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, , , , ] " « J ] ] 1 ■ JOE BRAND 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. T. An introduction is hardly necessary as all followers of the turf know me. Last fall I sent out 27 winners in 35 days. Some record. Looks like I will even better last yeors mark from the way I started at Bowie. Yesterday my followers received: FLYING DEVIL . .90- WON Thursday My Followers Received: TIDINGS 6.50- WON Wednesday my followers received: ASHLAND 6.00-.80- 2nd Tuesday my followers received: EULALIA .90- WON Monday my followers received: BYGONE DAYS 4.00- WON TODAYS HOUSE WILL BE ANOTHER HlMMEIi. Should pay at least 10 to 1. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS: 0 daily: 0 weekly. Wire subscription by Western Union. Send your street address. I t a t c I t 1 i i 4 St. Germain, .70-, Won was yesterdays best. This makes five winners and second out of last eight on our beat bets besides couple nice long: shots which we gave lately on our daily sheet. Remember, we only give two a day. The beauty of it is that it enly costs 50c daily at all newsstands, 50c. Mailed direct 1 week .00. 2 weeks .00. 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. " , GAITS CHIEF OBSERVER WEEKLY BOOK. 35 cents a copy: 10 weeks. .0. For sal* at all newsstands. EW ISSEE OFT MONDAY. TODAYS FREE CODE: Bowie: Vermont-Duck-Brick-Brick. Tuesdays Free Code: MOODY 115.30-J2 WON Remit to GAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. 332 Plymouth Court. :: :: CHICAGO. ILL. la atnred by WomJerfal New Method of Torf D Speculation. Revolutionizes old ideas. Ab simple as H adding: two and two, but a poiaJtva, proven Buccasa. H FREE OF CHARGE 1 Send No Money. Simply your name and addreu. BJ acd yoa will receive by return njail. Kree of charae BJ the Wonderful "Golden Key." to aacreaxfa tnrf BJ M:e,--iaUoa and a Free eample copy of Kentucky D Turf Success. The Great Kentncky Turf Madeline. ■ success pub, co. lotils.-IUa.Ky. ■ , l 1 1 7 74 Annual Racing Form for 1922 On Sale Is Now DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. EXCHANGE STREET :; BUFFALO. N. Y. LOOK! BOYS, LOOK! THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM This system only had 9 losing bets at the last spring meetings at Louisville. Bowie and Havre de Grace combined. Last meetings at Jefferson and Fair Grounds combined only had 21 losers in 64 days. In one week at the different tracks same system only had 11 losers out of 34 bets. Best bet only had 2 losers. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking the long shots. Here are a few: Moody 5.30- She Devil 2 80 Sister Susie 2.20 S2 Colonel Matt 7 20-52 Chrtie HoltersS30.60- Brown Belle .40 Virge S13.t30- Walter Dant 9.60-:2 Topmast 30-1 Porter Ella ..20.60- Kitty Carpenter 5-1 Por. Ella. 2d 20 60 Kinetic 5-1 Fringe. 2d 20-1 Huen «-l and a large number of others. Can be played at or away from the track. These systems are good on any track. Price in full for both 0. Then, after you get them and if they have not done just as I advertise I will gladly return your money. NOTHING ACCEPTED BY TELEGRAPH J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA. IND. NO PROFIT-NO PAY My system must yield an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of betting, or it doss not cost you a cent. Sent on approval for one weeks trial. Apply by mail only t: J. K. WLLLIS 948 Windsor Street :: :: Cincinnati. Ohio. SEND FOR FREE BOOK J which contains vaulable information for the race | player and shows profits obtained and capital used ! for past several years with our method. Wa will I show you that it is "AN INVESTMENT. NOT A SPECULATION." Mutuel prices are always good. I Selection made in ten minuter — na handicapping. Must win its cost in three days. This we guarantee. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin St. Baltimore. Md. 4 — WINNERS — 4 BY OVERNIGHT HAIL Our mail specials for the week Saturday. March 31st. to Friday. April 6th, inclusive, gave 4 wirners, 1 second and 1 locer. Send S2 and have us them to you overnight daily for two weeks. GALLOPS 213 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. If you want winners get the old reliable Standard. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies . TODAYS FCRM SPECIAL: April -Aiple -66-11 -34-47. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. 111. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago. 111. SATURDAYS SPECIAL: No. 342 See latest Reporter for vour winners. ONLY 36c AT ALL LIVE NEWSSTANDS. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM