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Hn THE MIRACLE SYSTEM fn jgjtjK FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED j JO, Experience the Grand Awakening JKl tffic FACT TALK NO. 141 MwMk In thoir experience with PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS y 5jaS5 turf dovoteos have for fivo years awarded tho Miracle System a. EfiEsSSSa1 place high abovo tho dead level of ordinary systems. They have j given it a position of dominance as an EXTRAORDINARY and jt js Products of p iH t exceptional mothod. It gives ro much more than ii expected or T , . 10J horetoforo found that it had to make a distinctly commanding ntM Little More placo for itself- Its consistently profitable results fuUy justifies Thcv Iavor bat hundreds of prosperous, satisfied clients, located than Either Onlv the Books from coast to coast, are giving it, admitting that your better judg- y mcnt counsels caution on turf propositions, doesnt your intuition or Talent Lasimc toll you that Walters must have something you are missing 1 I WRITE TODAY for completo PROSPECTUS of THE MIRACLE SYSTEM. Our Crystallized Racing Manual, containing 28 pages of the most enlightening and valuable turf data over published, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, result charts, the TWENTY-ONE FAMOUS WALTER SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best-known SYSTEMS publnrhed. will b rent you absolutely without charge or obligation. For ONCE you receivo something worth while. Postal! are ignored. U6u M. P. WALTER and CO., E?,75andS? CANADA With a Concrete Proposition for All Skeptics, Doubters, Losers. AUSTRALIA. rriTatc Lock Box 40F S. E. AIlTHUir, Publications Manager Toivson, Md. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER DALLY SHEET 50 CENTS, ALL NEWSSTANDS. ATTENTION ADVERTISED "BOWIE ISSUE" FOR PATF. TODAY AT NEWSSTANDS. In this issue the Chief has been very fortunate to get THREE GRAND COUPS that were ESPECIALLY PREPARED AT LATONIA. and SHIPPED TO BOWIE FOR A "GRAND COUP." Only 25 cents, at your newsdealers. TODAYS FREE CODE: Bowie.: Vcrmont-Boy-Home-House. Dade Park: Maine-Pink-House-Box. AND, REMEMBER, TUESDAYS FREE CODE WAS: Golden Billows ...90- Won THURSDAYS FREE CODE WAS: Magician .20- Won And h one TODAY should be worth every bit of a YEARS SUBSCRIPTION to the booklet. If you miss this ISSUE TODAY, you SIMPLY MISS "THE LTVEST NEWS FROM BOWIE," and you CANT AFFORD THAT. A GRAND CHANCE FOR 35 CENTS. TODAYS 0 free Special GOES AT BOWIE Hero is ono that will START you off with the RIGHT FOOT FORWARD. All in all, this 0 FREE SPECIAL and the FREE CODE above the night should find you SMILING ALL OVER Never Have I Been So Confident Just ask your nowsdcaler for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 0 CENTS, MAILED TWO WEEKS . GAR PUBLISHING COMPANY 532 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. Principal Dealers: COVINGTON, Ky. Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Sts. CINCINNATI, 0. Roy Piorco, nowsstand, Fifth and Vino Sts. CINCINNATI, O. Fountain Nowsstand, 5th and Walnut Sts. LOUISVILLE. Ky. Eilcr and Goodman, 227 4th Ave, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser. 70 Markot St.. Lobby, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington, DAYTON, Ohio Euphrat, 129 S. Jefferson St. KANSAS CITY, Mo. RIcksccker, 9th and Walnul Sts. EVANSVILLE, Ind, A. Fisher, 209 Main St. LOOK! BOYS, LOOK!! THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM, only had 11 lossrs out of G4 bets in one week at tho different tracks." The best bet only had 2 losers. Last meeting at New Orleans same -system only had 21 losers out of 99 bets. Last spring at Bowie this system did not have one losing bet, including the best bets. GENTLEMEN, IT CAN DO THE SAME AGAIN SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still pickinj the winners. Here are a few. GIMME, 2470-2; APEX, 1350-2: HY-ANPOM, 15-2; ROSS E.. 5030-2; NULLI SE-CUNDUS, 1850-2; BRUNELL, 1420-2; KEWPLE ONIEL, 2170-2; ISOSCELES, 4620-2, place; OLD FAITHFUL. 4340-2, place; GALLrVANT. 1870-2, place: MAX GOLD. 5150-2, place; WHALEBONE, 1 2280-2; ASSYRIAN QUEEN, 2160-2; PHALARIS. 4340-2; SMUTS, 3230-2, and a large number of others. Get these systems and. pick your own winners, which can be selected in about two minutes. It can be played at or away from the track. They are good always ou any track. Price in full for both systems 0.03. Then, after you get them, and if they have not done just as I advertise I will gladly return your mo-cy. NOTHING ACCEPTED BY TELEGRAPH. J. H. CR0SMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA. IND. NEW ORLEANS SPECIALS I will bo on the ground at New Orleans and personally secure what I consider the best advice to be had. I am posting this notice early to give you plenty of time ta get on my list. Usually have two or threo good oses each week. I Also Have Maryland Specials You will find I havo a conscience. I want to hear from honest peoplo only who will pay. TERMS: Winnings of a 0.00 straight play after you collect. Send me your name now before you forget it. L WILSON 300-C Greenwood Bluff. CINCINNATI, O. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN Three more big specially prepared propositions. Ono goes Tuesday. Nov. 21; another Thursday, Nor. 23, and another Saturday, Nov. 25. I believo those three specials the safest propositions ever handled by mo. If you aro absolutely reliable, dont hesitate. Rush your correct name and address at once. Terms: The winnings of a 0 straight play. 1303 Lexington Ave, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Phone Lenox C110. REMINDER THE TURF REPORTER is on sale at all livo newsstands. Only 35 cents, and is good for a week. SATURDAYS X SPECIAL: No. 317. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Qutncy St. Estab. 1904. Chicago, 111. If you want WINNERS get a copy of tho old re-llahh" STANDARD. 35 cents, at all newsstands. L TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Grapo-40-22-C3-29. L STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicaso, m. I LONG SHOT SPECIAL at BOWIE. BEST BET at DADE PARK. Dont miss thorn, 50o at all nowttstundc, 50c. I ASK FOR THE O. K. RACING LETTER. NATIONAL O. Jf. riMn.l.SIUNG CO. 411 BALTIMORE BLDGt CHICAGO, ILL,