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Havre de Grace WITH BURKE going strong and only started. WATCH IS NOW Have final word on "¥, goes Saturday, o|M-ning day, rain or ishiue. Terms: Kemain winnings o straight ticket, remitted by wire, my exnense. Kern it ten 0 dollars hy wire, in advance, as evidence of good faith, and deduct same when fur-warding winnings afterward*. Horse must win « r 0 ile|x»it doesn t gi . Dont waste my time and yours if you fail to forward the ne -e«sary ten. Positively no proponitions con- JOHN J. BURKE 717 ST. PAUL STXEET BALTIMORE. MD. EXCELLS RATINGS •HAVE STOOD THE TEST FOR FIVE TEARS" LONG SHOTS EVERY DAY Bo Tour Own Handicapper. You do no Figuring. EVERY HORSE IS FIGURED FOR YOU. Hook of 92 pages: pocket size. 4x7. Revised and issued every two months. Contain* more than 10.000 horses, arranged so that vou • an make yoar selection in three 1.! minutes. KEW ISSUE JUST OUT LET US PROVE THAT YOU CAN BEAT THE RACES. ASK ANY ONE USING BOOK. 50 SPECIALS IN EACH ISSUE For added starters and suhKtittite races «»u need this hook, no matter how giivd a handicapper v«»u may be. Absolutely the best on the market. Sent postpaid for 0. 00 per copy. I-sS tlian 10 cent-* a day. LAMBERT ft CO. 501 Federal Street Chicago, 111.