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34 MILE main course Nusakan Sept 13 19231104126 Lavalliere Purse 6th Bel Purse 4500 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Nonwinners of a sweepstakes or three races other than claiming Weight 121 Ibs Nonwinners of two such races since April 5 allowed 4 Ibs at any time 8 Ibs maidens 13 Ibs Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL WL WLSep45Aqu114 94362 Foxglove Sep45Aqu114 115 117 117Sep45Aqu114sy 979652 Mitylene Sep45Aqu114sy 109 117 117Aug45 91903 JDorada Aug45 Bel 114 113 106 106Feb46SA112 978063 Geisha Feb46SA112 115 113 87710 Briarcllff 108 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 977583 Pristine Mar46Trp111 115 117 977582 Dutch Cut May46 Bel 112 109 117 97384 Window Shopper Mar46Trp111 106 113 97806Epinaza May46Bel113V4 109 116 3650Owner Foxglove i Breeder Belair Stud 19464 2 0 0 3650 Owner Belair Stud Trainer J Fitzsimmons 1945 11 0 1 1 1015 Feb13465Hia 1015Feb13465Hia 118151ft 22 11011 93 5 J 43J StoutJS HcpS 79 Alworth 113 WeeAdmiral 123 Pellicle 14 14Feb Feb FirstPage12Jan15468GP 7465Hia 78124ft 9 1088 6 J 55 45 HansmanLS Alw 80 BestDress113AmnWave110 FirstPage12 Jan15468GP 170 143ft 2 113 6 12 14 12 HnsmanL4 Alw 88 Thomasa110 FagrannyllO IndnPlains 12 12Jan Jan 4465GP 1701461ssl 3 1073 1413 13i HansmanLS Alw 74 Propsition117 Jacopian117 Woodmere 8 8Dec13453GP Dec13453GP 34111ft 36 1059 9 o 815 FlynnT4 Alw 71 TtyThirty110Thomasa105 MissOBIky 10 10Oct Oct 4453Jam 34113ft 16e 115 6 84 58 68J StoutJ7 Mdn 71 DarbyDgo115 BigHvest115 Dollymar 13 13Sep26454Bel Sep26454Bel 34wc110ft 35e 115 21 11 9 J 910 StoutJU Mdn 76 Always 115 Dollymar 115 Jacatam22 Jacatam22Sep13455Aqu Sep13455Aqu 34114 ft 3Je 115 5 6 1 4ij 321 StouU Mdn 74 EnnMaryB 115DbydAbbie115JyCm 12 12Sep Sep 8454Aqu 34114 ft 9 115 1 32 2h 2 ScthnK Mdn 77 Highftidies 115JseyCream 115Friendly 9 9Sep345iAqu Sep345iAqu 34113 ft 27 115 5 5i 43 5 J StoutJ2 Mdn 75 DhyBrwn 115EnMryB115Highftids 12 12May May 14 Aqu 1 18 gd 150h May 11 Aqu 78 ft 132h May 7 Aqu 1m ft 148b 148bMifvlpnp Mifvlpnp GinoYliryiene 1 IT01 ff 3 b Sun Teddy Sappho by Gino Yliryiene I Breeder Mrs Barclay K Douglas 1946 1 0 1 0 800 Owner 800Owner Mill River Stable Trainer H A Luro 1945 7200 3815 3815May11462Bel May11462Bel 34112ft 81 113 2 11 1h 28 DonosoRS AlwD 74 BestDress 117 RunLady 109 Sunny 6 Sep1545 Aqu 34112 sy 19 109J 3 41 44 51 ° ZubrinicJ2 Alw Aladear119 TwyThirty109 VaporTrail 5 Aug2345 Bel 34wc109fcft 80f 109 7 63J127i13is MtensWS AlwS 75 Sopranist 110BdalFlower109RedShoes 14 Aug1845iBel 5iwc103ft 15 108A3 1J 4 8 s LeBlancC Alw 82 Best Dress 115 Rytina110 RedShoes 9 Jly31454Jam 51 f 107 ft 61 115 1 12 12 13 AtkinsonTi Alw 83 Marled 115 Lilly 110 OrangeBlossom 5 Jly23454Jam 5if108ft 53 108A3 1 12 11 LeBlancCS Mdn 75 MissGG 115 SpecialGal 115 Macla 12 Jly 11454Aqu 5J f 107ft 8J 116 6 25 3 9 PrattHS Mdn 63 Marled 110 Cominta 115 Harem 9 May 15 Bel 38 sy 38b May 10 Bel 12 ft 49h May 6 Bel 58 ft 103h 103hrWnrln rWnrln uoraaa 1 fiA ch f 3 b cloth ° Gold Kamport by The Porter I UO Breeder Geo A Garrett 1946 0 0 0 0 Owner G A Garrett Trainer E Roberts 1945 13 1 1 1 2360 Nov30454Pim 2360Nov30454Pim 1 151 hy 133 11311 710 710 320 ChallisG4 Alw 39 Mahout 119 Uncle Doc 114 Amanecer 11 11Nov22454Pim Nov22454Pim 34116 hy 58 10911 101 874 6io MartinRJ2 Alw 57 LadyBahm114JtyThirty114 HarvNitll HarvNitllOct17455Lrl Oct17455Lrl 34114 ft 7 118 9 813 813 812 GilbertJ Alw 65 Malvaset 118 Anatolia 113 Chanteuse 11 11Oct Oct 845 Lrl 170148 gd 40 112 7 67j 6 55 SchmidlAi Alw 66 SeaSnck116 Mamanie114 Chladette 8 8Oct Oct 1454LrI 170148 gd 5 1106 1 22 4j CovalliJ7 Alw 63 LarkdJanellO CmicAnn115Propositn 10 Sep2545iLrl 34114ft 21 10612 6 J 55J 23 CovalliJS 4000 71 Tettington 114 WittyJean 11 Diatribe 12 Aug2145BeI 34114ft 28 11310 75J 631 34 Stout J5 5000 71 GnWarbler 112GrgieV 116PaperCup 12 May 4 Lrl 34 si 118h May 1 Lrl 58 si 114h 114hftaichn ftaichn V3Blsna 1 17 Ro f 3 by Discovery Miyako by John P Grier I J Breeder Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt 1946 7 1 1 1 2915 Owner 2915Owner A G Vanderbilt Trainer L McCoy 19453 020 980 May8464Bel 980May8464Bel 341131sft 31 114 4 10 i 8 I 3 DonosoR3 Alw 78 Epinza 109 New Idea 114 Linda 14 May1464Pim 34114 gd 13 115 6 2h 2424 Gilbert Alw 73 Pep Well 119 Oceania 109 LovatIO Apr20463HdG LovatIOApr20463HdG 341125ft 10 117 6 812 813 712 GilbertJS Alw 74 Natchez 122 Prognosis 117 Bulcote 8 Mar2463SA 78123ft 21 117 4 74J 9 913 GilberU3 Alw 78 Sugar Lea 119 Alberto D 122 Did Eh 10 Feb22464SA 341104sft 8i 115 1 54 5 i 55J GilbertJS Alw 85 TheySay 122 VaporTrail 113 DonPepo 5 Feb14462SA 34112y5ft 7J 117 3 2h 1h in GilbertJlO Mdn 81 MarchWind 122 Alki122 PrettyMary12 Jan30464SA PrettyMary12Jan30464SA 34112ft 51 1066 42 53J 66 Miller Alw 77 Star Image 115 Blue Flag 120 Sea Imp 11 Nov 5453pim 34114 ft 75 1 18 1 1J 21 43J DodsonDS Mdn 73 Mtherldia118 Galladre113 HshHsh 11 Oct22452pim 34114 ft 1115 1 2 21 22J ArcaroES Mdn 74 PhoneMe 118 Proverb 117 Sunclad12 May Sunclad12May 7 Bel trt 38 ft 38h April 25 Pirn 58 ft 103b 103bRrinirfiff Rrinirfiff DriarCIIIT rw K 0 IfiR UO Cn f 3J bv Omaha Rambler Rose by Man o War Breeder Walter M Jeffords 1946 0 0 0 0 Owner W M Jeffords Trainer 0 White 1945 2 000 Sep2545Bel34wc111ft 23 108 8 95 65367 HearnOio 4000 74 StageSong 112 Longtide 108 Jacopian 15 Jly26453Jam 5if107V sy 55 110 9 9 910 773 HearnQ2 Alw 74 WhiteWine 110DonnaMG 115MarIed 9 May 15 Bel 12 sy 51b May 12 Bel 12 sy 50h May 9 Bel 12 ft 49h 49hPrictmo rriMiut Prictmo 1 1 7 B f 3 by Jacopo New Pin by Royal Minstrel I Breeder Greentree Farm 1946 9 233 6875 Owner 6875Owner F Frankel Trainer A Swenke 1945 1001 140 May7464Bel 140May7464Bel 3411145ft 5 110 4 43J 44i 34J JamesBS Alw 82 BonnieBeryl 118 DutchCut 109 Rytina 8 Apr30463Jam 34112 ft 6i 117 3 2 2 J 2 GuerinE AlwD 87 HVtNit113 ColIRose113 WiwShper 9 Apr16463Jam 34113ft 4 112 4 1h 1h 11J JamesBS Alw 79 Edified 113 Darby Devon 115 Waymark 10 Apr1046 Jam 34113ft 2 112 8 44 25 22 AtkinsonTS Alw 78 DutchCt112 DbyDvon 108 DothyBn 8 Mar19462Trp 34111ft 3 A115 3 2 J 1J 1 ZufeltFio Mdn 87 Beedee115 Transhot115 Escarp 12 Feb23462Hia 34114 ft 45 A1 21 3 9 010 74J DodsonDio Mdn 70 Shes Home 121 Gallonia116 Jodelle 14 Feb12463Hia 34112ft 75f117 4 T 75J 32 JessopJis Mdn 80 Inotime117 CedarBrand122 DougCrate14 Jan19462Hia 34111ft 2 M18 1 25 23 22 JessopJ2 Mdn 86 SweetCaprice118 AzureWings118 Diva 12 Jan15463GP 34112ft 4i 118 6 87J 54J 32J JessopJi Mdn 80 AmernWave118 Inotime118 FshATan 12 May 12May 15 Bel 12 sy 50h May 12 Bel 12 sy 54b May 5 Bel 12 ft 49h 49hHnfrli Hnfrli UUlCil C vur 1 17 Lt br f 3 by BrevityVolendam by Blenheim II Breeder Howe stable 1946 4 1 1 0 3525 Owner 3525Owner D Howe Trainer P M Burch 1945 7115 4620 May7464Bel 4620May7464Bel 3411145ft 32 109 3 21 3J 2i JessopJS Alw 85 Bonnie Beryl 118 Pristine 110 Rytina 8 Apr22465Jam 34112 ft 21 109 1 32 34 4 1 JessopJDi Alw 81 BonnieBeryl 116 Athene 116 Aladear 6 Apr16466Jam 341131 ft 16 108 5 32 3i 52 Jessopja HcpS 78 BluntRemark108 Ringoes105 Manipur 8 Apr1046 Jam 34113ft 95 A112 2 1i 15 12 JessopJS Alw 80 Pristine 112 DbyDevon 108 DothyBn 8 Nov 8453Pim 34113ft 3 115 6 23 2h 34 HaskellLS Alw 77 ArielSg118 Challadte120 DogOSvan 9 Oct30453Jam 34112ft 31 115 3 3 22 34 AtkinsonT Alw 79 CloverLea 116 SueCreek 115 Dollymar 7 Oct22455Jam 34112 ft 4Je 107 4 34 43j 3 J AtksonT4 ScwS 80 BnieBeryl 119 EtonQn102 BzyLuise 7 Aug27 454Bel 5Jf we 104ft 1115 1 31 2h 1U LongdenJB Mdn 93 DyDingo 115DyBrown 115Highf tidies 16 Aug2245Bel 5f we VMftft 1 4115 9 3i 1 2 RenickJi Mdn 91 Axiom 115 Malvaset 115 Station 24 May 24May 14 Bel 12 ft 4735h May 11 Bel 12 ft 52b May 4 Bel 38 ft 37h 37hWindow Window YYinaow Shonner DHOpper 1 Sfc 11 I J Gr f 3 by Cravat Peradventure by Royal Minstrel Breetfer Greentree Farm 19466 0 1 3 2700 Owner 2700Owner Angpet Stable Trainer A Robertson 1945 17 2 3 2 5260 Apr30463Jam 5260Apr30463Jam 34112 ft 3 113 8 6J 4 i 45J McCryC AlwD 81 HVstNiht113 Pristine117 CoIolRose 9 Apr25464Jam 34112ft 2J A114 8 42 54 3 J LongdnJ AlwD 83 FirstPble117 MryKing115SmBernrd 11 Apr19465Jam 34112 ft 3i 113 7 714 711 3 i McCrryC7 Alw 80 ArISong117 Hypnotic113 Motherlndia 10 Apr11465Jam 10Apr11465Jam 3411145ft 15 104 3 4 44 2 i McCryCs HcpO 86 Elpis 122 BertieS118 MissDrummnd 5 Mar19465Trp 34111ft 14 109 4 44J 44 4 SmithGLi Alw 81 Gregalach114 HighShine126 RedBoard 7 Mar13465Trp 34 111ft 44 106 8 54J 54 3 SmithGLS Alw 87 Datura106 KnightsGift107 Gregalach 12 Nov 12Nov 2451 Jam 34113ft A 116 7 44 43J 1n GuerinE4 5000 78 StyEdge113 PperCup113 GnWarblr 11 Oct2545Uam 11Oct2545Uam 34 113m 41 113 10 5 43 324 RobertsP 5000 77 lmaFastone113 DbleRisklOS PperCup 11 Oct1645iJam 34114 ft 12 109A5 45 33 2 J LeBlancC 5000 76 Homespun 116 lceLady113 PureSilk a Oct 2451 Bel 1141gd 30 113 1 44 63 10 RobrtsPM 7000 60 Adlibit 118 Liquidator 108 RulingTinw 14 May 14May 15 Aqu 38 sy 37b April 24 Aqu 38 ft 37h Continued on Page Eighteen