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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesAURORA AURORA TUESDAY MAY 24 24BATHER BATHER CLOUD Ys TRACK MUDDY Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight Baring time 215 215Aurora Aurora 1 Kile KileFirst First Bace 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Cup o Tea June 23 1925 112 3 108 108Today Today TodayInd Ind HorseilostPos Wl Rec AWtHan 13423 Marvel Dolores 14 Anr 104 116 3 93X725 93X725134J1 134J1 Realist 4 FP 07113 4107X710 4107X71010C59 10C59 Texas 7 Bern 109 113 4 107X715 13506 Whats the Time 11 Hav 103 113 4 112X710 13143 Star Dost 12Tij 96 112 4 107 705 13233 Stay On 15Hav 115 113 5 112X700 1149 Lavigne 1LF 109 113 4 107X695 107X6951S1SO 1S1SO Bray Annie 8Hav 108 114 5 102x095 13505 Sunny Girl IGHav 107 112 9 107X695 13343 El Astro 3 FG 103 116 7 107X690 1313 Porriehon nOmu 112 114 4 107 C90 12803 Double T 6 JP 108 114 C 107XC90 133G9 Elizabeth Seth 9 Aur 104 115 3 90 690 12275 Coalescence 10 4 102 090 13 41 Rasha 17 llav 109 114 4 112X690 13396 Annie Coughlin CoughlinSI SI 2 3 93 685 13507 Doughnut 13Pim 112 115 8 112X685 112X685Second Second Bace 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPuree Puree 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordRachel Rachel Potter Sept 22 1925 105 4 112 13 2 Miss Mischief 17 llav 99 100 6 99x725 1393 New Beauty VTij 108 106 C 107X720 13539 Tormsiitor CTij 102 106 3 103X713 11716 Kathe 4 Lat 112 106 3 95X710 95X71013S5 13S5 Seths Premium 3 JP ill 107 4 104X705 13143 Right on Time 10 Hav 112 106 7 109X700 109X7001E510 1E510 Riot 16 Anr 108 108 3 100X695 13342 Dolly lUy 8 Lat 106 107 4 100X095 13iO Jessie Belle 12 Haw 102 107 3 103X695 13316 Nose Dive ISTij 111 100 8 110X695 13507 Tecne 15 FP 107jl08 4 102X690 13432 Joe Junior HAur 107 l12s 3 104X090 13053 Lirutcnnnt Seth SethM M 1 3 103 685 13396 Supporter 2 llav 106 107 4 117X685 13108 Primed 7 Haw 111 lllh 4 107685 12989 1ady Eleanor M 9 Oma 108109 3 93 685 12778 Old Hill M 14 3 108 685 685Third Third Bace 58 Kile KilePurse Purse 1003 2yearolds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordPoland Poland June 22 1925 58 4 115 12850 Clem Lewis 6 99X725 13397 99X72013343s Question Mark 7 99X720 13343s Hesitation 3 100 715 13431 Madam Emclie 15 Aur 101 l01s 100 710 13473 Honeyfish 13Aur 109 l05s 112 705 13431 Little Marie 2 Aur 100 l07h 109X700 13473 Pandect lAur 104 l04s 107 695 13473 Peggy Brown 12 Aur 100 1OTB 104 695 13473 Fair Legion 8Aur 103 l05s 107 695 10326 Rolling Star 11 102 695 13343 Maximus 4 117 690 13016 Mat Hunter 14 117690 13343 Sheriff Seth 9 102 685 13370 Kiscbef Machcr10 104 685 Society Blaze 5 101 Fourth Bace 1 116 Miles nrse 1OCO 4yearold and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Cross Bow May 31 1926 145 3 101 13432 OPEN FIRE 7 LK 109 147 5115X725 5115X7251S510 1S510 Swoop 8 Mia 114 146 4 107X715 13396 Billy Witt lJP 107 147 4 115X710 13476 The Roll Call 3 Bow 119 148 8114X705 13477 Little Ammie 5 JP 100 151 g 98X700 13432 Llewellyn 4MII 108 145 8 108X695 13400 Open Hand 6 FP 103 149 4 112X696 13311 Burnt 2 JP 115 148 4 115 600 600Fifth Fifth Bace 34 Kile KileLindbergh Lindbergh Purse Pone 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowance AllowanceTrack Track record recordCup Cup o Tea June 23 1925 112 3 108 13509 Gad 2 JP 94 112 5 105X725 13433 Glenister II 1 C 110720 13433 Flag of Truce 9 Aur 112 116 7110X715 13276 Bookbinder 7TJJ 103 112 4 110x710 13310 Magic Wand4LF 105 112 6 113X705 13398 Billy Baugbn 8 FG 110 l16m 3 102X700 13344 Sureshot 5 JP 106J114 3 102 695 13309 Ali Baba 6 JP 106 l14m 4 110X690 13344 Fannie May 3JP 112 114 3 97X685 97X685Sixth Sixth Bace 1 Kile and 70 Yards Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Pillager June 5 1920 143 4 103 13371 Who Knows Me 6 Mia 111 145 7 105X725 13547 Senor 1 Tdn 101 Jl4Vs 5 103x720 13476 Shindy 11MH 113 144 6 108X715 13432 Panorel 12 Hav 105 146 6 111X710 13511 Clapper 9 FP 112 145 4 108X700 12235 Hawk Eye 10JP 104 146 4 103X700 11766 Lady Braxted 2 Mia 111 145 4 106695 13507 Snow Man 4Lat 105 146 4 108X 0 13511 Kib Grass ISHav 102 144 8 103x6flO 13432 Jodick M 3 4 110 685 13552 Delphi 5 4 108 685 13345 Nereid 7 4 100 685 13552 Mart Bunch 8Tij 105 146 7 1O8X695 13471 Finish 13 4 108 C85 12809 Leo Lampe 14 4 107 685 Seventh Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Pillager June 5 1926 143 4 103 13471 Levoy 11 Emp 100 145 6 1O10725 13505 Diagram 14 Jam 116 143 7 10GX71X 13373 Mighty 8 Aur 108 146 C 103X715 13510 Tea Tray 7Hav 105 144 5 103X710 13510 Love Child 4 4108X705 13551 Play Hour SMia 105 144 6 103 700 13477 Eager 13 FG 104 147 7 113X695 13239 Cas Welch 5 4 103090 13369 Shasta Grande 1 Tij 99 145 3 90 690 13430 Radigny 2 JP 110 151 4 103 685 13346 Golden Glen M MC C Jam 117 148 4 108 685 12952 Geo Dever 9Tam 99 156 4 103 C85 13547 Tiplins 10 3 100 C85 13471 Cavalry 12 JP 104 145 4 105 685 13472 Dr A Lowenthal 15 Aur 100 148 4 103 685