Latest Workouts from Major Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1944-04-08

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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks Figures preceding horses name show date of last previous work. Track record after distance. Key: H — Handily. B — Breezing-. D — Driving. E — Easily. O — All out. U Eased up. Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in black face type. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1944 NARRAGANSETT PARK Track Fost 3 f Mil fc Nine Hole :55 b 4-4 Black One liimUk Ciav Hill :39%h 2-19 Passa Grille :51%h 4-3 CashoBoy l:18«/5h Drudge :42/5b 4-2 Spring Storm :51%h Crackers 1:18 h 8-26 Eight and Six :38 h 3-14 Treaty Girl :55 b 4-3 Conrad Mann 1:20 b CKiiiixkllamt :37 sh 4-4 Village Belle :52h 4-4 Gold Bill 1:23 b 8-26 Kelspride :38 h 5-8 MILE — :59 4-3 Jack Dove 1:24 b LaScala :39"sb Ardenell l:06*8b Jim Blazes 1:20 h 8-17 Rough Honey :38 h 2-6 Aboyne 1:05 h 4-3 Linwood Belle 1:20 h 4-4 Spare the Rod :43 b 4-2 Bowsprit l:03»ih Linwood Ghost l:204/sh Take a Letter :39/5h 4-3 FlagOrland 1:06 b 4-3 Linwood Jim l:19%h 8-27 Westwood Belle :38%h 4-4 Infant Queen l:034/ih Linwood Linnie l:20«/5h Pique :4iysb Idle Scout 1:06 h Montbars l:19%h Valdina Alpha :40 b 4-2 Oak Queen l:033ih 4-3 Old Whitey 1:19 h 1-2 MILE — :47*a 2-4 Precious Years 1:08 b Ripplet l:19«/5h 8-17Lauderkin :55 b 3-4 MILE — l.lO1, 4-3 RangeDust l:22y5b 8-lEMintniekera : 55 b 4-4 Allegro 1:19 h 4-3 White Hope 1:19 h LAUREL PARK Track Slow 3-8 MILE 4-2 Cumshaw :54 b 3-26 Dispurr l:10ysb 8-26 A One :40%b 4-2 Constance V. :53*5h 4-3 Old Doctor l:06%h 4-2 Brown Ruin :41 h Donorlan :54 h 4-1 Polly Ender l:06%b Bene v a :40 h 4-2 Elcan :52%h 4-1 Winning Smile 1:06 h 4-2 Bridgette :41%b Flying John :52»5h 3-4 MILE — 1:10** 8-27Briglow :40 h 4-4 Pair Katrina :53 h Arch McDonald l:24 /sh 4-2 Cheater :40 b 3-27 Hard Head :58 b 4-1 Challedonna l:23%b 3-31 Dark Haven :41*isb 4-2 Late Slip :52*/sh 4-3 Dinsen l:23y5h 4-1 Declared :37%h 4-4 My Angela :53%h 4-2 Darby Donna l:21%h 4-2 Exploit :40 b 4-1 Miss Lovable :53%h 4.1 Evening Shot l:25%h Ginger Man :373/sh 4-2 Murky Sky :55 /5b 4-2 Fair Isle l:22%h Infinite Girl :42 b 3-28MyMallie :52 h 4-3 Glno T. l:21%h 8-26 Jean Slam :39%h Mango :55*5b 3-26 On the Lin* 1:21 h 8-26 Moon Meadow :39%h 3-27 Of Course :57 b 3-31 Plcotee 1:20%b 3-18 Prologue :41 b 4-2 Precious Gem :53 h 4-6 Strolling Lee l:24%h 4-4 Roy Jay :39%h 4-2 Real Lark : 55 h 4-5 Sals Sister l:21%h SomeWhere :40%b 3-30 Similar :52 h 4-28 Skippers Mate l:21Vsh 3-31 Yank Pilot :39%h 4-3 Town Hall :53 b 2-17 Zacaharrv :41 b 4-1 Trace Back :54V5b 1 MILE — 1:37 1-2 MILE 5-8 MILE — :59% 4-3 Ashame l:54%li 4-1 Big Jack :533/5h 3-30 Cricket Boy l:10V8b 4-3 Baby Boy 1:56 b CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Fast 3-8 MILE 4-2 Home Front :37 h 3-29 Lucky Barney :51 h 8-8 Algohad :39 b 4-4 Iron City :40 b 4-2 Sweetest Girl :51 b 3-29 Bui goo Ann :38%h King Stone :395b 4-5 War Struggle :51 h 4-4 Black Fantasy :37%b 4-4 Lady Godiva :37%h 4-5 Young Buddy :52%b 4-4 Burman :37%h 4-1 Miss Zibby :37%h 5-8 MILE— : 59 4-4 Count Ballot :38%b 4-4 Miss Courtesy :39*sb 3-29 Alorter l:02%h Carney :38%h Panama Miss :40 b Cyclorama l:05%h 2-12Dimit :39%b 4-4 Rologold :39£b 4-4 Merrymarch 1:10 b 3-31 Darby Dolphin :40 b 4-4 Tetrol :38 h 4-2 Magic Fate 1:04 h 3-18 Darby Dido :39y5b Xerciser :383/ah 4-1 Onemore 1:05 b DarbvDunstan :39%b 1-2 MILE — :46% Some Gala l:04%h 4-4 Double Brab :38 h 4-5 Alabama Boy :52* sb 3-4 MILE — 1:10*£ 3-31 Darby Diplomat :39%b 4-5 Azimuth :51 h 8-31 Gallahue 1:21 b 3-25 Darby Duluth :40 b 4-1 Briarson :S6 b 4-2 Maw l:20%b 3-31 Darby Delilah :41 b Blue Sky :5€ b Rockwick l:21%b 4-1 Fussy Helen :37%h 4-2 Col. Steve :50 h 4-4 Rodla l:17%h 3-28 Fighting Don *:37 h 4-5 Curious Coin :523/5b 4-2 Timocracy 1:18 b 4-4 Final Reward :37 h 4-1 JoeSpagat :55 b 7-8 MILE — 1:23, GeorgeJones :40 h 3-27 Key Man :51/5h 4-2 Count Chant l:30%h KEEN ELAND Track Fast 3-8 MILE 4-1 Bird of War :36*4t *-3 Gallant Bra v« :53%b 4-3 Ami-Aircraft :36 h 3-5 ChlckieDD. :40 b 4-1 MertO. :49 b 4-4 Buymeabond :37%b Ever Quest :38b MissCarreen :53 b 4-4 Bail Bond :38ysb Good Baby :38 b 4-2 Way Cloud :49yah 4-4 Beautv Bright :37 b 4-3 Menex :35Vsh 5-8 MILE 4-1 Blood Bank :37 b 4-3 Megogo :37%b 4-4 Biloxi Bay 1:02 h 4-1 Bims Blossom :36«/»b 4-3 Not Now :37V5h 4-4 B. Nineteen l:05%b 4-4 Big Deal :37 b 4-1 Onita :38 b 4-4 Broke Even l:052/5b 4-4 Befearless :37%b 2-21 Private Joe :38«/,b 4-4 Desert Mirage 1:02 h 4-4 Bond Buyer :38Vsb 4-3 Paddle :35«/,h 4-3 Mintack 1:05 b 4-1 Be Faithful :37 b 4-3 Shinemup :37 h 4-1 Skeeter l:03%h 4-1 Bumper :37 b 4-3 Tellmenow :35%h 3-4 MILE— 1:10*, 4-4 Burning Dream :37 b 4-1 Zacaphote :38%b 3-29 Short Life l:21*/5b 4-4 Born Fool :36*/5b 1-2 MILE 4-4 Busher :37 h 4-2 Bethroved :49y5h 1 1-8 MILES — 1:49*£ 4-1 Bread Basket :37 b 3-27 Good Daughter :48h 4-S By Jimminy 2:03%b PIMLICO Track Heavy; "Dogs" Up 1-4 MILE QuienEs :402sb 4-1 Hialeah l:ll%b Bassoon :25«/sb 4-4 Sollure :38 h 4-3 Hyperionion l:07%h Cat Bridge :26 b 4-4 Tilting :38 b 4-3 Jimmie l:05*/5h Eddieow :26%b 3-28 Twilight Tear :39 h 4-4 Little Bud 1:09 b Job Lots :263/,b 4-4 Voyageur :39 b 4-1 Might Be l:09%h Nedlon :26%b 1-2 MILE — :47*fc 3-30 Pensive l:06V5h Shako :254/sh 3-30 Bibelot :54V5h 3-30 Son of Peace l:08%h 3-8 MILE 4-3 Ascertain :55%b 4-3 Sea Letter l:05*/,h 3-31 Anyway :38«/sb 3-31 Biscayne Blue :554/5b 3-30 Sun Again l:09%b 4-3 Art Brown :40ysb 4-1 Chief Mate :55*/sb Wilton l:08%h 3-28 Bull Weed :40%b 2-29 Goodrod :56%b Ramillies l:0T%h 4-4 Blue and Grev :40 b Gorget :54«/sh 3-4 MILE— 1 : 10 4-3 Brass King :39 b 4-5 Hi Neighbor :55%b 3-31 Andrew Palmer l:23V5b 4-1 Colonel John :39 h 3-29 Hazel W. :55»sb 3-26 Balloter l:25%b 4-1 Gold River :*la/sb Karell :55 b 4-4 Creepy Mouse l:24Vsb 4-4 Hobbys First :38 h 3-30 Miss Keeneland :54*/sb 4-2 Carmus 1:19 h 3-24Hadawin :39«/,b 3-23 Miss Kalola :54 h 4-2 Dr. R. Young l:22%h 4-4 Heed It :38%h 3-31 Peemar :553/sb 4-2 First Son 1:19 h 4-4 Insolate :384/5h 3-29 Positive Miss :55%b 3-29 Ginoca 1:23 b 3-25 Indian Gift :39 b 4-3 Red Level :55 b 4-3 Jay Jay l:23%h Kalessia Teddv :39 b Robespierre :54 h 4-3 Morning Choice l:27%b 4-1 Maybe Miss :39*/sb Scots Bell -bbb 4-1 Royal Flush l:20V,h 3-8 NotScGood :40«/sb Victory Blue :54sh 3-31 Strolling Don l:27%b 4-3 Nyleve :38*/,h 5-8 MILE— 1 : 00 , 4-3 Potsey :40«/sb 4-1 Army Belle l:093/sh 1 MILE— 1:37% 4-4 Patriotism :39%b 4-4 Cape Cod l:06%h 4*1 Tar Miss 1:55 b 4-29 Pharamint :38%h 4-3 Feather-Bob l:07Vsh 3-26 Wildmute l:52V,h BELMONT PARK— Training Track Track Sloppy 3-8 MII.E 4-2 Salto :37 b 4-3 Tarpan 1:06 b 4-2 AHlos :38%b 4-2 Triton :38*/Kb 1 MILE 4-2 Hector :38%b 4-2 Vrondi :39 b 4-2 Aera l:472/5b 4-4 R*kiab :393/5b 5-8 MILE 4-2 Valdina Albert l:46%b DOUGLAS PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE 2-2 Black Pepper :52 b 5-8 MILE 3-31 B«-uy Johnvon :38 b Bengal Tiger :51l/Rh 2-10 Bomb Shelter 1:05 b Countess Wise :39%b Flying Entree :52*/sb 3-10 Big Sledge l:043/sh Darby Darva :37%h Ghost Hunt :52 b 2-18 Bo Way l:04%h Jackk :383/,b Heath Broom :52 b 2-9 Flying Torpedo l:04«/,b 2-7 Kates Silver :38«/sb 2-23 Linn Creek :56 b 2-11 Fair Player l:05z/,b 1-31 Petes Kid :38ijh 1-17 Regal Maid :52l/sb Jungle Moon 1:05 b 3-22 South Border :4iysb Satin Slave :51 /sb 2-15Modwena 1:05 b Star Head :412yb 1-24 Sweeping Manna :54«sb 2-26 Tell Well l:07%b Sugar Man :38%h She Rolls :51 h 2-15 Top Note l:06«5b 4-6 Spike J. :4ia/,b Toy :52 /sh 2-1 Wavriel :40%b 3-26 Tough Target :51%h 3-4 MILE 1-2 MILE 2-5 Three Bangs :523/sb 3-26 Epic Lady liUKl Be ri «. :50«sh 1-26 Tetros Jr. :52 b 3-26 Nanita l:18V,h FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1944 JAMAICA Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 3-29 Loch Ness :53 b 3-31 Plav Dustv |;#| 1, 3-29 Moue Brand :37%h 3-31MyZaca 4-4 Runaway Boy 1:06 b 3-28 Smart Sheila :373/,h 4-4 Uncle Ace :51 b 4-3 Sickle T. l:06%b 3-26 Wise Step :40a/,b 1-2 MILE 5-8 MILE — :58 3-4 MILE— 1 : 1 ©* s 4-2 Bud Grey :493/5h 4-14 He Got There 1:06 b 4-3 All White 1:26 b Colleen Pat :51 b 4-3 KingLeRoy l:06%b 4-3 Cleo Louise 1:20 b Crazee :52 b 4-2 Liquid Lunch l:07*/5b 4-3 One Look 1:21 %ft 4-2 Eye for Eye :493/5h 4-3 Marogay 1:06 b 4-3 Water Pearl 1:26 b BELMONT PARK Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 1-2 MILE 4-2 LeHavre 1:05 b 4-2 Bounding Bow :48«,sh 4-2 Mark Omen 1.06%b 4-1 Bounding Home :39 b Broad Grin :48«4h 4-2 Naval Station 1023/5h 4-2 Beau Quest :40 b 4-3 Center Stage :503/sb 4-2 Sun Flame l-06%b 4-2 Breezing Home :35%h Durability :503/sb 3-31 Briosa :382:,b Dockstadter :513/l,b 3-4 MILE — 1:10 4-2 Devil Diver :37 b 4-3 Ganymede :51%b Esposita :38%b 4-3 Intact :49 h Bird Hawk 1:16 h 3-31 First Admiral :39 b Jaco Royal :50 b 4-4 Bold Anna 1:15 h 4-1 Great Ripple :39%b 4-2 Mettlesome :493/sh 4-4 Bell-the-Cat l:lfl*/5b 4-2 Great Rush :39%b Miracle Kin :51%b 3-2 Creamy l:17%b 4-4 Hickory Knot :382ib 4-3 Pretty Marsh :49 h Dustman 1:17 b Jean Miracle :37 b 4-2 Plasma :53a/sb 2-29 Dairy Lady 1:19 b 4-2 Kirke 37Vib 4-1 Sickle Boy :53%b 4-2 Flak 1:16 b 4-1 Rush Light :39 b 4-4 Sunday Supper :50 b Famous Victory l:152Vj,h 4-2 Rhodian :36%h 4-3 Unwise :49 h 4-4 Music Hall 1:16" b 4-4 Rice Cake :40 b 4-2 Vain Prince :53%b 4-4 Offenbach l:17%b 4-3 Scholarship :36%h 4-1 Wait a Bit :523 ib 4-2 Okapl Lancer 1:174b 4-4 Stature :40 b 5-8 MILE— : 58 «i 2-21 Stir Up 1:16 b 4-2 Tambo :37 b Betty Tess Lu 1:023/Rh 4-4 Smolensko l:17%b BELMONT PARK— Training Track Track Muddy 3-8 MILE 4-1 Albatross :52 h 3-15 Sungino :50».,h 4-2 Bill Slt-kle :36- sh 4-2 Birch Rod :53 h 4-3 Triplicate :55 b Casino :40 h 3-28 Christabel :56y5b Zanzibar :52%b 4-4 Chance Nicr :40 h 3-28 Confetti :56ysb Zit« :50%h 4-4 Conjuror :40 -h Desert Battle :51 h 4-1 Colchis :40 h 4-2 Dartaway :51%h 5-8 MILE 2-28 Delphi :37*kh 4-2 Extra Base :514/5h 4-3 Bellwether 1:09 h 4-4 Dove Shoot :40 h 4-3 Fledgling :51 h 4-4 Sky Sentry l:08%h 4-5 Fairy Bee :39 h 4-4 Gallant Fancy ■ 55 b 4-4 The Chief 1:06 h 4-3 High Romance :40 h 4-3 Good Morning :56ysb 4-5 The Sultan l:07%h 4-3 Jims Janie :39 h 4-2 Great Beyond :514/ih LakeAnnel :40 h 4-3 Good Thing .51 h 3-4 MILE 4-2 Lakonia :37%h 4-2 Happy Lark 52 h 4-6 At Play l:232/sb 4-5 Magellan :39 h 4-2 Home Run :61 h 4-4 Keene Advice l:26%b 4-3 Mad Anthony :40 h 4-3 Kopar :51 h 4-2 Olympic Zenith 1:24 h 4-4 Pilates Miss :37 h 4-2 Late City 51«sh 4-4 Party Buster l:20%h 4-2 Reason 38 sh 4-3 Okapl Lancer :56 h 4-3 Sickles Choice l:19%h 4-4 Reply Paid :40 h 4-3 Pine Isle :53 h 7-8 MILE 4-4 Split the Wind :40 h Porpoise .54 h 4-4 Flying High l:37»ih 4-4 Tedious Miss :87 h Pelops :5C*/Sh 4-4 Miss Neigh l:36%h 1-2 MILE 4-4 Sunstorm 55 b 4-4 Rosy Cheek l:36%b 4-4 At Which 56 b Scatter Dust 51 h 1 MILE 4-8 Adaptable :65 h 4-4 Smart Bet 58 b 4-4 Sugar Ration 1:5© h AQUEDUCT Track Sloppy 3-8 MILE Sigula 64 b 3-5 Thrift 1:25 C Dancing Dora 39 b 5-8 MILE — :.■»« „ 4-3 Huntsman sb Grey Squire 1:10 b 7-8 MILE — UtX% 4-3 Imperious Fox :38%b 3-29 High Plaid l:0«2/,h 4-3 Boswellian 1:33 fc More Wine :40 b 3-4 MILE — 1:10*, 4-3 Irish Tar 1:33 b 4-4 RathRonan :37h 4-4 Briar Play 1:23 b 4-3 Stronghold 1:33 b 1-2 MILE Deimos 1:22 b 4-3 Thread o Gold 1:35 b 4-3 Apache :50 b 4-4 Futurama 1:21 b 4-3 Vienna 1:35 b 4-3 Bonfire :52 b 4-4 Grand Party 1:21 b 1 MILE 4-3 Johns Port :53 b 4-4 Peppy Miss 1:21 b 4-3 Deseronto 1:53 b 4-3 Johnnie Maginn :53 b 4-3 Swimmin Hole l:17%b 4-3 FreeLance 1:53 b 4-4 KingDorsett :51 b 4-3 Sleepytime Gal 1:22 b 4-1 Powerhouse 1:60 b 4-3 Lady Pilot :52 b 3-29 Topless Tower l:17%b 4-3 Trierarch 1:50 b TROPICAL PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE — :34* 1-2 MILE— : 46 3-4 MILE— 1 : 10 4-1 Cabin Creek :37 h 4-5 Little Nelms :5G»/ish 4-4 Round the Clock 1:19 h 4-4 Cyrus P. :37 h 2-27 Milkfloat :503/,h 7-8 MILE— 1:25 4-3 Fuzz :38»/,b 4-1 Chance Cross :51 h 4-1 Firewarden l:30h 3-27 Lasting Peace :37 h 4-2 Overtake :49 h 4-4 Sunspark 1:33 b 4-1 Maejames :38%b 4-1 Penomp :50 h 1 MILE— 1:36% 4-2 Orcus :363/sh 3-28 Flving Silver 1:45 h 4-4 Tiger Man :37 h 5-8 MILE— : 59 4-4 One Dollar 1:46 h 4-3 CrgeMe :36 h 2-5 Ariel Patrol l:043-,h 1 1-8 MILES — 1:49 3-27 Uncle Bud :39»/sb 4-4 Believe 1:03 e 4-3 Quercus l:563/sh 3-29Wavecap :38«/sh 3-30 Grasshopper II. l:M%fe 4-3 Resolute II. l:563/5h HIALEAH PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE — :33 4-4 Tragedienne :37%h 4-5 Marriage 48«Ah. 4-3 Bettys Beau :38%h 3-16 Mintlock :53 b 4-1 Doggone :39«/,b 1-2 MILE 4-5 Prepossessing :54«/5b 2-20 Equinox :42%b 4-2 Art of War :462sh 4-1 Son of War :49y,h 4-5 Freddies Pal :393/,b 4-4 Bold Salute :51 b 4-2 seamanlike :48%h 4-1 Leystan :39 b 4-2 Blue Line :493.;h 4-3 Toomuch ■ :523/sb 4-1 Overtime :39 b 3-8 Celtics :51 b 3-21 Richard W. :38%b 4-5 Doctor Jeep :49«j,h 3-4 MILE — 1.09+, 4-2 Spangled Game :393/,b 4-4 Frontier Jane :49?/,h 4-4 Decission l:20*,b 3-30 Say Miss :39«/sb 4-4 Gypster :52%b 4-4 Roval Dick 1:19 b

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