Daily Racing Form Charts: Washington Park, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-11


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WASHINGTON PARK HOMEWOOD ILL FEIDAY JUNE 10 1927 Washington Park 1 18 Miles Ninth day Illinois Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather cloudy Stewards M Nnthanson J T Ireland and R M Sweitzer Judses J McLennan W S Sherwood and C F Ilcnry Starter II Morrissey Racing Secretary J McLennan Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time W indicates whip S spurs IJ blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance t A Or7 FIEST RACE 78 Mile out of chute Bulletin July 19 1926 124 3 107 Purse JLrxO 4 TC 1200 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses StrFin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Book Strt 13793 BREISACHER WB 111 2 3 1i 14 I1 1J 1J P Hebert Bloomfield Stable 200100 20010012168BUNTHORNE 12168BUNTHORNE ivn 103 8 7 7s 7 7 3 21 L Jenner Mrs L M Holmes 840100 14248 MASCHERA vr 104 6 4 3 4 2421 3 L Hardy P T Chirm 365100 3651001403C 1403C TORCH BOY vf 114 7 1 2 2 3 4 41 E Pool Applegate Van Duscn GG5100 13612 AMY A WB 10S 5 5 5 5J 5 5 5 H Hutton C A Bernhardt 4970100 14153 TOBIE wn 103 3 G 6 6 C3 6 6 J Kederis LongridBe Stable 615100 61510014248FOREHEAD 14248FOREHEAD w 104 1 8 S 8 8 8 71 J Bollero H O Bcdwell 770100 13973 CARRIE BELLE w 103 4 2 4 4s 7Z 8 C Meyer A J Marko 1675100 1675100Time Time 24 48 114 128 Track pood 2 certificates earned Breisacher 000 straight 430 place 320 show Bunthorhe 790 place 130 show Mascliera 320 show showEuivalent Euivalent looking Breisacher 200 to 100 straight 115 to 100 place CO to 100 show Bunthorne 295 to 100 place 113 to 100 show Maschcra CO to 100 show showWinner Winner IS c by Horron Herkyte by Ilermis trained by B B Williams bred by Messrs Crommelin and Oorliom Winner entered to be claimed for 1050 1050WENT WENT TO POST 212 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBREISACIIER BREISACIIER began fast and racing into the lead at once held sway to the end and won easing np BUNTI10UNE away poorly gained steadily after saving much ground on the turns and finished with a rush MASCIIERA was under restraint for a half mile then came fast when ridden hard but tired badly in the last sixteenth TORCH BOY ran a goal race TOBIE was away poorly FOREHEAD had no chance from the start startScratched Scratched 14203 Riot 103 14322Joe Junior 109 t A QfTET SECOND EACIX58 Mile Henry Horner July 19 1926 100 2 115 Purse 1200 JLdcO O 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Srrt J 4 035 3 BIRDWOOD WB 112 3 2 ni b 12 11 M Fator Win Garth 13258 13258JFA1R JFA1R ANITA w 108 1 6 51 51 2 21 P Hebert H G Bcdwell 14152 SINON wn 104 4 8 7 T 71 3 W Taylor Mrs A L Austin AustinSI 13227 ANGHY MOOD w 112 5 7 SI G 6 4 L Morris E K Bryson 14249 BLY McCARNEY ivn 100 G 9 9 S1 81 5 L Hardy W A Baumgarti 14216 DREANA LEE w 112 1 5 514035MINTWIKI 31 41 S GJ R Peternel L M Severson 14035MINTWIKI w 102 9 4 4 31 5 7 L Jenner W S Kilmer 14037 HONEYNOOK WB 112 8 3 314214INDRA 14 14 4h 8 A Prgrass H C McConnell 14214 14214INDRA INDRA w 109 2 1 G 9 9 9 C McCrsn Mrs P Farrar 450100 450100Time Time 23 48 102 Track gt od 2 certificates earned Birdwood 1380 straight 050 place 4CO show Fair Anita 990 place 680 show Sinon 2280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Birdwood 590 to 100 straight 223 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Fair Anita 395 to 100 place 240 to 100 show Sinon 1040 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c l y Meridian Mary Lydia by The Commoner trained by Woods Garth ored by Mr William Carth Winner entered to be claimed for 3700 3700WENT WENT TO POST 241 AT POST 9 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRIRDWOOD RIRDWOOD close up from the start passed the leaders in the stretch and outfinished FAIR ANITA The latter began slowly and raced far back until in the stretch where she came with a great rush and was going fastest at the end SINON closed a gap in the last eighth ANGRY MOOD also came from far hark DREANA LEE acted badly at the post and tired in the last eighth after racing promi ¬ nently HONEYNOOK set a fast pace and quit M1NTWIKI also quit in the stretch 1NDRA suf ¬ fered from interference interferenceScratched Scratched 14080 Kakiedoodles 104 104Overweights Overweights Birdwood 1 pound Sinon 1 THIED EACE 1 Mile out of chute Captain Hal July 17 1926 137 4 132 Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt w 4 104 9 7 41 311 2J I1 I1 P Hebert Lone Star Stable 14088 DONNA SANTA w 5 105 7 8 S 7 5 3i 2 V J Judy C N Freeman 6S75100 14154 BASHA ws 4 106 4 3 7 C 3 21 3 C E Allen T Cheek 700100 14320 BIRD BEHAVE w 4 112 1 1 G 5 71 4 4 M Fator F Morrison 720100 142 19 OUTLAWED wsn 4 105 8 0 S I3 II 5 5 J Bollero B Berman 4135100 14153 SANDRAE WB 5 110 310 51 S1 61 C1 Gl J Smith J W Lewis 1220100 13597 BURNT w 4 114 2 2 10 10 8J 71 71 A Prgrass H Neal 14220 KINSLEY wn 4 110 5 9 9 91 9 9 81 R Peternel D Breckenridg 13373QUEENA MARIO w 5 100 10 4 3 4 4 81 9 L Hardy L J Brown 1335100 13974 TOM P WB 4 IOC G 5 1 2 10 10 10 C McCrsn Mrs E A Gross 1105100 1105100Time Time 24t 48 114 141 Track good 2 certificates earned Dolly Bay 400 straight 350 place 280 show Donna Santa 4430 place 1720 show Basha 010 show Equivalent booking Dolly Bay 100 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Donna Santa 2115 to 100 place CO to 100 show Basha 205 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Colonel Vennie Annie Welles by Dick Welles trained by J B Theall bred by Mr Jerome B Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 320 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDOLLY DOLLY BAY raced close up from the start and racing into the lead in the stretch came away when called on DONNA SANTA suddenly improved saved much ground on the turns and under hard riding headed BASHA in the final strides I1ASIIA raced well and but for swerving out at the end would have been second BIRD BEIIAVE dropped back after going a half mile and came again in the last eighth OUTLAWED quit badly after taking the lead and running a good threequarters QDEENA MARIO raced well for a half mile TOM P was done after going the first quarter quarterScratched Scratched 139155Privatc Scth 110 14039JWapiti 105 105Overweights Overweights Basha 1 pound Bird Beliave 2 Tom P 1 g lOryry FOUliTH KACE 34 Mile Banter July 30 1920 112 6 112 Purse 1200 3 JLtlrO 4 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third S100 fourth 0 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeyi Owners Equiv Book Strt 14215 DAVID L WB 4 110 4 6 5J 44 11 I1 E Pool J Lowenstein 290100 14215 BANTER w 7 104 5 5 514038LADY 31 31 2 24 W Bogskl R L Baker 14038LADY MARIE w 3 102 3 3 b 31 3 P Hebert E R Morehouse 13309 PRINCE RONALDw 4 108 2 22 2 2 21 4s 4 L Hardy Mira Monte Stk F m St 840100 13752RED PENNANT w 5 105 G 4 G 6 51 5 F Maguiro W S Heaton 1020100 14036 SPHERE W 3 112 1 1 4 51 6 6 M Fator Wra Garth 4930100 4930100Time Time 23 47 113 Track good 2 certificates earned David L 780 straight 470 place 320 show Banter 380 place 290 chow Lndy Marie 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking David L 290 to 100 straight 135 to 100 place CO to 100 show Banter 90 to 100 place 45 to ICO show Lady Marie 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Paul Weidel Birka by Solitaire II trained by J Lowenstein bred by Mr M Lowenstein Winner entered to be claimed for 4700 4700WENT WENT TO POST 346 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDAVID DAVID L suffered from some interference on the last turn but saved ground when coming into the stretch and taking the lead came away to win easing up BANTER was forced wide on the tretch turn by LADY MARIE but raced well in the final drive LADY MARIE set a fast pace but lost ground racing wide on the turns PRINCE RONALD ran a fast half but began tiring badly in the last half RED PENNANT raced poorly SPHERE was done after going the first quarter quarterOverweights Overweights Red Pennant 2 pounds Sphere 3 FIFTH EACE 1 Mile out of chuto Captain Hal July 17 1926 137 4 132 Beverly Hills Purse Purse 1500 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt ft V i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 14 156 BARBARA w 4 101 5 2 21 21 24 I1 I1 T McElroy Cold Stream Farm Stable 180100 14252 FLAGSHIP WB 5 100 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 2 P Hebert J J Boyle 5S5100 13543 SPANISH LAY w 4 104 4 3 41 41 31 3 3 R Jones F M Grabner 725100 72510013756SOUTH 13756SOUTH WIND w 4 104 2 G 5 5 5 5 4 J Smith Green Briar Stable 125100 14251 GOLDEN MAC WB 4 106 G 4 3 i 3i 4l 4s 5 W Bogskl Mrs J II Buscher 29CO100 14156 THE POET WB G 104 3 5 G G 6 6 6 A Pickens Macadora Stable 5915100 5915100Time Time 24 48 113 139 Track good 2 certificates earned Barbara 5CO straight 330 place 270 show Flagship 520 place 370 chow Spanish Iay 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Barbara ISO to 100 straight 05 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Flagship ICO to 300 place ST to 100 show Spanish Lay 40 to 100 show Winner Oh f by Prince Palatine Quixota by McGee trained by T M Taylor bred by Xalapa Karm KarmWENT WENT TO POST 412 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBARBARA BARBARA raced in closest pursuit of FLAGSHIP and had to race wide into the stretch but coming fast into the lead drew away in the last sixteenth to win casing up FLAGSHIP showing fine speed set a fast pace to the last eighth where he began tiring SPANISH LAY saved much ground and mndc a fast finish SOUTH WIND ran a poor race and was far back for the entire race and finished lame COLDBN MAC showed speed but began tiring badly when reaching the stretch A OATCI SIXTH EACE 1 18 Miles Paula Shay Aug 7 1926 152 6 104 Purse S1200 JLriO 4 J 3yearohis and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses a Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 142I8 SAMARON WB 4 IDS 7 3 41 2 11 11 1 L Hardy C E Durncll Durncll1421H 1421H SCOOP w 7 110 3 1 Ill1 21 2 2 O E Allen Dearborn Stable 14158 BIIC ON WHITE wn 3 109 1 5 5 5 G 3 3 R Peternel Pueblo Stablo Stablo14089THE 14089THE WIRE wan 3 U9 6 2 2 41 31 41 4 L Jenner B Berman 14089 MOSES wn 4 105 4 G G G 5 5 5 A Pnrrass A L Austin Austin13U43LADY 13U43LADY BRAXTDxvn 4 109 2 4 3S 41 G G C McCrsn J W Lewis LewisHOSlMltEVEILIXJN HOSlMltEVEILIXJN wn 5 Hf7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Bollero Miss M Kelly 25i 50 115H l41i 154 Xr ck rood 2 certificates earned Samaron 330 straight 290 place 320 show Scoop 1310 place 730 show Black on White 750 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Samaron 05 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Scoop 555 to 100 place 205 to 100 show Black on White 275 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Friar Rock Aunt Dinah by Uncle trained by C B Durnell bred by Mr John 11 Madden Winner entered to be claimed for 3200 3200WENT WENT TO POST 439 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the sasie sasieSAMARON SAMARON close up from the start raced into the lead ju t before reaching the stretch but had to be ridden hard all through the last eighth to outfinish SCOOP The latter set the early pace and raced gamely in the stretch BLACK ON WHITE was saved for threequarters and came fast through the stretch to finish better than the leaders THE WIRE tired badly in the last eighth LADY BRAXTKI was done after going threequarters REVELLLON raced far back backScratched Scratched 14217 Aregal 107 107Overweight Overweight Black on White 3 j jOCrk OCrk SEVENTH EACE 1 Mile out of chute Captain Hal July 17 1926 137 JLTcOO 132 Purse 1200 4yearplds and upward Claiming Set value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Uvv Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqolr Book Strt 142 19 BASKET PICNIC w 4 109 7 7 71 7 5 H 1 J Bollero Miss M Kelly 330100 14254 BE YOURSELF WB 4 114 1 1 81 8 61 4r 2 A P rgrass E McCown 805100 14 157 = POWER w 7 100 9 5 4h 4h 41 21 34 L Hardy C N Freeman 320100 14253 HUEY w 5 105 8 6 5 5 7 6 4 W Crees H O McConnell 005100 14153 SHIRAZ w 4 100 3 2 31 21 31 3 5 J Robaon J J Graulich 815100 13975 BILL HARE w 4 110 5 8 U I1 I1 5 6 A Pickens W L Prako 3730100 373010014253OLYMPIC 14253OLYMPIC WB 4 107 6 4 9 9 8 71 7 L Jennor R L Carter 2255100 13360 STARBRIGHT wn 5 105 4 3 61 6 9 9 8 C Meyer J McAullffo 2330100 233010014218FORE 14218FORE STAR w 4 104 2 9 21 31 2 81 9 P Hebert H G Bedwcll 360100 360100Time Time 24 48 115 141 Track good 2 certificates earned Basket Picnic 300 straight 440 place 310 show Be Yourself 310 place 480 show Power 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Basket Picnic 330 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 53 to 100 show Be Your ¬ self 305 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Power 05 to 100 show showWiner Winer B g by Sunstar Morning Call by Maiden Erlegh trained by T F Bornman bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 2200 2200WENT WENT TO POST 506 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingBASKET BASKET PICNIC began slowly but coming with a rush on the last turn and coming fast in the stretch won going away BE YOURSELF was shuffled to the rear at the half mile ground and raced wide into the stretch lint came fast in the last eighth POWER raced well and had no mishaps IIUEY finished well SHIRAZ began tiring badly in the last eighth BILL HARE set a good pace but quit when reaching the stretch FORE STABL was done after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched OSSSOKyrock 109 14220 Geo Dever 105 14153 Levoy 110 14153 Kajaba 105

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927061101/drf1927061101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1927061101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800