Ideal Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1896-10-09


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IDEAL PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 58 Milb Mil 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt TnJ NJ rses rises Wilt 3523 Nariete Harriet 91 4 27 Why 91 4159 Little Ocean 94 4194 C H Whelan Wheelman 94 4006 Uncle Simon 94 4159 The Plutrcrat Plutocrat 94 949d 4120 Devoir 9d 4227 Dr Newman 96 4197 Las Cases 98 4227 Baruato Barbuda 99 4227 Jersey Lad 101 4227 Mazeppa Marzipan 101 4120 Alert 101 4 30 Cannonade 104 104becoud becoud becloud Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Wgt4193Bimboa Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4193Bimboa 97 4228 Lollie Lillie Eastin4 99 4162 The Sculptor6 99 4008 Maudolina Maudlin 4 99 4054 Dejure Adjure 4 99 4228 N ecedah emceed 4 99 99t4119Plutus t4119Plutus a 102 4145 Sandoval Anodal 4 102 4229 Eagle Bird 6 102 102Third Third Race 58 Mile MileAll Illegally All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt ind bind Horses Wgt Wt 3790 Oreusa Ores 2 89 3955 Easter Eve 2 89 4194 Bombardon 2 92 4230 Siegfried Sigrid 2 92 4227 Whitcomb Witco 2 91 3115 Holy Terror 2 95 jLorretta Loretta 3 107 fBy By Havre Hare HavreFourth Fourth Rpoe Poe 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 4229 Semper Simper Lex6i07 4147 M Monarcha Monarch 107 4l45Thurston 5 109 4267 Redskin 6 112 112OJHLI OJHLI OHIO Race 34 Mile Heats Heats3year 3year lds lads and upward Allowances Allowancesfnd Allowances fnd fend Horses Wgt Wt In I Hories Harries W t 4121 Touica Toucan 3 84 4268 Ida M 3 89 4088 Santa Cruz 4 96 4228 Anna Mayes Ayes 5100 4193 Souvenir 5 100 4161LitDorritt 6104 6104Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 tirs stirs tirs2yearold 2yearold fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wjft Waft 4266 Tidiness 100 4l94Louj Princess 1U 4197 Cynthia H 100 4266 Vanessa 100 4143 Terrific 10J 38 2LadyCaIlahnUtO 4230 Treeby Trebly 100 4010 Theresa H 100 3955 Her ExcelloncylOO Excellency ExcelloncylOOFonnerly Fonnerly Finely Lonely

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Local Identifier: drf1896100901_5_3
Library of Congress Record: