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INGILESIDE INGLES ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear5 track heavy First Kace Ace 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt43303Flandes 43303Flandes 110 4344 Bonnie lone Ill 4331 Bow Arrow 113 4242 Formella Formula 113 11342612Prince 42612Prince Tyrant 116 4275 The Dipper 116 4077 Rio Frio Rio 117 40772Elidad 117 4344 Prince Blazes 121 121Second Second Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 4315 Durwad Dread 4 91 4202 Tom Smith 4 91 4341 Nic Nice Nac Mac 4 93 3738 Torsion 5 95 8247 Nervoso Nervosa 6 95 4340 Viking 4 103 4260 KWilliam William 115110 115110Third Third Race 3 13 Furlongs s1 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horse Color sex and pedigree Wt 4256 Racivan Radian 105 10543453Canace 43453Canace 105 4113 Wrinkles 105 4149 Buena Ventura 107 107Gilberto Gilberto Gilbert b g by Fellowcharm Flowchart Jennie JennieBelshaw Jennie Belshaw Bells 109 4240 Gold Scratch 110 110Los Los Medeins Medians 112 112Fourtli Fourtli Fourthly Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap 4810 Highlnd Highland Ball385 43313Blarneystoue 385 3854344Dr 4344Dr Marks3 90 4333Refugee5 98 9842772Napamax3101 42772Napamax3101 43122Qstler Joe5120 Joe5120Fiftli Fiftli Fifties Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 4274 Coupon III 4 100 4332 Pleasanton Pleasant 4 100 1004313Satyr 4313Satyr 4 105 43413Daylight 4 107 4221 Walter J 5 107 4362 LtleCripple7108 LtleCripple7108434Q3OFleta 434Q3OFleta 6 109 43293 Red Glenn 6 109 1094297FshnPlate4109 4297FshnPlate4109 4297FshnPlate4109Sixth Sixth Race 5 13 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances43101TeaRoseIII4 43101TeaRoseIII4 106 43142Trolley 4 106 8243 RoyCruthrs4108 4329 Geyser 4 Ill 4099 Montgomery 5112