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Sil- DIPlT "-** Mile. Savoy Hotel Pnme. "-year-olds and upward. Allow- •flll nhUC aocM. Jaue 7. WZl 1:10 4-5 G HO. ClIATTEETON, ch. c, 3 102 By Fair Play— Chit Chat, by Rock Sand. rTrainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, F. J. Kelley. 62835 Latonia 3-4 l:ll*4fast 33-10 106 6 3 5" fi» B Kenndy 7 Distinctn, Braedalbane, Angon 1 62635 Latonia 3-4 l:ll £fast 12 103 6 4 3 1» B Kenndy 8 Bdalbane, J.Bowdre, VTd Ladj 6254 0 Latonia 1 1:40 fast 16-6 106 I 4 21 3» B Kenndy S Thibodaux, Bonus, Billy Brush C1792 Chasrchtn 1 l:37*andfast ■ 104 3 2 3* 3 B Kennuy 6 F. Phantom, Prcc.Lula. Thibodr ADVOCATE, ch. c, 4 105 By Ballot — Inspiration, by Tugleman. Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, H. H. Hewitt. 62C63 Latoala 1 1 16 l:44fast fl 101 4 4 6* Ei G Fields 10 Distinction, Firebrand, Rouleau 1 62602 Latonia 1 l:38fefast 6 109 4 1 4» 4J D Connlly 6 Parser, John Finn, Neddaro 62440 Latonia S-4 20 101 6 6* 3i W Pool 7 Brdalbane. Dtinction, Mar. May C1873 Churchill 1 l- 1:50 fast 84 111 6 1 6» 9i D Connlly 9 Extermtor, LndyMadcap, Rleau 1 61812 Churchill 7-1 l:25islow 21-10 110 3 I 6 6! D Connlly 0 M.Jimima. LMadcap, M.Fallon 61494 Lexton 1 l-ll 1 49 mud 1-2 109 2 1 1» 1* D Connelly 4 Tab.dHonr, B. Stone, S.ofPiure 1 61441 Lextoa 1 1-11 l:45%good 31 108 2 1 11 2»* D Connlly 7 FnitedVerde, Rouleau, Woodtrap 1 68015 Churchl 10 98 3 2 3 4 4 41EScobia 4 Marj. Hynes, Dr. Clsrk, Rouleau 1 67393 Latonia 1 6-8 2:46?-slow 28 102 6 4 8 • •• 8" G Fields 10 H.E.Colen, BlkSerrant, Rleau 1 S7169 Latonia 1 l:3S*ifast 12 105 1 1 1 1 Il 11 G Fields 9 Parader, United Verde, LouiaA 66765 Latonia 1 l:41Vand8low 14 110 3 2 i 6 •• D Connlly 6 Blanche Mac, Westwood. Legal 6f*61 Latonia 1 1 :27V,fast 9 113 2 1 1 1 2 2* D Connlly 4 Cho Cho, H.R.Coleman, Runsal ! 66238 LatonU 1 1-4 2:08%avy 7 104 422 2 2* 2 J Francis 6 Firebrand. Our Flag. Petrarch 65094 Latonia 2-4 1:13 slow 2 114 3 2 2 4* 4* W Lilley 6 Cho Cho, Fallacy. Balance Wheel 64732 Latoala 2-4 l:15*mud 12-2 1U 1 1 1 1* l« W Lilley 8 D.Loriotte, Berg. York, B. Wheel I 24442 Churchl 1 L40mud 2 127 2 2 1 4 2* 2" M Garner 8 H.B.Cman, B.Kean, Bothstlon 1 I f 1 , I ; 1 , I 1 1 , ! 1 1 I MARVIN MAY. ch . h 5 1C8 By McGosCondusion, by Peep oDay. Trainer, J. McPberaon. Ownor, Mays Lake Farm Stable. £;5?i Latonia 3 4 l:ll*fast 14 107 3 2 3 3 EScobie G Distinction, M. Fallon, M.nynes 62410 I-aton,a 3-4 1 :llj£fast 18 107 1 6 4* 41 E Scobie 7 Brdalbsne. Dtinction, A.lvot ale 62113 t.hurchill 3-4 1:12%fast 3-6 109 1 2 ll ll D Connlly 4 H.Command. Royallalm, Ltados £i™2 £Urrv!! l J:i!ri3t i 25 * t *" il B KeDn dy 6 Brdalbane, Neddarn. Centimeter 61744 Church:ll 3-4 1:11 fast 9 107 2 2 2| 2» B Kenndyl3 II. Cloud. Dr.Clark. Mlss-Jemims 61467 lexton 3-4 l:1?*-„fast 7-6 102 1 1 2 2 | B Kenndy 0 Centimeter, Bettina Ben Valet .3680 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :12 /sfast 13-5 112 1 11 1» 1 D Connelly 5 Miss Jemima, TanSon WarNote 59474 F.Gnds 3-4 1:15Vsmud 21 107 1 2 2 1» ll F CltUettl 6 HhCost, J.S.lSeardos Botherta 0295 Jeff son 3-4 1 Tlfa-st 11-10 112 1 1 1 H 1 F Cltiletti 4 Arrowhead, J.S.itesrdon, Incog 59122 Jefrson 2-4 l:13«good 13-6 109 1 1 1 lft fsk 2J Pool 4 Irish Dream. Valor, BothersUoa *.651 Latonia 2-4 LlTMigood 21 98 1 4 6 5« 6;* F Porretto 6 Miss Jemima, Ginger. Brookbolt -T494 Iatcnla 2-4 l:12iigood 32 82 2 « 6»* 6" B Parke 8 Distinction. High Coat, Mln.Msa PLNDAR PEEL. ch. o, 1 102 By Jack Atkin— English Esther, by Lord Esterling. Trainer, P. Coyne, Owner, O. T. Arnold. 62814 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 9-6 96 4 4 lft l1 J Owens 6 Gangwnr Ned.lam, Idy Astor C2601 I 3-4 l:!2£fast « 102 6 2 1» 1» B KenndylO BrnBolt, IHasastaa. A.AloCd.r 62516 Latoata 2-4 l:14iihvy 7-5 103 4 1 U 21 M Garner 9 Dimples, Grayson, Bright Leaf 62129 Charchill 3-4 l:12%fast 4 110 2 6 41 4-1 D Connlly 9 Janku. J. B. Brown. WifwMljdy 61912 Churchill 1 l:37=ifast 23 102 6 8 6 5» M Garner | ThihedaSK, Deans, DohyBkner CS3G2 Lexton FCl:ll%slow 7 109 3 6 3 ?1 2* H J Burkel2 Omnipotent, Ua.Soaay, Br.l.eaf 18221 Lexton 3-1 l:13*ifast 41 103 3 I I T| 6-J F Smith 12 Gentility, DadeSonay, CapHock 52134 Churchl 7-S l:26%fast 6f 114 3 8 13 14 14 14" H Lunsf d 14 1reciousLua, Bonus," Thibraax 57336 Latonia 3-4 l:!6*4hvy 4-5 US I 2 2 l1 tea O Willis 8 Deasea, Lugs, Tul ine 57234 Latonia 3-4 l:14%good 17-5 113 4 4 4 4» 4« O Willis 9 Montjoy, Demos, Iloughjoruan 57038 Latonia 3-4 l:15%goodl2-10 112 8 8 t 51 «* O Willis 8 Cap Rock. Tulsne, Demos BARRACUDA, ch. c, 8 99 By Trap Rock— Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainsr, L. Johnson. Ownor, J. Sreenberg. C2751 Latonia 1 1 tBftthal « 100 4 1 3» 4* F WBson 6 JehnFinn. LdyMsdcap. Yoshiiol 62598 Latoala 2-21J2%faa 2J 106 2 2 11 ll F Wi.son 8 Ararat, NahtyNiaba L ,n!i;ea C2042 Churchill 7-8 1 :2Gfegood 13-10 H6 1 1 1» 1» A Wilson 9 Bred at Home. Baatct llD-ody G05S3 F.Gnds 1 l:42fchvy 7 S0211S4 4«J Owens 4 Measillia. BIlmetT Elm Ilea ■8881 F.Gnds 51 f lJ2«aslJ 3 115 5 1 3 3* 2» J McCoy 12 Miracle Man. Hickory, lliuodea DOROTHY BTJdrjS*ER, b. f, 3 97 By McGco— Elizabethan, by Hamburg. Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner, C. W. Moore, Jr.. 62720 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 9 107 4 3 4« 41 3 Pool 5 Jenn.l.. w.1r, Mir.Wiasor Mom 62661 latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 5 101 1 4 8»| 2 a Q Pleaasl 7 Gsagway, NghtyNisha, BeesM 62355 latonia 3-4 1 :13.ifast 16 104 6 2 3« 31 W Pool 6 BdaCaaae. JJIowdre !;;il.;;.sh 021SC hurchiU 2-4 1 J2%faat 11-10 105 2 1 Ill* B BTi— TeTr 7 htar.Wtasar, Georgette :stL«af 61942 Churchill 1 LSTfaat 8-6 103 1 1 3» 8*| B Kenndy S Ti.ibodaux. Boaaa nshlaad C1SS1 ihun-hlll 11:33 hvy 13-6 9*1 1 1 2» 2« J Owens 4 LadyAstor [Mores Traveatf 61773 Churchill 1-4 1:12 fast 43 96 1 1 1» 2 I A Arvin 12 Gansway, Col Baker riaga 61622 Lexton 3-4 1:13%fast 4S 94 2 1 li » W Pool 10 Chacalet. Jim Daisy Trareaty 61512 Lexton 3-4 1:16 Whvy 2S 107 1 2 6» 6» O Willis 7 C.McM. .-tin. Free ilia. Aahhual BOM Lextoa FC LIClifast 77 106 I 6 4 8 9-» C Dlshmn 9 Omnipotent, B. amlCoo Col Girl 5S267 Lexton 3-4 l:12%faat 40 100 4 2 3 61 7* C D*hmoal2 Gentility. DadeBoaar, CapBath S7I8T Thcliffe 51 f 1:03 fast 2 107 2 N Foden 8 Devonite, Push Pis Tessas 11 oS.,95 Dshire 61 f l.-07ftgoodi3-10 113 1 2 1 2ft 3=1 J H Burke 9 BTaipatyBamps Billyliunn 1t» l Windsor 3-4 l:12%fast U 187 2 8 1 1» 2» J II Burke 7 Aftaft, Billy Dunn Orsaa Bah* 50427 Windsor 51 f l:10*islow 9 112 3 11 2J in j H Bsurka t S. Adams, LiaMaeB., DelhtXali 55972 D shire 5-2 lKUHfast 2ft llOft 7 6 14 6*1 H Saladin 11 JakeBerger. S.lricce LILMaeB 55626 Windsor 6-8 lfast ULU4 8 4 SI 31 H Saladin L2 Marble. B. Dunn, Bred at Home GUVNOR, ch. g, 4 135 By Superman— Verdict, by Tyrant. Trainer, M. GoldblatL Owner, M. Gold Matt. 62557 latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 32 109 6 6 6* 6T G Fields 7 BU * lama 62435 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 13 111 3 3 71 91* D Connlly 9 NMy.NUba, MisaMfias, Hadrtaa CH137 Havana 3-4 l:12«fast 7-5 115 5 2 2* 2l M Garner 6 List One. Ararat, The Boy C0873 Havana 51 f 6-5 114 1 2 1» 1» M Garner 7 Ararat List O-ie T.e Bur 0O567 Havana 61 f LOO-ihvy 1-2 1L2 1 12 ll 2« L Penman 6 Aiken. Col Chile, The Bey v -437 Havana 61 f l:0»%hvy 1-2 112 1 111* P L Penman 8 The Dot, tlen. .1. M. Gomes 22222 Havana 3-4 1:12 fast 31 107 1 1 1 1» ll J Pcyan 5 I-ast One, The Boy, Cuba ha: auto X-.31 Havana 51 f l:05 ifast 6-6 110 4 12 2» 4*1 C Koi.son • Ultimo, List One, Mayor House S"217 Havana 3-4 LLVyast 41 110 3 2 2 21 3» C Robson 5 Juilge Fryor. T!,e Boy, McJiura 60047 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 1 U0 2 1 1 P* 41 L Penman 7 Ti;e Boy, Aiken. Ararat ROYAL PALM, ch. o, 3 S8 By Great Britain— May Ellen, by Cesarion. Trainer, S. Chenaclt. Owner, L. Lewis. 62697 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 32 105 3 3 6 5" H Martin | M.Jemima. Mar.Fallon. Dr Clark 62560 latonia 1 1:40 fast 8 115 2 1 6» 6l* K Martin 8 Thibodaux, Beasa, Chattartea 62.V27 Latonia 3-4 l:13iifast 9-6 97 3 2 ll 1* W Pool ! LordAUaa, BhaerfL, RoyalDiek 62113 Churchill 2-4 lUfjfaat 23-10 34 4 2 31 3» W Pool 4 Mar.May, II. Command, I ealllhsi 61012 ChurchiU 1 l:37%ast 29 107 3 4 6» 6lT J Kederis S Tiiiaodaax, Bonus, lo:!,yl;kner I C5581 Latoala 51 f lMt%t*at 5 113 8 8 7 7* 71* J Howard 11 SirUagh, GraaWare, Tfay faatj 54517 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 19 115 7 4 Sl 5«1 J Howard 8 Fall Phantom. Miss Joy, Ajofl J4378 Churchl 41 f 53%fast 11-10 116 3 1 1« 1* E Pool 12 Bet Mosie, Lugs, Montjoy 54142 Churchl 41 f 55Vihvy 8 117 3 6 •*• 4»1 M Garner 5 Casey, Bahah, Bra. dalbacw WLDGEOH, ch. c. 3 M 102 By Star Shoot— Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, M. Jones. 62814 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 89 102 2 2 6 fi» E BeohBa 6 Pindar Peel. Gangway, H .i.!am 026*5 Iatonia 2-4 LlJfast 214 103 8 7 7* V* M Seobte 8 Chattoa, Br*dalbaBe, J.l.owilre 55997 Sar1 toga 51fl:06%fast 20 115 12 12 11 10» 1011 M latner 12 Oceanic, Frank rurst. ftaadlert l-:442 Lat nla 6* f 1.0f*ifast 7-J 112 7 7 4 41 4 L Lyke 9 S.andBoots, Bl. House. Hepatos