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CHICAG I NOW ONLY 10 CENTS 1N8 CHICAGOS REMARKABLE TRIO OF OFHANDICAPPERS HANDICAPPERS CONTINUES TO SET THE THEPACE PACE FOR THIS CONTINENT CONTINENTWinners Winners galore a great galaxy of them were Tianded out by byTelegraph Telegraph Selectors on Wednesday These men came through in their usual style digging deep and finding plenty for the players A few fewgiven given by this layout follow followPROJECTILE PROJECTILE by McCarty 4760 WON WONRAIN RAIN OR SHINE by Regren Bassett and McCarty 360 WON NORA Df by Regren and McCarty 920 WON WONTOPSIE TOPSIE H by McCarty 500 WON WONSTRENUOUS STRENUOUS by Regren and Bassett 1135 WON WONFORT FORT DEARBORN by Bassett 670 WON WONCHUBASCO CHUBASCO by McCarty 1655 WON WONOVERSHOES OVERSHOES by Regren Bassett and McCarty 420 WON WONBABEE BABEE by Regren 1020 WON WONSAINT SAINT LOUIS by Regren and McCarty 420 WON WONGALE GALE WAY by McCarty 820 WON WONAUNT AUNT MARIE bf Regren 5 WON WONBURNING BURNING UP by Regren and McCarty 604 WON WONDEE DEE TEES by Bassett 450 WON WONGULFELANO GULFELANO by McCarty 908 WON WONNESCONSET NESCONSET by Regren and McCarty 710 WON WONPLAT PLAT EYE by Bassett 21 WON WONDUSKY DUSKY DAME by Regren and Bassett 460 WON WONLEROS LEROS by Regren and Bassett 400 WON WONROYAL ROYAL SPORT by Regren 500 WON WONRED RED RUN by Regren Bassett and McCarty 00 WON PLAYFUL MARTHA by Regren 2100 WON WONTHE THE POINT by Regren and McCarty 400 WON WONAnd And there were others in the list given by this incomparable trio trioof of handicappers When you tire of losing on your own selections fall fallback back on these men They know their oats FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES LATO NIA G ray899082 DETROIT Brown808377 To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COUBT CHICAGO ILL 8860 per Month by First Class Mall 700 per Month by Air Mall