Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-21


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Havana Form Chart HAVANA CUBA SATTJRDAT TANTTARY 20 1923 Oriental Park fl mile Fortynlxtn day Cuba American Jockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting at 100 or more days feather clear temperature 76 Presiding Steward J Hachmeistcr Associate Stewards C H Lansdale and E Bnrkc Presiding Judge C Cornehlsen Associate Judge J S Wallace Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary Martin Natlianson Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 157 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig nres In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse an weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Fnrlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purs 500 4yea olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 tliiid 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt tf StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C G7719 HURON II WSB 7 113 3 2 24 I 1 G WllamaJ A Parson 32 S5 83 35 13 67665 BIG SON w 5 109 2 4 3 = 31 3 21 P Groos C Barnctt 6 6 6 21 65 67507 RUTH WEHLE ws 9 102 Ifl 3 41 4l 4 3 1 F Horn Jessop Broa 8 10 10 4 2 G7695FIRST PULLET w 7 102 5 6 71 P E 4 S Banks J S Haya 8 S 8 3 85 85G7388JRUDDLES G7388JRUDDLES 13G7631fMAD WB 5 112 8 11 U 10 6 5 G Fields A S Lippman 21 21 21 1 13 G7631fMAD NELL wn 4 93 11 10 91 71 71 6 T BrothersH E Bilson 10 13 12 5 2 G7569 RAY ATK3N ws 6 112 7 9 10i 11 11 7 W Obert E McCuen 13 15 15 G7634 INDIA w 4 103 1 C 6 9 8 81 H Stutts J W Pltmkett 6663 G7718tPlTTSBURG 6663G7718tPlTTSBURG WB 6 112 6 1 2 1 2 9k T Nolan R Stralendorff 10 12 12 5 2 67560 A MIDDLETON WB 10 112 9 S Cnk 51 91 10i W P mroseH E Davis 12 15 15 6 3 G7720 WEST MEATH ws U 114 4 7 81 SllO 11 A McLlinM J Daly Jr 12 15 IS 6 3 3fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Huron IL 470 straight 340 place 310 show Big Son 040 place 340 show Ruth Wehlc 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Huron IT 135 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 53 to 100 show Big Son 220 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Ruth Wehle 345 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sweeper Zuna by Hamburg trained by J A Parson bred in France by Mr Herman B Duryea DuryeaWent Went to post at 230 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HURON H set a fast pace except when briefly headed by PITTSRURG and when the finish came won because best ridden at the end BIG SON moved up gamely and was on even terms with the winner at the sixteenth post but was tiring at the end RUTH WEHLE ran well and finished fust and gamely qoitScratched RUDDLES closed a big gap P1TTSBDRG qoit Scratched G7593 Old Pop 107 107Overweights Overweights India 5 pounds SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 102 Purse 500 4year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWlPPSt A StrFin Jockeys Owners CGgS BALLYNEW w 5 109 8 1 1G7653 lh in i 1 T BrothcrsE E Major 2o 15 G7653 MEMPHIS w 5 112 5 S SG7388ARRAH 3 = 31 3 2 G Walls C L Heald 2 1 G7388ARRAH GO ON WB 8 112 3 3 3G7736 2 2 21 31 T Burns W T Magrud 4 4 4 8645 G7736 WAR IDOL wn 7 109 1 7 8 6 5 4 = H Stutta J Lowe 4 6 6 21 75 75g 67631 = DISCUSSION w 7 10S Z 4 4G 41 41 nk 51 c Grace J Fon Con g 10 10 4 2 G 7632 DEE RTRAIL w 6 112 7 2 2G7695JORCHID 7 13 G P Groos I B Kntch Kntch6n 10 12 12 5 21 G7695JORCHID KING wn 8 112 6 8 8C7508 6n 8 8 7 E AmbroseF W Rltscb 12 15 15 S 3 C7508 TAMPER WB 4 103 4 6 5 51 7J 8 A SdstroraE C Bellow 7 10 10 4 3 Time 24 47 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Ballynew 430 straight 300 place 270 show Memphis 300 place 330 show Arrah Go On 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ballynew 115 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 33 to 100 show Memphis 130 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Arrah Go On 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by The Manager Ballymena by Adam trained by J M Hizar bred by Mr W B Miller MillerWent Went to post at 300 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BALLYNEW set a fast pace under slight restraint to the stretch turn from where he drew away Into a long lead MEMPHIS passed ARRAH GO ON in the last sixteenth and made a fast finish ARRAH GO ON ran a good race but tired near the finish TAMPER was very fractious at the barrier WAR IDOL began very slowly slowlyScratched Scratched C7257Mary Erb 107 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 500 3year olds Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt tf StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 07654 MARGRET WARE w 103 77 77G7G54TURBULENT 6l 31 2 1 lh G Fields W F Knebelkamp2 21 21 12 15 152i G7G54TURBULENT w 10S 22 22G723 2i 1 11 2 J CallahanSummit Stablo 45 45 45 13 16 16lh G723 1 HAVANA ELCTRIC w 101 3 1 1C7631 lh 2 3 3 A Plckens F Steinhart 15 20 20 5 21 C7631 LITTLE SMOKE WB 106 6 8 8WATCHMAN 7 Gl 5 4k E Beach W H Chambers 10 12 12 4 2 WATCHMAN w 9S 1 4 3 k 41 4nk 51 A MitchellC A Stoncham 12 30 30 8 4 0768 VALMOXD w 107 43 43G7292 5 GO 6 6 C Taylor A Hill 30 30 30 8 4 G7292 ADVENTURESS ws 100 5 5 4 7 7 7 T BrothersJ Evana 4 Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast 2 mntucls paid Margaret Ware 670 straight 250 place 240 show Turbulent 230 place 220 show Havana Electric 370 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Margaret Ware 235 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Turbulent 15 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Havana Electric 85 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Astronomer Pin Feather by Dalhousic trained by W D Finnegan bred by Mr Edward B Cassatt CassattWent Went to post at 330 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MARGARET WARE began slowly but worked her way up on the outside and gradually improved her position then came fast in the homestretch and won in the last stride TURBULENT forced ami sot a fast pace but tired in the last eighth and was inclined to swerve in at the end HAVANA ELECTRIC set the early pace but tired and was a beat en off third ADVENTURESS was eased up in the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched G7363Piegan 103 G7737Rosie H 103 103Overweights Overweights Little Smoke 5 pounds Valmond FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 6 102 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i StrFin Jockeys Owners 381 CARRIE MOORE WB 7 9S 11 Il 1 I1 P Groos J A Parson 233113 C76535 REDMON WB S 102 32 2 2 2 21 T BfctheraE E Major 1 65 65 25 1J 67693 SALAMANDER WB 4 101 26 4 4 k 4s 3 H Stutts J Lowe 4 4 31 1 13 13G7389 G7389 RAS w 5 103 15 3 31 Z 4i T Burns B Mock 5 12 12 4 2 G7G53 STONEWALL WB 4 101 63 5 S 5 5 J Madden S McNeill 15 20 20 6 3 G7487 SAN DIEGO w 6 112 7 4 6 C 6 6 E AmbroseK J Albright G 10 10 4 2 G7389 CAVALIER WB 7 109 4 7 7 7 7 7 W PmroseC E Hudson 20 30 CO S 4 4Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Carrie Moore 1150 straight 3GO place 250 show Itedmon 2SO place 230 show Salamander 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Carrie Moore 475 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Rcdmon 40 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Salamander 0 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by McGee Dutch Barbara by Flying Dutchman trained by J A Parson bred by Mr Charles W Moore MooreWent Went to post at 333 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CARRIE MOORE set a fast pace and held the race safe all the way REDMON raced in nearest pursuit but was tiring and under a hard drive to outstay SALAMANDER The latter raced well and finished gamely RAS tired The early pace was fast and the last quarter very slow FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 24 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P G7G98 MISERICORDB WB 7 109 3 3 8 GJ 5 5 U G Walls C J Harrah G7719MISS RAXKIN w a 104 2 2 lk lat 1J 1i 21 T Brothers S Haya 1 i G7740 FERRUM w 4 102 4 4 31 2l 2l 21 3 F MerlmeeT Doylo 5 7 7 21 1 1G77JO G77JO MOLLY PUFF WB 4 lOOi 5 G 6l 71 6 41 W Lancet J Da Estrampes 10 15 13 6 3 G7698T F McMAHON WB 7 109 S 7 5t 31 3 k 4 = k 5 ° W Milner L Louder 12 15 15 6 3 G7G55IHRY GLOVER w G 109 7 5 4 41 4 31 6 H Kaiser W F Knebelkamp7 7 7 21 45 G7633 BERLIN wa 9 110 6 3 71 8 71 71 7 W PmroseC E Hudson 20 20 20 8 4 67740 BURLEY wn G 110 1 1 21 5 S 8 8 N J BrnesF Dclbarrio 30 30 30 12 6 6Time Time 25 50 116 142 150 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Misericorde 470 straight 2CO place 240 show Miss Raiikin 320 place 281 aliow Ferrum 350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Misoricorde 135 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Miss Eankin JO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Ferrum 75 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by Assagai Rene by Sensation trained by W Brown bred by Mr Walter O Tanner TannerWent Went to post at 420 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tho same MISERICORDE began slowly but finished with a rush and got up to win in the final strides MISS RANICIN set a good pace and raced under restraint until rounding the far turn where she drew away but tired badly in the last sixteenth FERRUM ran well but was hard ridden to outstay MOLLY PUFF The latter finished fast The pace was very slow in the last eighth eighthOverweights Overweights Ierrum 2 pounds Molly Puff l i SIXTH RACE 1 Milo and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners 67426GUELPH w a 105 4 4 21 2 2 2 I1 J CallahanM Bernard 2 G7447DAD ws 4 96 2 3 I1 I1 11 21 T BrotheraE L Fitzgerald 8 12 12 4 2 67739 LUCY KATB w 5 101 3 1 6 8 6 41 3 T Burns P J Miles 233125 233125G7GG83JANKU G7GG83JANKU w 4 103 6 5 31 3 3 3 41 G Fields W L Drake 6 C 6 2 1 G7636 COSCORRON w 4 9J 1 2 51 5 51 5 CJ P Grooa M V Daly 344 8545 67699 QUAKER wn 5 106 5 6 4 41 41 6 6 W PmroseW L McCracken 3 S 3 1 25 25Time Time 23 47 112 138 142 Track fast 2 mutncls paid Guelph 4SO straight 350 place 270 show Dad 980 place 330 show Lucy Kate 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Guelph 140 to 100 straight 75 to ICO place 35 to 100 show Dad 390 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Lucy Kate 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sardauapale Padoue U by AJax trained by M Bernard bred by Mr John San ford fordWent Went to post at 445 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won easily second and third drlr ing GUELIII followed DAD closely to the eighth post where be passed the latter easily aud won oasing up DAD set a fast pace but tired in the stretch drivel LUCY KATE closed a gap and finished fast JANKU tired COSCORRON ran poorly poorlyOverweights Overweights Lucy Kate 3 pounds Janku 2 Continued on tenth page

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923012101/drf1923012101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1923012101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800