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HOTEL STATLER HANDICAP Splendid 1st of Entries for One of ofFairmount Fairmount Parks Spring SpringFeature Feature Events COIoLJNSVTLLE 111 June 2 Owners of the leading stables of America have respond ¬ ed liberally in the vay of nominations to the Hotel Statler Handicap which will be run at Falrmount Park on Saturday June 25 Avith ninetytwo nominations nominationsThis This handicap has an added money value of 5000 and In addition a handsome silver trophy will be presented by the hotel for which the race Is named Last year this race was won by the peerless Captain Hal with Cudjreller second and Kintr Nadl third Among the well known performers that have been named for this race are Bowie Clark from the Audley Parm Stable Cud geller from H G Bedwells stable Old Slip San Utar Topboot and several others that are taking prominent part in the Maryland racing at this time timeColonel Colonel Bradley has named four of the Idle Hour Farm racers Boot to Boot Bene ¬ ficent Benedict Vow and Blue Pencil S A Cowan has nominated the sensational French horse Cotlogomor Avhich won the 50 000 New Orleans Handicap last February and ran third In the Coffroth Handicap Var Eagle a prominent candidate for the Fairmount and Kentucky Derbys owned by E B McLean publisher of the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Washington Post Is an ¬ other rominee McLean has also named Prince of Wales WalesWalter Walter J Salmon has nominated Saluta ¬ tion and two others and the Seagram Stable Canadas leading racing establishment Sir Harry winner of the Coffroth Handicap Edlsto and Gaffsman both recent winners of stake events in the East EastThe The nominations follow followSTATLER STATLER HOTEL HANDICAP 5000 Added three yearolds and upvard By subscription of 20 rach 100 additional to start 5000 added of nhich JSOO to second 400 to third nnd 150 to foarth AVcighta five days before the race AVinacrs of a rcce other than selling or claiming after publication of weights three pounds extra Utnrteru to be named through the entry box the y before the race by 1030 n in In addition to first money the winner to receive a silver trophy Closed March 31 1927 with ninetytwo nominations One and onesixteenth miles Horse HorseCandy Candy Blackbird Howie Clark Glister GlisterPrincess Princess Dorcen Cudgtllcr Banton BantonSenator Senator Norris Chairmen La Morte Horse HorseBrown Brown Sugar Topboot TopbootBon Bon Diego DiegoForest Forest Nymph NymphClump Clump dc Mars MarsSun Sun Swcrpcr SwcrpcrPeggy Peggy AVcsYcr AVcsYcrLounger Lounger Col Board Fore Lark LarkBrumfield BrumfieldThe Brumfield The Huguenot HuguenotAVooIdridce AVooIdridce AVooIdridceDirk Dirk Ihantoni IhantoniAAood AAood Lore LoreDinner Dinner Dance DanceOld Old Slip SlipShark SharkThistle Shark Thistle Boy BoyThistle Thistle Gold GoldDolan Dolan DolanMazutta Mazutta San Utar UtarWinifred Winifred Ida ODay ODaySea Sea Ilockct BookbinderGlenistcr Bookbinder Glenistcr II IIShasta Shasta Gold Cotlogomor CotlogomorMy My Pardner PardnerParco Parco ParcoPeekaboo Peekaboo PeekabooPercussion Percussion PercussionGlide Glide GlideEbuford Ebuford EbufordHelens Helens Babe BabeArabian Arabian Arabiannival nival nivalDimple Dimple Dnkie DnkieBoot Boot to Bot BotBeneficent BeneficentBrncdict Beneficent Brncdict Vow VowBlue Blue Pencil PencilMarconi Marconi MarconiFar Far Over Frank McMahon Tom Nash KuaneJack Kuane Jack Ilorgan Cipt Giorge Fpstc Thiddciis AVinging Prifeniicc Ship o AVar AVnr Eagle Pdnco of Wales Yalovian Trt7illir Billliant Ilack on AVhite Chsppl Brtiomoncy lUjinbay Trajmore Porridge U AVhit Punjab SilutatloD ioldvn lovdir Kiliato Ctffsnun Sir Harry Comradt Comradtlrinci83 lrinci83 Madulyn ltcjMrtcr Ilapicr Iostmnld Scotland Huntsman Koynl Julian cor f dc i5ar Ares L