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raPORTiNfrLErVDER I HARVFY AMFS JlmericaSgreaTetfSporrPaper llJlill f Li 1 fllflLllJ 25CENTS-FORSALEATALL NEWSSTANDS | Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. JP2 Again We Won! new york, n. y. ,£"V Mk Just as I said, this GJjuNfll FREE CODE I pave you feS-JV/ «?§S Saturday was the Real _. . . . .... . /*53y V — stuff. ■- and won like a Changed track conditions made bdiXMl Z°°d colt. It was Lord .. .■..*%. ■ * GBthSW wck. 40 , Won. it advisable Saturday for connec- J5*fi TOFRlEAcoDEn:R tions to defer operations until SJ7 Albany Fancy Jon- today. No "Harvey Transaction" tjf%Sy Lagroon-Latent . * * Nsl And please PARTici- was advised Saturday, that means ■ PATE, for this is a i , , . , , . » « — .no horse was released from this flOlCC 1 JMOlTSCl office- Instructions to our people that I am serving you. Code in the SPORTING f© tO the effect tO prOCUre Win-LEADER on Page Three. I .. ji x • 1 ners regardless of expense. It is THREE WINNERS SATURDAY absolutely necessary that all must Spot Cash . . 1.90- Won be known and favorab,e before ac- tl0n s advised, namely, fitness of * • • • - AgVatg Papa n 5.70- 2 WOO horse, intentions and track condi- Yank. Princess 730- 2 Won *£ -[he .-, wtv« , T value of Harvey Transac- j%ssmrLSsJsrsrJ: tions" was proven by the fact that : ijjiLSVXaandsicsi ,ast week five were advised« with horse is PLACED RIGHT. the resu|t five won# A J|250 invest- ALS0 BE SURE AND GET ment on each of tne "Harvey u /i f Mnnn c • 1 Transactions" last week shows a AL bern s .UU Special dear profit of Free Today I with his SPECIAL. Here is your BIG CHANCE. Nst jf 5*€| 7 / This is SOME SMART PLATER: I tell you I %and w # « JJ KJ w § •V/V/ ~ KNOW SOMETHING. Rush right now t* your 7 newsdealer and ask for j m AT flfi RMCL after the cost of the information KLjMK1 ° tt7H has been deducted. SPECIALS, SI, dialled 1 Meek . Room 880. 440 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, ill. Several "Harvey Transaction* now in preparation simply awaiting favorable track I conditions, and we understand one will doubt- g~ * A ¥3 JO FN 4 ff "T j l?ss start TODAY. Subscription, J100. niaM be I i/| % J £ I jf j telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription, as ■ ~* *,****J * j all "Harvey Transactions are limited to terri- 60 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS tory and only in this manner are we assured of good prices. I I y I ■ |y Winners such as connections have produced * * » » VA » are not guesswork or accident, but the result ADV. JFKEE |2 OCCASIONAL of ability and plenty of money spent in the w * iti * /hp* IIT randht channels. The outlook for this week, we i A *■ I |Tf| Wf/IPK 1» 1 all I-/ ■■ ATI unerstan. is equally bright and promising. And just as w» said, he JUST ROMPED HOME." T,~I«.»U~.~~~ . Telephones: get busy Circle 2591 2592» 2593 and 5749 1- rx ur. t Lvery Day a Winner?! You cant beat "GAR" for slamming over JIR $ 149391493914939 $ $ $ $ $ jS ..vzo PREDETERMINED Today Occasional : T„. M,lM.S5™L-; : GIVEN FREE AGAIN ■ SS? TLZZ/TLSSSTigi C « * many ears. We could not sprnd many What a PIPPIN " this birri — WHAT A "PIPPIN " thousands of dollars per annum adirr- I could rave all day about it. but — WHATS THE ** tisinB water as couch syrup — and con- V» USE. Heres your chance. Ask for t tinue in business. s,o!d on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- ** f _ J T •! • lutely FREE. 10O pace racing manual. v» I .Oy O 1 lOlIlT •• eview. sworn testimonals. etc. Invest! VlCUl O i/Clliy M C»te today and make your Bookie obey. ** SO CENTS, MAH. ED 2 WEEKS, ; Public Relations Manager « gar pub. co. icfy B.XK.;.RTTo"lsoRn.Md. AL «S So. Dearborn St. Chicagro, 111. •kr I $ $ $ J 149391493914939$ jjfrr ™g»- Pay From Your Profits A a reliable r »., party willing; to make v a sub- „ " stantial investment on information coming The Master Key System of playing the races from a source which is absolutely reliable. will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No You must be in a position to invest at charge unless it shows an average profit of least 0 and agree to remit equal share at least |10 a day on the scale of play. of winnings. For further particulars com- For particulars mail this ad. with your name manicate with J. S., Room 12, Lewis Block, and address to J. K. WILLIS, Buffalo. N. Y. 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach, Fla.