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NEWPORTS NEWPORT ANTICIPATIONS ANTICIPATIONSThe Anticipations The racing clash here may influence the re ¬ sumption gumption of racing at Newport in the way of causing it to be opened sooner than had been intended The case is thus set out in the Cin Cain ¬ cinnati innate Enquirer EnquirerThere Enquirer There is a certain contingency which may result in racing in this locality within the next two or three weeks weeksThe weeks The Newport track may be thrown open to the public on or before August 10 Whether the Campbell county track will begin its fall meeting September 3 as has been announced or on the earlier date all depends on the out ¬ come of the racetrack war which now appears to be on in earnest at Chicago ChicagoFrank Chicago Frank Fowler the head and front of the Queen City Jockey Club said yesterday that in the event of a clash between the two Chicago tracks racing will be resumed at Newport within the next two or three weeks Mr Fow Flow ¬ ler leer who came over from St Louis yesterday to attend to certain matters in connection with improvements now being made at the Newport trackwhen track asked with reference to the situa situ ¬ tion ion announced as stated above that incase of a clash between Harlem and Hawthorne Newports Newport dates will be advanced several weeks weeksI weeks I intend to be prepared to open our meeting at a much earlier date than that already agreed upon and will request Colonel Tarleton Carleton who as in the spring will be our presiding judge and Curly Brown the peer of any who ever handled the starters flag in America and other officials to so shape their affairs as to be ready to report here on short notice If there is a clash at Chicago and there is every reason now to be ¬ lieve leave there will be if Corrigan adheres to his announced determination to open Hawthorne Monday in opposition to Harlem which made all arrangements long ago for a meeting im ¬ mediately mediate following that at Washington Park I believe that racing will come to a sudden close at Chicago Hawthorne may not be able to run from lack of support on the part of the horsemen the bookmakers and the general pub ¬ lic laic but any one who knows Mr Corrigan will readily believe that if he cannot race he will leave nothing undone to prevent the other fel feel ¬ lows from racing War between the Hawthorne and Garfield Park Associations broke up racing in Chicago a few years ago and there is no good reason to assume that history may not repeat itself now It is none of our fight though and I dont don't propose to take sides with either of the par ¬ ties to it directly or otherwise I intend though to be governed in my movements as regards the Newport meeting by the outcome of the wrangle at Chicago If racing is closed there I intend to be in a position to say to the horsemen Come right to Newport We will not be able to give you as large purses as in the nature of things a Chicago association could give but we will do the best we can by you We will give you one of the best and safest tracks in this country to race over and withal will give you a fair square deal all around More than that if racing is closed at Chicago as a result of the war between the Corrigan and Condon Condom factions I intend to make an effort to induce a sufficient number of bookmakers to come to Newport to insure what I realize the Cincinnati public want an open betting ring Whether I suc such ¬ ceed creed in that or not whenever our meeting oc ¬ curs I intend to insist that our patrons shall bo accorded liberal treatment in the matter of bet ¬ ting