Kenilworth Park, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-22

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KENILWORTH PARK The horses which seem best in Saturdays l aces are : AVIndsor Tart Windsor, OnU, July 21, 1922. 1 Bill OFlynn, Oakwood. ady Boss. 2 YORKIST, Paddle, Bengore. 3 Quanah, Moss Fox II., Procyon. 4 Ultimata, Ring, Second Thoughts. 5 Boniface, Firebrand, Planet. C Wake Up, Oo La La, Miles S. 7 Kewpie ONeil, Joaquina, Red Legs. T. 1C Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 BILL OFLYNN, Oakwocd, Lady Boss, Vennie. 2 Azrael, Witch Flower, June Fly, Yorkist- 3 Procyon, Quanah, Roclcy Mountain, Moss Fox II. 4 Madeline Lillian, Bullet Proof, Sagamore, Photoplay. 5 Boniface Registrar, Golden Sphere, Planet. G Ogarite, Sister Flo, Dr. Rae, Oo La La. 7 Night Raider, Kewpie ONeil, Red Legs, Joaquina. CiiicaKV Ami Hnffalo Handicap. 1 Lady Boss, Oakwood, Venn!, Bill OFlynn. 2 Baby Mine, June Fly, Bengore, Yorkist. 3 Procyon, Rocky Mountain, Quanah, San Hedron. 4 Auntie May, Sagamore, Peter Piper, Si rocco. 5 GUY, Boniface, Firebrand, Registrar. 6 Ogarite, Oo La La, Attoo, Sister Flo. 7 Kewpie ONeill, Joaquina, Cheer Leadei, Attorney. Observers Handicap. 1 Oakwood, Bill OFlynn, Lady Boss, Ven nie. 2 Yorkist, Baby Mine, Paddle, June Fly. 3 Procyon, Quanah, Moss Fox II., Rocky Mountain. 4 Auntie May, Second Thoughts, Plucky, Sagamore. 5 BONIFACE, Planet, Firebrand, Guy. G Oo La La, Dr. Rae, Ogarite, Miles S. 7 Kewpie ONeil, Joaquina, Ben Aalet, Cheer Leader. ConECiisn.s of Handicaps. 1 Bill OFlynn, Lady Boss, Oakwood, Ven- nie. 2 Yorkist, Azrael, Baby ?.Iine, Paddle. 3 Procyon, Quanah, Rocky Mountain, Moss j Fox II. 4 Auntie May, Ultimata, Madeline Lillian, Sagamore. F BONIFACE, Guy, Firebrand, Registrar. 6 Ogarite, AVake Up, Oo La La, Dr. Rae. 7 Kewpie ONeil, Night Raider, Joaquina, Red Legs.

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Local Identifier: drf1922072201_2_4
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