Sheffield Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-05-03


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SHEFFIELD FORM GHART HART GHARTSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD IND INDO May 2 First day Spring Meeting of fifteen davs Davis Weather clear track good residing Judge M Nathanson Nathan Starter Richard Dwyer All starts by machine T7 t Q FIRST RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wgt Wt St M M Str Star tin Jockeys Open Close Place 711 WOODLAKE WOOLSACK ISK IS is 1 is Warren WarrenSNK Warrens 637 JIM HEAD 107 11 SNK SANK 2NK 2 2NK Morgan 6 5 out 687 GEORGE B SWIFT SWIFTDUTCH SWIFT 102 31 45 55 32 35 H Ward 12 5 DUTCH AGATE 104 5 5 41 42 41 Stoval Steal 615 FERRYMAN II IIDEMIREP 97 6 61 61 51 52 Hyle Kyle 4 5 3 2 2DEMIREP DEMIREP DEMIURGE 95 7 776 6io Everett 15 60 20 408 REDWOOD 97 4 4i 2 31 7 7 Rebo Reebok Rebob Kebob 15 50 20 206X4 6X4 CASSA CASA 105 L Left at b the post Moore 8 30 10 106S9 6S9 ROSA MAY 100 L Left at the post Magnusson Manson 10 15 6 6Time Time 125 25 38 1 04M 04MWinner Winner Eureka Stables b c 3 by Wagner Peggy Merrill MerrillPost Merrill Post 1 minute Start bad Won in a galop gallop second and third driving Boy pulled Jim Head up at start Ferryman II and D mirep mire practically left at the post Ferryman ran a good race George B Swift was coming strong at finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Maud Watson 100 Jim Berry 107 Billy B 107 719 SE SECOND RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St Y4 tr Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 712 TONSTANT CONSTANT 103 52 3 3n 1 21 INK I IH Warren 635 PAT M ALLOY JR 103 7 5 7 3 2 22 2 24n 2NK Garner 13 5 45 356 ROYAL PRINCE 108 4n 2 4K 4H 4 42 3 32 Morgan 655 DEJURE ADJURE 99 2 I IH 22 7 7 4 4INK 41 Caywood Cawed 658 FRANKIE D 101 INK 9 511 SNK SANK SNK SANK 5 52 Hyle Kyle 689 BIMBO 106 6 4 5 65 Everett BIMBOLA BIMBO LA CRESCENT 110 87888 8 72 Wyun Wynn 614 WELLS STREET 104 32 6 6 61 6 81 Magnusson Manson 427 LITTLE JERRY 101 9 8 9 9 9 9 Burrell Barrel Time 14 26 38 5254 1 = 04 13254 13254Winnei Winnei Winnie P T Kellys Kelly b m 5 by Jils Jails Johnson Useful UsefulPost Useful Post I minute Start good Won driving second and third same Royal Prince badly messed about on far turn ran a good race and finished strong Wells Street is improving would have been closer up with better ride was shut off twice boy pulled him up Frankio Frankie D interfered with on first turn Constant stood a long drivo drive THIRD RACE 13 Mile 2yearolds Selling 720 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt t Ji Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 444 B 3LLE OF NILES 105 3 11 12 11 Warren WarrenSNK Warrens 654 THOMAS PAINE 10S INK SNK SANK 21 2 Garner 6 5 6 5 4 5 444 PROVIDENT 100 82 4 SNK SANK 3y2 Caywood Cawed 352 HESSVILLE 103 62 61 4 41 TSloan Sloan 2 6 281 BOMBARDON 99 2 51 3 52 L Soden Sodden 6 4 41 387 MISS AMES 96 4i 4iPERSON 72 7 62 Magnussc Magnusson Magnums Manson 12 12McHugh 30 PERSON NE 110 9l2 9 S 72 McHugh Chug 20 20Morgan 50 281 MICHAEL McINERNY Machinery 106 5 2 6 8 Morgan 2 2Everett 100 708 PERHAPS 96 7 Everett 15 50 Time 132651 132651Winner Winner J DeLongs Belongs b f by Sailor Prince Pandora PandoraPost Pandora Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second and third driving Hessville Sessile ran good race was pocketed shortly after start Michael Mclnerny Celery stopped in stretch Bombardon was pulled up in stretch Provident under drive last threeeighths threeeighthsScratched Scratched Allegro 96 Easter Eve 96 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place j6S6 DOMINICO DOMINIC 105 3 11 22 INK 11 T Sloan SloanHyle Sloan 2 2 4 5 712 DENVER 107 INK 3 3 3 2ix Hyle Kyle 4 4 8 5 686 BUCK KNIGHT 102 2i 5 9 42 32 HyleWarren Warren 682 591 FRED K KSe Se 100 5 10 6 5 42 Caywood Cawed 883 Se WIN SLOW 102 8 7 7 6 5 D Davis 8 15 6 6 5 SUGAR 95 4 2 1 2 61 Everett 15 15 6 594 BELVOUR BALFOUR 100 10 4 42 7 7 Garner 8 10 4 685 ETHELLEAH ETHEL 95 6 9 8 8 8 Dorsey Dose 462 462MINIVER MINIVER MINNIE 105 7u 6 SNK SANK 9 9 L Soden Sodden 8 15 6 6DEN1ZETTE DEN1ZETTE 108 9 810 10 10 Carver 30 100 30 Time 12 24 37 1 03J4 03J4Winner Winner Portland Stables blk balk c 4 by Portlamj Portland Pest PestPost Prestos Post 2 minutes Start perfect Won handily second and third driving Sugar ran well for half a mile Fred K badly ridden Denver finished strong Buck Knight was in pocket most of way and there was lots of bumping in stretch FIFTH RACE 1 Mile May Handicap 3yearolds and upward Wgt Wt St J4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open lose Place 635 LILLIAN E 91 4NK iv iiy2U siy2 IH Hathersall Heathers 635 SULLROSS SOULLESS 104 5 2 3 3 2 K 2 T Sloan 2 11 5 1 2 635 RED SKIN 126 2i 3 2 2 1 32 L Sorfen Soften 3 5 3 5 out 635 ORINDA RIND 95 INK 5 f 43 43 43 Clfiary Culinary 10 12 2 684 DICK TENSION 85 3 4 4 55 5 T Burns 60 100 30 Time 13 26 5154 1 Oll2 1 19 1 445 Winner W H Rollers b f 3 by Florist Gold Bird BirdPost Bird Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third same Red Skin should have won boy went to pieces when he drew his whin whim Sullross Soulless ran good game race Oriuda Horrid was under a drive most of the way Scratched wayScratched Panout Peanut 100 Pat Malloy Mallory 90 Weola Ebola 103 The Deuce 90 Evanatus Vanuatu 100 723 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horse Wgt Wt St y 1A K Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 6551 ANN A MA YES YESNELLIE 105 5 3 11 H2 l2 Irving 2 NELLIE SMITH 95 6 4 2ii2 2U2 22 Garner 3 u 569 BRIDGET 100 7 6 K 5 3K 3 L Srden Arden 4 4 3 2 636 FLOREATsNA Florets 105 INK IKK VIKKI 514 52 42 Sullivau Sullivan S 7 2 636 DISTURBANCE 110 3 5 K 77 52 C Hueston Houston 15 25 8 412UNCAS 97 4 2 32 4 62 Warren 352 712 TRAMP 107 2 74l 61 71 Moore 8 15 6 686 NELLIE II Iu5 8 8888 Stoval Steal 12 8 3 102MWinner Time 1242537 102M Winner QueenPost Queenliest Haukins Hawkins Johnson s b in 5 by Leonatus Lents Prairie Queen Post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second and third same Nellie Smith was short tired last sixteenth Floreanna Foramina cut off and obligrd obliged to pull up on far turn ran a good race She ran away half a mile before race Disturbance finished strong Scratched strongScratched Nikita Ikuta 95 SEVENTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 710 DICK BKHAN KHAN 41 12 11U 1 Caywood Cawed 6 5 1 613 EVANATUS VANUATU K5 9 Si 72 71 4 2 Irving 636 JOHN HICKEY 107 8 72 6l5i 5 32 Garner 637 RUNNING BIRD BIRD6571ELOKOY 109 6KK 2 2 2 2 42 Warren 7 7 6571ELOKOY 105 2 6 5 41 31 55 C Hueston Houston 3 4V 656 MRS MORGAN MORGANJOE MORGAN 104 1 4 8 61 62 66 Stoval Steal 20 25 JOE BLACKBURN BLACKBURNLONG BLACKBURN 106 5 3 ic 3 3 K 7 7 Field 100 100 LONG TEN TENSEWANEE TENSE 103 3 SNK SANK 4 8 8 8 Rebo Reebok 100 2CO SEWANEE SEABEE 50Time 1C6 7 9 9 9 9 9 Morgan 60 200 50 Time H 25 37 51 1 04 1 30J4 Winner 30J4Winner Villmar Villa Stables br c 4 by Powhattan Allaire Alai AllairePost Alliaceous Post 3 minutes Start good Won pulled up second and third driving Joe Blackburn ran a good race and pulled up sound will do to watch Running Bird swerved in stretch Evanatus Vanuatu sulked but finished strong

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Local Identifier: drf1896050301_3_2
Library of Congress Record: