Laurel Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, October 24, Daily Racing Form, 1914-10-24

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Laurel nlrles anIPast Performances for Saturday, ctoander 24. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. ? 7 7. rrp r o Second Race 1 1-16 Miles. I The figures under tho heading "Rec." m the . I entries below show the best time of each horse 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter I Track record- 175;.; l- t! 111T I where it finished. In cases whore record was in,i rrnrsn wtttL. made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- nsrV. GerVanl 107 4 S-V VYftlS.?: w,nn I viatiens show track conditions. The UnmK: I ! I IJI IlOT lillll r, Itf 1x720 18115 Rolling Stone 10S 1M;Z G 109X70 Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. .Chicago time. 1:30. 1S0H8 Early Light 10G 1:4S 4 104X715 XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. ISOO.t3 Bat torv 109 1-47 4 I0x71.ri jr maidens. Apprentice allowance. 1S07."! Abbotsford .-...112 l-47i" 4 109X710 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. -io.U J!thKat,; 90 1 :49sy S 1030710 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. h att" ."egan 10:t .1:50 V, 100x705 Track record: 17595 1:00 2 117.1 VoH U"!1!?1"11 102 1:40 5 104X705 Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. ?lVr0M x , 10G..705 17900 El Mahdl 10S 1:07 .110S..725 18Uj Q Start 104 1:47 4101..7W 179041 Ailoy 99 1:07 5 108X720 ,,. , 1S110 Mater 107 1:07 .! 100X715 Third Race 3-4 Milo. 1S010 Joe Finn ,107 1:07 4 10:!X715 o t.r cn- 17519 Perth Rock .110 1:07 .! 10SX715 --year-olds. Selling. 1021 Aodellng ,.105 1:09 :? 108X715 Track record: 175931:120114. 1790G2 Shadrach .....110 1:0S 10SX710 1S009 Mallard .. 103 1-1 ".si 100 7"-. 1S052 Ilurakan .....99 1:07 3 100.. 710 1S0C9 Change "."... .102 1:14 110x7rO 1S110 Flatbush .109 1:08 S 105X710 1S019 Meelicka AI . . 107 1:1G 90 71- lsn.-,0 Galaxv 101 1:07 3 102 X 705 17112 Fenrock . ........ 10S 715 1S050 Miss Aelma 101 1:07 4 100x705 17992 Hydroplane 10111:15 10o"71T 17SI9 True as Stool .... 9S 1:05 3 112..705 1S02.-.2 Surgeon ....... 100710 1SOU2 Parlor Boy 110 1:00 G 1OS07O5 18114 Haflz 10S 1:10 lCT! 70T 1S050 Mimlu7.. 108-1:07 3 107X700 17971 Celebrity ........ 105 1:15 100X705 1SO10 Canto 02 1:0S 3 10S..700 17971 Racy ...103 1:23h 105 X 705 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wf.IIan. Ind.:. H,orfie. Wt. ilec. A.Wt.Han. H KiOGS Nephthvs M 95.. 700 17902 "Ella Bryson 10! 1:07 0 li:5X71."i 1 1S049 Shorthand M ...110 1:10 90.. 700 1S0."23 J. J.. Lillis 103 1:05 3 102X715 i , ., 1.S090 Hilar Path 1011:00 4 112X71.-. 1 Fourth Race 1 Mile. lfOSU .Sherwood". 114 I:07V3 7 11SX715 1 Potomac Handicap: ,000 Added. lSOOt.3 Scallvwiig Ill 1:07 4 11:1x710 1 ,. , --ycarolds. l72 Water Welles 120 1:0 GlWXiiO 1 Track record: ISOJo 1:3S 1107. H;942 lsrscintating .115 1:0S-n 110X70.-. 1 " 17731 PEBBLES 127X750 170322 Uncis JiUimie 11! 1:07 3 107.. 70,". 1 l973t Trial by Jury ..... 125 X 740 17!!2 Aayladc 100 1:05- 5 11:5X705 1 17072t Garbage 00 1:37 117. .740 i?47G StllkVr 109 1 :!?. 4113X705 1 1S072 Sharpshooter 117.. 733 lSOOfi Yorkville 104 l:0OJf. 4 100700 1 1S094 Banquet 1 OS. .735 1 1 qjVrtTjo i i a. njr,-iQ!! 17S0"2 I miIv Tntiin Il0x73"i Sixth Race 1 1-4 .Miles. . 1S094 Double Eagle "...".. - 104X725 18073s Goldy .10! 2:05 4 1OS0725 tE. 1$. Cassatt entrv. 1S02G Centauri OS. 2:0 3 05X720 1S073 Iatoii ..10S 2:05 5 114X715 , Fifth Eaco 5 1-2 Furldngs. 1S0733 Uncle Hen 10032:07 5 102X715 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lso!l7 juv Fisher 10S 2:04 S 108X710 Track record: 17505 1 :! 211 1. 18073 Tav Pav 105 2:10V-, 5 07X705 flSOnr.5 Belamour 1111:07 5 111. TiT, 1S025 Billie Baker 102l2:ll4s 4 111 X TOO 1S032 Kewessa 107 1:00 4 108.. 7201 I74ys Caro Nome M .. 3 92.. 700 j - I 1 FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling:. 17595 1:0C 2 117. J i Index Course Dlst TimeTckOdds Wt St y. Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish EL MAHDI, ch. c. 3 108 By Voter Cassandra Miss A. M. Marrone. 1790C Bowie SK f l:0Sfast 7 111 C 1 1 1 Is U Troxler 0 Shadrach. Grazellc. Cbas.Cannell : 17733 Howie 5 l:0Sifast 7 107 1 4 4 21 21 V RhtmirelO Luria. Ida Lavinia. Shadrach ; 175H9 Howie 51 f l:0Sfast 4-5 100 2 1 2 41 5 J McKver S Hearthstone, Elsewhere, R.Onyx 17412 II.deGce 3-1 1:14 fast 50 1015 5 2 2 24 2s J Collins 10 Mater, Ben Quince. Fred Levy ; 1G1C0 KingEd. Gl f l:24slow G 115 7 6 7 7" A Fergusn 7 Sadorus, Milton Roblee, Flatbush 1C307 KingEd. 3-4 1:18 fast, 3 103 10 7 10 10" J PengastlC Gitana.. Birka. Harvest Queen . 1U242 Dufferin Ab3-S 1:02 fast 5 108 1 3 31 24 J Pengast S Cherry Seed, Kelly, Big Lumax : 14055 II.deGce 51 f l:07fast 7 101 7 2 2 21 1215 J Mclntyrel7 Sqheeler. A. neinze. Sir Caledore : VILEY, br. g. 6 108 By Marta Santa Maid of Fortune Mrs. J.Phillips. : 17901 Bowie 51 f 1:08. fast 25 105 1 1112 l2 J Dreyer S Springmass. M.Casca. E.Hrwood , 17S13 Bowie G f l:09andfast G 101 1 1 1 2l 31 J Dreyer 10 Moncreif, Blrka, Eliz. Harwood 1 15751 KingEd. Ab5-S 57fast G 107 U 3 G GJ A Langfrd 0 Sheets, Barette. Curious 13C07 KingEd. Ab5-S SSfast 1 111 S 4 8 SJ A I.angfrdll Tactless, Tee May. Brlghtstone : 14535 Del inier Ab5-S l:02fast 4 109 3 1 2 8 A Halsey S Gil. Hose. Lofty Heywood. Cloak 1440S Delniier Ab5-8 l:03slbw 1 109 2 1 1 4 C Grand 7 Jessup Burn. Ugo, Tom Holland 143GSS Delniier 5-S 1:03 fast 2 111 4 1 2 2 C Grand 9 Ugo. Brynavia, Lord Leighton 12U17 Jainesn 51 f 1:08 fast G 108 3 1 M 21 J Callahan 8 B. Masterson, L.Ep, Ethelburgll. 13652 Charlen El f lUOmud 23 94 3 3 6 6 6"1R Neander 5 Susaii B Fathom, Sherwood 13373 Cliarlen 3-4 1:17 mild 21 108 1 1 1 11 41 J McTagrt 13 Font, Nimbus, Castara 13341 Charlen 61 f l:0Sgood 40 107 2 2 1 Id 3l J CallahanlO Sheets. Luria. Coming Coon MATER, b. f. 3 100 By Fatherless Niola F. S. Hacketi. 1S110 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast Cl-20 112 G 3 3 Gi 5SJ S Davis 12 Hill Stream. L; Grant, B.Around - 1S0G2 Laurel 2-4 l:13good fld 100 2 2 4 41 5 J MeCaheyll Kewessa, Jim Basey, J. J. Lilhs 17801 Laurel 3-4 l:13last 21 105 3 1 1 l2 2i D Steward 0 Be, Napier. Joe Finn 17739 Bowie CI l:21Vfefast 9-5 103 2 2 2 2i 23 E Ambrose 0 Supreme. Armor. D.R.L.Srengcr 17412 II.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 3-5 103 1 1 1 l5 Is J Witwell 10 El Mahdi, Ben Quince, FredLevy 17337 II.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 9 107 4 2 2 4 4! J ButWell 11 Tarts, SusanB., JLillis 1GCC4 Saratoga 1 l:44mud 10 94 4 4 5 5 52 .5,!1H Sumter G Yodeliug, Hoyal Meteor, Bac 1G474 Saratoga 7-8 l:30mud G 94 3 3 4 4 31 :31 H Sumter 9 Humiliation, LilyOrme, KingBos 1G159 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 4 10G 8 11 12 ll1 ll13 J Butwell 15 M.B.Eubanks. Pharaoh, Gsvenor 1C035 Saratoga 3-4 l:12Vfast 8 105 9 7 4 82 710 J Butwell 12 Mr. Snlggs, Striker, Mr. Specs 15S31 Empire 51 f l:06fast 3 105 1 3 3 21 11 J Butwell Lily Orme. Garl, Ph. Antoinette 15702 Empire 3-4 1:13 fast 31 93 4 1 2 l2 1 H Sumter 14 Lengrin. J.D.W field, Y.Emblem JOE FINN, blk. tr, 4 103 By Heno Alchemy C. Herbert. 1S010 Laurel 3-4 1:18 slop 15 110 2 5 5 5 5"JA Langfd 10 Laura. Hypatia. P. Antoinette 17S04 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast G3 112 5 2 2 21 4al A Langfrd 0 Be, Mater, Napier 15750 KingEd. AbGif l:22fast 4 121 5 4 5 4J O Caldwell 7 M. Brush, PreDumas. Rosemary 15CGS KingEd. 6i f l:22fast 2 119 5 4 2 2n W Levee 7 Batwa, Just Bed, Sadorus 15592 KingEd. Gl f l:23fast 2J 115" 1 4 31 H W Levee S Batwa. Thos. Hare, Blue Jay 15017 Conght 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 97 1 1 1 1 l8 1 J Smyth 8 Snowtiakes, Uynaiuite, B. Baker 149SG Conght 1 1-16 l:53slow 41 103 3 1 1 3 3b 4 F Murphy 7 D.Deadwood, .Trovato, P.Thorpe 14S50 Dorval lm70y 1:43 fast 3-2 10G 6 5 5 3 42 42 J Collins G Ella Grane, Stellata. Eye White 14814 Dorval 3-4 l:14fast 6 102 2 3 3 21 2nt r Shilling 7 Salesia, Sun Queen, Gold Cap 147G1 Dorval lm70y l:47fast 41 106 3 3 3 3 31 31 R Shilling 7 EarlyLight, GreatFriar, LoveDay 14C35 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14fast 4 104 12 13 10 81 9s J Smyth 15 Dr.U.L.Sger, Dr.Drty, Toy Boy 14560 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14fast 7 105 5 7 4 21 21 J Collins 0 Briar Path, Requirain. Jabot 14311 BlueBon. 3-4 l;153gobd 41 107 S 8 10 6 G3i W Hinphy 13 Single. Laura. Dicks Pet 14251 Pimlico 1 l:41?ifast 13 106 5 4 4 4 3nk 42i J McCahey .5 I.Gtlenin. B.ofB.Mr. C.Amde 14215 Pimlico 1 l:43andfast 6-5 109 7 1 1 1 1 l6 J MeCaheyll Belray, H.Hchlson. C.MDougall PERTH ROCK. blk. c. 3 108 By Rockton Perth W. M. Sheedy. 17519 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 3 110 5 2 1 l2 I3 S Davis 7 Coreopsis. S.andStripes, Altamaha 174SS Empire 1 1-1C l:47fast 13-5 108 3 4 4 4 420 431 S Davis 5 L.England. I.Gardner. Uercover 17221 Belmbnt 1 1-16 1:46 fast 8 103 G 5 5 5 G 6,01M 7?uxton 0 Camellia. King Box. Northerner 16C92 Saratoga 1 1:46 rnud G 102 7 G 4 4 41 5I4JM Buxton 7 Ambrose, Progressive. Loveland 1CGSS Saratoga 1 l:39fast 8 95 G 7 7 G 5 5121B Marco 7 Spearhead, Manasfieh. Work.Lad 1G505 Saratoga 1 1:44 hvy 10 93 5 4 4 2 31! 23 B Marco G Executor. Naiad, B.ofBrynMawr 1C441 Saratoga 1 1:42 slow 41 105 3 3 3 3 4 4SJ J McTagrt 4 Spearhead, Naiad, Ambrose 157SG Empire lm70y l:44fast 4 102 4 4 4 4 4 411 A Neylon 4 P. Bowl, Charriieuse, Undaunted 15507 Empire 11-16 1:47 fast 12 9G 5 5 G 5 5 31 H Sumter 5 Granite, Rol. Stone. Honey Bi;e 15254 Aqueduct 61 f 1:23 slow 4 lis 4 4 3 3 3 J Butwell 4 Poinette Bleu. Mr. Snicgs. Mater 15120 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 41 108 3 2 3 3 l1! 1B J Butwell 0 Manson. Song of Valley, Naiad YODELING, ch. g. 3 108 By Roehampton Yodler H. J. Morris. 1S021 Laurel 1 1-1G l:51mud 1 110 1 1 1 1 I2 l4 J McCahey 9 D. of Shelby. Woof, Nctmaker 17901 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 27 100 2 1 1 1 2J 2s J McCahey 8 Patience. J.n.Il6ughton. Battery 17S1S Laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 33-5 105 1 1 1 5 8 816SJ McCahey S Holton. Patience. Balfron 17733 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52fast 119 98 1 1 1 1 32 7 J McCaheylO Centauri. Holton. Gerrard 17591 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 63 104 G 4 8 8 8 8,s J McCahey 8 Un. Mun. Undercover, R.oLIght 17256 Belmont 61 f l:19andfast 15 102 7 6 8 8 S19 J McCahey 8 U.Jiminie; Undaunted. LilyOrme 17020 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 8 102 1 3 3 2" 55 J McTagrt 7 Connemara. L. Travers. Mr;Specs 1G6G4 Saratoga 1 l:44?Jmud S 99 G 2 1 1 l1 l1! J McCahey G Royal Meteor, Bac. King Box SHADRACH, ch. c. 3 108 By Atkins Oman Wood C. E. Rogers. lVUOG Bowie 51 f l:0Sysfast 15 110 1 2 2 2 22 E Griffin 0 El Mahdi. Grazel, Chas.Cannell 17S10 Bowie GS f l:0Sfast 41 103 2 1 1 22 23 C Jones 12 Ida Lavinia. Top Rock. Faithful 37735 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast Cu 100 3 1 1 4- 4-1 G Jones 10 Luria. El Mahdi, Ida Lavinia 9710 Vancouver 1-2 47fast 7-20 118 2 1 22J 4 D Roland 5 Gotelus, Old Gotoh. Manganese f5S CiFAlene 5-S 1:02 good 9-5 120 7 Pengast 7 Othello, Little Bit, Bins vTiC2 CdAlene 41 f 54goodl3-10 110 1 1 1 11 l1! E McEwen 0 Othello, Paw, Bing fmmi CdAlene 1-2 47fast 9-10 115 3 1 U 1 E McErwen G Othello, Bing. Redpath 7793 C.d.Alene 1-2 49slop 7-6 112 1 1 121 1 J Murphy G Othello, Paw. Alabama Bam 7452 Juarez 1-2 Sfast 3 115 8 3 7 8131A Murray 8 Manganese. Edith W.. F.Cherry 7379 Juarez 1-2 47 fast 7 115 6 1 23 25 A Murray S Old Rosebud. Gladys Y., Hyki 7227 Juarez 1-2 49 good 4 115 2 Bolted. Loftus 8 Old Ben. Othello, Edith W. 7017 Juarez 31 f 40i fast 11-10 118 4 l2 22 Small 8 Old Ben. Ida Lavinia, Harbard C993 Juarez 31 f 41M fast 12-5 118 2 l2 121 Borel G Edith W.. DickDodie, W. Lady HURAKAN, b. f. 3 106 By Uncle The Hoyden D. J. Leary. 1S052 Laurel 3-4 l:13good 39 1071 S 10 10 92 S1SJJ Butwell 11 Kewessa, Jim Basey, J. J. Lillis 177G9 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 9-5 108 2 2 2 l2 U J Butwell S Mary Warren, L. Grant, Bulgar 162S8 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 41 102 3 3 3 51 G8 W W Tlor 8 W. Lad. Yadopeep, Progressive 1C200 Saratoga 7-S l:25slop, 15 100 3 2 2 4 4 413 W W Tlor 4 G rover Hughes, Pom. Bleu. Bac 15CG3 Empire 61 f 1:07 fast 13-5 110 3 2 2 2h 22 C Turner 10 Lily Orme. Andrew. Edith W. 11772 Laurel 51 f l:09hvy 4 108 7 0 7 7 7"JJ Butwell 9 Susan B., C.Michael, Northerner 11C58 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 108 2 3 3 22 PJ J Butwell 4 Pr. Lynn, Naiad. B. Cunarder 11405 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 3-4 99 1 2 3 35 1J J McTagrt 4 Galaxy. Mater. Dajly Water 11186 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 1 108 2 1 1 l1 22 J McTagrt 4 Pom.Bleu, B.Cunarder, PrXvnh 10S5G Saratoga Gl f 1:0S fast 13-5 ICS 1 2 2 2s 2 T McTagt 5 Tranid, BrigsBrother. Hortense 10450 Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 12 106 9 7 8 S1 6 Wolfe 11 Gracilla, UncleMun. Flittergold 102G3 Saratoga 61 f l:07fast 8-5 109 3 6 5 4l 321 B Steele G Crossbnn, Orotund. Cutaway 99tS Belmont 51 f st 1:06 slop 3 109 6 4 5 6 41 J Wilson 5 Surprising. Flittergold, Sprhead 9G3S Belmont 51 f st l:04fast 5 109 2 5 3 3ll 34? Musgrve G Early Rose, Orotund, Anytime FLATBUSH, b. g, 3 105 By McGee Inference Mrs. F. E. Brown 1S110 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 25 103 11 11 11 11s 915M Buxton 12 Hill Stream. L.Grant. B.Around 1 1S0GS Laurel 1 l:41fast 22 103 1 1 1 1 2and 52i M Buxton 13 Early Light. Mordecai, B.Quince 17903 Bowie 51 f 1:09 fast 11-5 103 1 5 2 31 41 V Rhtmire 7 JollyTar. Chil.Squaw. JoeKnight : 17SS2 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 25 112111 8 S 71! 5B.J V R ntmirel4 Birka. Ben Quince. Jolly Tar 1G4S9 KingEd. Ab5-8 5Sfast 10 104 S G 6 6"1J Minton 10 L.desCognets, Birka, Lord Wells 1C460 KingEd. Gl f l:24slow 4 105 4 3 3 35 J Minton 7 Sadorus. Milton Rol:ee, Flask 1G413 KingEd. Al5-8 1:03 hvy 4 104 4 7 G2 fi5 J Minton 7 Jim Mallnrty. L.Leighton. Bnlgnr GALAXY, b. f. 3 102 By Star Shoot Reflox J. F. Sweeney. 1S050 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 22-5 101 10 9 4 41 31 I Steward 13 Hypatia. Progressive. Dicks Pet 1 17932 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 38 103 11 11 11 11 11131D Stewardll J. J. Lillis, U. Jiminie, Crossbnn 1 17774 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 13S 98 9 9 9 9 71 G D Steward 9 Elia Bryson, Orotund, Penalty 37G31 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 234 103 S 8 8 8 9"1A Schugr 9 Honey Bee, Tarts, Marjorie A. 1555G Windsor 3-4 l:14slow 6 91 5 5 4 4" 41 R Acton 5 Water Lady, F. Duster, narbard , 1 15541 Windsor 7-8 l:31mud 2 99 5 3 1 1 21 2b J Smyth 8 Holton, Father Riley, Bulgarian 15471 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 9 90 1 4 4 4 4H J Smyth 4 S.Maid, Miramichi, TheW.Moon , 1 153C3 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 15 92 6 5 3 31 431 R Acton G Brookfield, Cowl. Marjorie A. 15207 Hamton 1 l:40fast 21 91 2 2 2 2 31 59 J Smyth 7 Squeeler, Runway. Carlton G. 15162 Hamton 3-4 1:14 hvy 15 10 5 1 1 11 23 G Gould 8 Tippecanoe. Martian. S. Maid MISS VELMA, ch. f. 4 100 By Allan-a-Dale Acushla A. P. Doyle. 1S050 Laurel 3-4 l:15good fid 100 S 5 7 7i S9 W Ural 13 Hypatia. Progressive. Galaxv 17903 Bowie 3-4 l:144fast 8 107 2 2 2 42 7 J Dreyer S Gold Cap. Luria. Quick Start 17SS1 Bowie 3-1 1:15 fast 6 115 3 9 9 91 Sc II Wolfe It Chilla. H.s Brother, Monty Fox w 17S04 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 10S 1 3 5 G G9 J Butwell Be. Mater. Napier 1C159 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 12 106 4 3 6 C2 55i D StewardlH M.B.Eubanks, Pharaoh. Gsvenor r 15783 Empire 51 f l:07andfast 12 101 4 11 l3 I2 H Sumter 9 S. Caledore. Andrew. Y. Emblem i 14E2G Electric AbGl f 1:23 fast 3 109 G9 Costlev S ToniHancock, PceChap, Regards 14292 Pimlico 1 l:42fast 10 110 3 1 1 2 8and 71 J McCaheylO Hasson. Tom Hancock. Battery TRUE AS STEEL, b. g. 3 112 By Broomstick Loyal Quincy Stable. 17899 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast C2 9S 4 G G 7 79 It Shilling 7 High Noon. H. Prynne. Comely 17772 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 4-5 115 1 2 2 21 3J C Bgame 4 Chuckles, Lochlel, Prairie 17G55 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 100 92 4 3 4 5nk 581 II Sumter 11 LastCoin, Flittergold. R.Bradley ; 17293 H.deGce 51 f 1:06 fast 31 9S 4 13 3h 431 J McCahey 7 Poinette Bleu. Tartar. Isidora 17222 Belmont 3-1 st l:12andfast S 103 4 4 3 21 34 J McCahey 5 Forum. Yan. Notions, Flittergold 1 1C90S Belmont 1 l:39fast 13-20 1091 111 1 l2 11 C Bgame C Kehtoh, M. Canagh, BrdedLady ? 1G402 Saratoga 3-4 l:13good 25 109 4 2 5 G1 G C Bgame 9 Sprite. Holiday. Isirose 16232 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 4 109 3 2 3 21 23 C Bgame 13 WellKnown, Eas.Star, D.Master r PARLOR BOY, ch. s. 6 108 By Deutschland Reina de Los Angeles H. G. Bed- well. IS011 Laurel 3-4 1:18 slop 27-5 110 3 2 1 lot 21 D Steward 10 Jim Basey, Milt.Roblee, D.sPet t 17728 Laurel 3-4 l:13Mifast 15 113 6 5 5 5" 58 It Neander 9 Lohengrin, J.J.Lillis. WaterLilv - 17476 II.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 20 112 3 3 3 32 321 E Taplin 9 Acton, Honey Bee, Striker 17337 H.deGce 3-4 l:13ysfast 9 112 10 7 7 5 78i E Taplin 11 Tarts, Susan B., J. J. Lillis 169S3 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 slow 6 112 5 3 2 lot l2 E Taplin 7 Ancon, Armor. Dicks Pet 1G757 Conght 51 f l:10hvy 6-5 111 4 3 2 lh 1 E Taplin G B. Chief, Beau.Belle, M.Johnson 1 16232 FortErie 3-4 1:18 hvy 6 107 3 2 1 l1 l2 E Taplin 5 Bolala, Sherwood, Hamilton 15917 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 4 109 1 1 2 51 6" E Taplin S Single. Chilla. Thesieres 1CS23 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 20 106 4 4 5 5 51! E Tap.In 5 Miramichi. Knights Differ, Inklo 5 15040 Conght 3-4 1:14 fast 4 115 4 3 4 41 55J E Taplin G Requiram, Gordon, Bolala 14909 Conght 3-4 l:14fast 12 109 5 4 3 31 3J C Grand 11 Susan B.. Yorkville. Bolala MIND A, b. f, 3 107 By McGee Sans Pareil II. J. U. Strode. 1S050 laurel 3-4 l:15good 29 106 4 S 10 103 1013iA NicklauslS Hypatia, Progressive. Galaxy 15016 Conght 1 l:4lfast 1 100 1 4 5 3 34 38 F Murphy 7 Colston. Dr.R.L.Srenger. M.Lad 1 11764 Dorval 3-4 1:15 fast 8 99 2 6 5 31 23 F Murphy S Briar Path. Bolala. Scrapper 14660 BlueBon. 1 l:40fast 12 90 5 3 3 3 22 21 J Smyth 10 Elwah, Dan.March. I.Gentloman 1 14357 BlueBon. 1 l:40andfast 41 105 3 5 3 3 51 5S A Claver 7 Galaxy. F. o Fortune. B, Around 1 14259 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 69-10 96 2 7 8 7 31 33 E Martin 9 Benlaii S.. nelcn M.. Whit.Wfnil 1 H1SG Churchl 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 2 95 1 4 4 3 3 21 E Martin 8 Glass. Star Actress. Sam HIrseb 3 14160 Churchl lm70y l:43fast 12 92 2 7 7 5 3s 2" E Martin 8 Helen M.. BeulahS.. TrojanBelle e CANTO, ch. c. 3 108 By Chilton Chantilla A. Wilson. 1S010 Laurel 3-1 1:18 slop 81 111 10 10 10 S 721 D Steward 10 Laura. Hypatia. P. Antoinette 17662 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 31 106 8 S S 71 722 A Nicklaus S C. Cannell, Colors, Humiliation 1743S H.deGce 3-1 l:15slow 7 101 G 2 1 l1 2h II Alex 10 Laura. Ph. Antoinette. C. Squaw T 17337 H.deGce 3-1 l:13fast 40 10G 2 4 4 Gl C II Alex 11 Tarts. Susan B.. J. J. Lillis 14120 Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 14-5 110 2 4 4 4 61 H Alex 11 Squealer. Laura. Sir Caledoro 14106 Pimlico 3-4 l:14good 31 100 8 8 7 8 V 79 H Alex 10 Perthshire. Chuckles. Parlor Boy r 12475 IMnilico 3-4 1:15 good 9-5 115 1 11 1 1 Alex 13 Undercover. Flatbush. J.J.Lillis 12473 Pimlico 51 f 1:08 fast 73-10 112 2 1 1 l1 21 Alex 13 Hapenny. Balfron, Cnpt. Ben SECOND RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17555 1:43 117. ,, . , ftEHRARD. b. C. 4 104 By Superman Mayf air R. B. Steele. 1S139 Laurel 1 l:40Vsfast 12-5 1061 2 11 1 l2 l1 J Butwell 10 Conmara. Hge Rose, IIrvLder 1S033 laurel 11-16 1:47 good 22 107 4 5 G G G o"SA Schugr 7 Bushyllead. Holton. E. of Savoy r 17937 laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 17 102 3 2 2 3 43 4lJ R Shilling 10 Bushy Head, King Box. Holton 17733 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52fast 61 107 2 3 2 4 1 3i H LaffertylO Centauri. Holton. Paton 17r,9 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 55 107 2 2 2 2 21 1" J Collins 10 Sepulveda. i.Iud Sill. PceAhmed il , 17333 Dorval 1 1-16 l:49fast 7 110 3 4 4 4 42 541 O W Carll 0 The Rump, HoMon. Blue Mouse 1727S Dorval lm70y 1:48 fast 13-5 10G 2 2 2 2 1and Ink w Cnrli G V. Strome, Euterpe, HW.P Baker r 17220 Dorval lm70y l:4Sfast G-5 102 1 1 1 1 l2 l1! J Mctcalf 7 FordMai. L. Rankn;. Ser.ficence 17072 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 41 109 4 5 6 42 22 E Carter 10 Sackcloth. S. of Itocfcs. L.s Tail I 17032 .BlueBon. 3-4 1:14 fast 40 109 3 6 7 71 S"JW Obert 0 D.Pet. L.Llghthing, ToyBov 1C9D0 BlueBon. 7-8 1:30 hvy 12 108 2 3 2 2 1 2 V Obert 8 Sir Fretful. Lewln, Pat Gannon H 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j I 1 J : ; ; . : : : 1 , : - 1 : 1 1 , 1 , 1 w r i ; 1 ? r t - 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 e T r , r il , r I THE RUMP., ch. sr. 5 109 By Armeath II. Renovah W. Martin. 1S048 Laurel 1 1-10 l:4Sgood 2 112 2 3 3 2 Ink lb m -Buxton S J. ll. -"Hoiighfoni Battery. Brush 17975 Laurel 11-16 1:471615129-10 110 1 2 3 3 3 41 M Buxton 10 Petelus. Un. Beu. J.H.Houghton 17S79 Laurel 1 1-i 2:05fast 20 104 2 2 2 2 41 5JM Buxton 8 Paton. Goaly.Mud Sill 17S0S Laurel 1 1-16" l:4fifast 101 110 2 1 2 3 4J 4i .T Callahan 9 Sepulveda, Dan. Miirch, Un. Ben 17733 Laurel 1 1-S l-.522fast 9 112 5 2 3 3 Bl 64 J CallahanlO Cciitauri. Holton, Gerrard 17507 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 9-5 109 1 4 5 3 32 33 J Callahan S B.Head. J.lJ.Houghton. Centauri 17333 Dorval 1 1-16 l:49fast 3 110 1 1 1 1 ll l2 J Callaliau G Holton. Blue Mouse, Olga Star 172S2 Dorval 1 1-S l:57Vsfast 3-5 107 2 1 1 1 l1 l3 J Callahan 4 T. Hancock, P. Regan. L.Rankin 17106 Dorval lm70y l:47fast 5 114 5 1 3 5 G4 321 G Burns G Uncle Ben, 0!ga Star, Jabot 17036 BlueBon. 1 3-4 3:00fast G 112 4 5 5 5 3J 4luJG Bums 7 G. Britain. Lindesta, Fount. Fay 1C9S4 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:09.slow S-5 110 5 3 3. 2 31! 33 R Watts! G .Abhotsford, Un. Be"tf Rusty Coat 16S36 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:57slop 6-5 114 2 1 2 3 4s 5121R Watts 8 D. Ddwood. B.Uncas, T.Hncock 16G59 Conght 11-8 1:56 fast 7-10 112 4 11 1 l4 l3 R Watts 7 Abbotsford, OlgaStar, T.IIaucock 1R582 Conght 1 1-1,6,1:50 fast 1 113. 4. 1 1 1 ll 14 R Watts 8 Olga Star. AlitMitsford. Zodiac ROLLING STONE, br. h. 6 109 By HerntenceS-Ructiotf C. C. Smithson. 1S115 Laurel 1 M6 l:4Gfast 17 109 5 G 7 8 Gl 441 A Schugr S Dan. March, Be, Underqover 179:r7, Iaurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 72 108 6 8 S 9 Snk 9le A SchugrlO Bushy Head, Kiug Box, Holton .17543 H.deGce lm70yl:444ifast 12 117 6 5 7 G 710 719 A Schugr 8 Orotund, Chuckles. Roy. Meteor 1G231 Saratoga 1 1:40 slow 8 10G 7 6 G 5 51 55 A Schugr 7 Strong, Andes, Ambrose 161G3 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 6 111 7 8 S 8 81 512 A Schugr 9 W. Shoes, Bay.Candle, E.Bryson 15925 Empire 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 8-5 111 2 1 1 1 Ink 2" A Schugr 3 Afterglow. Any Port 15788 Empire 1 1-16 1:47 fast 41 114 3 3 2 2 21 351 J Kederls 3 Monocacy, Kiug Box 15608 Empire 1 1-16 1:52 slop 9-20 116 2 2 2 2 2 25 A Schugr 2 Star Actress 15507 Empire 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8 111 3 4 4 1 lk 21! A Schugr 5 Granite. Perth Rock, noney Bee 15438 Aqueduct 3-4 1U5 slow 10 127 5 5 G 5 551 A Schugr 5 Hocnlr, Uncle Mun, Ambrose 15251 Aqueduct ll:44slow 9-10 111 1 3 3 3 22 1 A -Schngr 4 C.Ameade, Dworth. Apsionata 15173 Aqueduct 1 l:40fast 7-5 102 1 2 3 2 21 32J A Schugr 4 Altamaha. Star Gaze. Spearhead EARLY LIGHT, b. g. 4 104 By Peep oDay Wantage H. G. BedweU. 1S068 Laurel 1 l:41fast 41 103 9 5 4 4 4s l1! D Steward 1 .Mordecai, B. Quince, 15eau.Bei:e 17970 Laurel 11-16 1:48 fast 9 105 10 9 7 5 7 651 G Byrne 10 Harrv Lauder, Napier. L. Lanier 17S96 Laurel 1 .1:41 fast 2S- 105 8 G 5 7 93 8 M Buxton 11 S.ofValley. DeEaMaclr. OttoFloto 17S31 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 13 100 8 8 8 8 G4 451 It Neander S Astrologer, J.II.Hhton. R.Lloyd 17530 H.deG.ce lm70yl:45fast 15 107 4 4 5 4 51 51 E Taplin 9 King Box, Sepulveda, Battery 17440. H.deGce Jn70yl:47slbw 40 105 4 8 7 7 41 43J E Taplin Si Camellia. R.Meteor. n.Uchison 1736.4 H.deGce . 3-4 l:14fast 40. ,109 12 12 10 104 712 E Taplin 12 Acton, Hypatia. Ortyx 1675S Conght 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 30 110 8 6 6 6 72 6"1E Taplin 8 Sh.Holmes, B.Uncas. T.IIancock 16627 Conght 1 1-16 1:51 fast 15 111 3 6 G 6 G 61 E Taplin G Mediator, S. Holmes, Dilatory 16197 FortErie "V 1-16 1:49 mud 8 110 5 5 5 5 41! 41 E Taplin 5 Holton. Mockery, Zodiac 16117 FortErie lm70yl:43fast 20 99 7 4 G G 73 6i R Neander 9 Cliff Edge. Contido. Blue Mons 15SS8 Hamton 1 1-S l:53fast 6 113 7 6 5 5 5s 57 E Taplin 11 Havcnal, Penalty. Dynamite BATTERY, b. g, 4 106 Bv Far-aday Inconstancy H. Rites, 1S093 Laurel 11:40 fast 63-10 107111 9 9 5 4nt 33 J Butwell 14 Hdgellose, V.Strome, M.Eleanor JSOtS Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sgobd67-10 107 3 4 4 4 33 3i -J Butwell 8 The Rump, J.H.Houghtoli. Rrush ISO4 Laurel 1 1-1G l:53VSslop 71-10 103 3 5 5 5 33 3 A Schugr 7 Earl of Savoy. Mycenae. Brush 17901 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 23 109 1 3 3 4 4i-45 J Butwell 8 Patience. Yodeling. J.H.Hghton 17851 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 33-10 112 7 7 6 4 4s 6J J Butwell S Astrologer. J.H.Hliton, R.Lloyd 17G90 Laurel lm70y l:43fast 22-5 113 1 2 A 4 2"t 31 J McCahey 7 MudSUl, Go:dy. DangerousMarch 17530 H.deGce lm70yl:45fast 12 112 G 5 j 1 22 321 J Butwell 9 King Box, Sepulveda. L. Travers 17414 H.deGce lm70yl:45fast 15 10S 5 4 4 2 lb int. j Butwell 7 King Box, Napier. Robt. Oliver 17368 H.deGce lm70yl:45fast 50 111 12 V, 8 7 62 5"1W R Wkrl3 Un.Mun, Stentor. Over the Sands 16275 Saratoga 11:41 fast 15 109 7 7 6 6 G2 58i C Fbther 7 Mud Sill. Steiitor, Harry Lauder 16159 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast GO 108 1- 15 15 15 13" C Fbther 15 M.B.Eubanks, Pharaoh, Gsvenor -14310 Pimlico lm40y l:45fast rid 112 V 6 4 4 41 ,34J J CallahanlO L.England. T.IIancock. B.-Beard ABBOTSFORD, ch. g. 4 109 By Hippodrome Sister Frank W. L. Oliver. 1S073 Laurel 1 1-S lr52fast 37 110 4 3 3 4 41 G"2S Davis 7 Mud Sill. GoMv, Uncle Bell. 176B6 Bowie 1 1-1G l:51fast 7 108 4 6 3 2 21 lh E Ambrose S B.Mouse, Col.HolIowav, S.Hirseh 17543 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 25 1D3 4 G 6 5 61 69 V Rhtmire S Orotund, Chuckles, Roy. Meteor 17478 H.deGce lm70yl:44fa"st 12 107 6 5 6 6 610 6J J Butwell 8 Orperth, TheBusybody. Oakhurst 173G3 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 16 105 10 8 S 9 9 914 M Buxton 11 Walters, Orperth. Royal Meteor 16984 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:09slow 4 103 G 4 2 1 l" l"k J Metcalf 0 Uncle Ben. TheRump, RustvCoat 16S5G lulueBon. 1 1-8 l:57slop 4 106 4 8 7 G 51 41 J Collins 8 D. Ddwood. B.Uncas, T.Hncock 16715 Conght 1 1-4 2:15 slow 7-5 198 1 4 4 3 l1 l1 F Murphy G Trovato, FountainFay, UncleBen 16659 Conght 1 1-8 1:56 fast 12 105 6 5 3 2 22 23 A Claver 7 The Rump, OlgaStar. T.Hancock 16532 Conght 11-16 1:50 fast 20 104 5 2 2 3 34 3! .Coleman 8 The Rump, Olga Star, Zodiac DELEGATE, blk. g. 3 103 By Electioneer Rose of Gold W. D. Thornton. 16G61 Saratoga 7-S l:30mud 11-5 114 7 7 4 2 11 1" J McTagrt 7 G. Prime, ElectlonBet, LllvOrme 15735 Empire lm70y l:46fast 21 112 3 G G 2 2- 2s J Butwell 7 Eymorn, S.andStripes, T.Urchin 15G67 Empire 1 1-16 l:49slop 4 90 4 3 2 2 41 1" B Marco 5 Lahore. Afterglow. Dartworth 15391 Aqueduct 1 l:46mud 5 107 4 1 1 1 lc l10 G Fbther 9 E. Star. MissCavanagh, RobertL. 15330 Aqueduct 1 l:41fast 8 107 5 4 3 4 3 33 J Butwell 0 Belray. Earlymorn, M. Cavanagh 15169 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14fsfast 41 105 5 6 7 53 51! M Buxton 10 His Nibs, Earlvmorn, Dakota 14719 Belmont 3-4 l:13fast 21 105 5 6 G 51 41 J Kederis 7 Sixty Four, Belray, Ossagleta 146G4 Pip.Rlc Abl 1-8 l:56fast 20 110 5 S 7 7 6: 51 C H Millerll Arringtori, Vlr.Lass, ElectionBat 14597 Pip.Rk Ab 1 l:42fast 12 110 12 12 12 12 9 93C H Miller 15 Elec. Bet. Arrington. K. Knack PATTY REGAN, ch. g. 3 100 By Stalwart Carrie Jones F. Harlan. 17S83 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 8 103 G 4 G 1 lb ;i j Connors 7 J. Lax son, S.Hirseh, C.IIolIowav 17S14 Bowie lm20y l:4Gfast 8 106 7 6 G 4 24 In J Connors 8 LAigron, D.ofShelby. O.T.Sands 1773S Bowie 1 1-16 l:504fefast 10 100 4 7 3 4 53 32 P Louder 9 J. Laxson. C.IIolIowav. R.OMver 17602 Bowie Gl f l:22fast 3 106 7 6 5 63 43J J Conubrs 9 Batwa. Frontier, Henrietta W. 172S2 Dorval 1 1-S l:57Mifast 5 100 3 2 2 2 32. 33.1 W Ward 4 The Rump. T.Hancock. L.Rankin 17172 Dorval 1 1-16 l:51fasf 5 102 3 4 3 3 3i 42 W Ward 8 Centauri. Font. Sherlock Holmes 16954 BlueBon. 1 l:41slow 100 100 2 3 3 3 4 2 W Ward 7 Harry Shaw. Zodiac. Mediator CAMELLIA, b. m, 5 104 By Stalwart La Mujer J. L. Paul. 1S112 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 107 112 1 5 6 G4 G181W Lilly 8 Star Gift. Besom. Soldier 17774 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 26 106 4 2 2 5 51 S14 W Lilly 9 Ella Bryson. Orotund, Penaltv 17657 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53faSt 12 106 1 3 5 5 5 55 J Collins 7 King Box, Flitaway, Oakhurst 17440 H.deGce lm70yl:47slow 7 103 2 2 2 1 l1 l1 M Buxton 9 R.Meteor. II.Hutchison. E.Llght 17363 H.deGce lm70yl:43 fast 5 103 1 2 2 5 64 685 II Sumter 11 Walters, Orperth. Roval Meteor 17221 Belmont 1 1-16 1:46 fast 6 102 1 2 2 3 32 l1 II Sumter 0 K. Box. Northerner. Progrfssive 16911 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 6 107 8 8 8 8 S S69 M Buxton 8 Jawbone. Roy.Meteor. Mr.Snigg 16664 Saratoga 1 l:44tnud 15 107 3 G 6 G 6 Gl4JW AV Tlor G Yodeling, Roval .Meteor. Bac 16478 Saratoga 1 3-16 2:06 mud 12 103 111 2 lh 4 W W Tlor 5 Brave. Anv Port. Tay Pav 16303 Saratoga 1 l:42slow 5 107 7 G 3 4 41! 22 W W Tlorll Young Emblem. Gallant Boy, Be SOLDIER, b. g, 4 106 By The x-icket Performance F. C. Frisbie. 1S112 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 47 10S 4 4 4 43 3CS W Doyle S StarGifr. Besom. LadvLIghtnin-17499 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 20 107 2 2 1 11 21 W Doyle 10 Prairie. Quick Start. Dakota 17394 H.deGce lm70yl:46. fast 23 1041 4 2 4 7 71 S24 W Doyle 10 Oakhurst. JI.Lauder, Sepulveda 14798 Mboro 61 f l:23fast 3 1J1 G141W Doyle S Malay. Drawn. Smilev 1282 Pimlico 3-4 l:16yfast 23 115 6 8 8 8 S4Doyle 9 LAiglon. Thornhill. Gold. Prime QUICK START, b. f. 4 101 By Ormicant Quality E. F. Condran. 18115 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 176 104 S 8 5 4 4nk GT J Pollard 8 Dan. March. Be, Undercover 1S050 Laurel 3-4 l:15good fid 100 11 11 11 ll1 ll14i.T Pollard 1? Hvpatia. Progressive. Galaxy 17905 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 20 105 8 8 7 G1 32S J Pollard 8 Gold Cap, Luria. Pontefract 17S11 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 13-5 109 4 1 1 l1! I1 . M ; Nathan 9 Frontier, Elect, Margaret Meise 17779 Bowie 7-8 l:29fast 5 108 10 4 3 2 5nt G3 M Nathan 10 Castara, Frontier. Jack Laxsou 17691 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 13-5 112 7 5 -7 41 35 G Byrne 11 Behdel, jrartin Casca, Frontier 17499 H.dqGce 51 f .1:08 . fast 6 107 4 4 3 3b 3?!M .Nathan 10 Prairie. Soldier. Dakota 17476 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 200 112 - 8 7 7 7nkTgjJiM Nathan 9 -Striker, HoneyBee. ParlorBoy 17394 H.deGce lm70yl:4G fast 100 107 5 3 1 4 93 934 M Nathan 10 Oakhurst, ILIiuder. Sepulveda 17337 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 100 110 11 11 11 10s 102ilM Nathan 11 Tarts. Susan B., J. J Lillis 15195 Aqueduct 7-8 lT27fast 30 110 5 3 5 6 G" 6S D McDanl :G Naiad. M.sChoice. WoodenShoea THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 17593 1:12 C 114. MALLARD, ch. i, 2 100 By Star Shoot Lizzio Dixon W. R. Mizell. 1S069 Laurel 3-1 l:14fast 40 103 7 7 S 74 43i P Louder S Change, A. N. Akin, Fair Helen 176S9 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 10 1 03 4 6 4 3 4 22 A Schugr 13 M.Mgomery. Claverock.Gwodd 17500 H.deGce 5-S l:01fast 7 108 7 6 7 81 G3S J Kederis 11 J. B. Ilarrell. Corslcan. Hiker 17393 H.deGce 55 f 1:07 fast 8 9G 6 6 5 62 611 F HopkinslO Pulltix. .M.Montgomery, Proctor 17112 Belmont 51 f st l:06fast 3 107 2 4 5 5b 41 J Butwell 8 Pullux. Embroiderv. Egmont 16407 Saratoga 51 f l:08good ll-o 108 3 5 4 14 l1 J McTagrt 9 S. Bank, Carlaverock. Pan Maid 1622S Saratoga 51 f l:06slow 12 99 6 4 5 32 48 J McTagrt 7 High Noon. Scorpii. Razzano 16119 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 8 103 4 2 3 31 341 J McTagrt 5 Dis.Shore. M.Monrgomery. Hiker 15030 Aqueduct 5-S l:O0fast 20 107 7 8 8 8 8" O Br,ady 8 Gaelic. Lampoon. Doublet 1495G Belmont 51 f st l:05y5fast 15 110 2 3 4 410 4 C Brady 5 Tinkle Belle. B. Edith. G.Roesch CHANGE, ch. f . 2 110 By Fair Play Chinkara M. F. Sheedy. 1S0C9 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 36-5 102 2 4 3 33 l1 G Byrne S A. N. Akin. Fair Heren. Mallard 17971 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 7 B9 9 12 12 S2 531 R Shilling 14 Eagle, Lvdia A.. Ella Jennings 17730 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 41 100 4 4 3 31 22 J McTagrt 5 Gnat. Stalwart Helen. Capt.Parr 17652 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 98 5 5 4 44 41 II Sumter 5 Borgo, Capt. Parr. Tie Pin 17552 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 48-5 99 2 G G G 481 F Hopkins G Gnat. Stalwart Helen Eagle 17491 Empire 51 f l:07fast 3-10 107 4 4 3 21 2"t s Davis 5 M. GirL Os. Maid. Gaiiisborou"h 17261 Belmont 51 f st l:06y5fast 5 98 3 4 3 2" 24 H Sumter 0 Gnat. Fgmont. Mamie K 17075 Belmont 51 f st l:05fast 4 107 3 4 4 34 22 C Turner 7 Ebroidery, Asology. M.Mgomv 16660 Saratoga 51 f l:10inud 13-5 103 7 S 7 41 331 M Buxton 9 Sarsenet. Chanteuse. Haversack 105O6 Saratoga 51 f 1:11 hvy 2 105 3 3 1 11 1 M Buxton 10 Peg. Fidget, Kitty Wartleld 16362 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 good S-6 105 8 7 11 102 G8 A Neylon 14 Busy Edith, Planetary Onar 16304 Saratoga 51 f l:0Sslow 8-5 107 1 2 2 21 3s A Neylon 1G Tory Maid. Hafiz, Busy Edith ?JEIiICKA- ch- f 2 90 By Meelick Glassweed W. P. Fine. J2$ La-urel 55 f l:09good 12 10S S 6 5 81 99 Corey 14 Fly Home, Relleetion Dr Cann 179S9 Laure GJ f l:07fast 64 107 1 1 4 44 48 G Corey 13 Tudor King, KeyMar. UncleBen 933 Laure 51 f l:07fast fid 107 1 3 3 21 22 G Byrne 15 MayOueen: UncleBrj-n. Marvels lJjaure H,1:J3,ast iS 102 2 G 8 91 10" u Shilling 15 Tie Pin, Marvelous. Deviltry inlur1 :fast S 107 4 5 5 5" C" R Sln""2 13 FairCount. Marvelous, Slumberer JI? gIut;Bon. 51 -?i f 1:10 slow 20 104 7 9 11 ll2 10s! J J McDld32 Commensia. Merrv Twinkle. Tlvi SS5Son B5t .?i;:hvy 20 90 3 8 8 63 5i P Louder 8 KatharineG., S.of Love. D.Cortez 16702 Conght 51 f l:12hvy 10 111 G 5 5 G2 44 R Watts 9 Borax. Ischgablbhle Konle ;S?-n Fht rHJ:22 asJ f2 111 5 7 7 73 41 W War on 9 Carrie Orme, Anna Rose Argent V?ls,or 5H:03,fasi 12 101 7 5 5 8 8G W Carll 8 Ken. Burwood. Blackthorn lR317Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 48 100 9 9 9 9 fliJF Roblnsn 9 Outlook. M niichpssV Yalloha f??,EJ?9K b; S; 3 . . 108 Bv Eock Sand Ferment A. Belmont. Relmont o3 f st l:0Cfast n,o, 4 10S 7 7 7 64 7 C Turner 8 Pollux. Embroidery. Egmont li039 Belmont ol f st 1:0a fast 5 101 3 3 2 41 45 M Buxton 7 Gaelic, Ileadmast Alliena 16S35 Syracuse 51 f 1:07 fast 1-3 10S 1 2 2 2? 21 M Buxton 3 Egmont, Roval tv 1GS16 Syracuse 5-S 593 fast 7-10 103 1 2 2 l2 l2 M Buxton .3 Egmont. Chanteuse ISiS? Syracuse 51 f 1:06 J fast 7-5 103 2 2 2 Ink 12 M Buxton 4 Ciianteuse, Borgo, Unity 16o24 Saratoga 51 f l:0SsIow 6 95 7 S 8 61 5"1 H Sumter 9 Headmast. Busv Edith Gnat 16327 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 16-5 108 3 1 1 lb lh M Buxton 7 B.andMortar. cLnteuse. Lhorne ,H??0ELANEl ch 2 100 By Aeronaut Litigant E. B. Cassatt. 17S92 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast fid 101J 6 4 7 ll3 11 J Kederis 12 Ela Brvson. Briar Path Tnnhl 17935 Laurel 51 f l:06fast 91 93 8 G 6 42 61 J P Ryan ! Headmast, Dlst. Slioro KevMar 1725S Belmont 51 fst l:06fast 12 105 3 2 4 4 413 J P Ryan 4 Headmast Alhena. Gaelic 14783 Belmont 5-8 st l:014fast 11-5 104 1 1 1 l2 lh j p Ryan ;$ Miss Fielder. Fair nelcn ge.,monr 5-8 1:01 fast 4 104 2 2 1 Ink m j P Ryan 5 Hectograph. F.Helen. Pntagenet 14422 Belmont 41 f st 54 fast 7 104 3 1 l1 l2 J P Ryan 7 Haver-nek. Borgo ChanfeuTe 143o4 Belmont 41 f st 53fast 13-5 10S 1 3 41 51 T Davies G Plantacenet, Comely. Dist Shore 6 IfJIS ?,!m!ico 4H refa8t 11 10S 6 7 72 7JiT-na.Ties . 11 Banquet! IntonrCasaba V.l-l it1"11? H IBOOd 2 109 3 2 52 54T Davies G RoyalBlue. Disillusion. Coquette JfJ-060 ,H i?,lasJ 5 108 5 2 9 81H Wolfe 9 Tarzan. Dixie. Bagatelle 1402u H.deGce 41 f o4fast 10 104 2 1 1 2J 2 F Mruphy 12 TheMasquerader, Razzano. nafiz SURGEON, b. g. 2 100 Bv Cesarion Utilitas S. Ross. 1S023 Laurel 1 l:47mud 41-5 93 5 3 3 3 31 313 W Ural G Embroidery. Borgo. While Metal 17S74 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 38 94 1 Fell. D Steward .r II. Junior. B. Flower A Kin" 17689 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 25 105 9 11 11 9h 71 V RlitniirelS M.Mgomery. Mallard Caverock 16524 Saratoga 51 f l:08slow 20 99 5 9 9 9 8" J McTagrt 9 Ileadmast. Busy Edith Gnat 14265 Pimlico 5-8 1:02 fast 8-5 107 8 8 6 52 5 E Taplin 8 Stalwart nelcn. Celto. Deviltry 14077 H.deGce 41 f 54fast 6 99 1 i 2 2M J Callahan 5 Jesse Jr.. Tie Pin Ethan Allen 14050 H.deGce 1-2 48 fast 8 108 1 5 21 541 M Buxton 9 Tarzan. Dixie. Bagatelle HAFIZ, b. c, 2 103 By Martinet Laceno J. E. Nash. 1S114 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 44 111 0 S S S1 810 A Nicklausll Tie Pin, Fair Helen Cant Parr 1902 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 25 10S 6 5 5 51 4i J Dreyer 9 Encore, Cardigan. Carrie Orme 17859 Bowie 51 f l:09fast S 114 3 2 2 21 24 A Nicklaus 7 Encore! Nellie C. Almee Leslie nb-Mi Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 130 115 0 G G 6 G!W Doyle 0 Last Coin. RovalMartvr Hanson 17474 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 25 107 2 4 5 41 GJW Doyle S Embdery. M.Mgomefv, Hrsack 17391 H.deGce G-8 1:02 fast 8 108 1 3 2 2b 11 W Doyle 11 Babe, Siinno, Lady Bryn 16554 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 good 15 108 7 7 8 71 681 W Doyle 9 Pullux. Peg. Borgo 10442 Saartoga Gl f l:09slow 6 109 2 3 6 G1 G!C Fbtherll Huguenot. M.Twinkle. Planetary 16362 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 good 4 MS 1 5 5 71 54 J McCaheyl4 Busy Edith, Planetary. Onar 16304 Saratoga 51 f l:0Sslow 20 110 2 4 3 l2 22 W Doyle 1G Torv Maid. Change. Busy Edith CELEBRITY, b. f. 2 100 By Celt Sister Anna j. S. Tyree. HV-l ;aur.el 5 J 1:SS fast 17 ,J5 13 11 11 ll1 ll12 P Louder 14 Eagle. Lvdia A.. Ella Jennings 17S5S Bowie 5-S 1:02 fast 20 110 7 7 4 44 41 R Watts 7 J.B.Harrell. MamieK Car Orme 17777 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 6 105 1 5 4 G1 G4 E Ambrose 8 A. N. Akin, Cardigan". ErH-ore JIS?,1 i?,ur,eI ?in:0L,fast I1 XSI 9 8 6 41 48 A Schugr 10 II. Junior. Hanson, Disillusion h yIml.r 6fl:10?ihvy 5 109 2 2 1 l2 lh j Metcalf 9 McAdoo. Ed Weiss. Carrie Orme JEor.tSr e 2-8 l:01fast I M9 3 B 7 62 GJ J Smyth 11 Gold. Boy. Clynta. Carrie Orme Eort5r e l:61sfast 11-5 109 3 2 2 2" 24 E Ambrose 9 Vogue. Am. Leslie; IUackthorn 1G35S FortErie 5-8 l:01fast 12 101 4 3 3 34 2 E Ambrose 8 Redland. TItelus. Fly Home I1X t- 2 105 Bv Burgomaster Ascension W. C. Westmorolandi 7971 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast fid 103U4 14 14 14 133.A NicklanslI Eagle. Lydia A. PJIaJcnnlns 7aur1 ,,5H1:2Lfast 53 199 8 9 9 9 5i M Buxton 9 Corsican. Carlaverock , Br. Own rl n- AbH , 59slow 3 111 4 2 2 24 J Bauer 10 Col. Fred. Daisy Stevens, LMay 1$ ne- .?"4 1:25 hvy 4 109 5 2 11S 11 -T Howard S Col. Fred. LouiseMav. LittlePete 10306 KingEd. 41 f 57 fast 2 110 G G 5 3 J Bauer G MargaretG Col Fred D Stevens KJnEd. Al.5-8 SUfast 2 109 G G G 421 J Bane? 8 ColFr Louis Ma!v. Ormead l-.ial KingEd. 41 f 57y5fast G 107 5 3 3 l1 J Bauer 8 L. Mav. D.Steveus RavR Miller 15421 Delmier Ab5-S 1:03 good S 112 7 G 4 G18 J Bauer 7 iiarKt GV U Fr nMo Vz Prmier A1.-S l:0G44tnud 4 112 2 G G 7" J Bauer 10 Col. Fred. Hello, Stolen Ante 14G40 Mboro 41 f 67Vf,fast 4-a 112 l3 J Bauer 7 Ermagarde, Bustle Maid I Mav 1455S Electric AbS-S 59Vfast 3 10,5 l2 J Bauer 9 Stroufe. Carl. Rustle Maid 13915 .Tamesn 1-2 49J4fast 30 108 1 5 6 7 C Knight 9 L. Capricious, ti. May. Energetic 13SS0 Charlen 1-2 CO good 12 97 8 8 8 8SF Murphy 8 Jim Savage, Jesse Jr.! Alledo. NEPHTHYS, ch. f , 2 95 By Isidor Maicst J. J. Sheridan. 16068 Saratoga 5J l:0G5fast S 106, 4 5 C C 6iU Byrne G DarkFlower. ScaShell. M.Fieldcr SHORTHAND, b. gr. 2 90 By The Scribe Falomacita C. L. Mack. 1S049 Laurel 51 f l:09good 22 103 10 8 10 10 75 1 Steward 14 Fly Home. Kutlection. Ir. Cann 17CS6 Laurel 3-4 l:14rast rid 110 3 S 11 81 78J G Fbther i3 FairCouut, Marvelous, Slumberer 14347 Belmont 5-8 st l:01fast 15 99 4 G 6 6 Gls J MeCahey G Haversack, Borgo, Clmnteuse 14143 Belmont 5-8 st 69fast 7 105 G 5 5 55 5" J MeCahey 7 Alhena, Lydla A., Amazon 14354 Belmont 41 f st 63Vfcfast 15 108. 5 . D CJ 44 J MeCahey G Plantagcnet, Comely, Dlst. Shore FOURTH KACE1 Mile. Potomac Handicap. 2-year-olds. 1S095 1:3S 4107. PEBBLES, br. c. 2 127 By Ben Brush Running Stream J. Butler. 17731 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 1-20 125 2 2 2 2 ink C Borel S HighNoon. Doub.Eagle. DiuahBo 1GS69 Belmont 3-4 st 1:15 fast 11-20 130 1 l l l1 l1 J Butwell 5 Paris, Kilkenny Boy. T. by Jury 16303 Saratoga 3-4 l:16hvy 11-5 130 11 11 11 S2 331 J Kederis 11 Regret, Andrew M.. Bill Dudley 16181 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 8-5 122 8 8 7 34 21 M. Buxton 8 Regret, Paris. Luke 15701 Empire 3-4 l:12fcfast l 125 1 1 1 l1 ln J Kederis 4 Comely, Kaskaskia, Phosphor 15C06 Umpire 5i f 1:03 slop 7-10 106 2 -1 1 l3 l3 J MeCabe 3 Kilkenny Bor. Ed Crump .15490 Kinpire 5-S l:00fast 3-2 110 5 3 1 1 l5 J Kederis 5 Grecian, OssaryMaid, Capt.Parr TRIAL BY JURY. ch. c. 2 125 By Fair Play Princess Chic E. B. Cassatt. 1793 laurel 51 f 1:07 fast SI 120 5 4 3 11 l"k T Davies 10 Hanson, Sharpshooter, Razzano 17109 Belmont 51 f stl:04fast 4 120 3 3 3 . 5k g3 T Davies 7 LadyRotha, Coquette, Huatlniast 1CS69 Belmont 3-4 st 1:15 fast 8 130 .4 4 4 4 412 T Davies 5 Pebbles, Paris, Kilkenny Boy 16690 Saratoga 3-4 l:16andmud 8 125 1 6 4 54 44 T Davies 13 Trojan. Kaskaskia, Har. Junior 1E5S7 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 10 118 3 3 4 22 ll T Davies 15 T.othMorng, L.Barby, Comely 16403 Saratoga 3-4 l:14Vfegood 12 117 3 2 2 2 2o T Davies G Lady Barbary, Luke, High Noon 16272 Saratoga 3-4 l:12tast 31 119 3 3 3 3 38 T Davies 5 HighNoon, Dis.Shore, Dinah Do 1G161 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfai!t 12 122 4 4 3 41 7131T Davies 8 Regret. Pebbles. Paris 15965 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 41 110 3 3 3 3s 14 T Davies 8 Lady Barbary, Solly, Catalina 15139 Aqueduct 3-1 l:154slow 18-5 106 2 3 4 4 34 T Davies 4 Ed Crump, L. Barbary, D. Eagle GARBAGE, ch. g, 2 117 By Aeronauts Trash E. B. Cassatt. 17972 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 100 4 3 3 48 43i J P Ryan C Housemaid, Isidora, Slumber II. 17259 Belmont 1 l:37fast 5 90 1 2 2 2 21 11 J P Ryan 4 Tuornhi.l, Figinny. G. M. Miller 1707G Belmont 7-S 1:24 fast 12 99 2 3 3 5 51 5 11 J P Ryan G Stromboli, Comely. Frederick L. 16943 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 8 109 5 5 2 21 4s T Davies G Comely, Forum, Surprising 16690 Saratoga 3-4 l:16mud 8 125 8 10 11 1041225 A Neylon 13 Trojan, Kaskaskia, Har. Junior 10301 Saratoga 3-4 l:13slow G 127 6 7 5 5s 54T Davies 8 Regret, Sollv, Dinah Do 1G230 Saratoga 3-4 l:13slow 15 127 3 5 4 3 Is T Davies 10 R.Martyr, 1. Shore, B.and Stars 10O26 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 31 107. 2 1 2 2 in T Davies 5 Comelv. Noureddln, Broomleaf 159S8 Saratoira 51 f 1:07 fast 5 .107 4 3 3 21 11 T Davies 7 The Finn. Liberator. Vladimir SHARPSHOOTER, b. g. 2 117 By McGee Single Shot S. L. Parsons. 1S072 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast GS 105 G 1111 l1! K Karrick G Hester Prynne, S. Board, Isidora 17973 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 17-10 115 9 9 S 63 31 K Karrick 10 Trial by Jury, Hanson. Razzano 17S6S Pip.Rk AbJ-4 l:15Vfast 1-5 124 2 3 3 23 2nk K Karrick 3 Rhine Maiden. Sand Bank 17224 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 21 109 7 G 3 lh In K Karrick 7 Coquette, Dinah Do. CharterMaid 17041 Belmont 7-8 st l:22fast 9-5 110 3 3 3 3 31! 32 J Butwell G Paris, Charter Maid. Runes 16992 Belmont 5-8 st 59fast 31 109 4 3 2 14 I3 K Karrick 7 Sarsenet, Doublet. Watertown 1GS6S Belmont 51 f st l:0Sfast 5 105 2 2 3 11 Is K Karrick 10 R. Martyr, Gloaming. Astrologer 1C62S Saratoga 3-4 l:14Mfast 25 103 3 3 4 41 4s K Karrick 7 Rupica, SandBank, Sharpshooter .16479 Saratoga 51 f l:10mud 15 109 8 9 9 93 915 K Karrick 10 Harry Junior, Quartz, Silica BANQUET, ch. c. 2 103 By Chilton Festa A. H. Morris. 18091 Laurel 51 f l:06fast 13-5 105 4 1 1 Ink l3 J MeCahey G MayQueen, Bet.Us, DoubleEaglc 37973 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 14 109 G 5 4 S3 S J M Buxton 10 T.byJury. Hanson. Sharpshooter 15091 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 20 122 5 3 G 51 53 H Alex i S. Shell, D.Eagle, T.Masquerader 149S9 Belmont 51 f st 1:07 fast 10 122 2 4 S 71 7" J Butwell 8 Comely. Sea Shell. High Noon 146SS Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 8 115 2 4 3 4 3s J Glass 8 Marlonll.. T.Mquerader. S.Stcr 11391 Belmont 5-S st l:00slop S 118 3 4 4 44 W Walker 0 Hauberk. MarlonH.. T.Mnerader 1413S Pimlico 41 f SSfast 13-10 110 2 3 3 14 E Taplln 11 Intone. Casaba. Lady Rotha LADY ROTHA, b. f, 2 110 By Golden Maxim or Fayette Sandy Bar A.Miller. 1V805 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 4-5 115 5 1111 21 m uuxion G R. Martyr, ArcherKing, Razzano 17109 Belmont 51 f st l:04rast 3 103 2 2 2 21 In M Buxton 7 Coquette. Headmast, S.MMeekin 16910 Belmont 3-4 st 1:14 fast 5 110 4 2 1 42 48 J Butwejl G Charter Maid, Coquette, Capra 14932 Belmont 51 f st l:04fast 1 115 2 2 1 23 l1 J Butwell 3 Star Shooter, Gloaming 14540 Belmont 5-8 st l:00mud 17-10 111 2 1 1 11 l2 J Butwell 5 Distance, Tinkle BeH. S. Shooter 11767 Belmont 5-S st 1:01 fast 6-5 108 2 1 1 l3 1 M Buxton 7 Gnat. Broomleaf. Ashocan 14G66 Pip.Rk Ab41f 56fast 7 115 13 13 lSlS18 II Woods 16 P. Henry. T. by Jury. Lampoon 14426 Belmont 5-S st l:00andfast 21 109 4 3 25 21! J Callahan 5 Scorpil, Harlequin. Ilaliz 14138 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 51 112 5 4 4 44 W Ward 11 Banquet. Intone. Casaba 14105 Pimlico 1-2 49 good 86 107 1 2 2 l1! W Ward 10 Intone. Trial by Jury, Carbide ROYAL MARTYR, ch, f , -2 109 By Golden Maxim Mary Stuart G. A. Cochran. lSi31 Laurel 51 f l:07andgood 2 113 3 G 4 4s 44 J McCahey G Sir Edgar, Pullux. Hanson 17805 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 107 4 2 2 22 11 ,T MeCahey G L. Rotha, ArcherKing. Razzano 17536 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 29-5 112 5 3 3 22 21! .T MeCahey 1 Last Coin, Hanson, Zin Del 17174 Belmont 5J f st 1:06 fast 1-3 10S 3 2 1 l1 l3 J MeCahey 0 Rhino Maiden, Minstrel, He Will 17021 Belmont 51 f st l:04ifast 8 100 4 3 2 2h 22 J MeCahey 5 HighNoon, Coquette, S.McMeekin 16868 Belmont 51 f st l:0Sfast 9-10 105 5 3 2 35 25 J McCaheylO Spshooter, Gloaming. Astrology 16503 Saratoga 3-4 l:16hvy 30 104 3 8 10-10 8 J McCaheyll Regrct Andrew M., Pebbles 16230 Saratoga 3-4 l:13slow 20 104 2 1 1 2h 22 J McCaheylO Garbage, D.Shore, Bars and Stars 16123 Saratoga 51 f l:06andfast 31 109 2 2 2 22 23 J MeCahey 0 Montrosa, Doublet. Fenrock RAZZANO, blk. c. 2 , 97 By Perjuicio Maid of the Mist H. L. Pratt. 17973 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast IS 93 1 3 6 41 42 J McCaheylO T.byJury, Hansou, Sharpshooter 17803 Laurel 3-1 1:13 fast 32 102 2 3 3 3 42J J McTagrt G R.Martyr, L.Rotha. ArcherKing 17224 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 10 100 G 4 5 52 58J J MeCahey 7 Sharpshooter, Coquette. Dinah Do 17041 Belmont 7-8 st l:22fast 12 113 6 5 G 6 55 51 J MeCahey G Paris, Charter.Mad, Sharpshooter 16912 Belmont 51 f l:06fast 31 110 2 2 3 4s 32i J MeCahey 7 Runes. Sam McMcekin. Gnat 163S7 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 20 102 7 7 6 61 6s! J McCaheyl5 T.byJrv, T.ot.Morng. L.Barby 16527 Saratoga 3-4 l:14sIow 12 100 8 6 6 31 5" J McCaheyll Kaskaskia, Spun Glass, Runes 16103 Saratoga 3-4 llVsgobd 20 106 4 G G G 68 J MeCahey G Lady Barbary, T. by Jury. Luke 16290 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 slop S 111 5 2 4 33 37 J MeCahey 0 The Finn. Headmast. Encore 16228 Saratoga 01 f l:06slow 41 110 2 5 4 51 3J J MeCahey 7 High Noon, Scorpli, Mallard 16121 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 5 110 2 3 3 33 l1 J MeCahey o Runes, Liberator, Menlo Park DOUBLE EAGLE, b. c, 2 104 By Watercress Captivity Quincy Stable. 1SD91 Iaurel 51 f l:0fast 8-5 110 3 3 3 32 431 O Bganie ISanquet, May Queen, Bet. Us 17897 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 1 10S 3 2 1 2" J MeCahey S Ilauson. Between Us. Fair Count 17874 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast 1 110 5 Fell. . C B"game 5 ILJunior, B. Flower, Arch. Klug 17731 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 33 110 5 4 3 31 3i C Bgame S Pehhles. High Noon, Dinah Do 17595 Laurel 51 f l:06fast 12 107 7 4 4 2t 21 C Bgame 7 KilknyBoy, BriuFlower, Casba 17528 H.deGce 5-S l:00fast 14-5 103 4 3 4 43 4J C Bgame 5 Sir Edgar, Dr. Larrlck, Sarsenet 17267 H.deGce 5-S l:00fast G-5 9S 5 3 2 ll lh J MeCahey G Gaelic. Sarsenet, Key Mar FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17395 1:00 2 117. BELAMOUR, ch. h, 5 111 By Rock Sand Beldame D. J". Learv. ISWB Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 3 118 3 11 21! 21 J Butwell 12 Sherwood, Scallywag. Briar Path 17934 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 15 111 0 3 3 2nt ink c Turner 8 Granite. Besom. Water Lilv 14214 Pimlico 3-1 l:14Vfast G 119 2 3 1 U lh J Butwell 7 Miramichi. Aldebaran. Bosom 14176 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 30 116 10 10 8 8 9elM Nathan 13 Spring Board, Chuckles, Isidora 14054 H.deGce 01 f l:06fast 6 121 2 1 3 41 54 C Bgame 9 Aldebaren. Napa Nick. Crlsco 12111 Laurel 3-4 1:13 last 21 li5 7 2 3 4 2 T McTagrt 0 Scallywag, P. Ahmed. Sherwood 12013 Laurel 51 f l:0fifast 3 118 5 4 4 5 5T3 T McTag"t Y.Notlons, Genesta, S.J.Johnson 11916 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 6 123 5 2 1 l1 lh T McTagt 8 Sherwood. Trlfler. L. Lightning 11319 Syracuse 3-4 1:121 fast 2-5 106 l1! T McTagt 3 Altamaba. Big Rock 10855 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 11-5 99 5 2 2 1 2J2 J McTagrt 5 Dr.Dueuner, Cl.Edge. Yel.Eves 10782 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 10 97 7 8 8 8 5J Ambrose 10 Isirose. Star Jasmine. Leochares 10C70 Saratoga 3-4 l:14slow 8-5 104 3 3 2 24 43 J McCabe 5 JoeKnight. Sosius. Towton Field 10499 Saratoga 7-8 l:27fast 4 157 3 2 2 2 34 4i Mr H Tkr 6 Virile. Wat. Welles, Compliment 10432 Saratoga 7-S l:24fast 20 95 1 1 1 1 21 23 E Martin 5 Reybourn. Hest. Prynne. Sosius KEWESSA, b. g, 4 108 By McGee Sanfara Miss M. Oliver. 1S032 Laurel 3-4 l:13good 16-5 107 4 1 1 1 1 S Davis 11 J. Basey. J.J.LKlis, Humiliation 17934 Laurel 51 f 1:07 last 29-20 108 8 4 2 41 63 J McTagrt S Belamour, Granite, x.esoin 17773 Laurel 6i f l:06fast 8-5 107 2 1 1 1- l1! J Callauau G Briar Path, J.J.Lillis. Sackc.oth 17539 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 13-5 103 4 3 7 73 S"-h Schugr 8 Jim Basey. Lady Grant. Laura 13991 H.deGce 3-4 1:16 slop 21 103 3 1 2 5 58 F Murphy 7 Garl. Ambrose, Brookiield 13964 H.deGce 3-4 l:14Vgood 10 97 1 1 1 14 l2 J CallahanlO Sir Blaise. Brookfield. Fathom 13918 H.deGce 51 f l:07andfast 6 99 6 4 9 91 Si J CallahanlS Fathom. Robt.Bradlev. Sherwood 12476 Pimlico 3-4 l:l4Vfegood 21 110 2 11 1 14 MeCahey 7 Sickle. Tartar. Progressive 12455 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 110 1 1 1 1 l8 J Callahan 11 Ray o Light, Monmouth. AshCan 12439 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 8 98 4 . 1 1 2s 2 J Callahan 8 WorlcingLad, Yel.Eyes. Gold Cap 12385 Timllco 1 l:42fast 34-6 115 4 2 1 1 1 21 .T Callahan 12 Top Hat, Aware, Margaret Meise 6611 Jamestown 51 f 1:088 fast 8 107 G 3 1 l1 2" D Hoffmann Gardenia. Frank Hudson, Astutt ELLA BRYSON, ch. m. 6 113 By Juvenal Graziosa R. F. Carman. 17992 Laurel , 3-4 l:13fast fid 113 3 11 Ink in s Davis 12 Briar Path, Tranid, Scallrwag 17900 Laurel 1 l:39fast 4 111 2 2 2 1 31 42i S Davis G Flitaway, Uncle Mun. Llt.Nearer 17771 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 23-10 108 2 1 1 1 l2 l2 S Davis 9 Orotund. Penalty. Flitaway 17518 Empire 1 1:39 fast 7-10 112 1 1 1 1 l3 l8 S Davis 4 Northerner. Undercover, TavPav 17457 Empire 5-S l:00fast 9-10 112 1 11 l2 l3 S Davis 7 Lily Orme, Miss Brush. Culvert 17256 Belmont 61 f l:19andfast 3 107 1 3 2 52 G J McTagrt 8 U.Jimmie, Undaunted. I.ilyOrmc 17176 Belmont 3-4 l:13V4fast 3 107 2 2 5 6 6JH Hammer G Mr. Sniggs, Be, Perthshire 16287 Saratoga 1 l:40andfast 4 110 2 2 3 5 6 6? M Buxton G Little Nearer. Lahore, Bac 16163 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 18-5 108 G 2 2 2 32 "31 J McTagrt ! W.Shoes. Bav.Candlc, Progresve If.OU Saratoga 1 1:40 fast 31 109 2 1 1 2 2nt 4s J McTagrt 9 Y.Eyes. B.ofB.Mawr, Oakhurst ir.8:n Empire 1 1-16 1:43 fast 6 94 3 1 3 5 5 516 D Steward 5 Gr.Hughes, GuyFIsher. B.Thistle 15766 Empire 1 1-16 l:46V4fast 10-5 109 2 2 2 1 22 2 G Turner 5 BlueThistle. Lahore, C.Ashmeade 15191 Empire 1 1-16 l:47fast 31 108 1 1 1 1 ll 1 C Turner 8 Afterglow, Be. Reno J. J. LILLIS, br. g, 3 102 By Bannockburn Tootsy Mack D. Stevenson. 1S032 Laurel 3-4 l:13goodlU-20 99 11 9 7 54 31 11 Shilling 11 Kewessa, JimBasey. Humiliation 17932 Laurel 51 f l:J7fcfast 23-5 101 6 4 4 2h l1 R Shilling 11 Uncle.Iimmie, Crossbun. Laura 17773 Laurel 51 f l:0Cfast 43-10 103 4 3 3 3 3J R Shilling Kewcssa. Briar Path. Sackcloth 17728 Laurel 3-4 l:13V5fast 40 108 3 4 4 31 24 F Hopkins 9 Ixhengrin, WalerLily, Hapenny 17591 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 8 108 3 3 G 5 41 43i D Steward 8 Un. Mun. Undercover. R.oLight 17111 H.deGce lm70yl:46 slow 16-5 101 4 4 4 4 410 47J I Steward ,r. Dartworth. Bhyllend, Executor 17337 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 15 101 5 5 5 31 3 D Steward 11 Tarts. Susan B.. Mater 15304 Empire 11-16 1:50 slow 11-20 106 3 2 2 2 l1 14 J Kederis 4 Kllcrea, The Urchin, Marg.Mcise 15739 Empire 1 1-S 1:51 fast G-5 94 4 1 2 4 31 42 B Marco G Be. Reno, Paton 15532 Empire 1 l:40fast 41 93 5 4 4 4 2h 22 B Marco 5 Pom. Bleu. Undaunted. B.Candle 15191 Empire 1 1:41 fast 16-3 112 3 5 G 6 610 6 B Marco 7 Bac. Louise Travcrs, Helen M. 15437 Aqueduct 1 1:43 slow 9-5 107 1 4 4 1 l2 l6 B Marco 5 Manson, Ben Quince, Lily Ormo 15095 Aqueduct 3-4 l:122fast 11-5 103 3 3 3 24 lh B Marco 7 Recession, Ntherner, S.Caledore 14954 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 4 97 2 3 2 11 14 B Marco 9 Executor, T. Enough. Northerner BRIAR PATH, b. f, 4 112 By Marta Santa Sweet Alice H. G. Bfiwoin 15096 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 8 112 4 2 2 lh 421 1 Steward 12 Sherwood. Beamour. Scallywag 17992 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 23 109 2 2 2 21 2" I Steward 12 Ella Bryson, Tranid, Scallywag 17875 Laurel 3-4 l:13,4fast 91 107 1 12 l2 lh G Byrne 10 Water Lily. Prairie. Jim Basey 17-773 Laurel 51 f l:0Gfast 47-10 10G 1 2 2 21 24 R Neander G Kewessa. J. J. Llllis. Sackcloth 16195 FortErie 3-4 l:15mud 51 107 6 4 4 6 6 E Taplln G F. Duster. M. Johnson. CarltonG. 16011 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 9 108 G 4 3 44 31 E Tapliu 10 W. Pitzer, LouisePauI. Sherwood 15454 FortErie 3-1 1:13 fast 8 103 5 4 4 4h 44 J Smyth 11 Wan. Pitzer. Striker, Vreeland 15188 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 11-5 111 4 4 4 4 331 E Taplln G Vreeland. Kderosoros, Requiram 14764 Dorval 3-4 1:15 fast 21 113 4 3 2 Ink i k Taplln 8 Minda, Bolala, Scrapper 14590 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14fast 3-2 110 4 S 7 52 l1 E Taplln 9 Joe Finn, Requiram, Jabot 14469 Wdblne 3-4 l:13fast 26-6 1061 8 5 5 3h 31 E Taplln 10 Squeeler, Colquitt, Yorkville 14332 Wdblne 3-4 l:14Vigood 22-5 110 7 6 8 7J 58 B Taplln 11 Galaxy, Yorkville. Luther 14228 Pimlico 3-4 l:134fast 51 107 1 4 2 2J 23 E Taplln 11 Striker, Gold Cap. Scrapper SHERWOOD, b. K. 7 118 By Allan-a-Dale Monarka J. W. Hedrick. 18096 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 17 113 10. 5 C 32 l1 R Troxlcr 12 Belamour. Scallywag. BriarPath 17992 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast rid 115 7 5 5 62 72i M Buxton 12 E:ia Bryson, Briar Path. Tranid 16252 FortErie 3-4 1:18 hvy 9-5 111 2 3 3 3 4 35 E MeEwen 5 Parlor Boy. Bolala. Hamilton 16041 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 2 113 1 2 4 31 4 G Burns 10 W.PItzer, LouisePauI. BriarPath 15855 Hamton 3-4 l:13andfast 31 112 10 5 4 41 31 L Meripolell Stout Heart. Vreeland. Cowl 15612 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 5 112 5 5 5 44 41 J Hanover X, R. Bradley. Back Bav. Squeeler 15537 Windsor 3-4 l:16andmud 5 120 5 5 5 4 4", J Hanover , Yorkville. Martian. Mov. Picture 15455 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 5 112 4 4 4 4 3lj R Shilling 0 R. Bradley, B. Bay. Marjorie A. 15433 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 9 114 2 4 4 3nk 32J L Meripole 4 Pan Zareta. Meet. House. Horron 15014 Conght 3-4 l:13fast 12-5 122 7 7 8 8 8"IC Peak 8 Yorkville. Marjorie A.. Az.vlHde 14S47 Dorval 3-4 l:14fast 2 126 4 4 3 3 lk c Peak 0 MarjorleA.. BackBay. C.Michael 14762 Dorval 3-4 l:l4fast 30 112 8 6 5 44 2 L Meripole 9 B.Tumbo. MarjorieA.. PanZareta 14553 RlueBon. 3-4 l:121ifast 41 110 1 6 6 5nk 45 J Frach 7 Sir Blaise. Pan Zareta. Recoil 14065 H.deGce 3-4 l:124fast 12 103 1 5 2 Ink 14 w Ward 10 Fllttergold. Bard of Hope. Gainer 14003 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 slow 7 114 4 6 4 4! 3 E Taplln 5 Czar Michael. R.Bradley. Gordon SCALLYWAG, br. g, 4 113 By Armeath n. Skadi H. J. Morris. 18096 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 37-20 106 5 G 7 5nk 32 J McCaheyl2 Sherwood. Belamour. BriarPath 11932 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 106 4 6 G 41 41 .T McCaheyl2 Ela Brvson. Briar Path. Tranid 1600S Saratoga 1 l:3Sifast 12 102 7 G G 7 71 S1 MeCahey 9 Montresor. Ambrose. Monocacv 157G2 Empire 3-4 1:13 fast 7 115 3 3 5 4 531 O Bgame i Ollagau. Iuipression. Lilv Orine 15705 Empire 3M l:13fast 5 113 3 3 3 3 3" C Bganie 4 Azvlade. Undauuted. Besom 13530 Empire 3-4 l:12,;fast 7 115 4 G G 4k 3T j MeCahey 8 J. Rosenfleld. B.Thistle. WKhite 15456 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13fast 5 99 4 2 2 21 1" J MeCahey 1; Azviade. Undaunted. Edith 1512G Aqueduct 3-4 l:1.1ifast 6 100 4 G 6 6 51 J MeCahey G Water Welles. Impression. Garl 15043 Aqueduct 3-4 l:137sfast 10 110 3 G 4 53 44 J MeCahey 9 Granite. Pawhuska. I.esom 14541 Belmont 3-4 1:13. mud 9-5 109 2 1 1 lh in j MeCahey 3 Altnniaha, Song of Vallov 14788 Belmont 3-4 st 1:13 fast 7 103 6 G 4 5 5i .1 MeCahey 0 H. Prynne. Stromboli. Vdergrlft 14423 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 41 113 4 4 3 3 3 J MeCahey 4 Perthshire, Gordon. Ash Can U217 Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 17-5 101 2 12 3k 413 j MeCahey G Altamaha. L.Lhtnlng. CarltonG. 14188 Pimlico 3-4 l:14Vfefa"st 29-10 104 2 1 3 B4 6 J MeCahey 9 Tarts, Altamaha. IrishGcntleman 1 WATER WELLES, cb. r, 6 113 By Dick Welles Parisionno Mrs. R. I. Miller. 17991 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21 111 5 3 4 51 5l J McTagrti2 Bryson. Briar Path. Tranid 17899 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 32 9S 1 4 4 43 63 J McTagrt 7 HighNoon, HesterPrynne, Comely 17459 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 1-3 117 1 2 1 l2 l3 S Davis 4 Altamaha, Hermis Jr., Coreopsis 17423 Empire 51 f l:06fast 13-10 117 3 5 4 45 4 Brown 7 WaterLlly, Hapenny. LilyOrmu 17256 Belmont 01 f l:19iandfast G 107 3 4 6 G3 551 T Davies 8 U.Jimmie, Undaunted, LilyOrmo 17173 Belmont Gl f st 1:18 fast 11-5 112 1 1 2 3 2 J Butwell S Reybourn, Yellow Eyes 17040 Belmont 7-S l:24andfast 41 105 4 2 1 4 5 511 M Buxton 5 B.Thistle. Yadopeep, Progressive 16942 Belmont 61 f 1:19 fast 4 112 4 2 2 lh 24 A Schugr G Striker, Andes, Fascinating 16872 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 6 114 G 3 G 52 65 A Schugr 8 Tarts, Yellow Eyes, Northerner 16588 Saratoga 1 l:39fast 7 106 1 2 1 C 7 71M Buxton 7 Spearhead, Manasseh. Work.Lad 16522 Saratoga 3-4 l:15slow 16-5 134 4 5 3 21 33ltW Allen 8 OSuIlivan. Spearhead, U.Jimmie 16360 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 good 6 1091 2 1 1 l2 lh J Butwell 8 Northerner. Progsive, HoneyBcc -tDIsqualined for foul. FASCINATING, ch. f, 3 110 By Peep oDay Sweet Marjorio W. T. Anderson. 1G942 Belmont 61 1:19 fast 13-5 97 2 1 1 2h 44 J McTagrt 0 Striker, Andes, Wnter Welles 16440 Saratoga 3-4 l:14slow 10 103 4 4 3 33 33i A Schugr 5 Pomette Bleu, Leo Skolny. Garl 15239 Hamton 51 f l:06fast 30 103 5 5 5 5 51JC VanDun 5 Back Bay. Fathom, Marjorie A. 12495 Pimlico 51 f l:0Sfast 12-5 115 4 11 ll 14 Buxton 7 Orotund, Flitaway, Recession 12295 Laurel 5-8 l:03hvy 1-2 109 2 1 1 l3 l5 .Buxton 8 J. J. Llllis. Ash Can, Belle Terre , 1198S Laurel 51 f l:09fast 4 108 l 1 1 1 Is Musgrve 11 El Biod. Recession. Master Joe j UNCLE JIMMIE, b. g. 3 107 By Uncle Catherine Carson M. F. Sheedy. 17932 Laurel 5?. f l:07fast 8-C 109 4 1 1 1 21 S Davis 11 J. J.LIIIis, Crossbun, Laura 17426 Empire 3-4 l:12fast 11-10 109 1 11 I2 l3 G Turner 5 M.Suiggs, C.Swanson, S.ofValley 17256 Belmont 61 f l:19fast 7 93 G 1 1 l2 1 D Steward 8 Undaunted, Liiywrme. UncleMtin 17078 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 107 1 2 2 24 2" M Buxton 9 Faithful, Car. Reld, M.Cavanagh 1GS45 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 10 112 G 4 5 G 610 J Butwell G Comely. Forum, Surprising 16872 Belmont 3-4 l:12ifast 31 102 5 5 4 4"fc 79 D Steward 8 Tarts, Yellow Eyes. Northerner 16G30 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 12 113 1 11 11 41 J Kederis 11 Buckhorn, Sir J. Johnson. Sprite 16522 Saratoga 3-4 l:15slow 21 126 1 2 1 ll 45 J Kederis 8 OSuIlivan. Spearhead. W. Welles 16260 Saratoga 11:40 fast 11-5 98 3 1 1 G 7 722 B Marco 7 OhlBen, WoodenShoes. Pom.Bleu 16010 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 fast 8 100 10 G 5 41 3" J McTagrtll Punch Bowl. Forum. Holiday AZYIADE. b. m, 5 113 By Cactus II. Miss C. H. C. Hallonbeck. 17992 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 43-10 112 1 S 11 82 G4 R Shilling 12 E:ia Bryson, Briar Path, Tranid 17551 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 2 10S 4 5 0 52 51 K Karrick 9 Honey Bee. Tarts, Marjorie A. 17393 ILdeGce 51 f 1:06 fast 11-5 110 1 2 2 53 591 K Karrick 7 Pomette Bleu, Tartar, Isidora 16993 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 21 10S 1 11 lh 23 J Butwell 2 Hester Prynne 15963 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 3-2 111 4 3 2 2h 5 J Butwell 9 Adelaide T., Pom. Bleu, Andes 15705 Empire 3-4 l:13y3fast 4-5 111 1 11 14 l2 J Kederis 4 Undaunted, Scallywag, Besom 15560 Empire 3-4 l-.HjsIop 2 110 1 3 4 4 4121W W Tlor 4 Undaunted, Wilhite, W. Welles 15436 Aqueduct 3-1 l:13fast 9-6 10S 3 11 Ink 2n M Buxton G Scallywag, Undaunted, Edith W. 13014 Conght 3-4 l:13fast 6 116 6 5 4 43 33 G Burns S Yorkville, Marjorie A., Glint 12427 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 41 111 4 8 8 8l 6i T Davies 11 Montresor, Isidora, Sickle 12135 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 13-5 100 2 2 2 24 21 J McTagrt G S.J.Johnson. H.Prynne, S.Board STRIKER, br. g, 4 113 By Disguise Contentious H. C. Hallenbeck. 17.476 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 113 G 4 4 410 41 K Karrick 9 Acton, Honey Bee, Parlor Boy 173G5 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 4-5 109 9 S3 l1 1 K Karrickll Laura, P.Antoinette. L.Travers 17223 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 2-5 10S 1 3 2 24 24 J Butwell 5 WaterLlly. Connemara. Mr.Snecs 16942 Belmont 61 f 1:19 fast 10 107 6 6 G 51 l1 H Sumter G Andes, W.Welles, Fascinating 1C035 Saratoga 3-4 l:124fast 4 104 8 4 3 21 22 D. Stewardl2 Mr.Sniggs, Mr.Specs, WaterLilv 15SG3 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 20 110 2 5 4 4"k 4T tj steward 9 AdelaideT., Pom.Bleu, Andes 15650 Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 2 103 3 9 G 44 34 A Claver 10 Dr.R.L.Senger, R.Bade, Orpcrth 15587 Windsor 3-4 1:14 fast 4-5 104 1 2 2 l1 I2 A Claver 8 Rubicon II. Colquitt. Kate K. 15134 FortErie 3-1 1:13 fast 12 1041 1 3 2 2h 23 W Goose 11 Wan.Pitzer. Vreeland, BriarPath YORKVILLE, b. c. 4 106 By Yorkshire Lad Susie Bush W. J. Mcllmurray. 18096 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast fid 117 9 10 12 12 12" R Shilling 12 Sherwood, Belamour. Scallvwag 17389 Wdblne 3-4 l:13slop 61 115 2 6 6 G 59 G Burns ti Vreeland, Recoil, Harbard 172S9 Wdbine 3-4 1:12 fast 160 1C7 5 5 5 6 63 R Neander G Back Bay, Pan Zareta. Rockville 17066 Dorval 3-4 1:16 fast 8-5 117 3 3 3 3 34 G Burns 7 Paintbrush, Harbard, Grazelle 16903 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 hvy 13-10 111 5 11 2k 44 j Metcalf 5 Sir Blaise, Vreeland. B.Cunarder 15337 Windsor 3-4 l:16mud 14-5 110 1 11 l2 14 J Callahan 5 Martian, Mov. Picture, Sherwood 15014 Conght 3-4 l:13fast 9 113 2 2 1 l2 14 J Callahan S Marjorie A., Azyiade, Glint 14963 Conght 3-4 l:17mud 3-5 10S 3 11 I2 lh J Callahan G Gordon. Rust. Brass, F. Hudson 14909 Conght 3-4 l:14fast 1 110 3 1 1 l3 2b R Watts 11 Susan B., Parlor Boy, Bolala 1463S BlueBon. El f l:06irast 5 101 3 1 1 1 l8 J CallahanlS Astrologer, Colquitt, Ancon SIXTH RACE 1 1-4 .Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17879 2:0o C 10S. GOLDY, ch. g, 4 108 By Nasturtium Gold Lady A. L. Asto. 1S073 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast 11-10 104 7 5 5 0 3J 2l J MeCahey 7 Mud Sill. Uncle Ben. Baton 17937 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 37-5 107 7 7 7 7 7 71 J Butwell 10 Bushy Head, King Box, Holloa 17S79 Laurel 1 1-4 2:03fast 8 108 S 6 4 4 ? 2 A Schugr 8 Paton. Mud Sill. Centauri 17690 Laurel -lm70y l:43fast 9-5 108 3 7 7 6 3 24 C Bgame 7 Mud Sill. Battery. Dan. March 16384 Saratoga . 1 1:41 good 12 109 11 12 12 10 9 6 W W Tlorl2 Fly. Feet, Loveland, Gold. Prime 16227 Saratoga 1 l:41slow 10 10S 10 13 13 12 41 65 C Bgame 13 Ntherner, Jawbone. Gold.Prlme 15390 Aqueduct 11-16 l:53mud 7-10 106 4 5 5 5 4 311 B Marco 5 Heartbeat. Malay. Beethoven 15290 Aqueduct 1 l:42slbw 2 104 7 7 7 4 Is 1 B Marco 7 Dngerfleld. Heartbeat. B.Quince 15133 Aqueduct 1 1-16 l:47fast 16-5 95 4 5 G G 65 24 B Marco 7 Amalli. Lohengrin. Paton 14959 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 18-5 103 8 8 4 6 6" 44 W Ward 8 Oakhurst, Heartbeat. Dngerfleld 14875 Belmont 1 1-16 l:46good 9-5 103 4 3 3 4 3 l 331 W Ward 5 Paton, Lohengrin. Tay Pay CENTAURI, ch. g. 3 95 By Star Shoot Vassari H. G. Bedwell. 18026 Laurel 1 1-4 2:15mud 19-10 99 2 2 2 3 43 410 D Steward G Billie Baker, Mud Sill. Tav Pay 17994 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 97 1 3 6 . 6 42 31 1 Steward G Holton, Mud Sill, Dartworth 17879 Laurel 1 1-4 2:05fast 51-10 98 1 7 8 0 53 44 R Neander 8 Paton, Go:dy, Mud Sill 17733 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast 22 98 9 7 7 G 42 In R NeanderlO Holton. Gerrard. Paton 17557 Laurel 1 M6 l:46fast 21 100 2 7 7 7 5" 4 R Neander S B.Head. J.H.IIoughton. T.Rump 17449 Wdbine 1 i-S l:54good 5 99 2 4 4 2 21 24 R Neander 5 Husky Lad. Un. Ben. Scrviccncc 17375 Wdblne lm70y l:45y3fast 14-5 99 3 6 7 5 4s 44 R Neander 7 Armor, Zodiac, DIcie Jackson 17293 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:49 fast 51-10 98 7 12 11 9 7 561 R Neanderl2 Astrologer, C. Buford. J.Grahani 17172 Dorval 1 1-16 l:51fast 11-5 97 6 2 5 5 53 14 R Neander 8 Font. Sher. Holmes. PattyRegan 17070 Dorval 1 1-10 l:50fast 8-5 102 5 5 G 5 4"k 2nk R Neander 7 B.Baker, T.Hancock, Pontrfract 16657 Conght 3-4 l:16M;fast 15 99 3 7 7 G 5s 511 R Neander 7 HarryShaw, PattyRegan. Zodiac 16954 BlueBon. , 1 l:4Vandslow 12 99 2 3 7 3 21 14 R Neander 11 Fleuron II.. Trovato. Sir Fretful 1C844 BlueBon. 1 1-S 1:56 fast 41 97 G 9 10 51 2nk R Neanderl3 Rubicon II.. P. Ahmed. L. Wells PATON. ch. h, 6 114 By Chuctanunda Retaliation A. P. Doyle. 1S073 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52fast 29-5 113 1 7 7 7 Gl 4i J Williams 7 Mnd Sill. Goldv. Uncle Ben. 1S026 Laurel 1 1-4 2:15mud 53-10 112 G 6 G G G 5" J Williams G Billie Baker. Mud Sill. Tav Pay 17937 Laurel 11-16 l:45fast 34-5 110 10 10 10 10 92 812 C Borel 10 Bushy Head, King Box, Holton 17S79 Laurel 1 1-4 2:C3fast 19-10 108 5 8 7 5 2h l1 J MeCahey 8 Goldy. Mud Sill. Centauri 17733 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52fast 21-10 10S 10 10 9 7 7h 431 J Butwell 10 Centauri. Holton. Gerrard 17534 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 170 110 9 9 9 9 S181C Fbther 9 Honey Bee. Tarts, Marjorie A. 16330 Saratoga 1 5-16 2:16good 21 99 6 6 6 4 45 45 H Sumter G Virile, Guy Fisher, Any Port 16478 Saratoga 1 3-16 2:06 mud 8 104 5 4 5 5 5 5,s J MeCahey fi Brave, Any Port. Tav Pay 16332 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:61fast 12 102 8 7 7 7 7 7"1H Sumter 8 Lahore. Amain, Virile 16122 Saratoga 1 3-16 l:595ifast 4 110 1 4 4 5 45 45i J MeCahey 5 Virile. Guy Fisher. Strong 13S97 Empfre 1 1-8 l:5D?tmud 9-5 113 3 4 4 4 33 3 II Sumter 4 Reno. Be, Cognac Robin 15S0S Empire 1 1-2 2:37 slow 7-5 117 4 2 2 2 14 l1 II Sumter G Any Port. Tay Par, Be ! 15739 Empire 1 1-8 1:54 fast 5 112 6 5 5 5 53 34 H Sumter G Bo. Reno. J. J. Llllis t 15621 Empire 1 1-4 2:09good 6 117 6 7 7 6 71 7" n Sumter. 9 Flying Feet. Disparity. Tay Pay 15460 Aqueduct 1 1-16 K47 fast 12-5 113 4 4 4 4 4 2 H Sumter 4 Naiad. Bl.Thistlc. Col.Ashmcad UNCLE BEN, br. g, 6 .102 By The Irishman Bessie Bisland Mrs. T. Francis. 1S073 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast 10 110 3 1 1 1 Ink 34 J Butwell 7 Mud Sill. Goldv. Paton 17975 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4714rast 57-10 110 3 3 2 2 22 2n J Butwell 10 Petelus. J.II.Houghton. T. Rump 17879 Laurel 1 1-4 2:05fast 13 1061 6 3 5 7 8 81 J Butwell 8 Paton, Goldv. Mud Sill 1780S .Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 33-5 108 1 3 5 4 3h 3lJ J Butwell 9 Sepulveda. D.March. The Rump 17557 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 40 109 5 5 .6 6 63 6i A Schugr 8 B.Head. J.H.Houghton. T.Rump 17449 Wdblne 1 1-S l:51good 1 109 5 5 5 5 5 34 J Callahan 5 Husky Lad, Centauri. Servicencc 173S8 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:49 slop 43-10 107 7 7 7 7 63 64J Callahan 7 Holton, Astrologer, Patience 17295 Wdblne 1 1-16 1:49 fast 31-20 111 12 11 8 7 62 431 C VanDunl2 Astrologer, C. Buford. J.Graham 17106 Dorval lm70y l:47fast 7 114 2 4 4 2 11 l1 J Callahan 0 Olga Star. The Rump. Jabot 169S4 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:09slow 21 105 1 6 5 5 42 2nk j Callahan 0 Abbotsford, The Rump, R. Coat 16856 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:57slop 20 114 3 5 5 5 G2 61 J . Callahan 8 D. Ddwood, B.Uncas, T.IIncock 16715 Conght 1 1-4 2:15 slow 7-5 109 5 12 1 410 41 J Callahan 0 Abbotsford. Trovato. Foun. Fay 16436 Windsor 1 1-S l:59mud 21 112 3 5 2 2 310 33 J Callahan G Good Day. Big Dipper. El Oro GUY FISHER, b. h 8 108 By Sain Appollonia E. F. Cooney. 1S097 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 107 5 G G G G G G Corey 7 Working Lad. KingBos. Orotund 17937 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast C 10S 4 3 4 6 6e 683 J McCaheylO Bushv Head, King Box, Holton 17366 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 6 110 2 3 3 3 35 3 J Butwell 4 Blue Thistle. El wall. Naiad 1729S Belmont 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 111 4 5 3 2 2s 21 J Butwell G B. Thistle, Flitaway, Easter Star 17044 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45fast 3 116 2 2 4 3 32 3T J Butwell 1 Working Lad, Virile. Naiad 16909 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45Vandfast 11-10 114 4 4 4 4 4 4SJ J MeCahey 4 Bac. Spearhead. Progressive 16530 Saratoga 1 5-16 2:16good 11-6 114 4 3 3 1 2 21 J Butwell 0 Virile. Any Port, Paton 16104 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:34goodll-10 108 2 1 1 1 14 21 J Butwell 4 Amain. Afterglow. Tay Pay 16273 Saratoga. 1 l:33fast 13-6 116 4 5 6 3 6 53 J MeCahey G Gr. Hughes, Ambrose. Crossbnn 16122 Saratoga 1 3-16 l:59fast 9-5 116 4 2 2 2 24 2n J Butwell n Virile. Slron" Paton 15S33 Empire 1 1-16 1:45 fast 4 111 5 5 4 2 22 2l J Butwell 5 G. Hughes, B".ThIstlfi. W.Welles TAY PAY ch. 6 97 By Stalwart Margaret Kent W. M. Sheedy. 1S073 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52fast 42 99 2 G G 6 7 712 F Hopkins 7 Mud Sill. GoMv, Unele Ben 1S026 Laurel 1 1-1 2:15mud 16 101 1 5 5 4 32 3 R Shilling G Billie Baker, Mud Sill Centauri 1S014 Laurel 1 1-16 l:53slop 8 103 7 6 G G 7 72 C Turner 7 Earl of Savoy, Mycenae. Btery 17975 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 52 109 10 10 10 10 92 915 S Davis 10 Petelus. Un. Ben J H. Houghton 17637 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 63 100 7 6 6 6 6 6" F Hopkins 7 King Box. Flltawav Oakhurst 17537 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 49 107 8 8 8 8 8 713 K Karrick S B.Head, J.H.Houghton, T.Kump 17518 Empire 1 1:39 fast 6 112 3 4 4 4 4 41B M Olson 4 E.Brvson. Ntherner Udereover 17458 Empire 1 l:40fast 7-10 102 3 4 4 4 22 23 M Olson 3 Beethoven. S.andStripcs, C.Snson 17427 Empire 1 l:40fast 7 110 6 6 5 5 52 33 C Turner G Ntherner. L.England. Uercover 15550 Saratoga 1 5-16 2 :16good 10 98 5 4 4 5 510 5U J McTagrt 0 Virile, Guy Fisher. Anv Port 16478-Saratoga 1 3-16 2:06 mud 5 98 2 2 2 3 45 33 J McTagrt 5 Brave. Any Port Camellia 16404 Saratoga 1 1-S l:54good 20 103 3 3 4 3 4 412U McTagrt 4 Amalli. Guy Fisher. Afterglow BILLIE BAKER, b. r. 4 111 By Gold Heels Sanctissima j. U. Strode. 18026 Laurel 1 1-4 2:15mud 3 109 5 4 4 2 25 l1 G Byrne G Mud Sill. Tay Pav Centauri 17S61 Bowie 1 1-16 l:49fast 9 101 5 5 5 4 4l 23 J Connors 5 L.Englaiid, TbeBusvbodv. Armor 1777S Bowie 1 1-16 l:50andfast 9-3 109 7 6 3 2 1 l3 R Troxler 7 Armor, II. Hutchison. V. Stroma 17663 Bowie 1 1-16 1:50 fast 10 112 2 5 5 4 31 33 R Troxler 9 Stenlor, .Michael AngeTo. Aware 17333 Dorval 2 1-4 4:07 fast 14-5 10G 3 3 3 3 3 33 W Ward 5 G. Dav. T.Hancock, MsengerBov 17273 Dorval lm70y 1:48 fast 4 111 6 6 6 5 5 41 W Ward G Gerrard. Veneta Stromo. Euterpe 17070 Dorval 1 1-16 l:G0fast S 109 1 6 5 6 51 Ink w Ward 7 Centauri. T. Hancock. Pontefract 17019 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:54fast 50 101 3 7 G 6 6 513 W Ward 7 Orpcrth. Zodiac. Holton CARO NOME, br. f . 3 92 By Ornament Xarco P. J. Miles. 1749S H.deGce 5i. fl:0S fast 7 107 2 3 5 43 410 J Kederis 10 Lazuli. Bill Whaley. Frontier 16553Saratoga 1 l:41good 40 103 8 7 9 10 10 823 D StewardlO. Kxecutor, Northerner, L.Travera 13921 Empire lm70y l:46sIow 20 95 3 3 3 5 41 481 D Steward 7 Executor, Y.Emblem, S.andStripes 14919 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 83 106 5 G 8 G1 51 F Teahan 9 Deposit. Raoul. Billows 4729 Latonia lm70y l:14fast 301 102 4 5 8 8 8 813JJ Bobbins 8 Hortense, Pebeto. Big Spirit 14626 Douglas 1 l:33slow C5 90 3 4 6 6 6 618aF Robinsn G Glass, B. Henslcy, Claxonettc 11408 H.deGrace 51 f 1:09 fast 8 104 7 7 8 7 7" Teahan 8 F. Royal, F.oFortune. Dombra 11255 H.deGrace 51 f l:0Sfast 40 107 8 . 9 8 . ..910 923 Teahan 11 Armament, First Cherry Unfurl 9914 Windsor 61 f l:07fast 100 107 4 G 5 5nk 5-Tcahan G B. Tonev. Rust. Brass Tattler 9441 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 202 110 2 4 5 5 4 3 J Callahan 9 Hodge. Gipsy Love Bolter

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