New York Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, September 2., Daily Racing Form, 1908-09-02


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New York Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday September 2 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST NEW YORK ENTRIES ENTRIESShecislicad Shecislicad Bay Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XKuns well lu mud Superior mud runner First Race G 12 Furlongs Main Course All AKOS Fillies and Mares Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 7C77S 11S Ji S Ind Horse Vt Kec A Wt ndcp ndcp7or 7or 7orn7JStamina X07GI40 n7JStamina 118 X0 7GI40 7157G77C Mersey Lightning 5 715 7G77C Jeanno dArc Kit 74H 7 y74r74IY40 SOSIJrookdale Xriuph 124 1175 fi 110 y74r 74IY40 tAilrlnchc tliw 74 r 7407C7ri5 7GKl7stlaiioscari 4 10 740 7C7ri5 Uoejna 740 tX7070C7r 7 iBS Laughing Eyes tX70 70C7r Comedienne 104 1181 10 x7H 7CICJO SNolasuIga iot iLt X7r 70717 Tea Leaf 5 SO X 73T 7iiu swiid Refrain r 7045 tsix oclock jno 7r 7r7CT2 7CT2 flond Heart 1OX7T 1OX7T7C23G 7C23G Number One vx7 70SS72 X720H Anonyma JJ 104 X720 H P Whitney entry tA Belmont entry SI San ford entry T L McGinnis entry entrySecond Second Race 34 Mile Futurity Course Autumn Stakes SLCOO added 2ycarolds added2ycarolds Allowances Track record 04700 1108 2 IDS X7107CV58 70570 TRANCE 109 X710 7CV58 7407tiM Uobbili 112 740 7tiM X7407CS11 Soa Cliff 114 11Z l il X740 7CS11 Footpad 114 l17s 112 74O 7U48LtEdward 74O7U48LtEdward us Tar 70340 tSchleswig 112 XT 0 II 1 Whituey entry fJ K Gladden entry entryThird Third Courserreat Race 34 Milo Futurity Course rreat Filly Stakes rOOO added AllowancesTrack 2yearolds added2yearolds Fillies Allowances Track record H70 110 2 108 70770 Maskctte 11IS 111J 127 SCO 7 SMtlady Bedford n vn 7G7SlVe vn7G7SlVe ldlng Hells llJ 700 Ind Horse Wt Rcc A Wt Hdcn 077 Mediant 1IG 700 7l7SlAuiction 7007l7SlAuiction no 780 7G4S2 7807G4S2 770T = tLady Hubbard 110 770 T H Kcene cutrv tJ cutrvtJ H Madden entry entryFourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles Twin City Handicap Value 000 000oyearolds oyearolds and upward Track record 7Ti49r 20j 1 127 7fih7s Stamina 121 0ri 107 X70 7 7 Dandelion US 110 X745 7 Vl Frank Cill 11 0li 121 X740 7fG ri Firestone 100 07i 102 X740 71812s Master Robert sir ois 10 X740 C77S1 Dorantc 120 04 107 X740 Wiys Monfort ill or GS12 Allgelus 110 04S 0177 Philander 10S 2002 4 112 iT 740 Home Again Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Turf Course oyearolds and upward Handicap Track record 00712 1452 5 100 7073 Arasee H10H H10H7ilOU 7ilOU Lady Winifred I 107 7 74 Pinkola 12 127CS10 7CS10 Royal Tourist US 7 2Sfii Marathon Ill 148 4 4104 41047flSSJ 10i X740 7flSSJ Xieiuip K 00 70812 Gretna Greeu 4 115 1157GOt 7GOt Miss Crawford 7 IOC IOC7G732 7G732 DArkle 0 SO SOSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MileAll All Ages Selling SellingTrack Track record 00243 173 P 101 1017S1 7S1 ° Sea AVolf 102 15S 411 4117TWV 7TWV Juggler in i ioi i rii nnsxi 700403 15ad News Ill 1XJ 8 SliX SliX707iG2 11 11707H02 707H02 S5X7GCOS3 Dander 2 S S5X 70GOS3 Black Oak 110 110140 140 I07 I077074I 7074I S7Xi7r7r5 Gliding Belle 2S7 2S77r7r5 S7Xi 7r7r5 X727G753 Monocle 112 l10i 112 X72 70753 Castlewood 5112X715 5112X715The 112 112The The figures under Roc in above entries show the l est time ninth by the horse at the distance with weight carried since January 1 1 OG This time Is not necessarily made by a winner It may he the estimated time of a losing performance

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Local Identifier: drf1908090201_4_1
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