J Gorey 820-100 C2243»CORSON w 8 101 8 1 2» Bj 2 4 4» W Pool B C Bunbury 225-100 63753 MILLERSBURG w 4 110 6 4 Si 44 4" 8« B» R Har-ton J H Nichols 1428-100 61855 MRMON ELDER wb t 110 7 I O » P 6 » H J Burke Jones and Phillips S3S0-10O 62041»W. McLEMORE wb 4 98 9 » » 7» T» 7» 7" R Mattwa G L Blackford M580-100 62360 LOTTERY w 8 103 6 8 T| 8* 8" V 8» J Zoeller Marshall Bros 2790-100 65039 »»TOBASCO SA.UCE w ft 99 ft ft 6* » f % 9 A Roach Barton and Parks 7800-100 Tims, 23%, 48%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:47%. Traoh fast. mntnels paid. War Prize. 6.20 straight, .30 place, .10 show; Cheer Leader, .50 place, .90 show; Lou Widrig, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— War Prise, 1210 to 100 straight. 3C5 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show; Cheer Leader, 75 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Lou Widrig, 100 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Star Shoot— Raglan, by Plaudit trained hy Q. Richardson; bred by Mr. John B. Madden. Wont to post nt 2:00. At post 2 minutes. St.-.rt good nnl slow. Won driving; second and third tlie same. WAR PRIZE raced under restraint in a forward position mil;! reaching tlie stretch, where he j moved up stvulily and. finishing fast, uutsl.ived CHKBB LEDEE. Tlie litter wis far back in the j early running lad ; me with a rush in the la t eighth and m running Mart at the end. LOU WID KIO tired in the stretch after shown.;; the most sp ad lo Cic last eighth. CORSON seems to be in poor form and tired after goiug well for three-quarters MILLBB8BUBG ran well to the stretch. Scratched 60125M.idge F., 103; 62724-Louis A., 115; nTTfMsiala, 9S; C2064 Peggy C, 103; 02783 r Silence, 103. Overweights -Mormon Elder. 2 pound;; Tobasco Sauce, 1. OOQ"| "fl SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. 1909— 1 :05%— 3— 93. Purse ,400. 2-year- , Ofcull olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to v.inn»r ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 62721 MTSS MEISE w 10C 1 1 li l1 U V E Pool Montfort .Tonea 1490-100 62721 KKNNMARB yv 108 3 I 2» 2« 2 2 V Smith T J Penderast 19V100 62721 BOLDGOLD w 106 4 6 6» 31 34 34 G Fields T K Mueller 5960-100 I OtOtKMMAYOB CARREL w Mi 0 4 5 5* 4* 4* J He a pel H P Whitney 470-100 , « 62558 BILLY BERN wb HO 2 18 10 10 51 51 J II Sarin L C Cru»cher 10350-100 , I 8S1M*BABBABA PLMER w 109 S 5 9J 9 6 61 ■ Martin T C McDowell 310-100 « 62660 IIK.NTEL.AW wis 109 9 9 f 8* 7« 7« R Kenndy F J Kclley 485-100 . 62721 ROMA w 106 7 8 7» 71 S« 8* F Wilson J M Go. de 11560-100 ; 62660 BTUMP .lit. wb 111 5 7 ::* 4J V- 9* D Connelly J H Sewell 8315-100 C A. RLINHAUT wb 111 10 3 41 6 10 10 H J Burke B Goose 6465 100 Time. 23%, 48, 1:01%, 1.08. Track fast. - |5 mulu; Is paid. Miss Meise, 1 80 straight. 1.70 pla-e. .00 show; Kenninare. .70 place, .50 show. Ro AS*ld. *i:»9» show. ] i: jniv.ilent lisill lug odds Miss MUST. 1 IPO to 100 straight. 4S5 to 100 place. 245 to 100 show; Kenn-mare, K5 to lifc ; lace, 45 to 100 show; Roldgold. 595 to 100 show. Winnei K f, by Ormondale — Margaret Meise, by Star Shoot tniined by K. S[vnce; bred by Mr. Montfort Imil. i Went lo id t at 2 39. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driv- tng. MISS MEM»B given a good ride and away forward ly, showed the most sped throughout and out- j stayed KKN.N.MAKK. The latter raced in ni:ir .-.t pursuit and wa. running gamely nt the end. BOLD- I SOLD m:i .e | f -, me finish. MAYOR CARREL was given a bad rule and taken all over the track. BILLY burn rtoard ■ gap. l;.Mt!;.u;. palmer and BMBCMLAW were always outrun. Ove; weigh! - Billy Horn, 1 pound £ QQ -|J O THIRD RACE— 3-4 Xi.o. Juno 7, 1321— 1:10%--G— 110. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds UMUid and upward. Net value to winner 100: second, 00; third, 00. Index llama AWtPPSt Vi % % Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ,J I 62632-CACTUMIS w3 92.10 1 24 3% 3» P* C Ra.P.s TC McDowell 335-100 : : 62510 FIRST CONSUL wb 5 108 14 9 10 T 21 2 B Kenndy Waddell Bros 1300-100 L 00010*BINDING TIE wb 6 98 8 3 l1 1« 1J 2* C Studer Idle Hour Stk JTm SU 1435-100 , 62693 PLANTOON wb 4 101 2 6 4 2 5 4 J lieupel Cain ft Sanford 3185-100 . 62632 IT wb 3 98 I 11 8J 51 41 5» B Scheffel W D Millard 11300-100 , MSIfWH OI.DT ws 3 9917 12 12*111 91 6 1 Brenlng VT Perkins 1600-100 , LADT l"IlAKi; w 3 103 4 4 3 81 8J 71 H Gray R C Frakea t 6050G GMKR GUBTON wb 3 93 11 10 5 6 7 8» J Owens C W Clark 400-100 6 1590 "PI A IN BILL. w 5 103 6 5 9"* 4» 6 9» ■ Roehm Hlckey Bro« t , 62322 MABEL. C.. i 105J I 7 6 l|M| H B Harton W S Payne 365-100 62C93 BKILES KNOB w 10 110 9 2 11 10 11 11 H J Burke W Feu* hte.r 4475-100 62694 VI I.CANORA wb I 99 1 8 71 12 12« 12 W Pool J II Nl hoUl t •MM UJORIB UcKAT wn 4 108 1113 13 13 13 13 ■ Scobie I. Klupiun t | 62693-M.V IHAVKI.I.I w 4 108 12 Left at the post. F WiUon G Arvin 975 109 tJIiuiul fi.M. Time, 23V5, 48, 1:13H. Track fast. mufue.s paid. Cautious 70 straight. .10 pla e, 20 show; First Consul. 1.90 place, .80 show. Btediag le. 0.50 show B-iiival M boekis« odds autious. 335 to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; First Consul. 495 to lot |ila-. 210 to 100 BMW; I.inding Tie. 425 to 100 show. Winn.— It f. l y The Manager — Caution, by 1lanudes trained by S. Chenanlt; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McOeweR. , V-:u io p.«t at 3 12. At post 7 minutes. Start had and slow Won driving; second find third the same CAUTIOUS, away well and rai-ni; lorwar.l!y from the start, stood a hard dnvc gamely and got up to wn i:i ill i i-i tew slrides. PIB8T CONSUL, probably best, lost inu h ground by racing wide on the turns ind ttrrt m ir tlie enl. BINDING TIB showed the most speed to the last eighth, but tired. PLANTOOM r ii well :■. 1 had no midi.ips. IT ricd well BAMMBB QUBTOM was done after going a t half mile. BACH I IVRLU was sol p-is-vr 1 u:lh kfter beteg left it the peat. t ■Matched — 83832 De D—tri. UM; iiiaij Bristow. li«. G2:;2« Lacwa*. 101; KBM Miss Caltha. 96. Overwi-iclii. Can ions. 1 /it paawAij Diuuing Tie. 2; Wm. OlJt. 3Vi. Mabel G.. 4,; Skiles Knob, 4; Marjarlt BcKaj, 4. t £J« Q-| O rCURTH T-ACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Oat. 7. 19X6 — 1:43% — 3—122. Bond Hill Purse. Purse OU JL «J $] MM. i-yoar-a.di aaid upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,200; second, 3,250. third, 50. , Irdl Morses AWtPPSt V» % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Eg.uiv. Odds Strt I 62609SiR Til KKAM ws I 17 t 0 P 3 11 1« 1» E Pool W IV rklna 910-100 62663 CHERRY TRBB w I M 5 4 6i 6 4» 2» 2S W Pool H P Whitney 595 100 ttM«*TULALIP Vl H 4 I 1 l1 21 31 3" J Owens G I ruiiihcller 49J-1O0 62695 !BLARN V STONE w 4 105 2 7 7 7 5» 4l 4i G Fields Reis. r I.ros 1160-100 62636 .DARTMOOR w I Ml I 3 5" 51 3 5» 5* F Smith A B Gordon lr.-lOO MHfPAOUA wb C 100 7 2 4 4" 6 6* 610 B Konnty E K Mooar 1085-109 62398 BMP wb IM I » • 1 7 I J Zoeller Marshall Broa 1705-100 Timo. 23S. «V 1 13. 139%. 1.46%. Track fast. nuit els paid. Sir Thomas Ke.ia. 0.20 straight. .00 place, .30 show; Cherry Tree, .70 plai e, 00 lke«r; ilhilip. #4.60 a*W, Rjuivalent hooking old- Sir Thorn is K-an 910 to 100 straight. 330 to 100 place, 165 to 100 show; nwiij tVea. OP la I0t Mace, 12$ u hh» .show; Tuiahp 130 to loo show. Winner— It. c. by t.oidcu U.unu — l.tuon. by l r. Rice trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. Thomas , M. Mai-ph.rl i Went to peat ai 350 At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; Boeond and third , driving. SIR THOMAS KUAN, well ri.l.len and saved under restraint in the last quarter, raced into the , lead ind outst.ivej CHBBKT TRKK. ihe latter, nl.-o well ridden, ran a good race and finished gamely. , TULALIP et a early pace and held on stubbornly through the stretch drive. BEARNE1 UOX , i oca i b t*¥ i1 nied near the end. DARTMOOR ran a bad race and much below his true form. BMP and 1AIM A qut early in the race. Overweights Tulalip, 1 pound. f * Q"fl i FTrTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 7. 1921— 1:10%— 6— 110. Eden Park Purse. Purse 0«i«3-S."4 ,700. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Not valae to winner ,300; second, 50; thud. 50. Indo* Horses AWtiPSt -t U % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 626C1 I 1NDAR PKBL wb 3 96 1 4 4s 4* 11 1 J Owens G T Arnold l-lOO IMCDGANGWAT w 4 115 4 I P 3» 2* 2« B K-M-.ndy F J Kolley 195-100 •2M2NEDDAM 5 110 6 1 U 11 31 3 F Wilson J Greenberg 325-100 6tt41 LADT A8TOB w 3 93 2 5 6 6 4" 4»* B Scheffel W Kneblkamp MM Ml MM4|*CHACOLET wb 4 101 3 I 5" 5* 5» 5* C Rails Hal Price He.idley 1040-100 €2635 Wil HON wu 3 102 5 2 21 21 6 6 E Scobio Montfort Jouea 8S75-100 Tune. 23%, 47%, 1:12, Track fast. :an •■• Is piii. Pindar Peal, hB. i itraJgfct, . SO place. .20 show; Gangway. 60 place, ,20 show. N ■ i i.iiM. 10 sh.iv/ Bq« raleal ho-iking odds -Pindar Peel, 180 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Gangway, 30 t 100 place, 10 to lot show; Neddam. 20 to 100 show Winner— Ch. c. by Jack Atkin — English Esther, by Lord Esterling trained by P. Coyne; bred by Mr. Howard Black Meat to post at 4:24. At t ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving PINOAB PKBL after being outpaced to the last turn, nun around the others just before reaeh-|ag :■• streti Ii an 1 rieed into a good l".id, but had to be ridden hard near the end to remain in front of QANGWAT The latter rjn a good raea and would have tieen dangi-rotis had his rider made his move a 1. t sooner. NBDDAM set a peal pare, but was tiring at the end. LADT ASTOR ran well. CUACOLUT begaa slowly. BTIDGBOM mn a fast half and quit. Ono-4 K SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. July 3. 1919— 1:36%— 4— 100, ,600 Added, 8-year-olds and D«513 upnaxd. Claiming:. Net value U winner ,200; second. 86; third, 74. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt MMIBOLUOW w S 107 3 2 3i 2» ll l1 1| G Fields J B Rcspesa 100-100 62663 SANDS OF PURE wb 9 113 4 7 7 7 4" 21 2» F WilBOn J M Goode 670-100 •17M**BAIGNBUB w 6 1H 1 5 5«k 5| jb 31 Jt J Owens P Gering Jr 1760-100 BMMTOOT wb 4 1061 6 1 V 1" 2» 4 41 R Harton H L Oaln 2290-100 62723i»ADONIS w 4 105 7 4 4» 41 6i 5» 5* C Ralls J S Ward 395 100 010M "TOMAHOI wb 3 96 6 6 6» 6» 51 6» 6* W Pool M Goldblatt 1000-100 62522 1EASTES1DE w 4 110 8 S 2» 3» 7 7 7 D Connelly D W Scott 2089-1G0 Time. 23%. 43, 1:13%, 1:38%. Track fast. mntnels paid. Rulllon. .00 straight, .90 place, .50 show; Sands of Pleasure, .30 place, .60 show; Raigneur. $: .30 show. Baalislml booking odds — P.nllion. 100 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 26 to 100 show; Sands of Pleasur". UM 10 100 place. SO to 100 show; Uaiguenr. 165 to 100 show. Winner --Ch. g, by All Gold — Jinks, by Albert trained by J. B. Respess; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 4:59. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUI T.10.V was restrained until reaching th« Ftreteh, then raced into Oae lead when called on, but had to be ridden hard near the end to outstay SANDS OF PLBASURR. The latter came with a rush through the last quarter after making a slow beginning. BAIGNKUR ran well and finished fast and gamely. TODY set a fast early pace and tired. TOMAHOI was hard ridden all the way. KASTESLDK quit. ADONIS ran a poor race. Scratched — 02002 Blowing Rubbles, 102. Overweights — Tody, 1% pounds. ££*- Q~l f* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Males. Oct. 7, 1916— 1 :4S%— 3— 122. Pnras ,400. 4-yesx-UiiolJ olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Inde* Horses AWtPPSt % k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqnlv. Odds Strt 62722 5*PICTOR w 6 108 2 2 1« 1» Ill* I* O Brean* C W Clark 150-100 62359 TROIL.US w 8 IDS 3 8 V V 2» 2* 2» E Pool Florisant Stable 230-100 62520»APH w 5 93 8 1 41 5* S» 4l *• J Owens McGarvoy and Lewis 820-100 j 62749 MISS PSPERITY wn 4 98 1 I SJ 8 P 6 I" C Studer W Grater 1740-100 ! 62749 BARLOCK w 7 108 6 4 3« 3* t 3| 6* O Fielda J H Moody 965-100 I 62783 ORTDON wb 7 103 5 7 6* 4» 4l 61 6»* A Wilson B C KjiebeJkamp 29W-100 62664 PMNWMLL w 4 105 4 7»» 7»* 1— 7»» 7*» H Gray Kohn ft Thelsaa 1670-100 j j 62786 PHlLdSTINBl wb 9 104 T I t S 8 8 8 W Gourley B Kllly 11910-100 Time, 23%, 48, 1:14%. 1:40, 1:46%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Pictor, .00 straight, .90 place, .00 show, TroOaa, .80 plsea, .00 show; Aph, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Pirtor, 150 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 80 to 100 shew; Tronns. 40 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Aph, 70 to 100 show. Wmn-r — H g. by Pie ton — White Veil, by The White Knight trained by Q. V. Barnes; bred la England by Mr. F. Luscombe. Went to post nt 5:39. At post 4 minutes. Start good and alow. Won easily; second and third driving. IHTOR rnshed Into the lend at once and easily held sway for the entire race to win in a canter. TROIIAIS followed close up throughout and was beat of the others. APH finished gamely. MISS PROSPERITY had no mishaps. HARLOCK quit badly in the stretch. PKNWELL was always outrun. Scratched- 02665 Cncle Vela, 110; 62722*Balance Wheel, 110; 62783L« Foodra, 101; 627aO*Beratont, 101; 62020 Bond. 106; 82783 Brown Check, 108; 01770 Quito, 100, Overweights— Philistine, 1 pound.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062401_2_8
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