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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 6896 Kriss Kiss Kringle Cringle 3 93 660 7014 Cutter 3 93 655 7100 Roger B 5 105 675 7078 King Bermuda 3 90 710 7044 Cash Day 7 108 690 69070462Found 70462Found 3 90 675 67571003Olficial 71003Olficial 3 93 690 7013 Moncreith Noncredit 4 108 680 68070973Eight 70973Eight Bells 3 92 725 725Second Second Race G 14 Furlongs All ages Allowances 7045 Canace Cancel 2 76 700 7007074Holland 7074Holland 2 79 690 6906S99 6S99 Afamada Alameda 3 103 685 6857014DrSharp 7014DrSharp 3 108 680 68070732Tenole 70732Tenole 4 114 660 7014 Miss Casey 6 114 665 7124 Hohenzollern 4 117 670 7011 Osmon Olson 4 117 650 650Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Edgewater Digester Stakes 1500 added 7120 Silver Tone 113 675 7099 Toluca Toucan 115 705 7099 Jolly Roger 118 710 71069843Formero 69843Formero 118 750 75068652Kontucky 68652Kontucky Colonel 118 715 7156984King 6984King Barleycorn 121 700 7007099W 7099W Overton Overtone 125 73o 73oE E O Pepper entry f fFourth Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 100 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 6805 Pmar Mar del Rio 3 89 670 6954 Friar John 3 103 675 7075 Bishop Reed 4 107 680 68068692Bellicoso 68692Bellicoso 6 109 700 70070733Bing 70733Bing Binger Bringer 5 109 685 6185 Joe Ullman Pullman 4 110 660 66070783Libertine 70783Libertine 7 113 690 690Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap71013Traverser 71013Traverser 3 93 685 69553Eugenia Wickes Wickets 4 9o 9o7100Floronso 7100Floronso 3 98 986898Cberry 6898Cberry Leaf 4 102 10270432David 70432David Tenny Teeny 4 103 103Sixth Sixth Race G 14 Furlongs All Ages Allowances 7098 Mazo Matzo 2 89 7097 Hurly Burly 3 103 1037016Enchauter 7016Enchauter 4 114 11470782Tartarian 70782Tartarian 8 116 11670772Algol 70772Algol 4 r 2