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Best of the Day DayWASHINGTON WASHINGTON 4th COUNTESS BINA BINALATONIA LATONIA 8th BRUSH DOWN DOWNDETROIT DETROIT 4th POLLY HUNDRED HUNDREDFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT 7th MORE POWER POWERBELMONT BELMONT 5th WORLD SERIES WASHINGTON PARK PARKOutstanding Trackman L G PLAUT Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Bubbling Mate Bubbling Mate Bubbling Mate BertHeid Bubbling Mate Bubbling Mate Butfblg Mate42 Born Happy Born Happy Born Happy Born Happy Born Happy Born Happy Born Happy 24 Commandant South Gallant Wise Player Bubbling Mate Wise Player South Gallant Bert Reid 8 High Bottom Polyfon Well Heeled HeeledPolyfon Polyfon Polyfon Polyfon Polyfon 36 Flag Bearer Portmanteau Polyfon PolyfonAnnan Flag Bearer Lillian Z Portmanteau Flag Bearer 12 Lillian Z Flag Bearer Annan Portmanteau WellHeeled Flag Bearer Well Heeled 10 Moane Keala Moane Keala Blue Day Blue Day Back Log Moane Keala KealaBlue Moane Keala 36 Fair Image Blue Day Moane Keala Back Log Moane Keala Blue Day Blue Day 24 Back Log Back Log Back Log Moane Keala Fair Image Back Log Back Log 20 Countess Bina Countess Bina Countess Bina Countess Bina Countess Bina Countess Bina Countess Bina 56 Lady Louella Lady Louella Lady Louella Lady Louella Lady Louella Diane S Lady Louella 22 Tee Dee Ruth Diane S TeeDee Ruth Diane S Miss Bane Lady Louella Diane S 8 Ridgeview Ebony Lady Ebony Lady Ridgeview Ebony Lady LadyRidgeview Ridgeview Ebony Lady 36 Dusky Devil Ridgeview Dusky Devil Ebony Lady Ridgeview Ebony Lady Ridgeview 34 Ebony Lady Dusky Devil Ridgeview Dusky Devil RidgeviewSpicson Spicson Dusky Devil Dusky Devil 18 Eveline F FBertjohn Eveline F Bertjohn Eveline F Bertjohn Parties Eveline F 32 BertjohnParties Bertjohn Bertjohn Ben Bernie Bertjohn Eveline F Eveline F Bertjohn 30 Parties Ben Bernie Parties Ben Bernie BenBernie Bertjohn Parties 12 Single Stripe StripeMorpheus WirtG Bowman Wirt G Bowman Wirt G Bowman Red Boot Wirt G Bowman Wt G Bwmn 34 Morpheus MorpheusCulloden Platinum Blonde Culloden Culloden Platinum Blonde BlondeRed Culloden Culloden 16 Culloden Culloden Red Boot LATONIA LATONIAOutstanding Trackman W G RODERICK Outstanding selections appear In bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Princess A O OPantaloons Princess A O Pantaloons Pantaloons Pantaloons Pantaloons Pantaloons 40 Pantaloons Sabre Slash Sabre Slash Princess A O Sabre Slash Princess A O Princess A 0 28 Polas Flag Pantaloons Max Way Sabre Slash Princess A O SabreSlash Sabre Slash 16 Mucho Gusto Slant Eye Mucho Gusto Slant Eye Mucho Gusto Slant Eye Slant Eye 28 Manners Man Waltz King Monroe Waltz King Slant Eye Gold Reserve Mucho Gusto 24 Newell Gold Reserve Manners Man Gold Reserve Manners Man Waltz King Waltz King 10 Captain Henry Peggy Lehmann Earl Baker Peggy Lehmann EarlBaker Sue Terry Peggy Lehman 22 Flat Rock Sue Terry Captain Henry Proud Princess Proud Princess Proud Princess Earl Baker 16 Sea Eagle Proud Princess Peggy Lehmann Sue Terry Peggy Lehmann Peggy Lehmann Sue Terry 14 Cayuga CayugaLonell Cayuga Cayuga CayugaMeteoric Meteoric MeteoricCayuga CayugaMeteoric Cayuga Cayuga Cayuga 48 Justina Lonell LonellMeteoric MeteoricLonell Meteoric Cayuga Meteoric CayugaPatsyette Patsyette PatsyetteMeteoric Meteoric 24 Meteoric Meteoric Lonell Patsyette Patsyette Meteoric Patsyette 8 Coflier Bender First Coflier My Blaze Coflier Coflier Coflier 40 Bender First Coflier Bender First Coflier CoflierSouthland Southland Duke Bender First Bender First 22 Southland Duke Southland Duke Southland Duke Bender First My Blaze Southland Duke Southld Duke 12 Plumage Jodie K Plumage Upsets Lassie Plumage Plumage Plumage 32 Upsets Lassie Upon Upon Buddy Apolis Upon Upon Upon 20 Upon Upsets Lassie Jodie K Upon t Upsets Lassie Upsets Lassie Upsets Lassie 18 Len Helker HelkerOmel OmelBosom Omel Len Helker HelkerOmel Len Helker Len Helker Omel Len Helker 38 38Omel OmelFair Omel Bosom Pal Omel Fair Cynthia Fair Cynthia Len OmelLen Helker Omel 22 22Fair Fair Cynthia Len Helker OmelNightingale Nightingale Omel Nightingale Fair Cynthia Fair Cynthia 12 Brush Down Brush Down DownBonivan Brush Down DownBonivan Brush Down DownBonivan Brush Down DownMigosh Brush Down DownMigosh Brush Down 50 50Migosh Migosh BonivanMigosh Bonivan Bonivan Bonivan BonivanMigosh MigoshBonivan Migosh MigoshBonivan Migosh Migosh 18 Peter Parley Migosh Migosh Migosh Bonivan Bonivan Bonivan 16 DETROIT DETROITOutstanding Trackman P G McCANN Outstanding selections appear In bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Genteel Lady LadyTimorous Genteel Lady LadyInjustice Genteel Lady LadyInjustice Timorous j Injustice Timorous Genteel Lady 34 TimorousInjustice Timorous Injustice InjusticeTimorous Injustice InjusticeTimorous Genteel Lady Timorous Genteel Lady Timorous 28 Injustice Timorous Timorous Myturn Genteel Lady Injustice Injustice 22 Our David DavidWalkalong Our David Fretful Saint Kitts Our David DavidWalkalong Phalarope Our David 40 Walkalong Phalarope Our David OurDavid Walkalong OurDavid Phalarope 20 Phalarope Walkalong Phalarope Phalarope Phalarope Walkalong Walkalong 12 Polish Beau Polly Hundred Fort Springs Polly Hundred HundredFort Polly Hundred Polly Hundred Polly Hundred 42 42Fort Polly Hundred Wild Pigeon Polly Hundred Fort Springs Fort Springs Wild Pigeon Fort Springs 22 Fort Springs Fort Springs Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon Wild Pigeon Fort Springs Wild Pigeon 14 Lacquer Lacquer LacquerRacketeer Sun Shadow ShadowLacquer Quiver Sun Shadow ShadowRacketeer Racketeer Lacquer 26 Nyack Racketeer LacquerRacketeer Lacquer Sun Shadow Racketeer Nyack Sun Shadow 22 Racketeer Quiver Racketeer Lacquer Lacquer RacketeerLacquer Sun Shadow Racketeer 20 Calome Watch Tower TowerLadykin Canon Law Black Diamond Ladykin Black Diamond Watch Tower 18 Canon Law Ladykin Calome Watch Tower Electric Gaff Watch Tower Blk Diamond 16 LadykinMouthpiece Watch Tower Mouthpiece Electric Gaff Electric Gaff Mouthpiece Ladykin Ladykin 14 Birthday Gift Miss M Lutz Birthday Gift Our Johnny Our Johnny Abstain Our Johnny 32 Our Johnny Our Johnny Our Johnny Miss M Lutz Abstain Our Johnny Birthday Gift 18 Mary McCarthy Abstain Ivan W Oh Yeah Claude C Birthday Gift Abstain 14 Linmast Thomas Seth Linmast Thomas Seth SethLinmast Linmast Linmast Linmast 36 Alamae Alamae Barashkova Linmast LinmastAlamae Moon Shy Alamae Thomas Seth 16 Purple Robe Moon Shy Big Blue Alamae Blake Prince Macaw Alamae 14 Strappy Blake Strappy StrappyRoselake Blake Roselake Roselake Roselake 30 Saxonne Roselake RoselakeBlake Roselake Roselake Sun Way Blake Blake 24 Roselake Sun Way Blake Sun Way Blake Sun Way Strappy 16 Scout Chief Brown Polly Aquatis Scout Chief Scout Chief Scout Chief ChiefHawk Scout Chief 40 Brown Polly Moral Miss Scout Chief Hawk Moth Moral Miss Hawk Moth Brown Polly 16 Lamporte Scout Chief Brown Polly Moral Miss Brown Polly Lamporte Moral Miss 10 Ruth Jelinek JelinekBlack Ruth Jelinek Northern Sir Northern Sir Northern Sir Ruth Jelinek Ruth Jelinek 36 Black Flash Northern Sir Curly Head Ruth Jelinek Ruth Jelinek Bob Weidel Northern Sir 34 Northern Sir Bob Weidel Sunny Bob Curly Head Sunny Bob Northern Sir Curly Head 6 Raffles Problem Blind Star StarAlwin Alwin AlwinRaffles Jimmy N NAlwin Benediction Jimmy N Jimmy N 18 Topway Alwin AlwinTopway Raffles Problem ProblemTopway Alwin AlwinBenediction TopwayAlwin BenedictionTopway Topway Witch Lass Alwin 18 Jimmy N Topway Topway Benediction Alwin Raffles Problem Raffles Pbm 14 More Power More Power PowerKelso More Power Kelso KelsoMore More Power PowerKelso More Power More Power 48 Rex Regent KelsoDonup Kelso Kelso More Power Kelso KelsoRex Hazel Hopps Kelso 20 Hazel Hopps Donup Umbrian Princs Umbrian Princs Rex Regent Donup Hazel Hopps 6