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HERE IT IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR FORELWOOD ELWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD METHODAfter After many months of research through thousands of races our system writer Elwood Tansey has written a system which he and other statisticians believe to be far in advance of other systems placed on the market in the last decade decadeIn In conjunction with the system Tansey has given a betting method which lias not only proven profitable in itself but has done much to help to solve the problems of those who make use of other systems systemsIt It is in this particular that it has drawn favorable comment from those who have made a life study of the many formulas devised to assist the bettor Mr USPLEASE THE PRICE IS ONLY 5 US PLEASE DO NOT SEND STAMPS OR CHECK ELWOOD TANSEY S 423 Plymouth Court Chicago IIL