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Richard A. Johnson Appointed I As Third Steward at Pimlico BALTIMORE, Md., April 7.— Richard A. Johnson will serve with George Brown, Jr., who will represent the Maryland Racing % Commission, and William L. Harron. representing the Maryland Jockey Club, as s the third steward during the 28-day combined meeting of this states four major r tracks at Pimlico beginning April 12. !. Thomas J. Healey, who served as a steward last fall, notified the Maryland Jockey f Club some time ago that he would be unable " to accept the post this spring. Johnson - was selected by Brown and Harron as s their conferere after they had been notified d by commission chairman Frank Small Jr., • to choose an associate steward. i Johnson is a "horsemens horseman." Forty-one years old, he has been active on n the turf for many years. He owned and d trained horses. He is a native Marylander, r» the son of the late Senator Richard A. Johnson, who was the first president of »f Maryland State Fair, which operates Laurel Park. It is at that track that the Richard Johnson Stakes is run in commemoration of steward Johnsons father.