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Tijuana Summary SAN DIEGO, Cal., Deconiber 17. The fol-lowins is a summary of todays racing at Tijuana : FIRST RACE 5-S Kile. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Sir. PI. Sh Hilly .Tee II. Molrers. . .mi Gl.fiO 13 00 G.Vf Piuaquana W. Martin 90 3.20 2 40 Fort C!iuichiII...U. Petzoldt ..110 3.40 Time, 1:00. Track heavy. Scratched Viva. SECOND RACE 5-S Mile. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Str. Tl. Sli Helen Major II. Long 104 9.G0 4.00 2.SO Haisv D. Hum 112 2.S0 2.40 Wise Judge E. Petzoldt 107 3.20 Time, 1:06. Track heavy. Scratched Fickle Fancy, Herder. THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Horse. JooEey. Wt. Str. PL Sh. Poacher M. Fator 103 3.SO 2.S0 2:40 Drifting T. AVilson 105 3.S0 3 00 Argento K. Petzoldt ..105 3.S0 Time, 1:56. Track heavy. Scratched Caamano, Lola, George Muehlebaeh, Hanovers Topaz, Fireworth. FOURTH RACE 5-S Mile. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Str. Tl. Sh. Kimono M. Anderson. .110 10.40 5.20 5.20 Kiln AValdo F. Stevens 103 5.40 4.20 Toyon E. Petzoldt. . . 105 4.S0 Time, 1:06. Track heavy. Scratched Hazel Dale. FIFTH RACE 5-8 Kilo. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Str. PI. Sh. Dick Terpin J. Thomas 94 5.40 2.60 2.20 Corncutter H. Long 100 3.40 2 20 Kinglike S. Smith 115 2.20 Time, 1:04. Track heavy. ICo scratches. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Str. Tl. Sh. Tailor Maid M. Futor 104 8.00 3.20 3.20 Ilalu It. Carter 109 3.20 2.SO AVedding Prince. P. AValls 90 G.SO Time, 1:53. Track heavy. Scratched Louauna. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile, norse. Jockey. AVt. Str. Tl. Sh. Rajah J. Thomas .. 90 11.00 4.S0 3.60 Loaanna U. Flyuu 102 7.80 5.00 Barriskane II. Long 93 3.S0 Time, 1:48 VS. Track heavy. i"o scratches. EIGHTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Str. Tl. Sh. narry D D. Hurn 105 BJ.00 4.S0 2.60 Bill HIackweIl...H. Molters ..112 3.S0 2.60 Chief Barthell...B, Flynn 109 2.20 Time, 1:11. Track heavy. No scratches.