R. W. Cameron, Aristides Welch and Their Ever Famous Horse, Leamington, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-09


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. 1 ■ ■ . I . , R. W. CAMERON, ARISTIDES WELCH AND THEIR EVER FAMOUS HORSE, LEAMINGTON t — — + Two men of high standing who participated ably In the upbntlding of the American turf ia the decade following the end of the Civil War were R. W. Cameron, oi New xork, and Arbtthles Welch, of Ihila dciphia. the tirs i named a- a iuiiinan. Importer and breeder and the othet a- ■ breeder from one great hor-c that Mr. Cameron imported. Across the water Mr. Cameron was sii Roderick W. Cameron, but in iios country be laid his title away and was a plain business man. bat deeply Imbued with an English mans passion for the horse. For a number of yean be maintained t breeding establishment at Clifton, on Staicn Island, in raciag his operations were on a modest scale, tun be waa fond of Bulking matches ami in ItMB won one for . ." . ••» a side, in wniiii his Leamington Illy, Miss AMce. defeated Hmatet il-iiave;-s- Censor The Gtoamin colt. They gat even with him in isTi when be was rash enongb to match in- I,, it. Inverary, against their faaanmi colt, Alarm agaia for 15.000a side. However, it was as aa im-i rter that Mr. Cam, ton rendered his greatest service to the American tint. He brought over many horses of the beat breeding from England ami anion-; them were two that made a deep and lasting impression in our breeding. They were Leamington and tilenelg, each destined to Ik- lour times the premier sire of America. If he had done nothing ,-lse than bring ihis magnificent pair to oar land he would siiil nave done service of Inestimable va.ii At the liiK" when l.eamiugton was racing in England ii waa the fashion to lx-t on t prodigious scale, and a famous character ,,i that lime, "Old Tom" Parr, had in Leamington and Fisherman two horses ,r the highest • -la s. with whi h be and a confederacy, of which Be was the head, repeatedlj brought "ii sensational liettlng nuns. Of Fisherman ii is sufficient to -a. that be was foaled in 1833 and in his racing wor s, vcniy iiiiu-s nut of US1 siaiis. iwo .s,-..i i;,,|ii pnp being among ins man] victories. When done wi ii :a,iiis; be w.i-- taken to Australia, where his success in the siu l «ns akin io thai of Leammgfon In shis country. lieamiagton was a beautiful brown borne by Faugh-a Ballagh from t Pantaloon mare. Be i.is.i was i.ialed la lv,:; and was expected iiy iiis owner to win the Derby ol 1830, lull had an attack of Mrang.es a few hours before the race ami ran anpiaced to Ellington, X llovv Jacket ami Cannobte. The m-su : u|i was ihen a great ante-post I «- r i in— race and the following year Leamington won It, along with barrel ol money for iue Part cnawd. He was m skillfull] managed that after running poorly here and there he was pointed for the i lajster tu|i of 1858 and again won ii at a hang price and again a fortune waa reaped from the bookmakers lieamingtou was not raced for the glory of the turf or his own reputation, tun solely ii" betting purt* ses and. except in the ease of the Herby. generally took aaj race he was sen; aftei In earnest. When done with racing he spent tour yens In the stnd In England and sired nineteen winners of forty u., rAces, bat none of importance. He fell into disfavor and was put into the sales list, which was a good liiiici for us. It was thus that Mr. Camerons agent was able to secure ihis Hnstriotts horse for t little less than 1,000 - for old Tom Parr, after being the possessor of several millions at one lime, he managed lo lose all of his money and. when 7! years of atr"_ was sent to a Staffordshire work-boose and lived lb re nut I he died ai the advanced age of .it. lo his time, besides Leamington and Fish rtnian. he had the two great cup hors*s, Rataplan ami Fandango, and the St. Leger winner. Saucebox. Rataplan was ■ brother to Stockwell and a better race horse than tne latter, but nothing like so raccessrul aa a sire. Leamington parsed hit first two or three years in this country at Mr. Caaaerona Clifton stnd. but docs not appeal to have hen nsed much, although he there Hired Mi-s Alice and . fear more. In 1800 it was ,i -i-Lied to give him a chamt! at the stud in Kentucky, so- it was arranged that he should stand at Gen. Ahe liuionis Bosqee Bonita Stml, neai Lexington. Here iii- fame as a sire was Immediately established, o, In uis first season i.,. sired the fotir high-class race horses, Longfellow, Enquirer, Lynchburg and Lyt ilciou. ail gems oi the Brsl water. Longfellow and Enquirer wen- two of the greatest race bora* a of American turf hlstori and extremely saccessfiil as sins. Ixtagfellow heading the American winning sin-!is| in 1861. Xaluially the advent of four such -lars in one season drew the general attention of borsedoni ;.. !.. .iiirntiai and i: n ,.- iiui long aftenrards that, Dnduig I-, Cataeivii willin" ••, sell. Mr. AciandUdcs Welch, ol PhilaoVIphla. purchased l,im and removed him to « termanent home at iii- BrdPnnVrrn Ptud mi i hsiuui street ia the outskirts of Philadelphia. Hera his mine was gredt in the land until the end of his daya raw and here his bones ,i-i along with those of Maggie B. 1 . and the noted old time trotting mat . i lora Temple. Mr. Welch was a man of large means and greatly interested m breeding, but sold the product of hi- siud and did not personally race horses. Erdenhelm was and is a beautiful place, With his I or lea I associations. George Washington was entertained In its tnj; stone colonial mansion, as were after iiui a hum succession of other distinguished persons of ihis and other countries, in Leamingtons time rtewrag him, his consorts and ii is progeny waa one of the features with which Mr. Welch took hospitable pleasure in entertaining his riaii u -. lea mine ton sent a really wonderful succession of fleet suns and daughters to the race track. Besides those ahe.uh naiied were sin-h , ills as AHstldes, .lames .. Myder. All. Warwick. Miluer, Bolns, Blazes, Boh WimjIiv. Reform, Ferncliff, Leader, Lelaps. l.ui-ifcr. Onondaga, Powhattan, Sensation. Stratford, Oat-cast, Paataloon, Prosper, Saracen, the remarkable gelding Parole, Harold. Iroquois and the great fiUles Spinaway, OUttpa, Susquehanna, Dncbess. Faithless, Franeesca, Girofle, Girofia, Jaconet, Katie Pearce, Pappoose, Perfection and Spark. Of eoarae there were many others of both sexes and capital racers. Leamingtons sons wen- almost without exception remarkabij virile and socceasfal stallions, bnt his mates were not always all that was desirable as broodmares, being high strung and not good milkers. However. some of them. Jaconet ami Susquehanna, for instance, hied grandly. Leamlagroaa greatest triumph and Erdenheims ais,, came in 1ST8. when the tine broodmare, Maggh It. It. foaled to him a brown coll that was -,,| 1 to Pierre Lorillard and by him named Iroquois. In all, Maggie B. I., had sev.n fonts bj Leamington, they being Lord live. Pent, Magnnm Bonnm, Jaconet, Hat eld. Iroqnoia and Franeesca, bnt of these Iroamols was ii,,- only one that inherited Leamingtons color He was taken to England for racing ami as a two-year-old in 1880 won torn races in twelve starts, being Hie Newmarket Two-Veal Old Plate, the Two-Teat i!d Slake- at Epsoat, Chesterfield Stakes at New- mirkei and the Lavant Siakcs at Goodwood. This w.i- a respectable record, bat not sufficient to attract much attention. 1I wintered well and made his first start when a three -year-old as a .".d to 1 outsider in the Ttro Thousand Guineas, for which Scohell was the favorite ai 4 to 1. Tom teen started and at the finish IVregrhtr was first, with Iroquois second and another American colt, Janus i;. Keenea Don Fnlano, third. Then to prove that In shottbl have won that tace Iroquois turned in and won sjN in a row. with the Epsom Derby, the Prince of Wales Stake- ai Ascot and tlie Doncaster St. Leger itu-luded in his splendid spoils. Peregrine was a I to •"• favorite fur the Derby, hut Iroquois turned the tables on him in a hall length vie torv nnder lied Archers masterly riding, and Town Moor was third. No other American hois., his ever won the Epsom Derby. In fact, IJIadiatear, Klaher ami Iroquois arc the only foreign-bred horses thai have woo tiiis i.o i a ! races. Hi- success in tin- Derby caused no end of excitement and enthusiasm in this country, a- il should have dote-. That year he started in nine races, of which In- won seven. Mis second dcfeai was in i he Champion Stakes at the Newmarket Second October meeting, in which he ran third to Bend Oi and Scohell. He was not raced in in- ami. after winning lie Stockhridge run in 1883. was brought home. Like Leamingtons other s.uis. he was a pronounced success when sent to the stud and beaded the A merit aa sire list in 1892. li has been stated in a recent publication that Iroquois was never raced in this country, hut thai statement was not correct. After being brought home in iss:; he waa trained in response to a popular outcry and raa in three races without success. A, Monmouth Park. Angus! 23, iss:;. he ran third to tleorge Kinney and Bole in the Monmouth Stakes, at a mile ami a half. Monitor and Miss Woodford run sing unplaced. The event was renewed and run agaia two days later. This time Bole won. with George Kinney second Monitor third. Drake Carter and Iroqnoia naplaced. His third race in this country was ovet the PimBco track, October 30, al a mile and five-eighths. This tine- it was mjs- w Moid lii-i. George Kiniie -ecotnl. Iroi|iiois third and Drake Carter unplaced. Leamingtons s.,n- and daughters were good over all distances ami capital stayers, characteristics sit- taching to his descendants to ihis day. with one marked exception. This is in the ease of his grandson i.n-iiis ami great grandson Cesarloat, a son of Fanatas. Tne latter had had forelegs ami coaM not be i I- ii Hi- brother, o od Night, was a capita: race horse and a winner a! tw ilc- when a three ii.ii oil Hi- sister, Maunie Gray, was t;„, dam of tie grand horse. Domino. The family is essentially a good cue ami Faustns sired a host ot last sprinters, while very few ..i hi- progeny could stay over more than a utile, Galen, Sally llagen and Bobby Beach being exceptions. His son. Cesarion. is ,i f the m,»si re ■ ..nk.ii.le begetters ot precocious and sprinting s|M-cd known to the annals ,,f racing, bol like his sire, thai i- iIkiiii all. few of bis many leprcsentatlves being aide to stay at lull speed for a mile or more Ii is a singular vagary in breeding that ihis particular line of descent from Leamington should varv s,i wide! i in this particular from the well established charactir of the Leamington tribe in general.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913030901/drf1913030901_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1913030901_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800