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Pimlico BALTIMORE MD SATURDAY MAY 11 1946PIMLICO 1 MILE Twelfth day of twelveday meeting April 29 to May 11 Maryland Jockey Club Automatic starting gate Camera finish Weather cloudy Racing starts at 145 p m Eastern Standard Time Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1945 33 current meeting 37 Daily Double first and second races Entries run as one no field horses Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 1 18 MILES Watervale May 17 19111513112 Purse 2500 4yearolds 98 ft 1 Q and uPward Claiming Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners twice since March 30 allowed allowedO O U I 3 bs one racCj g jjs Claiming price 2500 2500May May 1146 Pirn Nel vaiue to wlnner 1j65o second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Mutuel Pool 145629 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 to StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1 97637 OUR BLEN wb7114 910 7 = 51 4h 32 1 R Bauer 2500 D Emery 370 96809 DIZZY HEIGTS wsb6114 2 1 52 3h 2h 11 24 V Scocca 2500 H H Hecht 650 97445 TED WES wb4116 7 9 81 83 6453 31 R Howell 2500 Mrs C W Williams 940 97737 PAYABLE W5113 6 4 11 1h 1h 2h 42 J Tammaro 2500 Mrs L Lucas 1250 971193 LANCERON W8113 1 8 101 101 83 61 53 G Baouris 2500 Blue Stone Farm 1110 97731 WINGED HEELS w4119 8 6 32 2h 33 4463 D Dodson 2500 C Turner 255 97737 DPLAY FLIGHT wb4108 4 3 2h = 44 5h 73 74 N Combest 2500 F J Rowe 4490 97780 VALDA INFANT ws 5 116 3 7 4h 64 7h 8 83 H Mora 2500 E Warner 4345 97780 BEAUZAR w 9 116 11 11 11 11 11 92 94 J Mearle 2500 S Brooks 2945 97451 PONTCHARTRAIN W4116 5 2 91 9h 101 10b 101 S Scott 2500 I Kahmer 3765 976373 PINCKNEY wb 4 119 10 5 6h 71 9111 11 W Cook 2500 V Cicero 655 655Time Time 25 50 116 144 158 Track fast ii n OUR BLEN 940 520 360 370 160 80 Mutuel Prices DIZZY HEIGHTS 640 540 220 170 170VTED VTED WES 590 195 195Winner Winner B g by Blenheim Our Patty by Brown Bud trained by D Emery bred by John E Hughes HughesWENT WENT TO POST146 OFF AT 1461 EASTERN STANDARD TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same OUR BLEN shuffled back slightly in the run to the first turn was not hurried early saved ground entering the stretch and outfinished DIZZY HEIGHTS The latter well placed while on the outside from the beginning was rather rank while being taken around horses entering the stretch then lugged in slightly in the drive TED WES rallied from well back and showed a good effort despite being in close quarters in the closing test PAYABLE set the pace under steady ¬ ing restraint but faltered slightly in the closing test LANCERON raced wide throughout and closed willingly willinglyScratched96841 Scratched96841 Margus 106 96896 Oakmont 122 972272 Cash 0 Boy 119 96246 Our Boy 111 97451 Bully Gusher 119 Overweight Payable 2 pounds Lancercn 4 Display Flight 2 SECOND RACE 34 MILE out of chute Joe Ray Oct 30 19421103110 Purse 2500 2500Q Q R 0 9 0 3yearolds Maidens Fixed weights Weight 122 ibs tiAe T Net vajue to winner 1 65 ° second 5 ° ° third 25 ° fourth 1 ° ° May 1146 Pirn Mutuel Pool 218412 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 4 2 StrFin Jockeys Odds to 1 WINTER WHEAT w117 8 6 3424 11 15 L Haskellt Mrs H Bowyer 120 974473 OCEANIA w 117 1 2 5h 73 3 24 H Claggett Mrs T A Randolph 295 975082 JUNGLE CALL Wb122 68 14 12 24 31 H Clark WinSue Farm 655 97632 GLYNDON MAC wb 122 3 7 72 44 41 42 R Root Mrs J Carson 1715 2725 97166 ESCORT wb 122 10 11 11 11 8h 6 M Basile King Ranch 5345 975083 FAGRACE w 117 9 10 103 81 71 72 N Wall H W Fielding 1055 97782 ARDEN LAD w 122 4 1 81 9h 61 83 N Jemas J Shouse 8815 96680 HYNOTIZER w 122 7 4 21 3h 91 9h w Cook D B Jones 9860 97632 CASEMENT wb 112 29 91 10h 10h 104 V Scocca E 0 King 10585 976303 FOUR SEASONS wb12211 5 61 6 11 11 A Snider H Bruce 1895 1895tFive tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 22 46 114 Track fast WINTER WHEAT 440 290 240 120 45 20 20WIA WIA 340 260 70 30 CALL 320 60 60Winner Winner B f by Heliopolis Lady Elgin by Sun Flag trained by H Bowyer bred by Charles Nuckols WENT TO POST221 OFF AT 2211 EASTERN STANDARD TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving WINTER WHEAT always prominent assumed command nearing the stretch and drew clear without need of urging OCEANIA taken up sharply while on the inside leaving the backstretch clbsed well when securing racing room JUNGLE CALL set the pace for a half mile and weakened GLYNDON MAC raced evenly GREYDEL weakened slightly ESCORT closed well but made up no ground ARDEN LAD was unable to keep up after breaking alertly HYPNOTIZER had early speed and quit Scratched 977823 Happy Pat 117 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 3040 Double Pool 109318 THIRD RACE 58 MILE Bother May 7 1924100 2109 Purse 3000 2yearolds Allow A o I ances Nonwinners of two races Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners of a race other than thanO 90 O U Z I claiming allowed 4 Ibs maidens 8 Ibs May 1146 Pirn Net vaue to wnner 1o850 second 700 third 300 fourth 150 Mutuel Pool 268846 Jndex Horses EqtAWtPPSt fe StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1 72 52 2h 13J A sneiungs s W Labrot Jr 1045 10451h 1h 14 11 2J D Padgett Bobanet Stable 6 97511 IODINE wb122 44 2h 21 33 331 S Clark J M Schiff 97444 WAR GLANCE w122 8 6 52 31 42 42 W Mann Glen Riddle Farm 345 95037 RIELTIME w 118 5 3 3h 6h 75 53 N Jemas Paradise Farm 4270 97734 FALL GUY wb 122 6 2 4h 41 51 64 R Root H S Horkheimer 1585 97556 LOUTEY wb118 15 62 73 6h 74 W Cook V Cicero 6285 6285DEFERMENT DEFERMENT w 109 7 7 8 8 8 8 S Walters R K Mellon 10980 10980Time Time 22 48 102 Track fast fastUtsJ UtsJ D oMANCHAC 2290 800 340 1045 300 ViUtuei rncesj CORAL STAR 600 300 200 200MODINE MODINE 240 20 20Winner Winner B c by Bahram Sassaby by Broomstick trained by C Sutphin bred by S W Labrot Jr JrWENT WENT TO POST255 OFF AT 2551 EASTERN STANDARD TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving MANCHAC off tardily and not rushed early moved into contention with a rush on the extreme outside and drew clear through the stretch to win with speed to spare CORAL STAR set the pace under steadying restraint and held on fairly well but was no match for the winner IODINE raced between horses most of the way swerved slightly in the early stretch and weakened WAR GLANCE raced wide and failed to rally RIEL TIME vas eased back while in close quarters between horses on the turn FALL GUY also lacked racing room on the turn LOUTEY showed nothing ScratchedDillsburg nothingScratchedDillsburg 109 97074 Raol 112 FOURTH RACE 1 18 MILES Watervale May 17 19111513112 Brevity Purse Graded Graded9O A n j Allowances Class D Purse 5000 4yearolds and upward Weight 120 Ibs 9O O U Z L Nonwinners of 7500 in 1945 allowed 3 Ibs of 1500 since April 15 6 Ibs one May 1146 Pirn race in 1946 9 Ibs of 3500 in 1945 or a race since October 15 12 Ibs Claiming Claimingraces races not considered Net value to winner 3200 second 1000 third 500 fourth 300 Mutuel Pool 266899 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V to 3A StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1 975593 ZAX wb4114 6 1 U 1h 12 13 ih M Basile Mrs R H Heighe 275 977363 HASTEVILLE wb6120 3 6 51 52 21 24 23 L Haskell G Ring 140 97783 CALS PET wb7109 156 6 54 31 3 D Padgett Bomar Stable 515 97401 SPLIT THE WD wb4117 5 2 42 31 41 4 4 A Snidert T Leatherbury 1300 977833 SHAKO wb4111 2 4 24 24 31 54 55 A Snellings S W Labrot Jr 97636 BLENRQSE w4106 4 3 3441 6 6 6 R Permane A G Vanderbilt i uu tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 24 48 113 140 154 Track fast fastAi fastu u Ai D fZAX 750 330 250 275 r Mutuel rricesj HASTEVILLE 330 250 6 CALS PET 290 Winner B c by Neddie Zay by Campfire trained by J W Mergler bred by Mrs Robert H Heighe WENT TO POST331 OFF AT 331 EASTERN STANDARD TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ZAX raced on the outside while holding a narrow advantage over SHAKO disposed of that one after a half drew clear rapidly and just lasted over HASTEVILLE The latter probably best was unhurried early moved menacingly on the outside rounding the final turn drifted out slightly entering the stretch then was taken to the outside just missing CALS PET rallied too late to menace the top pair SPLIT THE WIND raced evenly and failed to respond to strong urging SHAKO saved ground while in close attendance to the pace but weakened when set down for the drive BLENROSE was through early FIFTH RACE 34 MILE out of chute Joe Ray Oct 30 19421103 110 Purse 3000 A n n 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 124 Ibs Nonwinners since April 13 90 O U Z J allowed 3 Ibs since March 15 5 Ibs since February 10 8 Ibs Claiming price May 1146 Pirn 15000 Net value to winner 1850 second 700 third 300 fourth 150 Mutuel Pool 271948 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 14 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1 967233 TROJAN FLEET wb4111 75 4h 1h 1411 D Padgett15000 Bobanet Stable 97634 PANACEA w 4 114 2 1 14 2h 2h 2 N Combest 5000 W Kendrick 970353 SEA BEES wb4116 1 2 21 3333 34 A Snider 15000 Brookfield Farm 83751 MY MALCHA w 5 109 5 6 65 64 4h 42 S Walters 15000 M S Goldnamer 97738 SOPHOCLES wb6116 6 3 3451 51 5h S Clark 15000 H H Hecht 976343 BRIDES BISCUIT wb 4 111 47 111 631 K Scawthn 5000 Christiana Stable 97345 MY ANGELA wb4119 34 51 4463 7 R Root 15000 Mrs S M Pistorio PistorioTime Time 22 5 46 113 Track fast fastContinued Continued on Page TwentyOne