Sixth Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-27

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SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. June 24, 1910— 1 AT,— 3—110. BOXER, b. g, 6 103 By Star Shoot — Cremorne M. Goodpaster. 31933 Tijuana 1 l:54ishvy 7-5 110 3 3 2 1 V V C Gross ; D. Reason, Last Spark. Cer.Point 21826 Tijuana 1 l:42%gobd 10 106 6 6 5 5 52 oBi F Baker CaroNome, Harwood, Fir.Degree .,1774 Tijuana 11-10 1:55 mud 1 107 2 5 3 3 2Jl 221 G AlexaJr tS Inquieta, Capt. Druse, Mark G. M615 Tijuana 1 l:424£fast 8-5 108 1 4 3 2 l1 2" G AlexaJr S Stanley S., Lou. Paul, Weyanoke 31546 Tijuana ll:43%slow 7 107 3 5 4 6 51 44J G AlexaJr 7 FirstDegree, Harwood, Jawbone 21391 Tijuana 1 1:58 hvy 9-5 107 4 5 5 5 5 2s G Alexdra 5 Jawbone. Strathearn, L. Shark 31302 Tijuana 1 l:52%slop 3-5 106 6 6 6 6 41 4*1 Q Alexdra I Harwood, J. Argent, Loan Shark 31242 Tiiuana 1 1-16 l:56,mud 8-5 110 6 2 1 1 l2i 121 G Alexdra 7 Executor, Weyanoke, Petit Bleu DOSS Tijuana 1 1:46 jhvv 21 107 111 1 l3 l2 G Alexdra 6 Ambri, Jawbone. Treowen 30S15 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%slop 30 110 4 6 5 5 52« G Alexdra 5 B. Weaver, TheFeller, Blanchita DICK BENSON, b. gr. 7 105 By The Friar — Clear Night F. Rinehart. 31944 Tijuana 1 l:55:,hvv 10 VC 13 5 5 ."I **J A Johnson 7 Inqnieta, Harwood, Jawbone :,l!i.i;i Tijuana 1 1 :54?ihvy 41 108 2 4 4 3 3*1 21 A Johnson 6 Boxer. Last Spurk. Cer. Point :,1 702 Tijuana ll:40%fast 10 110 9 5 6 5 61 6JW J BnlO Lackrose, Prince S., Harwood 3164S Tijuana 11-16 1:49 fast 9-5 108 4 3 3 2 22 Hi W J OBn 5 Inquieta, Lou. Paul, Capt.Druse S1C14 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 31 114 1 4 4 3 l1 1=1 W J OBn 9 Anna Lou, Ora McGee, Rooster 31548 Tijuana ll:45%slow 1 110 1 2 2 3 32i 22 E Poo! 9 Rash, Morada, M. Twinkle 31242 Tijuana I 1-16 l:56%mud 15 102 7 6 6 6 68 518 R Moore 7 Boxer, Executor, Weyanoke "1194 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:4S*£fast 41 100 1 4 3 2 2* ll R Moore 8 Mark G., Morada, PrinceConrad 2D974 Tijuana 11-16 1:50 good 20 107 3 2 3 2 2h 42 R Moore 9 Jawbone, Celebrity, D ofShelbj 30931 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 10 108 2 2 3 6 6* 6» R Moore 8 BDlala, Ambri, Landslide 30883 Tijuana 1 l:46%mud 3 112 2 4 5 5 61 673 A Pickens 10 Inquieta, Bolala, Von Lady 0702 Tijuana 1 l:41%fast 26 105 7 5 5 6 6» 6=1 R Moor3 11 Trout Fly, Transparent, Vireo dOGGO Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47%fast 25 100 4 4 7 6 61 68 G Scherrer 7 First Degree. Harwood, Zamlocl MARK G., ch. g, 4 105 By Superman — Jarto E. J. Ramsey. 31940 Tijuana 1 1 :55"-,hvy 25 Mt 7 6 6 6 C2i 5S3 E Rice 7 Inquieta, Harwood. Jawbone 31844 Tijuana lm70y 1 :52%slop 5 109 4 2 2 2 24 23 W Mclnre 4 Inuuieta, Weyanoke. D.ofShelby :.1800 Tijuana lm70v 1 :5Hihvy 6 106 7 1 1 1 l3i 1* A Pickens 9 Gift, Pr. Conrad, Sam Beckham 1,1774 Tijuana 1116 1:55 mud 10 105 5 2 2 2 4* 42 A Pickens 6 Inquieta, Boxer, Capt. Druse 31440 Tijuana 1 l:42%fast 6 106 8 4 1 2 4 1 6°3 A Pickens 9 Ataboy, Transpnt, Dr.S.P.Tate ::1615 Tijuana 1 l:42f4faat 15 106 5 5 4 5 31 5" J MeBride 8 Stanley S., Boxer, Louise Paul 31546 Tijuana ll:43%slow50 105 2 4 5 4 7 68J J MeBride 7 FirstDegree, Harwood, Jawbone 31302 Tijuana 1 152%slop 15 106 5 5 5 5 6 61* A Pickens 6 Harwood, J. Argent, Loan Shark 21 "37 Tijuana 1 l:60%mud 16-5 110 6 11 1 1=1 l1 A Pickens 9 Ambri, Ziukand, Landslide 51194 Tijuana 1 1-1G l:4S%fast 4 106 8 2 2 3 31 21 E Pool 8 D. Benson, Morada, Pce Conrad WASATCH, b. g, 6 100 By Guiding Star — Winnecock O. L. Foster. 31933 Tijuana 1 l:64%hvy 9 146 5 5 6 6 53 5,s F Newman «i Boxer, Dick Benson. Last Spark 31907 Tijuana 6] f l:14%hvy 15 144 a 6 6 6 64 F Newman t! Ori.Lad, SpringValley, Francis 31632 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fas"t 6 106 4 5 3 31 31 F Newman 9 CaroNome, AuntieCurl, Chr. Eve 31644 Tijuana 3-4 116,;-slow 7 103 7 4 2 2* 21 F Newman 7 Miss Brush, Barton, Concha 31454 Tijuana 1 l:54%hvv 4 107 3 2 1 1 1T1 l3 F Newman 6 S.Beckham, D.ofShelby. L.lslide 114,14 Tijuana 1 2:01%hvy 15 N6 4 2 3 3 3 21 F Newman 7 D.ofSlby. Jdietion. G.W.Kisker 31304 Tijuana 1 1 :5:!%slop 15 loG 6 7 6 6 612 612 F Newman 7 Zinknd, G.W.Kiskr, D.Montgy 20916 Tijuana 3-4 1 :15 /-,good 10 105 3 7 7 82 7*3 F Newman • Loan Shark, Inquieta, Palatable 30880 Tijuana 3-4 119 mud 6 104 6 6 5 51 572 F Newman 7 A.Anne, Fr.Nought, S.Beckham S0S14 Tijuana 3-4 l:15%slop 6 103 7 5 7 621 64 F Newman 8 Maznik, Qtermaster, M. Fielder 80498 Tijuana 3-4 l:13-"*,fast 16-5 105 7 7 6 3l 21 F Newman 7 BadProspect, A.Anne, Category 346U Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 8 109 8 8 7 62 21 F Newman 8 Blackthorn. Delaney, Anna Lou WEYANOKE, ch. h, 7 103 By Sir Huon — Ameeras C. A. Davies. 31844 Tijuana lm70y l:52%slop 7 113 3 4 3 3 Z-l 315 W Kelsay 4 Inquieta, Mark G., D. of Siielby 31774 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:66 mud 12 113 6 0 6 6 51 6" P Baker C Inquieta, Boxer, Capt. Druse 31648 Tijuana 11-16 1:49 fast 11-5 IVS 5 5 0 5 5 52 F Baker 5 D. Benson, Inquieta, LouisePaul ; 11615 Tijuana 1 l:42%fast 5 108 8 8 8 8 53 4° F Baker 8 Stanley S., Boxer, Louise Paul 31644 Tijuana 1 l:43*-,slow 41 110 7 7 7 5 43 M C GrOM 7 FirstDegree, Harwood, Jawbone 31496 Tijuana 3-4 l:18:«sslow 25 110 3 5 5 4;1 423 F Baker 5 Gabrio, Inquieta Anna Lou 31242 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:56«imud 6 110 6 4 4 4 41 312 C Gross 7 Boxer, Executor, Petit Bleu 31154 Tijuana 11-16 1:49 fast 1-2 105 1 3 3 3 4 6*1 A Casey 4 lVtit Bleu, Industry, Van Horn 21012 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :56%hvy 11-5 110 14 4 3 32J 381 C Gross 5 S.Stalwart, S thearn, Zamlocb 3U949 Tijuana 1 l:43/bslow 1 109 7 7 6 5 41 t« A Casey 7 1stmaster, L.Shark, S.Stalwart BOBOLINK br. f, 4 93 By Clifford— Maiest K. Spence. 31956 Tijuana 1 l-5-v-hvy 15 100 2 5 6 6 6 4° T Hunt 8 Pat. Mack, "ristophine, S. Valley ••Ieb Tiiuana 1 1-16 1 -58%hvy 50 SO 2 6 6 6 6 628 T Hunt 6 Chief Brown, Executor, PrinceS. 31711 Tijuana 1 lUfefast 40 99 C 6 7 8 8 810 J Gruber 8 FirstDegree, Harwood, Lackrose •,265 Juarez 7-8 126 fast 75 92 4 5 5 5 4"k 5s H Lunsfrd « Milt. Roblee, Art Rick. Alda 31081 Juarez 1 l:41%fast 7-5 100 4 3 3 3 14 1" M Garner 6 L.Wington Cendation, Erance 30964 JUarea 11:43 fast 43-10 97 4 7 6 4 3-1 22 B Marco 8 Quiz W .W. lark. SmilingMag 30853 Juarei 7-8 1:27 fast 22 98 4 6 7 7 5* 451 R Troise 7 BertL., MissWeils, liar. Ward 307S0 lu-rez 1140%fast 19 91 o 5 5 5 43 471 R Troise 0 Marjorie D., Hastena, BuckNai 30760 Juarez 7-8 1 28%fast 8-5 104 4 4 3 3 32 3*3 M Garner 0 Montreal, Rhodes, PeterStalwart 34712 Juarei 11-8 1:57 fast 43-5 Mill 2 2* 21 R Troise 5 Alda. SmilMag L.Worthmgton 39634 Juarei 1 1402-,fast 63-10 97 2 3 3 3 3* 3* T Henry 6 Bogart, W.W.Clark, L.VVngton

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Local Identifier: drf1917022701_4_1
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