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Market Basket Has TopModestylmpost TopModestylmpostAssigned Assigned 122 to 118 Given Beautillion for Balmorals Saturday Stake at Homewood HomewoodWASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Homewood 111 May 13 Mrs Connie M Rings Market Basket ranking Californiabred mare was assigned topweight of 122 pounds by Bal ¬ morals board of handicappers for Satur ¬ days 20000 added Modesty over 6 fur ¬ longs at Washington Park ParkMarket Market Basket won the Santa Monica Handicap at Santa Anita January 18 and was second to Born Rich in the Santa Margarita there February 8 Last year she won the Santa Susana Handicap the Goose Girl Stakes and the Hollywood Oaks all in California and the Pageant Stakes at Atlantic City Her 1957 stake winnings totaled 70932 Mrs Ada L Rices Beau ¬ tillion second to Bill Beasleys Pink Vel ¬ vet in the Columbiana Handicap at Hia leah February 12 was assigned second highweight of 118 pounds poundsLoriEl LoriEl ThreerTime 1957 Winner The Canadianowned Pink Velvet win ¬ ner of 84252 in 1957 and M R Sotos LoriEl winner of three allowance races and second to Outer Space in the Bed o Roses Handicap at Jamaica on May 3 were assigned equal imposts of 116 pounds each The complete roster of Modesty weights follows Horse HorseMarket Market Basket Beautillion LoriEl Pink Velvet Smoke Veil I Offbeat Lady La Rue Estacion Woodlawn Little Pache Ramadel Horse I Say No Hasty Doll Betty Linn Melody Mine JolieFille Blue Goddess Ficha AyshaLeisure Aysha Leisure Lady Belies Folly